New Legislation to require Warning Labels on all new personality theories, self-help programs and self-development DVDs | the Wakefield Doctrine New Legislation to require Warning Labels on all new personality theories, self-help programs and self-development DVDs | the Wakefield Doctrine

New Legislation to require Warning Labels on all new personality theories, self-help programs and self-development DVDs

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine ( the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers )

The Wakefield Doctrine is a way to look at the way people behave. Not a personality theory in the sense of proposing underlying causes of certain behaviors, simply an insight into the people in our lives, with this Doctrine you will, in a very real sense, know more about the other person than they know about themselves. Based on the principle that all people experience the world in  one of three slight different, yet totally discreet ways, the Wakefield Doctrine allows a level of insight into behavior , motivation and traits that none of the other personality systems can ever hope to provide.  Simply put: we are all born with a capacity to perceive the world in one of three ways, as a clark as a scott and as a roger. At a fairly young age, we all settle into one (of these three) and we become (the personality types that we call),  clarks, scotts and rogers. At no time do we lose the capacity to see the world as the other two, but our everyday world becomes the world of our dominant type.

( if your dominant world-view is that of a clark, you will ):

  • live as an outsider, fundamentally apart from everyone around you
  • you will be driven by a need to ‘understand’, to ‘know’ about the world you find yourself…all in the hopes of becoming a part of the world you are in
  • you will be creative, truly creative  not the re-packaging of the old to look like the new, you will have the capability of bringing the totally new to world*
  • *(but that still will not make you a part of the world that you feel an outsider to….)
  • you will have the capability to believe anything and the inability to accept with understanding   anything

( if your dominant world-view is that of a scott, you will ):

  • live life in the moment, without restraint, clearly the most full-of-life of the three
  • you will have the attention of all around you as you put out so much energy, something that all people are drawn to
  • you live as a predator, seeing the world in terms of prey and (greater) predators, intrinsically a hostile environment*
  • *(for all of the seeming joie de vire) everyone other than yourself and dominant scotts are simply things, animals, lacking in the quality of real people
  • be driven by instinct, your actions will serve appetite first

( if your dominant world-view is that of a roger, you will ):

  • as much as a clark is an outsider and a scott is a predator, you will have a life that is always good by virtue of the acceptance of the group
  • you will find a world that rather than being incomprehensible, offers you joy in (the) discovery of how the world works to you knowing is but a tool not an end in itself
  • as a part of the herd, there will be no greater good than to preserve that which has been the discovery of the past is part-in-parcel with the celebration of life*
  • *(while the greatest good is knowing the rules of life) the greater-still life is lived bringing, teaching and (if possible) imposing the rules of life on those around you
  • if you know it, it is true…if you don’t know it, it can only be bad or worthless or dangerous

There you have it!  A simple outline of the Wakefield Doctrine, try it and see if you do not find yourself discoivering insight into the people at home, at work at school and at play.

Before you go out and try this out, spend a little time  reading more about the three personality types, you will find Pages devoted to each.  And these Posts? Each different yet the same, these are meant as ‘conversations’ discussion about the Doctrine, our continuing effort to find new ways to explain the principles, to point out novel ways that the Doctrine is manifested, interesting observations…that sort of thing.  If you have made it this far in today’s Post, you have what it takes to understand and benefit from it.

If you find that you seem to be all three types?  (you are…just mostly one)
If you have a question that you cannot find an answer to in this blog? Write a Comment

and….and if you are one of the exceptional ones…like the DownSprings or FOTDs* and you feel that you are ready to claim your: school, town, Parrish, prefecture or your boyfriend/girlfriend’s ass then pick up that damn keyboard write us a Comment. Tell us why we should send you a Wakefield Doctrine hat (for your damn head) and I betcha we do!

Take the Saturday Night Drive.  There you will find what amounts to a combination living laboratory and live -action demonstration (of the principles of the Doctrine.)


*Friend of the Doctrine


clarkscottroger About clarkscottroger
Well, what exactly do you want to know? Whether I am a clark or a scott or roger? If you have to ask, then you need to keep reading the Posts for two reasons: a)to get a clear enough understanding to be able to make the determination of which type I am and 2) to realize that by definition I am all three.* *which is true for you as well, all three...but mostly one


  1. Molly Molly M. says:

    Rogers… “if you don’t know it, it can only be bad or worthless or dangerous” …this seems to perfectly describe my little roger’s attitude towards learning. Seems like a dangerous, scary place to be, to me.

    But since rogers are the historians and keepers of tradition, there has to be a way to motivate them to want to learn, doesn’t there?

    • clarkscottroger clarkscottroger says:

      Good point, good observation, Molly! I choose to believe, however, that there is a distinction in the definition of the word ‘learn’ here, between (clarks) and rogers

      rogers learn to know more about the things that are already known,
      clarks learn with the intent of discovering that which is unknown, has never before been known…and if they (the clarks) are fortunate they can ‘learn’ about a thing that had not existed before their learning

      for a roger the goal of learning is confirmation (of knowledge) which results in richer detail
      for a clark the goal of learning is discovery of the unknown

  2. Downspring#1 says:

    True statements all mssr. csr.
    I am always in awe of a roger’s ability to persist. In trying to figure the answer to a problem, to fix a thing that is broken, etc. There is also present, in most rogers (not all) an ability to improvise (culling all the of the vast information aquired from watching the various TV shows like This Old House, Cook Like I Do (made that one up), do it yourself books, etc?). It may not alway be apparent, but at a minimum rogers possess a latent “talent” to “make a thing work”. To make a thing fit. It’s all about placement – no, “proper placement” be it an object, a person….catch my drifty drift?