Twisted MixTape Tuesday the Wakefield Doctrine (“…and his hair was perfect!”) | the Wakefield Doctrine Twisted MixTape Tuesday the Wakefield Doctrine (“…and his hair was perfect!”) | the Wakefield Doctrine

Twisted MixTape Tuesday the Wakefield Doctrine (“…and his hair was perfect!”)

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and roger)



Jen and Kristi  show up at our metaphorical door again!!  “Hey!  come on!!”  (Jen’s standing on the porch… Kristi is driving her mother’s car)   from the car, Kristi shouts, “Lets go… you said you wanted to have fun… bring what you want to listen to and lets get going”

Twisted Mix Tape Tuesday 13

It’s Tuesday and the tunes are loose. This Mix Tape Tuesday is Part 2 of the 1970’s. I usually try to say something that will tie the Wakefield Doctrine to the era, the zeitgeist, if you will  but…. guys!  …the 70’s   I’m going to make a statement and trust that all who read this will not take offense. Well, I’m not really concerned about you taking offense, I am concerned with sounding like a ‘hey, you wouldn’t understand if you didn’t live it‘ kinda guy. But, if you find yourself listening to the following 6 tunes and think, “what the fuck is going on here”…. I will not be surprised.  Today’s Tuesday’s Mix Tape (Number 13, no less) is meant to convey the feel of this decidedly baroque  Decade, as opposed to trying to encapsulate the incredibly wide range of music that was created in this 10 year period. As someone who lived through this time, I will, on the occasion of dreamlike recollection, often say, “what the fuck?”

So lets go…


Sweet Transvestite – Rocky Horror Picture Show


Tear the roof off/ we got the funk – George Clinton and Grand Funk Parliment


Paradise by the Dashboard Light – Meatloaf


She’s a Woman – Jeff Beck


Mama Told Me So – The Crusaders


Werewolves of London – Warren Zevon


clarkscottroger About clarkscottroger
Well, what exactly do you want to know? Whether I am a clark or a scott or roger? If you have to ask, then you need to keep reading the Posts for two reasons: a)to get a clear enough understanding to be able to make the determination of which type I am and 2) to realize that by definition I am all three.* *which is true for you as well, all three...but mostly one


  1. Slu says:

    Dude… You so went in a totally different direction from last week and I can truly appreciate that. Meatloaf: Just an amazing song & video. Stellar!!! I love Jeff Beck. On Sunday mornings, with coffee, I listen to Smooth Jazz on my Pandora & they play him a lot. Which ties right in to the Crusaders and their sound. I love it… Great List, Slu

    • clarkscottroger clarkscottroger says:


      that album ‘Southern Knights’ not a bad track on it… but then again, I have never gotten bored listening to Larry. and Jeff Beck? what a mutant!! the level of talent is just beyond me… I trust you have seen the Ronnie Scott film (the thing he does with Diving Duck Blues aiyeesh!)

  2. Sarah Almond says:

    You had me going “HUH”? at the first song but quickly redeemed yourself as the list went on. I was but a wee lass in the 70s so I can’t say that I lived it, but I certainly have some pretty vivid memories of the era…

    • clarkscottroger clarkscottroger says:


      Time Curry (in RHPS) do fit the description of vivid. lol Warren Zevon one of my top 10 songs… for all time

  3. Rich Rumple says:

    How did you know my favorite song from the Rocky Horror Picture Show was Sweet Transvestite? It’s one of those songs that you just have to laugh at and sing along with at the same time! Ahhh, I’ll skip the disco/funk/r&b offerings, as I did the same back then. Sorry, but I was a DJ at radio stations that used to break those types of records on the air. Now, Meat Loaf’s “Paradise…” was a song that almost got banned in the Deep South in some markets, but we got a kick out of it! Besides, its length allowed us a nice bathroom break. (One can only play “Stairway to Heaven” and “Roundabout” so many times!) Good group, my friend!

    • clarkscottroger clarkscottroger says:


      As I alluded to in my rather brief Comments, some of the list as true (you had to) have been there kind of music. As I suspect most 10 year period of culture and music contains an incredible variety of art, but the 70s had the Rocky Horror Picture Show and Jeff Beck in it, at the same time. hard to imagine

  4. Mama Told me So – the guys who wrote the theme from Barney Miller…they didn’t listen to the Crusaders at all did they. LOL I’m diggin the bass in this song and in We got the Funk. Cool.
    OK. So I’m an old person who grew up in the 70’s. All these songs are vivid memories but there’s something different about them when you “re-listen” to them 30 yrs. later. (I’m more in love with Jeff after today:D)
    Seems like when you’re older and listen to stuff from way back, you realize you may have taken some music for granted. Or is that “ageisms” magic wand…..Exception is the last song. Never liked Werewolves. Guess I never will. Sorry Zevon. May you RIP.

    There is great value re-visiting the past via music. My rogerian aspect loves the feel of nostalgia that covers my body. My scottian aspect gets fired up and takes cues from my predominant clarklike self. Or maybe it’s that the other way around? lol Doesn’t matter. Music is it. Music is magic.

    • clarkscottroger clarkscottroger says:


      Mike Post (who created an astoundingly large number of TV theme music). And the bass? That should have been Bootsy Collins one of the architects of modern funk.

      Music can be funny

  5. Dream says:

    Love the RHCP choice, brings back great memories of going to the midnight showings in the 80’s. I think I had enough rice in my purse after my first adventure to make stir fry. And I had hoped after your “parliament” clue last week that you’d be bringing some George Clinton! And I remember being shell-shocked after an older cousin explained that Paradise by the Dashboard Light was NOT about baseball. Outstanding selections this week!

    • clarkscottroger clarkscottroger says:


      …definitley both Rocky Horror and Dashboard light, the videos are a plus not a distraction. (loved the ‘ an…tis..a…..pation’)

  6. Cyndi says:

    I was teaching some kids about the “baroque” and they kept wondering why I wouldn’t “fix it” HAHAHAHAH!
    Cool selections. Some of these people/groups I am not familiar with so it’s good to hear some different music. :)

    • clarkscottroger clarkscottroger says:


      well…you did say ‘different’ lol the one that requires the most ‘backstory’ would be the first video courtesy Tim Curry… better use our friends at Wikipedia!

      basically one of those things that the original ‘reason’ had little to do with the subsequent phenomenon … eating goldfish and such

      Hey… keep us posted on your plans and progress for the things coming up for you (the Grad School and whatnot)… we totally need more ‘live experiments’ to see how we can get this here Doctrine here to start paying off

  7. Obviously, I’m old because I’m not saying “what the fuck” at all. In fact, I can tell you that not only have I seen Rocky Horror Picture Show countless times, I was the dork who used to bring toast and throw it and stuff. Also? Paradise by the Dashboard Light has to be one of the best songs. Ever. Ever.

    PS – sweet that my mother let me borrow her car! Wheee!

    *please say you get that.

    • clarkscottroger clarkscottroger says:


      I am totally hooked on phonics!* (“I saw Lon Chaney Jr walkin with the Queen…unh”) lol

      I must admit, I was never the halfway out the car window guy (that was scotts** job), but I was usually the driver (not saying I was designated or in anyway responsible…just liked to drive)

      *imagine little r thingie in upper right of that phrase
      ** the actual Progenitor scott!

  8. Thanks for the memories…I was born in the 70s so these were baby videos for me then! Thanks for sharing, Clark!

    • clarkscottroger clarkscottroger says:


      well they are all wonderful songs for a child… wait a minute, you might want to hold off on the first…and the third maybe the last…until they’re a little older lol

      (we’re starting to track for 9am EDT which should be 9pm Sunday for the Video Brunch… which sort of makes it more a Video Brinner for you… let me know if later or earlier would be better… Considerer is 5 hours ahead so this would be kind of a late brunch… a brnack?!)

  9. I’m totally going to have to watch RHPS again. I just got back from the pool with my son and while I was there, I remembered this awesome line (when Brad and Janet first arrived) “it’s probably some kind of hunting lodge for rich weirdos” – used to say that all the time. HA.

    Here’s a face made out of stars, just for you

    * *

  10. I see what you did here. It was just a jump to the left. And then a step to the right. Nice song list. :)

    • clarkscottroger clarkscottroger says:


      damn! that’s what I should have stuck as a lead image…’the Chart’!! (ya got no neck!)

  11. Jen says:

    Don’t tell anyone, but you might be my favorite. I know I was just a wee lass….but loved every one. When I could finally drive, we used to go to the midnight showing of Rocky Horror more times than I can count. I haven’t seen it in so long, but every word comes right back.
    I also worked my butt off to learn every single line to Paradise by the Dashboard Lights. My sister and I even had a routine. (don’t tell) It should count as two songs :-)

    Love the funk, thank you for bringing it!

    • clarkscottroger clarkscottroger says:


      stop right there!! (da da da…) Tracey reminded me more of the movie as well… I think I will have to find a rhetorical and stylistic imperative to find and use more clips…

      monster impact from these songs… a lifetime later (“I’d love to meet his tailor”)

  12. Meat Loaf… almost a perfect album. Bat Out Of Hell is still one of the most incredible pieces of rock music ever. My niece will be very disappointed in me that I didn’t choose it on mine. Damn. We both agree on Werewolves. I just interviewed this country singer who has all these musical influences. Funk & George Clinton being one of them. We were just sharing stories about Funk bands a couple of weeks ago. Great choice.

    • clarkscottroger clarkscottroger says:


      George Clinton and them (Bootsy Collins) just incredible creative effect on that genre…

      as to Werewolves… I have only one question… with all the trouble lesser acts have experienced in the past (am thinking Vanilla Ice) how is it that Kid Rock gets away with a straight-out sample of the hook of this song and he still gets airplay? don’t understand

  13. Jak says:

    NOOoOoOOOOoOoOoOoOoOoOoooOooOoOOOoo! Stuck in the 70’s!

    *Trudges around pointlessly in a circle*

    Oh snap… Considering this is the “WTF is going on” entry I am uncertain just how concerned I should be that I know almost all of these selections, where last week I only knew about two.

    I have to say, I don’t care what anyone thinks, I love Werewolves of London!

    The “odd man out” being the Rocky Horror Picture Show entry, which may be obvious given our — brief — discussion about the masterpiece earlier last week.

    Some great choices today man!


    • clarkscottroger clarkscottroger says:


      well, if you weren’t the personality type that you most likely are, you would be very concerned!*

      Any who says that Werewolves of London is anything but a fun song is most likely a roger (trying to get you off balance) or a scott (who’s probably just fuckin with you… but as long as you don’t let them assume unchallenged dominance, you’ll laugh as much as they do about it)


      * but then again, if you were one of ‘the other two’ you would not have the perspective to pose the question to yourself, now would you?

  14. Lance says:

    This is my favorite list of the week. YOU BROUGHT THE FUNK….and the late great Warren Zevon.

    It was Jeff Beck’s 69th birthday today so that was a cool pick. Great list

    • clarkscottroger clarkscottroger says:


      no way!! (really? …damn! what the hell is going on with this time passing thing?! lol)

  15. troy P. says:

    Your first two selections stopped me dead in my tracks (though I technically wasn’t moving at the time).

    Awesome list! Ballsy, even!

  16. Linda Roy says:

    “Werewolves of London” – so great! I love Warren Zevon. Excellent to see “Sweet Transvestite” here too. I didn’t get to see Rocky Horror until I was in college, but my older brother and our next door neighbor talked about it all the time and I was dying to see it.

    • clarkscottroger clarkscottroger says:


      Werewolves in my Top 10 List …Rocky Horror, just one of those (cultural) phenoms that is re-assuring about human nature.