第十二批的十件实事的感激,韦克菲尔德主义(只有DownSpring米歇尔可以告诉我们,如果我的赌博得到了回报!) | the Wakefield Doctrine 第十二批的十件实事的感激,韦克菲尔德主义(只有DownSpring米歇尔可以告诉我们,如果我的赌博得到了回报!) | the Wakefield Doctrine


Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

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…yes, I know! It would be so much simpler on all of us if I just wrote the numbers 1 through 10 in a vertical column and then, to the right of each numeral I wrote one thing, event, person, feeling, situation that I felt grateful for this weekend. But nooo  I’m a clark and I feel the totally contradictory simultaneous need to be a part of the group but at the same time be certain that no one thinks that I am just part of the group! Ah, well…it is the nature of the worldview of the Outsider… the clarklike worldview.

i. grateful that Neil Peart1 bears an un-canny resemblance to Gordon Bennett2;  ii. grateful to Lizzi for making a reference to Mr. Bennett in the first place, iii. by way of a reply email to the TToT group (which I am also…in awe of)

IV. grateful that I find I can live with this (what you are reading) approach to a Post that (I believe) both meets the requirements of participation and is (somewhat) amusing to me to (try) to write, V. and somehow, even as I lurch out into the creative chaos of a clark trying to fit-in/be-different, I am still feeling good about, I am grateful and therefore, VI. I am grateful for the other members of this here group here for taking a fairly… open-minded view of what a Ten Things of Thankful list should look like

7. grateful for the members of this bloghop who, each weekend offer insights into realities other than my own, which allows me a new, different and (potentially) beneficial perspective on my own life these people being (subject to being incorrect or somewhat out of date):

eight. ConsidererChristine…Joy…Kristi…Louise…Kristi…Dyanne, and nine. all the people who write and participate and add to the growing reality-stability of the TTOT-ville the little metaphorical village that is created in the mind of some Readers each Saturday and Sunday…when we (also) have a Video Brunch when I get to meet and talk to in real time the people I know from this virtual place …I am grateful for that as well. 10!

Alright, that concludes my effort to be normal* in my attempts to write (and/or develop some skill at this late-in-life interest).

Welcome back, Considerer… thank you for the actual (not computer image), physical (not imagining what it would feel like) Vacation Post Card from the loverly Isle of Wight!  I just got it last night. Phyllis, who always gets the mail because she always loves getting mail…even   even bills!  (she is a roger with a secondary clarklike aspect, but you knew that!) came into the house saying, ‘you have mail…it’s a postcard from some one  in england?’  I do enjoy the Wakefield Doctrine, in part because of the people I have come to know and become friends with… very cool.

I extend the invitation to all to join us for a Video Brunch tomorrow morning… at a time to be determined (most likely 9 to 9:30 Eastern Daylight Time.) we hookup through google hangout (if you are not certain what that means ask me or Considerer or Cyndi or  Michelle or Denise or Melanie  it’s fun… not as scary as a clark might think and definitely (potentially) as much a hoot as a scott might hope and there are already people participating which is comforting to the rogers!

Well, today is Saturday. Work Day… I’ll be checking in later… Don’t forget Ttotville exists because you’re there.


* no, I would not be prepared to say what I would consider my ‘not normal efforts’ would be like….Christine!  lol




Ten Things of Thankful
 Your hosts

1) Neil Peart…drummer extraordinaire for the excellent band, Rush

2) Gordon Bennett…. thanks to Lizzi for using him as a reference to my efforts to… stay organized in her absence


clarkscottroger About clarkscottroger
Well, what exactly do you want to know? Whether I am a clark or a scott or roger? If you have to ask, then you need to keep reading the Posts for two reasons: a)to get a clear enough understanding to be able to make the determination of which type I am and 2) to realize that by definition I am all three.* *which is true for you as well, all three...but mostly one


  1. And really fluent Mandarin there! Great list, joining you tomorrow.

    • clarkscottroger clarkscottroger says:


      It is?!?! (damn!! clark act like..) ‘Why, yes Ms. Liew it certainly is, I distinctly recall… an evening at the Marina Bay Sands…’

      (quick look it up!! what? no way! jeez those casino guys have always nailed ‘subtle’)

    • Yes, you’ve managed to say, “It’s the 12th Honest Ten Things of Thankful, the Wakefield Doctrine, as only Downspring (not sure who Mi Ge Er is) would tell you, if I can get a response from him,” roughly translated

      • clarkscottroger clarkscottroger says:


        Google Translate deserves all the credit… and ‘Mi Ge Er’ is, actually, supposed to be ‘Michelle’! I guess the gamble paid off! (I was a little afraid it would have come out something like, ” Michelle is Ten Times Nearer the Treetops, if you can hear…thank God!’


  2. Uncanny. Most.
    I’m liking your post today. (If I was more computer literate I would have posted my answer here in…Mandarin.)

    Well, need to go. See some links up there I should investigate.
    See you tomorrow at Brunch!

  3. christine says:

    There is nothing normal about you, Clark. A normal person would have said, “I am thankful for the postcard Lizzi sent to me from the Isle of Wight,” instead of mentioning it AFTER the list. Keep being abnormal. We like you that way. (If I may speak for the group, and as a scott, I think I can.) Your style keeps us on our toes and our brains engaged.

    Have a lovely video brunch. I don’t think you all could handle the chaos which would ensue (from my children, mostly, but it could be anything) if I jumped in on it. :)

    • clarkscottroger clarkscottroger says:


      thank you! lol I agree, there is a place for the abnormal as well as (the) normal. I enjoy being (included) in the group for a similar complementary reason… I learn from those I associate with, more importantly I gain additional ways to see the world around me, and as we all know, there is no such thing as (a) bad additional perspective.

      well, the virtual door will be open… stop by if you find a moment, and I will say (for the group) we would welcome the: chaos and confusion and sounds and distractions and enthusiasm and everything else that gets generated by small life forms… because there is no such thing as….

  4. I am so thankful for reading though your list and comments too and getting a smile on my face from all the banter here. Seriously love you and so many that frequent here, too. Happy Saturday even though it is a work day and hoping that it has been a great one for you now!!

    • clarkscottroger clarkscottroger says:


      I agree, the banter and the conversation and the sharing (in such a variety of manners) makes this ‘the’ virtual place to be in the blogosphere! Back from work will make the rounds.. tonight.

  5. Considerer says:

    That was good and quick! I’m impressed! It might even have arrived while I was still on holiday! But why do things normally!

    Also, only three links to our nine co-hosts? Did the others upset you somehow?

    I know Kristi’s been in the pub at our TToTville, trying to get drunk and do something outrageous to entertain us all, and Dyanne’s there probably drowning her sorrows after sending her boy off to college, but you could link them in…even a little bit. One letter? Just to show you care?

    And the Gordon Bennett I referenced is far, far older than yours – http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/magazine/6226293.stm

    • clarkscottroger clarkscottroger says:


      but…but…but lol I know I have a perfectly perfect explanation for ever thang!

      since you started this Gordon Bennett thing, you need to clarify it for our Readers…I found a WWII military guy who may or may not have forgotten to tell his troops to leave (when he left) but then there was the wealthy Gordon (newspapers and publishing money) and, of course, Neil Peart’s doppleganger
      no the links to the co-hosts had more to do with having the links (before) I went to publish…all I had were email addresses of the 9 bloggerini…and though I thought about it, I decided that linking to email addresses might be a bit more of the sharing than most of us signed on for!

      Kristi and Dyanne? damn! there’s a preferred form of dying young!

      • Considerer says:

        *sigh* I’m not sure why it’s come into the English vernacular, but it replaces a swear word. Usually the F bomb, in my experience.

        I’ll let you off for not adding their emails, but surely a click back to last week’s link up would’ve furnished you with the links you required….


        • clarkscottroger clarkscottroger says:


          lol… I am catching up on the Comments and what do I see, another Post from our lustrous leader!! Ayiiee

          I expect to have everyone linked up by…oh, say the end of the afternoon?

          hey! wait a minute…speaking of links and linkation, I believe I invented link names of Comment Writer’s names back to their blogs!! that surely earns me some kind of dispersal…dissuasion….dispensation!! yeah that1

          • Considerer says:

            Adunno – when one of the linkers is Kristi, the end of the afternoon may be a tall order – she’s a busy lady, yo! And it’s her bday, so she might just take a well-earned break from it :p You can STILL be nice and link her.

            (stop being such a roger…)

            • Um. There’s nothing I can say about this post that hasn’t been said here, in this conversation except that you two are FUCKINGAWESOME. I was totally not at the bar and Clark linked to the right Kristi which is meKristi, although you are correct that the other Kristi (K2, as I prefer), is also awesomeamazing…and sorry that I SUCK for linking up so late. Here’s the thing.
              this week, I had my post prepared.
              But then, life.
              My friend who is younger than I by a LOT, whose husband was younger than mine by A LOT, well. Love you guys. Also weekends suck for me. I mean they don’t suck for ME because I am having fun loving on my kid but they suck for blogging for me. Also, I feel guilty and nolikey that.
              Also, you guys are awesome.
              And there was probably an original comment somewhere in there, but it was lost, gone, Scott sucked it up with the HAPPY BIRTHDAY KRISTI wishes, and Roger pissed me off because he forgot, and Clark forgot to mention it because he wasn’t sure what to say. Or something like that. ;)

              • clarkscottroger clarkscottroger says:

                I think it is safe to say: this has been an interesting weekend at TTOTville. I am glad I came, and did the stuff that I did. (I feel a lecture coming on…but I will save it, most of you guys know me well enough to know what I would say and such (!???!)

                The whole blog-hop and blog-Comments and Comment-thread stuff is way cooler than anything I would have thought I would be involved in, and it comes down to the people (real, imagined, enhanced or auto-written) behind the screens around the world and all. Thanks for a way-better-than-TV-or-a-movie but (maybe) not-better-than-time-with-some-reallife-people-and/or work.

                See you guys on the internets!

                Don’t forget the damn Test Questions!

    • “I’m Nobody! Who are you? Are you Nobody, too? Then there’s a pair of us – don’t tell! They’d banish us, you know.”

      Mmmmk, that’s me. And Kristi. We’ve been banished.

      • clarkscottroger clarkscottroger says:

        no way! I spend a lifetime getting to the point where I can get attractive female womens to talk to me on purpose, even going to the extreme of writing… no way no one is banished! lol There was a short story a remember reading as a kid about this magic shop that was in the city…when you were there you could see that you were in the same city that you lived in, but the directions to getting to the store was the challenge*
        Well. look we (almost) have a name for this place, TTotville we need only fill in the blanks… lets get some pictures! I like your High School stadium… Dyanne maybe we need to use that…but then again, I would have been found up on the hill over-looking the stadium of real people…back in the day.

        * now that I think of it, I’ve read a lot of stories with that plot twist…the familiar being somehow hidden from view, requiring the person to take a specially skewed approach…. hey! I can do that!

        • Are you wanting to use my stadium picture for our town so you can suck up for LEAVING ME AND KRISTI OUT?

          And isn’t that basically what Wizard of Oz is about? Dorothy had to take a rather skewed approach to get back to the familiar.

  6. I adored your numbering method for your ten things! It challenged our preconceived notion of how the posts be structured, and I’m all for anyone that challenges boring routine with a bit of fresh perspective. You complied with the basic requirements, but did it in your own way, with style… Bravo!! :-)

    • clarkscottroger clarkscottroger says:


      thank you, Josie that actually makes me feel a bit better…I’m not really complaining…in fact, I am happy to be among skilled and talented writers because I know that my own skill level has improved just from trying to keep up. So, while I will always tend to look for the less-traveled path (being a clark, it sorta comes natural) I cherish moments when someone says, ‘hey, not bad!’

  7. Oh, Clark, you and your lists are such a pain in the ass, but you’re OUR pain in the ass, thus making your lists quirky and endearing. (Except for that part where you diss me and Kristi, of course.)

    • clarkscottroger clarkscottroger says:


      man I am so looking forward to Sunday in TToTville! the busy Saturday seems to have left some of the citizens with expectations and hopes un-met and unfulfilled, while others…busy going about manly labor and such seem to be walking into a situation that they totally un-prepared for… lol

  8. Cyndi says:

    What’s the translation for the title, eh? You crack me up. ;)

    • clarkscottroger clarkscottroger says:


      Michelle assures us that it is not bad (a translation) lol risky gambit but worth it! she says it came out
      It’s the 12th Honest Ten Things of Thankful, the Wakefield Doctrine, as only Downspring…Mi Ge Er.. would tell you, if I can get a response from him…

      (I was going for: It’s the one and only Twelfth Ten Things of Thankful from the Wakefield Doctrine but only Michelle will know if we got it right’ (at least thats what I think I typed into the translator! lol)

      I repeat: ‘phew!’

      • christine says:

        Hold up! Michelle reads/speaks Mandarin?! I thought she used the translator like I had to when Lizzi went all Spanish speaking on me.

        • clarkscottroger clarkscottroger says:


          no..speaks (and reads, I believe)… I, of course, resorted to ‘the google’ for my clever little title

  9. Hi, thanks for the invite to the video hang out. Your list is LOL.. Creativity is such a great thing to be grateful for.

  10. Kristi (K2) says:

    I’m commenting so late, I wouldn’t have even noticed that Dyanne and I had been left off the original post, if it hadn’t been for other comments. I’m just flattered I made the list.

    This whole Kristi/Kristi thing is a bit confusing. The original Kristi to this hop is the pub-visiting entertainer; I’m opposite– a teetotaler, content to sit and observe.

    Thanks for the invite to the “brunch”, but I’m going to pass. Sounds like fun, though.

    • clarkscottroger clarkscottroger says:


      you are welcome…we seem to be getting into a thing with it on Sunday mornings, the invitation stands.

  11. Kate says:

    Getting real, physical mail is always fun. I collect postcards :) Will have to hit Lizzi up for one myself. One of the things I love about the 10 things of thankful posts is everyone’s are so different- so you are right no matter what!

  12. That was so sweet of you to post one of my all-time favorite songs at the end…how in the world did you know? :) I don’t care what Christine says about you, I think you’re a nice guy. ;)

    • clarkscottroger clarkscottroger says:


      thank you! not a mind-reader (actually the ‘prompt’ for the song was) Lizzi’s return from her vacation on the Isle of Wight! (agree that it is an excellent song)

  13. zoe says:

    Speaking as a Clark and having lived with a man who spoke fluent Mandarin and other Chinese/Tibetan dialects, Congrats on the successful use of the language! I find that Sunday mornings are so packed for me I have missed the brunch and do so want to participate. I must step up my efforts! I was in your neck of the woods this weekend and eventually ended up at the ocean…lovely…I had a deja vu moment driving through town when I realized I recognized something from last week’s video blog extravaganza!

    • clarkscottroger clarkscottroger says:


      The level of deja vu moments surely is way, way up courtesy of virtual reality and/or the blogosphere! I know what you mean… (I would love to have fluency in other languages*) but that is not the case, I threw the dice with ‘the google’ fortunately DownSpring Michelle is fluent and said it was not a bad translation.

      *part of the Doctrine project to to find/develop a ‘common language’ for the three worldviews that under-pin the Wakefield Doctrine. Daunting task it is, since each of (the three worldviews) ‘manifests’ in distinctly different ways… clarks think, scotts act and rogers feel so (they will manifest first in rational terms, action terms and emotional terms)… there are beginning to appear some concepts that ‘carry’ between two personal realities, but huge job getting to the point of a vocabulary. stay tuned!

  14. zoe says:

    I must read comments BEFORE I comment…I still don’t think the translator did a bad job!

    • clarkscottroger clarkscottroger says:


      …totally identify (of course), on the plus side (as an offset) most clark are like totally immune to ‘test anxiety’*

      *there is a connection, lol for the benefit of non-clark Readers… clark pretty much get things quickly and we enjoy the process (of ‘getting things’ so much) that sometimes we rush ahead… like a kid in a toy store

  15. Jak says:

    What the freak nuts is up with that title?! lol I clicked over from the linky list and though I was magically transported to a foreign-typing-blog*

    I like your creativeness with your TToTs. I know you are just showing off to all the beautiful ladies in the hizzouse, though some will just naturally entertain you for their own whims, because it’s in their blood. But you are the man behind the man behind the man of the Wakefield Doctrine and all you have to do is snap your fingers and those Bobby Brooks will drop***

    To be honest, though, one of the most horrific things was uttered (typed) in your TToT. Who the hell likes getting bills?!

    *I’ve no idea what language that is, so the broader the better, right?**
    ***This is what we call a throwback

    Jak at The Cryton Chronicles & Dreams in the Shade of Ink

    • clarkscottroger clarkscottroger says:


      * why don’t we walk and get them all

      Who the hell starts a Comment with an asterix?? And no, I am not messing with your asterix thing, I really like it and I totally enjoy the fun that you (and a lot of the others) have with this here medium here.

      Actually, I once did an entire post in Slovenian and one where I had the libretto to the Barber of Seville…in Italian. (The only problem with the Slovenian Post is that I lost the original Post and so, have no idea of what I was trying to say in it! For all of how good the translators are these days, you try re-translating back to the source language and no telling what comes out!)

      Glad you are with us, Jak