(Add New Post) …well, if that’s what WP wants, that’s what it’s gonna get! the Wakefield Doctrine | the Wakefield Doctrine (Add New Post) …well, if that’s what WP wants, that’s what it’s gonna get! the Wakefield Doctrine | the Wakefield Doctrine

(Add New Post) …well, if that’s what WP wants, that’s what it’s gonna get! the Wakefield Doctrine

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)


After School Special  Thursday 3:30 ! me an Cyndi,  y’all invitated of course, bring your blue compostion books and a good supply of No 2 pencils, yo

Melanie’s got a new look! Acutally another blog

Janine is on a new Venture… go to her blog (and then go to her new, new site)

There will be (additional) Content to be added…a little later, but I did want to get this here Post here ‘out there’ for reasons that are not quite clear to me at this juncture.

Ok! Ok!! Here’s the additional (reprint from 12.14.11) content!  Don’t say I didn’t warn you…

“why clarks hate being nice, scotts avoid responsibility and rogers just want everyone to stop what they are doing… your Life, their problem and the Wakefield Doctrine”

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine ( the theory of clark, scotts and rogers )

The answer(s) to the questions implied in today’s Post Title are way more aggravating than they have any right to be, yet is very simple. If you ‘get it’, before I finish this explanation, then you are the kind of people we want to hear from! ( and ) if you do not ‘get it’ and get annoyed, then you are so the kind of people we want to talk to!

(frequently asked)Questions:

OK, I know that I am a clark, so what now?

Do you really think you can tell me more about myself than I am willing to tell myself?

Is there a trick or something to this… these Posts are fun, but what are you really trying to say?

You make the statement several times in several ways that the Wakefield Doctrine can change my life and/or help me eliminate bad habits…who said I needed to change and even if I did, what gives you the right?

My boyfriend says that this blog might be fun but you seem a little stupid and silly, I want to tell him that I think he’s wrong…but sometimes I wonder….

Won’t my parents be upset if I tell them that the only reason they want me to go to Medical School is that they are both suchrogers ?

(mix ‘n match)Answers:

The Wakefield Doctrine holds that all of us have the potential to see the world in the three characteristic ways that are associated with being a clark or a scott or a roger and that while we are predominantly one (of these three) we never lose the capacity to see the world as the other two.

Personality (according to the Wakefield Doctrine) is first about the reality that we find ourselves in and second the individual choices that we make.  Rather than start with a questionnaire, “what are your likes/dislikes, your interests and your turn-offs” we are concerned with understanding the world as you are experiencing it.

The Posts you find here are what you would find yourself talking about if you happened to call in to the Wakefield Doctrine Saturday Night Drive. ( …and this Wakefield Doctrine Saturday Night Drive is a ‘live blog Post/call-in-and-get-your-questions-answered show)

There is no more effective tool for self-development than the Wakefield Doctrine and there is no more difficult and challenging approach to self-development and lifestyle improvement than the Wakefield Doctrine

Fuck ’em, they’re rogers… if you asked them the question, then you would be telling them that they are right..

The Title of today’s Post?

  • there is nothing a clark hates more than to be told by a roger that they (the clark, not the roger), are such nice people…and there is nothing a clark enjoys more than being told by a scott that they are nice people

  • scotts are afraid of everything that threatens to mean more to themselves than it might mean to others

  • rogers want, hell! they need things to be orderly and focused and the simplest way that most rogers know in order to make sure of that, is to place themselves at the center of their world. That way they will be able to watch everything equally and not miss a thing, not a single detail.



clarkscottroger About clarkscottroger
Well, what exactly do you want to know? Whether I am a clark or a scott or roger? If you have to ask, then you need to keep reading the Posts for two reasons: a)to get a clear enough understanding to be able to make the determination of which type I am and 2) to realize that by definition I am all three.* *which is true for you as well, all three...but mostly one


  1. Janine Huldie says:

    Aww, seriously cannot thank you enough for all your kindness and support (the shout out here, too) on my latest venture. Cannot express in words how thankful I am to have you as a friend and just want you to know how very much I do appreciate it!! Thank you so much Clark :)

    • clarkscottroger clarkscottroger says:


      part of the fun, yo part of the fun (of course…if 3:30 is a nap time at the Janine house we are having that Afternoon Special (call-in))

  2. Katia says:

    I love this principle: while we are predominantly one (of these three) we never lose the capacity to see the world as the other two.

    I think that so often in life people use “I’m just an X kind of person” to cop out. This sentence is a great reminder that what we are is not set in stone and we shouldn’t talk or think about ourselves as if we’re forces of nature. This post made me think, we all incorporate the same ingredients, it’s just a question of dosage/ratio between the ingredients that makes us differ from each other. Thanks for making me think, Clark!

    • clarkscottroger clarkscottroger says:


      Thank you Katia…no only do I agree with you on the value of the predominant worldview (plus the secondary and tertiary aspects) but it (this overlapping potentials) also holds the key for self-improvement (that is a part of the Doctrine).

  3. Cyndi says:

    Cool beans, yo! Can’t wait for Thursday. :) Yeah, I remember a roger telling me I was “too nice” once…it pissed me off because it wasn’t helpful. Dammit. HAHAHA.
    Have a great day!

    • clarkscottroger clarkscottroger says:


      so…do they still have those Blue Composition books? with the stiff cardboard covers?

  4. Amy says:

    Not sure how I missed it before, but it’s so true – I hate being told that I’m nice (or “so sweet”) by a roger. Makes me want to smack them. :) There’s always something more to learn, lol!

    • clarkscottroger clarkscottroger says:


      it’s funny…as little pieces (of this Doctrine thing) accrue to our understanding the inferences (and ultimately) the usefulness of it increases dramatically

  5. Oh my word, you hit the nail right on the head here today!!! I HATE it when some people tell me I’m nice…it drives me up the wall, because I’m a lot more than nice! But, then there are those few – very few – people I like to hear it from. So weird! Very interesting to see you write it out like that. Thanks for the shout out! Have a super day :)

    • clarkscottroger clarkscottroger says:


      betcha the people ‘the very few that you like to hear it from’ are scotts. lol How interesting is this thing, no?