“why…what…how” the Wakefield Doctrine a few reflectatory thoughts on: fun, sex and propriety | the Wakefield Doctrine “why…what…how” the Wakefield Doctrine a few reflectatory thoughts on: fun, sex and propriety | the Wakefield Doctrine

“why…what…how” the Wakefield Doctrine a few reflectatory thoughts on: fun, sex and propriety

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

Wakefield Doctrine

(no, it’s simply the curvature of the Earth that you are perceiving in this wonderful photo, (titled: “Mr. Hasselhoff tear down that Wall!”), sent to the Doctrine by Liz,( daughter of Sally), taken on the end of her whirlwind tour of ‘the Continent’ in search of architecture, hostels and famous places.)

So what is it with the threes? I was sitting in my office and decided to read Tuesday’s Post. And something towards the end of it caught my attention,  “…Thanksgiving is about the how, not the why.” In context, this is referring to the rogerian manifestation of the holiday, with an emphasis on menu, however, it came home to me that the rogerian worldview is all about the ‘how’.  Ok… I can see that, then who, of the three personality types is all about the ‘why’? Correct!  clarks.  And, since all we have left, of the three worldview are the scotts, then they must be the worldview of the ‘what’.  A stretch you say? au contraire, binyons!

It is tempting to say, “yeah, so what? you have all the world divided up into threes, just what the hell good does that do me, a Reader? Tell me what difference all this worldviews and personality type crap is going to do me today!  Because whether you know it or not, I am looking for….an Answer. Sure, my life looks good, husband and kids, good job and a loving wife, friends and the chance to do things that are interesting…good life I have, no!  a great life. So why, Mr Wakefield Doctrine do you suppose I am spending my quality life time here reading about this Doctrine?”

alright!  you wanna know why you’re here? instead of: getting your chores done, sending the kids off to school, oh wait they’re home today, now what the hell does that do to your plans…the whole day with them, and your husband says he’s gonna take a half day…good luck getting him to help out with the preparations for Thanksgiving, he’ll only get in the way…. so you want to know why you read the Wakefield Doctrine?1

Because you are missing something in your life. No, nothing big, nothing critical, nothing you can’t live without.  You are missing your ‘other two thirds’.

The Wakefield Doctrine is predicated on the notion that we live in one of three characteristic worldviews. These worldviews are very personal and not (usually) obvious to the people around us. We (all) grow up and develop in one of these three  worldviews.  So the person who, at  the age of 3-5 discovers that she is an ‘Outsider‘ eventually learns to: become self-sufficient, though not necessarily happy, to find her creativity, although it usually is not enough, think and think and think, all in the hopes of finding the answer to why she is apart; the boy who finds himself in the world of the Predator, realizes that the world is for the strong, and the weak are lesser, he learns to act quickly, not waste time thinking about the ifs, he senses that he belongs with only a small percentage of the people he encounters, he looks for them in everyone he meets, challenging all to declare where they stand, and though he is confident, he knows that the only way to get through life is to keep moving, live now because it is all over too soon; some girls and some boys (because they are such unformed adults)  know from the very start that not only are they not alone and regardless whether they are the strongest of the weakest, know that they are a part of, they belong they sense the group, what we call the life of the Herd Member and because they belong they accept the responsibility to add to their group, these people know that there is a Right Way and a Wrong Way and their life’s work to discover what these ways are and tell everyone around them.

the Wakefield Doctrine maintains that we all live in one of these three personal realities. Further,  we never lose the potential of ‘the other two’. Not only that, the Wakefield Doctrine looks at people as having a ‘secondary and tertiary’ aspect. This simply means that, while everyone has a predominant worldview, some of us have  insight into the realities that are represented in ‘the other two types’, the personal realities that we are not living in. A clark may have a latent, only-comes out-in-distress aggressive streak. A roger, though in all ways focused on the emotion and tradition of the Herd, may have a tendency to lapse into flights of fancy, totally un-related to anything she normally relates to and a scott will, sometimes find himself dreaming of ‘what might be’, but finds that disturbing and usually laughs it off.

You have a predominant worldview. Doesn’t matter which. You also have (the potential) to experience the world…hell, to live your life in a fundamentally different way. It’s there, these ‘other two worlds’. So keep this in mind when the next time you, in a fleeting thought…”hey maybe she’s a  real person and I shouldn’t take advantage of her” or “I know I’m right, but what if there is something I’m missing” or even, “god! I get so sick of this self-imposed negative shit! I know I can do better“.

That’s why you’re reading this.

thank you.

this blog is more by virtue of you as Readers…reading, commenting and of late, adding to what the Doctrine is and has to offer so thanks to Amy, Christine, Cyndi, Lizzi, Dyanne, Stephanie, Janine, Denise, Michelle, Kristi, Molly, rogerJen and… Zoe



* this applies only to those for whom this is not the first Doctrine Post… you totally new Readers? you’re off the hook!  free to go, no need to feel like you have to stay for what follows…it might not be all that…pretty, better run along now, there’s a good Reader. No! don’t feel bad!  There are plenty of good blogs out there to spend your time on,  ‘www.wrenches.n.wenches.com’  or ‘http//crochetting.as.sex.com’


clarkscottroger About clarkscottroger
Well, what exactly do you want to know? Whether I am a clark or a scott or roger? If you have to ask, then you need to keep reading the Posts for two reasons: a)to get a clear enough understanding to be able to make the determination of which type I am and 2) to realize that by definition I am all three.* *which is true for you as well, all three...but mostly one


  1. OMG…it just occurred to me that the very notion of “attending school” is a very rogerian notion and no wonder it’s hell for the clarks, lol.
    They should make a school for the clarks. HAHA
    I was thinking about myself last night. And I know you know what I mean: not a “how do I look” kind of thinking but a “this is really the way I am” kind of thinking – that I’ll never be satisfied to JUST be a teacher. I’m always going to have to kill myself doing a gazillion other things. Like wanting to write. Or sell my house and make a hobbit hole in the earth. Or buy a motor home and hop to ski areas all over the country (because when it’s cold, I have to try to embrace it), or sell everything and build a box on wheels, or paint for money, or stand in the street and pretend to be a silver statue and people throw dollars at me, mixed with “why don’t you get a JOB?” comments….
    LOL. My brain. My brain! Damn my brain!

    • clarkscottroger clarkscottroger says:


      lol that’s what I really like about you. You bring the Wakefield Doctrine to life…or in life or lifelike or something like that.

      …Lifestyle!! yeah! that what I meant to say… (“…lets join Robin Leech and the Lifestyles of the clarks and endless possibilities!”)

  2. zoe says:

    wow… Turns out Im deep… I thought I was just bored. Who knew? Besides you, Clark?

    • clarkscottroger clarkscottroger says:


      we* all know, it’s just the kind of little piece of the puzzle that makes (being) a clark more difficult than it should be**. but to read Cyndi’s Comments and Lizzi’s and yours and the others…it doesn’t change the nature of (my) worldview…it alters it. (sort of like that first apartment, you know, this reading Cyndi’s experience has the effect of, I don’t know, getting a carpet for the otherwise bare floors…just one…ain’t gonna get me a better job, or make me a million dollars (or fill any of the thousand ambitions of a clark), but…but! I am finding myself feeling differently (about the worldview I inhabit).

      * clarks, of course
      ** as we all know, ‘if it doesn’t hurt, how good can it be?’

  3. You said there was sex here. You provided crochet. You lied.


    • zoe says:

      I was thinking the same thing Lizzi but you put it so much more succinctly than I!

    • clarkscottroger clarkscottroger says:


      lol there is! ..in an over-arching, higher-order thinking, totally epistemological… (either of you buying this?…didn’t think so) but …but consider the very theme: clark are about why, scotts are about what and rogers are about how… (on the matter of sex, clarks will waste precious time trying to understand why… rogers will debate the proper how and scotts…. well what is pretty much what for scottian men and women, ya know?

    • Haha, I saw that “sex” in the title, grinned and even tweeted it wondering that I’d probably lose a follower or two. HAHAHA.
      But then I passively let it go…because in my clarklike world, I just don’t give a damn (about sex in the title of the post I mean) and now I’m going to go before I start sounding like a maniacal nitwit. HAHA

  4. Zoe says:

    as far as this specific post is concerned, as a clark it left me thinking why not. and of coursewhere is it was also a question.

  5. Zoe says:

    happy Thanksgiving clark!

    • clarkscottroger clarkscottroger says:


      Thank you, same to you. Staying local, practicing my rogerian aspect… hey, with long weekend ahead any interest in a Video Brunch (with or without video… I thought about doing an AfterSchool Special but that would leave out any of our international friends… (way too many quarters for a phone call)! I have the luxury of flexible time that comes with being self-employed, so if there is a window (and it strikes you as kinda fun thing to do) let me know!

  6. Zoe says:

    hey clark I thought I sent this message but maybe I didn’t actually press the button so if this is a repeat I apologize. I’m sure I would love to do that. Um the only day that I am spoken for is usually Sunday mornings but otherwise I could be totally flexible for the most part I think. Just let me know what you’re thinking and I will do my best. That would be fun.

    • clarkscottroger clarkscottroger says:


      how does 8pm Friday (tomorrow) sound…? I’ll come up with some kinda oh-so-clever title a little later on

  7. Zoe says:

    Sure…I will leave myself an alert so I dont forget! Heading out ….will be back by the am latest…hopefully sooner…skip and I both poop out fast! Long drive ahead. Have a great day. Cu fri!