‘so many different viewpoints… no, wait a minute’! 3 personality types and just one Wakefield Doctrine | the Wakefield Doctrine ‘so many different viewpoints… no, wait a minute’! 3 personality types and just one Wakefield Doctrine | the Wakefield Doctrine

‘so many different viewpoints… no, wait a minute’! 3 personality types and just one Wakefield Doctrine

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine ( the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers )

(totally grateful to Justin Greene and we really hope he doesn’t mind our using his most excellent comic panel)


Movies, video interviews, ‘live phone-in’ shows  is this a personality theory or  the un-conscious dream of the collective clark? What the hell!? I see a lot of creative intelligence being demonstrated, a boatload of perceptive intellect but Big Picture!!  come on people!!….ya gotta be thinking Big Picture.

roger, roger roger….what have I done to have you treat us this way? of the three types you are the most gifted of communicators. You pick up the pen and the words come so effortlessly. Is it the fact that we knew that you would have this gift that makes you want to pull back and take your toys to your room and shut the door?

Hey, scott!!  yeah…   whatever. No, no save it! We know what you are going to say.  ( Haven’t you been listening at all?…this is the fuckin Wakefield Doctrine…we know what you are thinking*) Yes, we see that you have all the energy in the world and you have been well behaved… We are not going to give you special privileges simply because you are reasonably well-behaved of late, as much of an accomplishment that is for you…

The Wakefield Doctrine is a unique, useful, very simple tool that will allow you to understand the personality (and behavior) of the people in your life. As a tool, the Doctrine requires learning and practice in order to use it properly and effectively. Being ‘very simple to use’ means that there is a danger of misuse, most commonly in the form of over: thinking/interpreting/analyzin and dramatizin.

And last, but certainly not least, the Wakefield Doctrine ( theory of clarks, scotts and rogers ) is fun!  Really!  Our blog is demonstration and proof of this claim. If you go through the pages of this blog and watch the videos that are attached and read the Comments to the Posts, you will see a growing collection of (fairly) exceptional people interacting in ways and exchanging thoughts and ideas and just plain having fun. When all is said and done, the Wakefield Doctrine is clearly growing and developing  in ways that frankly, none of the original  authors had anticipated. If there is a single, non-grammatically correct  sentence that explains why the Wakefield Doctrine will continue to grow more and more rapidly, it is: “the Doctrine is more than we thought and is growing to reflect the needs of the people joining it…”

As new people come to understand the ideas that comprise the Wakefield Doctrine and the more they ask questions, the more we adapt and (the Doctrine) shows more useful elements. To the newer Friends of the Doctrine (FOTD) such as Nell  or Molly or Claire or even the marginal ones such as MJM or the people who may go to the Video Channel devoted to Saturday Night Drives, to all of you we say, ‘hey thanks for stopping by! Pretty cool theory of personality, no?  Just don’t over-analyze it. The Doctrine is more art than it is science, go with your gut. And, by the way? you want to get your scottian and rogerian friends to come along with you? Yes, we know how difficult they can be…but we guarantee they will have a good time.’

It has always been the primary shortcoming of (most of) these Posts that the fun aspects of learning about the Wakefield Doctrine is under-promoted, blame it on the clarklike perspective of the primary contributor. If there are any scotts or rogers out there reading this, if you would like to do a guest Post, write us a comment or an email and we will make the necessary arrangements.  The Doctrine will meet the needs, the fun requirement, the challenge quotient of any clark…every damn scott and all the rogers in the herd.

To close, lets review:

  • we all have the qualities of all 3 personality types, it is just a predominance of (one of the 3) that makes us clarks or scotts or rogers
  • the Doctrine is gender and culture and age neutral…it is about how a person perceives the world, not their shape or their dress or their condition
  • if you are trying to figure which type someone is, remember: try different tests of characteristics, don’t get hung-up on just one (see point 1)
  • don’t forget! you are one of the three, so you will approach this as your personality type…
  • clarks, don’t get hung up on the details and don’t worry so much about maybe being wrong,  (you will) get it wrong…don’t worry about it
  • scotts…don’t get scared by your inner clark (see Point 1) the fun you have in your head is no threat to the fun you have outside your head…so run with it!! (you like running)
  • roger…whether you like it or not  you are a part of this herd…you just have not found the right scent or color pattern or whatever the hell you people do in order to feel that something is good and has the right to exist

Let’s listen to a ‘borrowed video’. And for god’s sake would someone volunteer for a Video Interview!! Good News…a vote was taken and it is a consensus that Videos should be no longer than 3 minutes**

* ok, to be totally correct  thinking is not quite the right word… lol
** …each   ( lol )


clarkscottroger About clarkscottroger
Well, what exactly do you want to know? Whether I am a clark or a scott or roger? If you have to ask, then you need to keep reading the Posts for two reasons: a)to get a clear enough understanding to be able to make the determination of which type I am and 2) to realize that by definition I am all three.* *which is true for you as well, all three...but mostly one


  1. Molly Molly M. says:

    I’m trying really hard not to get so hung up in the details that I forget the big picture!!! But I like the details…
    I shared this site and the basic ideas with my mom and sister. They both thought it sounded very useful and practical.

    Something I have been pondering: Since we all have the qualities of all 3 personality types, does the role we play in life affect how we come across — or even see the world at a given moment? There are several people who, seem to me, to display two distinct personalities. One when they are engaged in their work and another when they have free time.

    This bit of lyrics was heavy on my mind when I first came across the Doctrine:
    “I Never wanted to go
    Always wanted to stay
    ‘Cause the person I am
    Are the parts that I play”

  2. clarkscottroger clarkscottroger says:

    no Molly, nothing wrong with details…they are the fun (especially for us clarks) but sometimes they drag on our feet (like little nameless things grabbing our ankles as we walk home in the darkness of Autumn)…oh sorry…you got me going down a path…lol ( you mean like that? )

    I do know what you are saying, and you will sort things in your mind in your time…thats the great thing about the Doctrine…we don’t have to be right the first time, every single time. The people around us will go on being clarks and scotts and rogers no matter what we do.
    And as you imply, sometimes you see the ‘non-dominant’ aspects of a person’s personality. And that is a correct thing; you will see the scott that crouches within the heart of clark, waiting until exhustion or distraction has (the clark) let down their guard….and you will feel the rogerian component of the most scottian of people when you get close to (their) personal likes and dislikes….
    especially in the case of you ‘first people’ to join us here, we predicted in the early days of this blog that the first people that got involved would be special…more creative…more flexible in worldview…more imaginative

    (as DownSpring glenn would say, “hey, don’t worry ’bout nothin” )

    Keep asking the questions, have fun and know that you are part of something really kinda cool.

    PS. “…There are several people who, seem to me, to display two distinct personalities. One when they are engaged in their work and another when they have free time…” that’s an easy one! they are rogers*

    * hey, I’m a progenitor I know that kind of thing, but I will be glad to explain why this is true…lol

  3. Molly Molly M. says:

    You say:
    PS. “…There are several people who, seem to me, to display two distinct personalities. One when they are engaged in their work and another when they have free time…” that’s an easy one! they are rogers*

    What if the two types I am seeing are scott and clark?

    • clarkscottroger clarkscottroger says:

      (My reply) citing your question about people who seem two personalities at home/work was made on the basis that when there is a major change in ‘personality’ between work and non-work, it is usually attributable to the person being a roger (their dominant aspect).
      There is a term, rogerian expression, that usually applies to a certain thing that rogers do to the language (it is on the Page about rogers).
      However there is a use of the this term ( rogerian expression) that, when applied to the way that some rogers look at their jobs/profession/avocation, has a different conotation.

  4. RCoyne RCoyne says:

    Who’s in the video? Nice dobro.
    No worries, mate. You need anything, just holler.