Mon day ok? the Wakefield Doctrine (just something to read when you’re on your break this morning) | the Wakefield Doctrine Mon day ok? the Wakefield Doctrine (just something to read when you’re on your break this morning) | the Wakefield Doctrine

Mon day ok? the Wakefield Doctrine (just something to read when you’re on your break this morning)

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

"...unfortunately this was taken on a Friday and so will not be useful for today's Post"

“…unfortunately this was taken on a Friday and so will not be useful for today’s Post”

so, I’m thinking, what exactly is it I’m trying to achieve and/or accomplish* with the Wakefield Doctrine Book Project (motto: I know the Doctrine inside and out, how hard can this be?) and my best, first answer is: to present the Wakefield Doctrine in a manner that would allow anyone who is possessed of the slightest curiosity or interest in personality types, theories of personality and/or self-improvement to read and within, oh lets say 2 weeks, begin to see the scotts and the rogers and the clarks in their lives.

Thats a pretty clear goal statement, no?

Sure it is. And the form that this thing will take, is to explain (the underlying principles) and illustrate them with fun little examples (which is where excerpts from this blog will come in), you know? Lets try a couple, shall we?

(from October 7, 2010)

So, here is the Lesson of the Day. If clarks, scotts and rogers were at an athletic event and were waving pennants and cheering their team, what would we observe?

clarks: (2 possibilities):  A) a bunch of rogers with $5.00 bills sticking out of their pockets would wave a “Go!clarks” pennant 3 times, look around, start talking to their fellow rogers and forget they have anything in their hands and the “go clarks” end up under the bleachers…to be found later by a clark, who would gather them up quickly so that no one would see them and get embarrassed; B) among the rogerian banners and pennants being waved from the full bleachers, in the upper left corner there is one pennant that says “go clarks….

scotts: they don’t need pennants, or if there is someone nearby with even rudimentary artistic skills, the scotts will have them, (probably a clark), write words on their faces and chests in body paint. Mostly, “Kill”, and “Go Team! (KILL)” but for the most part the scottian element at the game will be happy shouting, “KILL (other team name here)” or “Get in the Hole”!!! or ” eee haaa” or similar ‘inchoate-high-volume-noise-meant-to-designate-a-perceived-freedom-to-act-in-any-manner-that-occurs-to-the-scott-in-question’ ( … aiiyee, Miguel! esta palabra, ‘incipiente’ ¿Qué quiere decir?… ).  Guess it is kinda hard to put into words, but then again, they are scotts

rogers: you know that  ‘wave’ thing that you see at football games that are held in an out-door stadium? Stand up and sit down in sequence?…rogers!   And the thing where the crowd holds up black or white cards that, when seen from afar, (there is a hint right there), the whole half of the stadium appears to be spelling out the Pythagorean theory complete with proof and citations …rogers!   Hell, for that matter, every marching band in the western world… you know, the ones who insist on doing an arrangement of “I Feel Good” (James Brown) complete with choreography and solos by the horn sections and everyone, including the overweight tuba-playing guys, doing splits at the end?…rogers!  Real simple concept here, if it is complicated to the point that you lose track of the original reason for doing the thing and requires a level of coordination that would make a school of albacore blush in shame, then you are talking about rogers

So, there you have it! In time for the football (or the current soccer infatuation) season, you now know how to identify clarks, scotts and rogers at the (high school/college) football games.  (… yes? Britney? you have a question?  the female clarks, scotts androgers?  Why of course they are there!! The Wakefield Doctrine is, after all, gender neutral!  Let’s take the easy ones first…. {very funny Jimmy, besides the scottian girls…} the cheerleaders.  Not counting the male cheerleaders, (who are rogers to a “man”), cheerleaders will have the rogerian females on the ground-level of those formation things. Can’t afford to have anyone lose their focus and wander off, the rest of them are little scottian girls being thrown into the air by clarklike females (who are wearing the extra sparkle-things on their shoelaces and there’s something a little weird about their hair).

well, that took longer than I thought… is it me, or will I need to shorten up the ‘illustration sections’ in the book?  well, that is the point of this excercise, to get feedback on elements (of the presentation) that I might be too close to see.  One more, then we quit for the day. 

….here are some docTee statements that we toyed with a couple of years ago:

    • I’m a scott—I Scream, Therefore I Am !!!!
    • I’m a roger—”…and you should try to be a better person”
    • I’m a clark—You could at least pretend to appear to care what I think…

OK… thanks for the read.

* including: is it necessary to know the difference between these two? achieve and accomplish?  …jeez, I hope the hell not!


clarkscottroger About clarkscottroger
Well, what exactly do you want to know? Whether I am a clark or a scott or roger? If you have to ask, then you need to keep reading the Posts for two reasons: a)to get a clear enough understanding to be able to make the determination of which type I am and 2) to realize that by definition I am all three.* *which is true for you as well, all three...but mostly one


  1. FRIST!!!

  2. I don’t believe I got frist.
    How about “Arrrrrgghhhhhhhhh!”
    Is that useful?


  3. Denise says:

    If you do not believe you are FRIST jny then something is wrong with my visual acuity. In which case, I claim FRIST!

    QUICK! If I was in scottian “mode”. I would have simply said. “NO JNY U R NOT! I AM!” LOL

    Hey, the excerpt is not too long for me. But then, I’m a clark:)

  4. christine says:

    I don’t think it was too long. However, I don’t yell from the sidelines. Yelling parents make me crazy. Doesn’t mean I’m not thinking “Get in there! Be aggressive!” though. :)

  5. Teach your kids stategies and form. Teach them and then practice with them. Teach good sportsmanship. Then stay out of it unless you need to reign in an adult coach. Say Yay you! at appropriate times, and cheer for your kid’s brilliance on the field.
    Christine, I don’t like yelling either.
    Denise, U R AWESOME! xox !!! jnee :)

  6. zoebyrd says:

    I think the excerpt is necessarily too long. But instead of illustrating totally by example which is useful (don’t get me wrong ), I think an explanation of the principle behind the illustrations would be helpful.