Guest Post Thursday!! the Wakefield Doctrine (“yeah, pretty cool, non?”) | the Wakefield Doctrine Guest Post Thursday!! the Wakefield Doctrine (“yeah, pretty cool, non?”) | the Wakefield Doctrine

Guest Post Thursday!! the Wakefield Doctrine (“yeah, pretty cool, non?”)

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

jeanportraitbeadstyle b6c678df-fe70-48d3-ab0a-05b645a0773d JimandJeanACbetter1986

(In my first version), of this intro, I did a longish, semi-clever set up about going to a party and meeting someone who was the kind of person that I never have gotten to know, were it not for the party-anything-is-possible-with-sufficient-energy. If I ran into this person in a non-party situation, I probably wouldn’t  have the nerve to introduce myself. Jean would have been that person… a party during high school years (damn! no way!), college? (well, maybe I might …given the pharmaceuticals available) or in an adult work environment (nope! back to, no way).
But this is the blogosphere. All of us have the opportunity to feel connected and protected, (here), the shy are brave and the confident are relaxed and so I have come to know Jean Yates, our Guest Writer. I feel fortunate for having met her, for a number of reasons that should be apparent when you read her post below. (Jean writes a blog, “there’s Beading to be Done” that (somehow) manages to combine craft expertise, artistic insights and humor…yes, in one blog.) Go there. read.  Without further adieu, lets give the floor to Jean.

Dear clark, I have never written a guest post before. I am doing this because I support you and everything you are and do. If you don’t want to use it, you don’t have to. If you want to analyze it, go right ahead. I wrote it with my eyes wide open.  What you do with this guest post is actually the part I am looking forward to.   xox jean

Hi! “It’s the jean show!”, as my husband Jim would sigh. With resignation. Jim is a clark. Funniest guy in the world; also terribly shy*. Very competitive, but you wouldn’t realize that unless you got him into a situation where you had to play any sort of game with him. Then he would crush you. That must mean–or does it?– that he has some scott in him?  Or is it just that all three types can be competitive…they just go about it in a different way?


Jim and I once had to meet with a psychiatrist, an appointment we had to keep as the parents of a son who needed an evaluation. The shrink would not set foot in a room with our son without a 700 dollar visit with us, first. We were sitting in our chairs facing the guy, and suddenly the doctor turned to Jim and said, “You do realize you are severely ADD, don’t you? You have been shifting around in your seat, tapping your feet, and looking out the window the whole time we have been talking, here.”  Jim replied, “Well, actually I have found what you are saying pretty boring, and I am in construction so I am looking out the window because I am checking the job they are doing resurfacing the asphalt on your parking lot, and I am also listening to the trucks on the main road as they accelerate because they are a lot more interesting to me than you are.”

I thought it was very funny and almost worth the money we were paying the guy to “fix” [clap clap] our kid.

The doctor also turned to me (what the heck?) and said, “Are you sure you are Bipolar I, as I see you have written here? Because you really don’t present as Bipolar I to me.” Strike two. I went back to my own doctor, and checked. He reminded me what I was like after my one manic episode in my forties. People, I am indeed Bipolar I, but ( I know now!) I am a Bipolar I SCOTT.  Sometime if you would like to know what it is like to be crazy and be a scott, I will tell you.  When they fixed me up with Lithium and Valium and sent me home, I decided never to fall apart again because I needed to be here 24/7 for my kids. But I had fun while it lasted. It was like a trip to a different world.

As for our son the psychiatrist was purportedly seeing?  He is still not “fixed”, but he is a lot happier.
By the way, he is a clark.

What is it that I think makes me a scott? Am I showing off, to be proud to be a scott? Yes! Are most of my friends clarks?  Yes!  Do clarks have mystique and charisma? Yes! …Whereas scotts are gawky open books, and resemble human golden retrievers when they are not on a hunt for a romantic partner?  Yes..and…no?

And what of rogers? From the perspective of a scott:  Try getting into the most haute social clubs without a roger member escorting you in. Try getting a loan! Try getting a second opinion! Try getting some attractive curtains!!! I mean, seriously!!!  Rogers are great at stuff like that. Look around people, when we have our video chats!  I rest my case! Get a roger to help you DECORATE!

However, who has the best taste in music?  Probably not a roger. Maybe not a scott…well, maybe occasionally a scott! But maybe not.

I was born on the East Coast. I was trained and taught all the rules. I am glad that my rogerian mother with a strong secondary clark aspect was able to bring me up to behave properly, because it afforded choices to me I would not otherwise have had. Plus some money for a while, which helped me pay all those shrink bills.


But then again, when I turned my back on that group from which I came, I was proud of myself.


I knew exactly what I was leaving behind, and when I made this choice it was as if a burden had been lifted off my shoulders. For every Muffy, Rigden and Tibby I walked away from, I gained more freedom. I gained more freedom and the power to make choices and mistakes and screw ups which I OWN. That freedom from “what will everyone think?” is priceless to me. I will never care what everyone thinks, because I have to care what I think.

So yes, I am an outsider too, but I choose this. I choose my destiny.

I prize integrity, loyalty, intelligence, a good sense of humor, curiosity about everything in the world, food, knowing how to cook good food, any sort of creativity, originality, and great hair.


NewImage-2 Jeh


* Jim wants to state that for the record “he is not shy!”.




clarkscottroger About clarkscottroger
Well, what exactly do you want to know? Whether I am a clark or a scott or roger? If you have to ask, then you need to keep reading the Posts for two reasons: a)to get a clear enough understanding to be able to make the determination of which type I am and 2) to realize that by definition I am all three.* *which is true for you as well, all three...but mostly one


  1. zoe says:

    Havent read it yet but more importantly. ..frist!

  2. Christine says:

    Nice job, jean! And Frist! :)

  3. zoe says:

    Clark , I totally know what you mean about people we meet in different life stages… I probably would have met jean as I think I have become more reserved as I have aged… I know pretty hard to believe… so I would have leaned toward being more ventursome then… But feel lucky to know her now for sure.

    jean, jeannie!(of the lower case j’s!) AWESOME post!!! You did such a great job and even spoke fluent doctrinese the whole time… I don’t think I can do that without a translator…. I would have expected nothing less of that first shrink appointment! Good to know the shrink worked for Dylan even if he didn’t for Jim (hahaha…shy!)
    xo (lick, paw), skip and z
    PS… great hair!

  4. zoe says:

    Hey Clark, congrats on the maiden voyage of guest posts… perfect grand opening!

  5. jny_jeanpretty says:

    Hi! and thank you so much! I was asleep this morning until 11:00! Something I never get to do! Then I woke up and said–holy cazongas! it is guest post day and I am the honored guest.!!! This is something I feel extremely excited to be doing, although it is very funny to me that you seem to be writing about “meeting me in different life stages”. Why? BECAUSE I am so wayyyy older than all of you I would have been a full grown adult/old person no matter whether you were a teen or a kid, or a 20 something, or whatever, in your other “life stage”. that is right, I am OLD ENOUGH TO BE ALL OF YOUSE GUYS’ MOM or GRANDMOTHER so I would have been just like I am now. :)

    Dear Clark, thanks for your great friendship. This has been, and continues to be an eye opening
    experience for me to know the people I have gotten to know and love through faithfully visiting the Wakefield Doctrine. I think the Doctrine has greatly enhanced my understanding of people. Seriously.
    I wouldn’t waste time reading your posts devotedly if I wasn’t getting a lot from each one of them,
    And because I love the people I have met here, I thought I would give you a post which distills what it has been like to be me and be real about it.
    So if anyone wants to ask me anything, he or she is welcome to, and no holds are barred. <–wrestling family as I think I mentioned.
    Thanks for the beautiful introduction and for putting that photo of me with Jim up there. That was taken in AC. Jim likes to think he look/ed a lot like Jack Nicholson. So many people thought he sounded and acted like him, perhaps he is right! Visiting Atlantic City, I invented and patented the talent of being able to sleep sitting up on a high backless, armless stool, by hooking my spiked heels around the stool supports, as Jim played roulette at Cesar's Palace or the brand new (now really old and possibly closed) Trump Casino, I don't gamble, I just look like someone who gambles,
    THANK YOU AGAIN! love, jean

    • lrconsiderer says:

      Well I for one loved learning about your life and the things which have happened in your past, and how you and Jim deal with things differently.

      His answer was awesome, was it not? :D

  6. clarkscottroger clarkscottroger says:

    (‘lunch’ break Comment)… thank you Jean. Very good Post to start our (insiders) look at ‘real’ life examples of the three personality types. (Despite the Doctrine’s ability to describe and understand people from all three worldviews, there is no substituting the actual person…
    I am glad to know you

  7. LauraALord says:

    This is fabulous! Love Jean…Lovelovelovelove! Thanks for featuring her Clark!

  8. jny_jeanpretty says:

    Thank you so much. He is pretty neat. He has made jokes we write down when he makes them now, and save privately because he is so funny he has gotten his stuff stolen when he wasn’t expecting it, from friends with connections in LA. It has been weird watching the Simpsons on TV and suddenly hearing a Jim joke. Truth!
    Of course, Clark is no slacker in the joke dept either! He is totally hysterical to me! I love people who are funny!!! That is one part of why I come here. That AND the insight! xox jean

  9. RCoyne RCoyne says:

    Nice work, Ms. Jean
    After reading your post, I found myself thinking… that if Clark has a life’s work, this is it. And it is gratifying to see it coming to fruition.
    ( I can say squishy/touchy/feely stuff like that and get away with it, I’m a roger)

  10. jny_jeanpretty says:

    I know. and I agree with you 110 percent! and I can say stuff like that and get away with it, because I am a scott …and we love Spinal Tap! Over here the volume is always turned up to 11! Get Clark to commit to the book he owes the world! He is GREAT!!!
    thank you for the comment, jean!

  11. Denise says:

    jean! Most excellent post! Thank you for sharing:) I will admit I love reading your comments here at the Doctrine. I always feel when I’m finished that I had better read them again in case I missed something that I didn’t know was there the first time!!
    btw, tell Jim he is way better looking than Jack Nicholson!

  12. Kristi Campbell - findingninee says:

    Well obviously that you spelled adieu instead of ado. Anyway. HOLYFUCKCRAP, I was really jealous (is that that dick, Roger coming out or the Clark who has the jealous thing? oh. both of us. whatever) when I first read that the AMAZING Jean was your first guest post, because, although I am never first in the blogosphere, I like to be first, in, um, other things, like popping cherries of blogs (not boys because DUH) but blog and Twitter cherries, I like those. In fact I popped Lizzi’s twitter cherry and look at her now.
    While I was at first jealous, I so am no longer, as you TOTALLY NAILED THIS!!! Like, you got the DocSpeak perfect, and all of it. All of it spot on. The bipolar thing? Awesome.
    All of it, awesome. Your hair?? TOTALLY awesome.

    Also, um ew to the comment 2 above mine. the Rogers are the squishy feely ones? Shit, Clark, I need a re-eval. I’m pretty squishy feely and um, ew.

    Great job, Jean. You are the Big. Huge. F’real.

  13. jny_jeanpretty says:

    this girl cracks me up. She is OOAK as they say in the jewelry world. One of a kind. Kristi, thank you, xox jean!!!

  14. Hey ‘every one’ don’t forget!!! Its Friday Night vidchat….er night…. usually starts around 8:00pm
    (But then we also have secret insiders chat-lette at 7:30!!…tonights password is: forklift)

    • forklift frist!!!

      • clarkscottroger clarkscottroger says:

        lol no no no! that’s the secret password for the early part of the vidchat!
        but I should write a reminder for the vidchat on the Post (today is a non-post-try-and-do-something-about-the-book-before-they-start-asking-questions…day

        • Good . People I was just “kidding around” disregard “forklift frist” or in Kristi’s vernacular…
          all sort of impressive swearwords that endear her to me! jeh

          • όπως ματιά σε αυτό το φοβερό μάγκα Κλαρκ εργάζεται για γαμημένο κομψό βιβλίο του!

            • clarkscottroger clarkscottroger says:

              fer σίγουρος!!
              θα πρέπει να ρωτήσετε το μηχάνημα να retranslate είναι μετάφραση … lol

              • I usally κάνω, αλλά είχα πολλά πράγματα να κάνουμε και δεν έχουν το χρόνο βλασφημίας! διάολε! hahaha

  15. Joy Christi says:

    I love love LOVE your husband’s reply to the “shrink” !! Total honesty and yes, total hilarity.
    I love that kind of honesty. I find most things professionals say to be boring. Which is probably why I’m not a professional….anything.
    I have to agree on your Scotts as music critics (or not, rather) as I am a Scott and I forget about music all together as a thing. I usually listen to talk radio, audiobooks, or we’re talking over whatever is on the radio :) Great guest post, Jean.

    • Hahah! Joy!!! thanks, I will tell Jim who will be really pleased, especially as he thinks he has “sacrificed his life” to serve my egotistical needs.Which is absurd. But both of us are absurd people.
      As for music, Ido LOVE music and was an actress and had to sing because of that, at one point. However, my taste in music is totally off the charts re: anyone else’s choices, unless my sons tell me what to listen to, Then I get hip. And when I sing, somebody always tells me to shut up.

      Jim LOVES audiobooks! and the radio. I like drunken country western ballads from the 1980’s and/or earlier. and my son’s band. He is a rock star, xox jean :)