News and attractions, 3 personality types and endless fun at: the Wakefield Doctrine | the Wakefield Doctrine News and attractions, 3 personality types and endless fun at: the Wakefield Doctrine | the Wakefield Doctrine

News and attractions, 3 personality types and endless fun at: the Wakefield Doctrine

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine, ( the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers )

An unusual ‘night-time’ Post today, the recent hurricane has resulted in no internet access in my normal writing place. No lights, no music, so rather than wait for the power to come to me, I have gone to the power. While a brief, ‘hey! we have not dissappeared’ Post, with any luck normalcy will be restored soon and we can get back to our regular schedule of Posts.

That actually is the topic of this Post! Coming Attractions at the Wakefield Doctrine!!!

We have heard from Claire and we have heard from Nell!! They have their hats! In Sweden and England, respectively, we have one photo from Claire and Nell is getting hers to us straightway (I can say that, ’cause Nell is from the UK). We will do a separate Post for each in the next week or so!  Transcontinental headwear, how damn cool is that? And, even for me there is excitement waiting for the photos because we all know that these Wakefield Doctrine hats are not your normal hats!! No! That would be a mistake to assume that assumption. Wakefield Doctrine hats are delivered with the Right of Hat built right in!  (New Readers should follow the link and read all about the Treaty of Tordesillas).

In a couple of weeks, the Doctrine will be on the road again! We have our trusty video camera, a supply of hats and are aiming ourselfs at the Mississippi Delta. That is correct, you read that properly, the Wakefield Doctrine is going down to the crossroads. I plan to claim both putative crossroads, but if there are any Readers in the vicinity of Highway 61 come the second week of September, you need to write us a Comment and we just might come and hand you a Wakefield Doctrine hat ( for your damned head). Yessir!

And as you observant Readers can see, our blog roll is growing! And if they are on our blogroll, you can bet your life that there is something damn interesting at the other other end of  the (hyper)link. So go visit Claire (for a touch of the Internationale) or spend some time at Nell’s Hub Page (variety and range? damn! ). If you are hankering for some of the old  ‘what did she say’? …best slide on down to the GirlShow, or for a ‘wake-up call’…Doctrine-style, stop by AKH’s saloon. (Best pay attention, is all I’m sayin). The Progenitor roger is always a good read, and Bobbi Stoker, well we haven’t talked to her in a while but, go on over, say hidy! For that matter if you want to go to a blog where you can actually learn useful stuff, then Ronin’s is the place to be. If you are bored, or just want to pass a little time with cool people, try Molly over at ‘the Facebook’, tell her the Doctrine sent ya.

(….So we need to get out, kill some bees so I can have some candles to light my way home.)

Seeing how most of you won’t be reading this for another 12 hours, I will try to address the topic: Natural Disasters and the 3 personality types of the Wakefield Doctrine.

clarkscottroger About clarkscottroger
Well, what exactly do you want to know? Whether I am a clark or a scott or roger? If you have to ask, then you need to keep reading the Posts for two reasons: a)to get a clear enough understanding to be able to make the determination of which type I am and 2) to realize that by definition I am all three.* *which is true for you as well, all three...but mostly one


  1. Downspring#1 says:

    Must seem like “life during war times” eh? What, with no electrons to power the machines we all have become so dependent upon….the lengths we will go…..the show must go on…..thank you Freddy.

  2. Molly Molly M. says:

    Glad you are doing okay in that storm! And that fact that you are not home bound means it can’t be all that bad.

  3. Downspring#1 says:

    You know what they say Molly – “all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy”. Luckily the storm was not that bad. He is caretaker here at the Doctrine afterall…

  4. clarkscottroger clarkscottroger says:


  5. clarkscottroger clarkscottroger says:

    sorry, Claire…. previous Comment is totally predicated on seeing the Kubrick version of Stephen Kings*’ novel, the Shining.
    The movie was…pretty!

    Thank you Molly! It is not the lack of electrical power that is trying (during these situations) it is the lack of connectivity…no internet access at home yet!
    Wait a minute! Do I see the Secret Book of the Wakefield Doctrine slowly opening?
    (the thing about the Doctrine these days, is that all of us are learning new things about the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers. Call it seeing new examples of the personality types, call it becoming aware of novel manifestations of the Doctrine but the fact is we are all having to work hard to keep up with this thing of ours!)

    This business of ‘feeling cut off’… lets consider what we know and what we should know ( vis a vis the Wakefield Doctrine)!
    I am not a roger, so it can’t be that I miss the herd
    I am not a scott, who as we all know….need to be herd**

    I am patently a clark…so what is the problem…I mean everyone knows that clarks are so comfortable on their own….so why should I be ‘feeling cut off’?

    Anyone have any thoughts on this question?

    * Stephen King being the Patron saint of rogerian authoration.
    ** Famous scottian statement: “I scream, therefore I am!!!”

  6. Molly Molly M. says:

    Habits? All those nasty little habits that make up life… such as getting up in the morning and checking your e-mail with a cup of coffee?

    Expectations? I have things planned out, if only in my head, and I expect them to work out that way. How dare outside forces, beyond my control, change things? (Seriously, you have to give me more than a few weeks to plan.)

    • clarkscottroger clarkscottroger says:

      Yeah…the ‘control thing’…while rogers flaunt it (the need for control), clarks really are the ones who put great store into maintaining control… which, as we know serves to keep the fear at bay….lol

  7. Clairepeek says:

    I have an idea on the notion you are inquiring (?) about… it is true that we Clarks do like our isolation; I do believe however that we also like the possibility of a choice.
    If you cannot control the isolation, meaning that if nature decides to isolate you, you did not choose the isolation… it is not your decision so it cannot feel good. When you still have the opportunity of coming out from the isolation, but do not seize it, then it is of your doing and therefore comfortable. Clarks do not like to be bossed around, not even by Mother Nature ^_^

  8. clarkscottroger clarkscottroger says:

    Good point about the ‘control issue’…clarks do have a high degree of a need to maintain control (or the illusion of control, lol).

    Consider how a clark will attempt to extend their control over their world/realities by trying to anticipate the future. I should be more concise and describe this as an attempt to anticipate the outcomes of situations…we (clarks) tend to assume that given sufficient information and enough time, we can figure out what will happen next…all the better to be ready for it!!

    I could be wrong ( yeah, I know that is crazy talk ! ) but there is an underlying motive to the need to control (one’s) reality, but that is for another Post.

  9. Downspring#1 says:

    Everyone has hit on critical aspects of clarks and I believe that they all are interwined. Molly M.’s reference to “habits” or what I call routine(s) are everpresent for clarks. Predictable behaviors that have their (proper) place in the order of the world we wake up to – the world we create each day. clarks, while extolling their own flexability of mind and matter, are more dependent upon routine/habit than we would like to admit.
    Control is the bad boy in all of our scenarios. Yes, Clairepeek it is a matter of choice, and when choice is removed control over those elements that affect one’s choices/ability to choose is also removed.
    And back to the age old question of why clarks are the “control” freaks. Fear? Yes, but something else. There is something else besides fear….

    Thank you Clairpeek for saying out loud that “clarks do not like to be bossed around”. True statment! May I also throw in the fact that it is not wise to try and intimidate a clark, we don’t much care for that one either:)

    Alright, maybe one more thing. If I may suggest a variation on clarkscottroger’s statement above? Perhaps clarks (live inside their heads) try to anticipate the future so that they can feel control (more?) over their “world/realities”.

    (“shit! I’ve dropped my box of cogent thoughts…no, not those. the other ones, the linear ones…”)

  10. clairepeek says:

    That is exactly my point… in other words, Clarks are control freaks – this does not mean that we have control, but as you mentioned it, the illusion of control is at least as important as having real control over things… did you get that? not sure I did… anyhow, who do you think is the boss at home – lol – (says my husband!) hehehe