Month: June 2012 | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 3 Month: June 2012 | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 3

of hates and loves, joy and fear…the Wakefield Doctrine (it may sound like a theory, but it’s real)

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine ( the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers )

(We so love the movie, Airplane! that we’re going to leave the clip up, cause it perfectly evokes the airline terminal experience. The Post that originally was to follow unfortunately has faded like a half-formed dream.)

Instead lets go the simple route, what do we know about the likes and dislikes of our three personality types?

clarks totally love (self-created) daunting challenges/clarks hate metrics and measurements
scotts totally love large sound and loud noise/scotts totally hate inconsistency
rogers totally love history and tradition/rogers totally hate hidden novelty

We are constantly describing what clarks, scotts and rogers like and dislike about life, and the world at large. We do this, not just to make your Christmas Shopping easier, we do it because what a person likes and dislikes tells us everything about the world that they are experiencing.
Too  bad.  It’s true though, what you dislike in the world, or better to say, how you describe what you don’t like in the world defines the world, at least the one that you are personally experiencing. We tend to make a big deal about the ‘how you are describing it part’ simply because the Wakefield Doctrine is predicated on the idea that we all  live in a reality that is to a small but very significant degree, personal to us. We  refer to it as our ‘worldview’. This is a good term, as it implies that the world in common is still as it is for everyone, but for me (and you) there are little differences that might not be the same for the scott sitting behind me in class or the roger who is my manager at work.

In fact, since we are on this track today, I will say the Wakefield Doctrine is all about the description of your individual worldview. Know that the person you are trying to sell, seduce, avoid or fight has a different worldview and you are way, way ahead of the game. Know which worldview they are experiencing and you will win the game.

Pretty simple, isn’t it?

How to know the other person’s worldview, what those three worldviews are like and how they advantage you…that is the purpose of this blog. It might not be the best organized personality types blog, hell, there are a ton of better written, organized or presented personality theories out there, but none of them have the Wakefield Doctrine as their raison d’etre.

We do.

So read, learn and ask Questions. If you have made it this far, reading the Post through to the end, then you are the kind of person we are looking for! (I have been told by people, whose opinion I value, that many people like to read blogs but when it comes to actually writing a Comment get uncomfortable. I believe them. So, if you have never written a Comment at a blog before here is how it works: at the bottom of the Post is the place to write your question/Comment/Remark. You will be prompted to enter your email and it says that we will not use your email, which is true. Then you write your Comment and hit the button. At that point it shows up in the queque and I see it and hit approve. That simple. We have the extra step before it shows up on the blog mostly to eliminate spam and the weird secret emails that do links into the site, stuff like that. But I read every single Comment that comes in and I have never seen a Comment that was too incorrect or silly to Post.)

So try it! Who knows, you win a Wakefield Doctrine Tee Shirt!!




“… as the house-lights dim and quiet descends upon the audience, our Test Subject takes a deep breath”. the Wakefield Doctrine Part Th th Three

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

A truly interesting and exciting week coming up, not only for the Progenitors and DownSprings,  but for the Wakefield Doctrine it’s own damn-self! We’ve organized our thoughts, devised a strategy for the Convention and we all set.

Here is the Strategy:

  • Devise a Plan ( “…can I go out and play now? puleeze!! I did my homework!” )
…and the Plan is divided into 2 Steps:
  1. Is the situation dominated by a clarklike, scottian or rogerian worldview ( “…’dominated’ you used the word ‘dominated’…by a clark??  yeah, right!” )
  2. Adopt the appropriate aspect*
  • Example: waiting in an airport terminal: take on the clarklike worldview as clarks are the superior travelers (“...the White zone is for Loading and Un-Loading only…”)
  • Example: entering a large function room for a  ‘meet and greet’: adapt the scottian perspective, cause there’s at least one dominant predator in the room and a whole bunch of prey (“… and do not, we repeat, do not use the podium at the from of the room like a fire hydrant, metaphorically or not! ” )
  • Example: break time between seminars: when in a large room with a lot of people socializing,  go rogerian keep telling yourself, they are all people you nearly remember!


That is the Basic Plan

We will open the floor to: Comments, input, criticism, suggestion, illusions, dillusion and/or allusion… lets do this thing!
Call and write and tell what you think, place your bets…

Oh yeah!! The Wakefield Doctrine has a Twitter account, so twitter us at  @wakefielddoc  we will check in constantly and will answer your Questions live from the floor of the Convention.


* ..oh yeah, you New Readers don’t know about aspects. Damn, how about you people read up on the Wakefield Doctrine before you get into these Posts… un-organized and confusing layout?  yeah, it might be a little ….challenging to read and understand… alright, you do the best you can and I promise we will make a major effort to organize this blog better!
(Quick definition: the three ‘personality types’ of the Wakefield Doctrine are, in fact, three characteristic worldviews. By worldview, we mean a personal reality that you encounter everyday when you wake up. This is nothing extreme or weird, just that the nature of the world can be characterized in one of three ways: the world as experienced by the outsider (clarks), the reality of the predator (scotts) and the life of the herd member (rogers). We are all born with the potential for any of the three, but pick one in early childhood. We say that our pre-dominant type is clark or scott or roger. We never lose the other two, however. So I am a clark with a secondary scottian and tertiary rogerian aspect.

Get it?

Illustrations/examples of what we mean by ‘aspects’ in the context of our little Experiment:

  1. clarklike worldview: watch, observe, note the characteristics of those in the immediate environment ..hell, note the effects of the design of the terminal you are sitting in
  2. scottian perspective: move! walk! find the most tempting target and ask them questions, look them in the eye (when asking) talk loudly and forcibly (lol) if in the mood, wave your arms when talking
  3. rogerian: feel like you nearly remember most of the people in the room, find the person you feel you probably met at the last convention, go to them and say, “weren’t you in Salt Lake City this March?”

‘Want to see us turn a clark into a roger? about into a scott’?* Series Part 2 the Wakefield Doctrine

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

Part 1 of our Series  ‘(as-yet-untitled) Series: Part 1 the Wakefield Doctrine, a little backstory for our experiment and the singing of the moth‘ provided us with a little background on our Test Subject. To be more specific, what we have is an adult clark, with a successful real estate business, about to attend an annual Convention. Our ‘live Experiment’ is quite simple. Given the nature of the clarklike personality type, we pretty much know how this trip will play out, in terms of what he accomplishes in going on this trip.
As a realtime demonstration of the Wakefield Doctrine we will:

  • illustrate the differences in the worldview of clarks, scotts and rogers
  • anticipate the difficulties that a clark perceives in a very common situation (well, kinda common)
  • devise a strategy for our clark to utilize
  • provide Readers with insights, not only into the worldview of a clark, but the world of rogers and scotts as well
  • have some fun while further validating the efficacy of the Wakefield Doctrine as a tool (for) self-improvement
  • yo  …(with a worldview like that, how can this not be a fun adventure?)
So lets continue to layout ‘the playing field’, if you will, of our little Experiment.  (btw), we’ve received zero suggestions in our Contest to name that Series of Posts, so lets just go with: Coming of Age in,  A Voyage to the Country of the Houyhnhnms, Josie and the…screw it!  Lets call this thing:  the ‘live Experiment’ and let it go at that.

As previously stated, our clarklike subject will be attending a 3 day real estate Conference next week. These types of Convention/Conference are meant to provide an opportunity to attend seminars and hear from experts on the latest developments in the real estate industry, (to) establish connections with other business people and most importantly of all, to develop and maintain a network of people who will become sources for future business income.  In other words, this place will be totally crowded with rogers and scotts!  So how can a clark function effectively in this environment? That is the essence of our ‘live Experiment! Stay with us as we will be developing a strategy for our fearless our relentless our totally  clarklike Test Subject.

A business convention! More specifically, a convention/conference for professionals in the real estate industry. Three days of rogers and PowerPoint, a gathering of the herd, where rogers from all over the country gather to graze in all the high-end presentation-technology money can provide! Seminars and lectures, meet ‘n greets, cocktail parties and Keynote speeches, Vendor Exhibit Halls and hospitality suites… as you walk into the Convention Hall you can hear the deafening lowing of the well-heeled rogers! …scotts?  you want to know if there are scotts at these affairs?   oh man! are there scotts!
Quick! Without thinking about it and not including (a) sexually-aroused pit viper or (a) mother tiger with 3 cubs, 2 of which you have in a sack over your shoulder and the last you are about to grab, when she comes upon you after hunting, …what is the most deadly form of scott?  (…hint: 3-5 inch stiletto heels….fashion co-ordintated iPhone… appears on the convention floor only after 1:00 pm?) Give it up for the scottian female!

OK we know what the Test Maze is going to look like, we have a good idea of where the various prizes are to be found ( if we played more on-line games this would be a funnier section of the Post. You know, making the whole Convention environment sort of a …a (fill in the name of your favorite video game).

Stay tuned for Part 3  (“OK you got me here…now what the hell do I do?”)





(as-yet-untitled) Series: Part 1 the Wakefield Doctrine, a little backstory for our experiment and the singing of the moth

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

While we wait for Readers to submit a Title for our current series of Posts (which will undertake to demonstrate the value of the Wakefield Doctrine as a tool for self-development), a little ‘backstory’ will serve to establish the context of our little experiment.

The subject of Trial is yours truly: (male) clark with (strong)secondary scottian and (disconnected) tertiary rogerian aspects. The backstory is not so much a biographical exposition as it is meant to provide the context against which we test the Wakefield Doctrine’s practical value as a tool to facilitate self-development ( of myself).

On June 13th I will be flying to Ft Worth Texas to attend a conference/convention for real estate agents. I will be there until the morning of the 16th, whereupon I will engage in a Doctrine Roadtrip as a part of the trip home. The convention is comprised of educational events and programs as well as display of products and services by Vendors serving the industry. The organizers (of the convention) are marketing this event as an opportunity to network with other agents and companies that can be a source of new business. The core value is this ‘new business’ that can be produced by making the right contacts.

The Challenge/Problem: I am a clark. (If your response to this statement is anything other than a good-natured chuckle and a “oh!  damn, dude what the hell?” then you need to go to the Table of Contents and read about clarks, scotts and rogers or write a Comment addressed to one of the DownSprings and they will be happy to explain it to you, me I’ll be musing, “tell me about it! But it’s the Wakefield Doctrine...this is gonna work!”

So where does that leave us?

  • I am ‘clark enough’ to know that, left to my natural tendencies, I will not network properly or otherwise make the business connections that are the reason for (my) spending the time and the money to go to Texas;
  • I am a ‘Progenitor clark‘ enough to know that the principles of the Wakefield Doctrine contain the solution to this problem/challenge (and)
  • I am experienced in the world enough to know that, if we expect you, the Reader to believe that the Wakefield Doctrine can do all that we say it can do, then we damn well better demonstrate it.

So here we are: the (as-yet-Titled) Series of Posts, that will set out to prove the efficacy of the Wakefield Doctrine.

We will end Part 1 here. Be sure to come back for the next in the AYU Series of Posts Part 2!

“…dare il gambetto”, the Wakefield Doctrine presents a live experiment!

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrinethe theory of clarks, scotts and rogers )

The Wakefield Doctrine is not only a way to understand the people in our lives, it is also a way to understand ourselves. It follows (around here) that if you are capable1 of genuine  self-assessment, you are capable of self-improvement.

For the last couple of years we have spent a million man-hours writing Posts meant to illustrate the Principles of the Wakefield Doctrine. This has been necessary  because what makes the Wakefield Doctrine so effective  is that it is premised on the idea that there are such things as personal realities (which are the world of a clark, the worldview of a scott and the life of a roger) and that it is only when we understand the world that the other person is living in (and reacting to), can we truly understand their behavior. That plus we have a fun way of describing the ‘three personality types’. All of this allows you to know more about the other person than they know about themselves. But that is not the topic of today’s Post.
No, it is not.

The Topic of today’s Post is: “OK, Mr. and/or Mrs(or if you prefer Ms.) Wakefield Doctrine. Show us! We are from a large, midwestern State the name of which is often mis-pronounced, however we are reputed to required empirical fact, not a lot of hearsay and such!”
In the coming days we will describe a real life2 situation where a person would benefit by ‘borrowing’ traits and characteristics of the other two personality types. The first step will be to describe ‘the problem’, then we will propose a ‘solution’ (utilizing the Wakefield Doctrine, of course!) and finally will follow our subject through the actual process of applying the Wakefield Doctrine to the real world!

Sound like fun?  ( …what are you a frickin scott??! fun??) But we will do this thing over the course of the next 3 weeks.

Given how people seem to love sensational headlines dealing with everything from car crashes to natural disasters (Storm Of The Century!, 3 Kittens Rushed to The Hospital, details at 11!!!) , let’s have a Contest!!!  The Name the Upcoming Series Contest!

The rules are simple: send us a Title for the upcoming series on applying the Wakefield Doctrine to a problem in the real world with a real person and if your Title is judged the Best, we will send you a Wakefield Doctrine (modeled-by-Mel) Tee Shirt!!  A decision will be made by the end of this week.

(The rest of the description of our little project? Hey, we have learned some things from this Doctrine thing! To wit, don’t give it away on the first date! Make ’em earn it!  You will hear more about the ‘Un-named Project’ later this Week.)

1) pre-supposes you are a clark or a scott or roger with a strong secondary clarklike aspect; run-of-the-mill rogers and mongrel scotts simply cannot get outside of themselves sufficiently to pull it off

2)  as ‘real’ as real life ever gets for a clark, at any rate
