Month: October 2012 | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 2 Month: October 2012 | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 2

the Wakefield Doctrine (we have a saying around here, ‘this Wakefield Doctrine is for you, not for them’)

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory that insight into the behavior of others is possible by inferring the character of the personal reality of the person you are trying to understand)

FOTD ‘Mel” stylin in a DocTee

You want to hear something funny?1  There was a time, in the not too distant past, when the ‘Great Challenge’ and ‘Key to Success and Attracting Readers’  for the Wakefield Doctrine blog was thought to be, “can I write as a roger (would)…or as (would) a scott?”


Thanks to all you Readers for contributing to the First Annual, ‘Now, they-did-say-this-was-a-Contest-and-that-there-would-be-a-prize-in it-for-me-if-I-answered-the-question-correctly… didn’t they? Contest.
Y’all done good! Not only did you answer the Question in ways that brought forth and illustrated a key concept of the Wakefield Doctrine and demonstrate the best way to use the Doctrine to realize a direct benefit (in understanding others) but, you also gave lie to the false premise that the only way to capture a mass audience is to employ the communication style that is most representative of the masses.


This being Friday and (my having) written a Post every day this week, we gonna keep it brief(er) today.

Thanks to our new (and ridiculously quick on ‘getting the Doctrine‘ ) Readers and FOTDs for participating.
Hey, guys I was serious about the DocTee (as prizes) and will send them5 but we are a little weird about privacy around here. So, in a Comment, let me know if I can contact you at the email addresses that show when I go to moderate/approve your Comments, you know for shipping instructions and such. (yeah, I’m a clark  I get that a lot)

Special mention-ation to Cari and Cyndi and Emily and Janine and Michelle for your damn correct answers, (so much for “hey clark, do another Contest with a DocTee as a prize, nobody gets the right answer in their first week here! lol)

Oh yeah! Almost forgot! (Jennifer would kill me if I didn’t put the number for the Saturday Night Drive !) We will be there tomorrow evening, ‘surrounded by Wakefield’ and in all likelihood so will (the aforementioned Jennifer) and DS#1 and Molly and Steve (and possibly even) roger! So call us!
The Call-in show is a lot like these Posts…but outloud and (sometimes) people will shout to be heard and other times if I ask a question that no one likes, total frickin silence (lol)  but fun in a sit-in-the-living-room-of the-house-of-a-friend-where-you-don’t-feel-like ‘Company’.

The title parenthetical? how the Doctrine is ‘for you and not for them’?  Ask us tomorrow! (or today…)


1)  well not funny in a ‘LMFAO’ way2

2)  more of a wry noting of a foible of one of the three personality types, who will remain nameless and unnoticed…for now3

3)  yeah, that4 is becoming apparent

4)  no, if you fail to see the humor, maybe it was not intended to make you laugh

5) having a new batch of DocTees being produced, shouldn’t be too much of a delay




the first of the mandatory holidays, the Wakefield Doctrine does, in fact, claim to be able to tell you which are your favorite holidays!

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine ( the theory that, while very challenging to understand, is sort of self-selecting for the kind of intellect that makes the effort worthwhile! )

Seeing how we have a number of new Readers and even some new FOTDs1 a little backstory on the presence and prominence of holidays, vis-à-vis  the Wakefield Doctrine, might be in order.  Holidays are fricken huge with us. Any questions?2

First up: Halloween!

I was thinking about making this a Quiz and offering a prize for the correct answer. But when I thought about Halloween (and) the visuals flooded my mind, I realized there could be no question which of the three personality types of the Wakefield Doctrine ‘own this day’… even if you are here for the first time… if you are a total new Reader (as in “ Well, I have read about 177 words about the Wakefield Doctrine, why do you ask?” ), you will get this one right!
As a matter of fact! I am so sure that, with a simple description of the Doctrine, you will know the correct answer,  we will give you a free Wakefield DocTee! All ya gotta do is write a Comment and tell us your answer. (some restrictions may apply3).  Ready?

The Wakefield Doctrine maintains that what people call ‘personality types’ are the normal, appropriate, and entirely healthy strategies that a person will develop in their effort to get through life. What we do differently from the other systems of personality types is maintain that there are three characteristic worldviews (the personal reality that you wake up to each morning4) and our three personality types are the natural outcome from living in these realities:

  1. the world of the Outsider, ever apart, never quite fitting in and most important (to living in this reality), this personality type, the clark will think, “I am here and the world is out there..damn, I better figure this one out before anyone notices
  2. the life of the Predator, active totally full of life, always on the move, this personality type, the scott will say, “Hey, screw all them head games! life’s too short! I don’t care if you don’t like me…as long as you don’t ignore me! Did I say, Hey! yet?”
  3. the environment of the Herd member, always ‘a part of’, very sure of how things should be, this personality type, the roger feels that, “whats to worry about? if you are following the rules then you will be taken care of, no one suffers in life…unless they brought it on themselves… you know, breaking the rules…not living the right way!
There you go. Three personality types. One Holiday:
…where everyone gets permission to be someone/something else, the successful participant in this Holiday is the person who hears, “Wow! I’m shocked and amazed! I would never have guessed that was you”
Halloween is the Holiday of :  a)clarks or 2) scotts or c) rogers  because…
…you know this one! take your time, think it through, we find that with a lot of the Doctrine, your first ‘guess’ is the correct answer. A little relaxing music, perhaps?


1)  people like Cari and Michelle and Emily and totally people like Cyndi…(Cyndi actually has us on her website’s blogroll, can I get a “damn!”!)

2)  better than answering questions, go read some of the previous holiday-centric Posts like  “J’accuse!…”

3)  sorry, DownSprings and Progenitors not eligible.

4) we mean the personal nature of the reality that you experience, that everyone experiences, nothing too metaphysical or weird or nothing, but it is critical to getting a benefit from the Wakefield Doctrine that you appreciate that we do mean ‘reality’, as in real, not something like a choice in how you feel about it, or a preference that you make about the nature of the cultural institutions in your life or even a bias towards one view of cause and effect over the other…. no we mean that the world is one of predator and prey to the scott and the nature of the world and everything in it is about a clark being the outsider…


“…and a thousand telephones that will not ring” the Wakefield Doctrine… just try to infer how each of the three personality types would perceive it!

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the practice of inferring the worldview of the other person and, by correctly doing so (aided by the descriptions contained herein), know more about the other person than they know about themselves …. er theory!)

Study Hour went… great!  lol  ‘for all of having been doing this blog for a while: I managed to send the wrong access code to one of our participants, DS#1 was late calling in and otherwise got off to a slow start. DS#1 and Molly and Steve called-in, and it was a very good Call. (sort of like the first class in every semester? where you get out early because no one has any assignments yet? like that..only in reverse. I showed up early with plenty of ‘assignments’ and we ended up staying late and looking at aspects of the Doctrine that were not, shall we say, on the syllabus!)
Next week’s Study Hour will be a bit more organized, don’t forget to put your name on the sign up sheet! It’s fun, informative and interesting.

A Question raised by Steve and ‘totally tore up on‘ by Molly and DS#1 in yesterday’s Hour:

We’ll call it ‘a party’, but it could be a gathering, a cookout, a prayer meeting, a meet-and-greet, a first date, a confession, a procession, bat mitzvar, Ramdan, First Communion, Last Rites, classroom instruction, intervention, pre-surgery consultation or simply, you and some friends and people. It is comprised of more than 5 people, it is in one location and mingling is encouraged. You will look and you will see:

  • scotts surrounded by a group of people
  • rogers in the center of a group of people
  • clarks noticing you watching the group of people
  • rogers will move very slowly, if at all, preferring to draw people to their group ( herd, remember?)
  • scotts always moving, but one-on-one (this is a primary characteristic of the scottian personality type! the behavioral paradigm is that of a pack animal, and packs are all about ranking and scotts will, without fail interact with everyone at ‘the party’ and push them on the shoulder (figuratively or literally) and determine if the other is dominant or submissive…and move on to the next one)
  • clarks move constantly, but you probably won’t notice it (like in one of those 1950’s graphic puzzles  ‘Find the Fireman…or Cowboy’ in where you look and look and stare and stare and you can’t figure where it is and then you give up and as you glance away, there it is!)
  • the scottian females will be surrounded by male rogers
  • the female clark will be pretending to follow the speed-rap of the scott in front of her (she is actually standing sideways to him) while waiting for her rogerian date to realize that he doesn’t have a prayer with the scottian female
  • the rogerian female is ‘power arranging’ the refreshments, rehearsing in her head what she is going to say to her scottian husband in the car on the way home
  • the male scott is telling jokes, each joke is successively more offensive to his audience and, the scott seems to draw as much from watching the people walk away as he does from the people who are still listening
  • the clark is exchanging one group for another, it is almost like watching an expert fly fisherman! he (the clark) is standing ‘with’ a group with a roger or a scott at it’s center, but rather than simply walk away, the clark will ‘hook onto’ something being said in a nearby group… catch the attention of one of that group…wait, then move towards the center of his group veering away to continue on to his new group! ( Confused?  find your clarklike friend and ask her/him, they’ll explain)
That’s enough for today.


One last reminder! When you are thinking about the Doctrine and are approaching the question of “is this a rogerian or a scottian thing to do”… stop!  Remember the whole Doctrine is foundationed on the idea of personal realities ( worldviews ) and all of the use and value comes from being able to infer what kind of world the other person is experiencing and by doing that, know the why of their behavior as much as the what (of their behavior). But the thing of it is, we all do everything at one time or another, what matters (from the Doctrine’s point of view) is how does this thing manifest when done in the reality of the Outsider, or how would it feel to do that in the world of the Predator or what must that seem like if it happens and you are in the worldview of the herd member? It’s about experiencing the reality of the other person, yo.



there’s a way to see the world and a way that the world sees us, the Wakefield Doctrine: ‘fun, useful and simple (sort of), you should give it a try!’

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks with their Outsider perspective and scotts who view the world as would a Predator and rogers who know that everything makes sense (or it doesn’t count)

Lots to cover, not a lot of time to do it.

Semi-elevator pitch: the Wakefield Doctrine is a tool for understanding the behavior of people in our lives. the Wakefield Doctrine is predicated on the idea that everyone grows up and develops in one of three worldviews (or personal realities, if you prefer) and it is the nature of these worldviews that determines what we call personality types.

(Put another way): if you grow up in a reality that is best characterized as the world of predator and prey, then your way of dealing with such a world will, by and large result in what we describe as the scottian personality type: action-oriented, quick to react, aggressive (socially and any other -ly you might care to name), fun, cruel, mercurial (but not temperamental), gregarious (but not ‘a joiner’) opinionated (but not driven by dogma), a decisive leader (but not given to thinking-through consequence), a great joke teller (but always ‘pushing it’… making the jokes more and more until nearly everyone walks away), a killer entertainer (but cannot bear to be out of the limelight), very giving and charitable (but forgetful), spontaneous ( yet calculating)… but this personality  is all that it is because you have grown up in and are, in fact, at this very moment experiencing the world as would a predator in the world of predator and prey.

(Yes, you should have taken your One-a-Day Allegory Supplements this morning! too late now…stay with us, the worst is over…. and you’re correct in finding that little statement more disturbing than re-assuring!)

(Put a second way): those of us who have experienced the world as an Outsider, (ever since we can remember), will not only have social strategies that are meant to allow us to try to fit in, but at the same time (and seemingly in contradiction) maintain, even celebrate our status as the non-member, all the while searching for the knowledge, the information, the clue, the insight that will allow us to understand ‘the World’ and by doing so, become a part of it! (in the meantime, however) we will remain ever curious, marking no fact as insignificant, quiet (in a loud sort of way), creative in a very… creative way, intuitive (while maintaining that we are not like them…wtf?), good teachers, especially of the young (who we hope have not yet learned to recognize us as the outsiders), the epitome of the homemaker (so self-less as to make you wonder what we hate about ourselves), funny (provided ‘they’ listen closely enough to hear us), ruthlessly fierce defenders of what(ever) might be dear to us (yet tolerant to abuse, provided it is ‘only us’), giving (spoiled by the lack of a capacity to take). This is how the worldview of the clark is recognized and once known, much about what goes on inside the mind of a clark becomes clear… for  a minute

(Third way)? …rogers is the term (and is the word) used to designate the personality type that results from being alive in the personal reality (aka worldview) that is best described as the world of the herd. Not derogatory in any manner, other than the obvious, this personality type accounts for the majority of the population, for reasons not yet established. But thank god we have them…. the rogers, not the reasons! If you have grown up and matured into an adult  experiencing this worldview, we will all recognize you because you are totally certain of how the world works (and when it acts unexpectedly then it is clearly someone’s fault), you are the people (of any and all cultures) who organize and maintain tradition and are multi-handily responsible for the rise and fall of civilizations, the reasons for war (but not the cause of peace), you build the airplanes (and regulate the industry), you create documentaries (yet insist on romance), you re-write and edit history (but cannot tolerate any variation) you love: labels (as long as they are yours to apply to others), instructions (provided they guarantee a successful outcome), authority (as long as you get to impose the sentences), the old (but hate the new), to celebrate your home (as long as there is a family tree). rogers give us continuity (but lack creativity)


OK!  lol sorry, got off on some kind of side track!
To close: we all have the capability to experience any of the three worldviews, it’s just that we are in one of the three pretty much all the time. The good news? If you want to self-improve yourself, the Doctrine totally has your number.

(Did someone say, “man on man, what the hell was that?! I need to clear my head, if only there was some music that would do this for me!”)



Busy week ahead! (at) the Wakefield Doctrine: ‘the theory of personality for people who hate personality theories’

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine ( the personality theory that proposes that we all live, to a certain degree, in a personal reality and it is the character of that personal reality that determines personality…not the other way around )

First the ‘Week Ahead’, then a little ‘don’t tell me, show me! (with bullet points, if you don’t mind)… una muy buena manera de empezar la semana, ¿no?

¿no? indeed! Lets describe the big two events of the coming week, presented in the comforting embrace of blockquotes.

New!  Semi-Free!! Guaranteed?!?  Announcing the first Wakefield Doctrine Study Hour!
This week we will be starting, on a trial basis, a mid-week Study Hour. This hour will use the same conference call phone number and access code that is used for the Saturday Night Drives. For those not familiar with the Wakefield Doctrine Saturday Night Drive, that is our ‘call-in’ show. Not quite a radio show, almost like a live Post it is an opportunity to talk about the Doctrine in a live forum. The thing most people enjoy about the Saturday Night Drive is that we get to talk, in real-time, about the Doctrine and how it works. Many have said that they get more out of the 45 minutes on the phone than they do in a day spent reading the blog. If you haven’t yet called in, you really should! It’s fun and educational and not too weird.1 In any event, as we all learn more about the Doctrine, it is getting so that 45 minutes on Saturday night is simply not enough time. So… we decided to try a (mid-week) Study Hour. We will use the same conference call number and access code and get together for an hour to see how it works. That way, come next Saturday Night’s Call-in we can kick back and relax, knowing that we put in the serious time exploring this here personality theory here and have earned the reward(?) of listening to Steve say something that totally has everyone laughing and shaking their heads …only to have Jennifer get all scottian on him (lol) and Molly and DS#1 smiling in that, ‘well! DownSprings will be DownSprings!’ way that they have.


A new series of Posts will be starting this week! It will be exploring and (hopefully) outlining the areas of interpersonal relationships, socially-contexted ephemeral dyadic constants and ‘how-to-say-no’ strategies on which the Wakefield Doctrine might offer fresh, new, and totally useful insights.
We’re thinking that we’ll call the series, ‘The Dating Game and the Doctrine’
Should be fun, so get on over to youtube and study up on the old TV show clips, it will be so a chrono-cultural reference field day for all of us over the age of ‘what’s a PC?’.

Speaking of fun, useful and insightful!  Did you know:

  • the easiest way to figure out which of the 3 types a person is: eliminate the ‘no way they could be’ one and then that leaves you with only 2 types to pick from
  • if you are trying to decide if a person is a roger or a scott (which can be difficult, in some situations), you can count (their) use of personal pronouns! A ton of  ‘I’s’ and ‘me’s’ in an everyday (not accepting an award) conversation means you gots yourself a roger
  • sometimes people, when they first try to learn the Doctrine, come back to us and say, “I get the three types but even though I know which of the three I probably am, sometimes I know am one of the others! Guess this means your little Doctrine is kinda flawed, wouldn’t you agree?”
    This is as the Doctrine would have it! We all start with the capacity to experience the world as all three types, at an early age settle into one (‘predominant worldview’) but we never lose the capacity to see the world as the other two types!
  • we’ll send a free Wakefield Doctrine DocTee to the Reader who can tell us which of the three personality types is likely to make the statement cited in the previous bullet point!2

That about wraps it up for today. Stay tuned, y’all


1)  want an example of what the Saturday Night Drive is like?  try this:–eVepZi_k



2) DownSprings and FOTDs not eligible, yo


