Month: July 2012 | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 3 Month: July 2012 | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 3

Sundae Mrning Reevu the Wakefield Doctrine ( spellcheck?! we don’t need no steekin spellchex )

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

Great Drive* last night. DS#1 and Molly and Ms. AKH were in the dashboard. Weather was perfect and the conversation ranged from fun to challenging. Having a preponderance of people of the clarklike persuasion, the topic started somewhere near ‘Libraries’ (and the personality types most likely to be found working there… no, the questions are not all that easy!) On to the rogerian capacity to hear and see what they need to hear and see in order to support their particular worldview. Fun…interesting…informative.

The question is this: If we did one of those Internet Radio shows (that you see promoted on ‘the FaceBook’) would you Readers call in?

The Wakefield Doctrine Radio Three-Quarters of an Hour Show!!

Starring: Ms. AKH *** DS#1 *** Molly

The Radio Show that will present the Wakefield Doctrine by people who have learned about it and use it in their daily lives! Our Motto: with the Wakefield Doctrine you will know more about the other person than they know about themselves (…and we know what you are thinking right now, roger!)  (and clark…don’t even think that we don’t know how you will try to trip us up!) (and scott… hey! anyone see where the scott ran off to??!”)

A 45 minute show modeled after the Wakefield Doctrine Saturday Drive. A conversation about nearly everything: current events… personal insights into the lives of the people using this amazing tool … plus hear from the participants and Callers examples of the Wakefield Doctrine at work.  Questions Answered  and Answers Questioned!! (a little Doctrine humor).

So Readers!  What do you think of the idea? It will be a lot of work to set up and establish, may take a few weeks to get set up… we could have Guests ‘appear’ lots of things to do. Now we all know how much you guys hate to write a Comment!  …but you need to let us know! We have our Saturday Night Drive, we won’t be giving that up, but if the Internet Radio Show format would be more user-friendly and you think you would be more inclined to participate, then we will take on the Challenge.

Quick Note: DownSpring Joanne (…’the Mistress of Metrics’) has a Wakefield Doctrine Tee Shirt for her own damnself!!  Hey Joanne!! Photo of Tee Shirt would be nice, yo. Maybe on the basket ball court or even somewhere interesting!!

So don’t b shi sep up n tl us why u thk  (and we will stop with the spell thing)


*Saturday Night Drive an original feature of the Wakefield Doctrine blog where we have one of those Conference Call lines so multiple people can call and talk and such.


the Wakefield Doctrine ( a series of brief discussions about how to use this personality theory)

The three personality types of the Wakefield Doctrine are not really ‘personality types’. They are more, what we call, ‘characteristic worldviews’ and once they are determined (for a given person) everything else just falls into place. In fact, you might say that one of the real big differences between the Wakefield Doctrine and all other personality-type systems, is that we are more concerned with the reality that the individual is experiencing than we are the individual. At least at first.

Lets put it this way: you at the house of a friend, and it being Saturday, you are hanging out in his garage.  You look around the garage, seems pretty well-kept, kind of tidy and you notice that not only does he have a peg board on the wall, by his workbench, but there are outlines drawn on the pegboard in the shape of the tools.  Most personality systems would have you asking your friend  a bunch of questions about what he likes and hates and favorite colors… If you understand the principles of the Wakefield Doctrine then more likely you are standing in the garage, looking at the peg board and thinking, “hmmm a little rogerian with the tool shapes?” You continue to look around the garage, noticing the oil drip pan on the spotless, painted floor (not a drop of oil in the pan, of course).

You are on your way to knowing more about your friend than he knows about himself!

Of course, your work has just begun. Like all good theories, you must test your assumption (that your friend is a roger).  You begin with your assumption that he is a roger. You look at his behavior in the context of the worldview of rogers, does it make sense? Is the way this person behaves and reacts and acts consistent with (your understanding of) the worldview of rogers? If it seems that the overly-neat garage is the only thing that fits the rogerian worldview, then try the other two (worldviews) clarks or scotts. Which one of the three seems right the majority of the time.*

This is why we say that we are more concerned with recognizing the reality that the person is living in, than we are trying to list their ‘personality traits’. Despite this initial focus on the reality (as opposed to the individual), once we have determined which of the three personality types our friend is, we are able to understand him in ways that are simply amazing. The Pages of this blog go into more detail about the three worldviews, go there and read about them.

Remember! The first thing to do when applying the Wakefield Doctrine, is to infer the worldview of the person. Once you think you have it, test it! See if their behavior is consistent with the description of the worldview. If it is not consistent, try one of the other two worldviews. Repeat until you find the best fit.
Once you have what you feel is the correct worldview, sit back and watch the fun. We guarantee that your friend will act so consistently with the Wakefield Doctrine description that you will be tempted to ask them, “Hey! Did you read about the Wakefield Doctrine? Stop it!”

* remember! the Wakefield Doctrine says that we all have the capacity to act as any of the three personality types, it is about the predominant, most-of-the-time behavior that we are concerned with… most people, when they first try out the Wakefield Doctrine, come back and say, “Hey! I think I am a roger, but sometimes I know I am a scott! What’s the deal? Your theory is flawed!” And we smile and say back to them, “No, you are perfectly right! Most of the time we are one but there are times when the other two personality types will popup. Now go away, roger!”


the Wakefield Doctrine ( a unique, useful and fun way to understand the behavior of the people in our lives)

The Wakefield Doctrine aka the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers is a view of personality and personality types that is unique, very, very useful and can be quite entertaining, even when you are not using it to delve into the motivations and drives of your spouse, friends, co-workers and the occasional stranger.  Our own Progenitor roger coined the phrase, ‘improvisational academe‘ to convey the sense of a serious, yet non-empirical (at least in the original development) theory that allows us to not only gain insight into another person’s behavior but to account for their personality type that is quite unique in the over-crowded marketplace of ways to understand each other.  The Wakefield Doctrine (or ‘the Doctrine‘ for short)  is  an interesting and unique attempt to answer the age-old question, “Now why in the world would they go and say a thing like that? I really thought I knew them better!” 

Who can honestly say that you have not had this thought, felt this frustration, wanted to be better able to understand why people act the way that they do? The answer? no one. Try typing, ‘personality’  ‘personality theory’ ‘changing bad habits’ into the google search window. The search results tell the whole story. Which is:

  • people want to understand personality types and (how) to predict behavior in others
  • no one has come up with a theory or system or viewpoint or program that completely fills this need
Which brings us to the Wakefield Doctrine. Using the Wakefield Doctrine you will gain a perspective on the behavior and personality dynamics of not only the people in your life, but on yourself. (According to most surveys the desire to change something about oneself rates a little higher than wanting to change something about another person). Good news! While the Wakefield Doctrine offers amazingly accurate insight into the personality of other people, it is very, very useful when trying to change something about yourself.
The Wakefield Doctrine says that we all live in personal realities (sometimes referred to as worldviews) and that there are three characteristic personal realities:
  1. the world of the outsider
  2. the world of the predator
  3. the world of the herd-member
All of us are born with the potential to live in any of these three realities, but choose one at a very early age. While we never completely lose the capacity to see the world as do the other two, we are predominately one of the three:  a clark or a scott or a roger. By thoroughly understanding the characteristic of the three worldviews, we are able to infer which a given individual is experiencing.
For example: If you meet a young woman who has a streak of purple in her hair, a tattoo and (she is) wearing combat boots, your first guess is going to be  clark (or) if you are at a party and at the center of a group of people is a guy who is very good at telling jokes and as you try to join the crowd around him, he makes a point of recognizing you…loudly and  you notice that the ‘tone’ of his jokes are becoming more and more…risque? off-color? (definitely heading towards becoming offensive ) then you will infer that he is a scott  (finally) as you drive to work you come upon a group of 10 or 15 bicyclists stopped by the side of the road and at least half of them are busy with their phones (most likely Blackberrys) while the other half are adjusting the little mirrors on their helmets or are busy hydrating from water bottle that have the same color scheme and corporate logos as their clothing, then you are seeing rogers.
So what does any of this have to do with understanding personality or changing bad habits? A lot. With the people in the example above, you can infer which of the three personal realities they are living their lives in and you will then know a lot more than just what you observe. …. a lot more.*
The thing about the Wakefield Doctrine is that it produces connections among very disparate elements of our personalities. By this we mean the kinds of things that other personality systems will try to find out by making the User take a survey or answer a bunch of questions about their interests, likes and dislikes. With the Wakefield Doctrine these insights are very readily available.
So we would like to welcome you to this Wakefield Doctrine blog. Ask questions, read about the individual types on the Pages listed above and write us Comments.
*the bicyclist? loves anything Ken Burns does, finds the study of genealogy and if you count the number of times he/she uses the personal pronoun ‘I’ or ‘me’ and compare it to one of the other two you will be shocked!
The girl with the purple hair? talk to her some more and you will find that she has a closet full of clothing that somehow integrates gothic with American homespun and that she has a surprisingly advanced vocabulary and a healthy distrust of everyone except her friends
…and the guy telling jokes? he will be quick to make decisions, be perceived as a ‘natural leader’ and has the attention span of a 5 year old.



this is the Wakefield Doctrine “warm and sensitive, an easy-to-understand sharing of the human experience” …not hardly!

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine ( the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers )

In the our seemingly never-ending efforts to improve the quality of the writing here at the Wakefield Doctrine blog, we go out into ‘the blogosphere’ as frequently as possible, reading the work of the people who give us support ( AKH and DS#1 and Nell and Molly and the Lacksmack and Mel and them ). This is time enjoyably spent. We also go in search of new and interesting blogs, mostly those relating to personality theory and personality types and how to become a better human and such. As a result of our recent wanderings, we are forced into the position (no, scott, that is a whole different blog-theme) of accepting two conclusions:

  1. while it is often stated that, at any time, there are at least 900 million people on the internet, it is clear to us that each and everyone of those people are writing at least 2 blogs….
  2. while the variety of themes and interests being explored in these ( 1.8 billion blogs) is breath-taking, the most popular authors share 2 things in common: they are young mothers, they have a quirky sense of humor and they wish they could help and save each and everyone one of us!
  3. while the Wakefield Doctrine is a unique and productive and fun way to understand the behavior of the people in our lives, we are always trying to improve the ‘readability’ of our little blog and so today we have a photo of a young dog gracing the ‘cover’  and a fun, country pop video to listen to…
And this point, I wish I had Friend of the Doctrine Mel’s gift for closing a Post with a short, snappy… ‘so excuse while I go” punchline!
Me? I gots nothing, other than a totally unpredictable memory for movie scenes so… (pardon us for the stuttery video)
Hey Richard!  yo!  write us a Comment and we will totally send you a hat (for your damn head)*



* allow some delay as we need to order some new ones made…


the Wakefield Doctrine: a unique, useful and fun approach to personality types…(it will allow you to successfully predict the behavior of other people)

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine ( the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

…a mighty bold claim indeed! The Wakefield Doctrine can, in fact, predict the way that any given person will respond to common, everyday, life situations. With an understanding of the Wakefield Doctrine, what is puzzling (and aggravating!) about the behavior of the people in our everyday lives becomes totally clear, (maybe still aggravating…but clear!)
While the Wakefield Doctrine is a very useful, insightful and revealing approach to a subject that is always on our minds, it is not such a serious, difficult-to-learn Personality Theory. Rather ‘the Doctrine’ is a fun way to know more about your friends and family members and neighbors than you ever thought possible. Here in this blog, there are pages listed that will explain each of the three personality types, but it is/are the Posts where the fun is meant to be found. All of these Posts are, in a sense, a long conversation about the Wakefield Doctrine, where it came from, what it says about personality types and human behavior…how to have fun with it.

The Wakefield Doctrine maintains that we all live in one of three characteristic realities: the world of the outsider (clark), the world of the predator (scott) or the world of the herd member (roger).
We have descriptions of the common behavior exhibited by the three personality types. The goal, however,  is not to just match the behavior to the person and then stop. Rather we look for characteristic behavior, then infer (from that) the nature of the personal reality that the person is living in and then we know way all about that particular person. If we have correctly inferred the worldview of the person (as being the world of a clark or a scott or a roger) we can predict how that person will react to any situation!  Pretty cool, huh?

Enough of the knowledge, lets get to some of the fun!

(With apologies in advance to Jeff Foxworthy)

If you immediately stop surfing the channels because you come upon a show that uses only black and white documentary photos and film…you might be a roger

If you love Christmas lawn decorations and cannot imagine having too many lights… you might be a scott

If you find a pamphlet stuck under the windshield wiper of your car and you take the time to read it… you might be a clark.

Asked a question and you start your answer with “in the beginning…”  you might be a clark.

Someone gets your name wrong and you answer to it without correcting them… you might be a clark.

As a child building model cars, you made sure that the extra parts were put back in the box along with the re-folded instructions for future safekeeping…you might be a roger.

You think that Slacker was the greatest movie made in the 90s…you might be a clark

You think that Borat was one of the funniest movies of the year…you might be a scott

You think that the 107 episode,  Directors cut, 15 DVD un-abashed edition of the compilation (with Writers notes (including what he had for breakfast) and voice-over reading of the credits by someone who knew someone who was a re-enactor who actually got hurt at an event) of all Ken Burns films, PBS episodes and commercials that last longer than most readings of the Iliad is the greatest film of all time…you might be a roger

If you have any inclination to wear hats for a fashion statement, or  any clothing designed specifically for riding a bicycle (branded or un-branded)…you might be a roger.

You are at a golf tournament and feel that it is expected of the members of the gallery to yell anything (including, but not limited to “get in the hole”)…you might be a scott.

If you are contemplating a project of any sort; building a deck for your house, writing a term paper or planting a garden:

…you look forward to making the list of things you need to buy/gather/acquire first more than anything else…you might be a clark

…you must know what your friends on the ‘do it yourself’  shows have done, that is what you want…you might be a roger


That will be quite enough for today. In conversations with the Progenitor roger and scott, I have maintained that the best new rock music is coming from the country guys… I wonder if Ronnie James knows that Jason seems to have appropriated a certain hand gesture…lol

