(Enter Title Here) one Doctrine fits all! self-improvement Principles of the Wakefield Doctrine | the Wakefield Doctrine (Enter Title Here) one Doctrine fits all! self-improvement Principles of the Wakefield Doctrine | the Wakefield Doctrine

(Enter Title Here) one Doctrine fits all! self-improvement Principles of the Wakefield Doctrine

(welcome) (to) (the Wakefield Doctrine)    ( of course! )

Warning! Warnung!! Warnette!!! 18+ (Adults) only
11 PM – 6 AM
one-sided display of the joys of adult life without showing responsibilities,   (e.g. work), social justification of   violent behavior, excessive vulgarity, use of racial slurs and social stereotypes, explicit sexual content,   praise of aggression or vulgarity

We are inspired by the efforts of Ms. AKH, effforts that result in more and more people coming to this here blog, here and reading about our ‘theory of personality’. Every effort will be made to make the time you spend here as enjoyable, beneficial and profitable as possible. We have a lot to cover in the 2:05 minutes that you will spend here if you are a new visitor, so we had better hook you right now:

If you read and understand this blog you will have a better life, starting this afternoon. No bullshit, no lies, no guarantees.

Still with us? Good!  Lets just get to the Whys and Whats and Are you Sure(s).

The Wakefield Doctrine has 3 personality type categories: clarks, scotts and rogers. You are mostly one (of these 3) but you still have the other 2 in background.
                                                 …and when we say personality types? what we mean is, “What kind of world do you walk out to every morning”?  Because this Doctrine is not about your likes and dislikes, favorite colors or foods, interests, hobbies, avocation or inspiration. It is about the nature of your reality. 

Yes, you read that right. Reality. Each of the three types of personality in the Wakefield Doctrine experience a different reality. Nothing weird or earth-shakingly different. No crystals or herbs or inner vibrations required either. Just this:

  • clarks exist (in the world) as the perennial outsider. They are normal in every other respect, it’s just that they know that they don’t belong, they are not like other people. But, at the same time clarks are the quiet, creative, funny (except you have to really pay attention or you’ll miss their jokes), self-deprecating, hardworking people that are there all around you all this time;
  • scotts are so in your life (and you will get this description only if you are not a scott) but they are the natural leaders, natural salespeople, natural entertainers… you getting the theme here with this personality type? natural. scotts are the people who live life by the moment without restraint, consideration, forethought, it’s a wonder they live as long as they do
  • rogers (you know who you are, and right now you are denying it) rogers are the everyday, friendly, easy to talk to people that populate every workplace and classroom and corner bar. rogers will be the person you turn to when you have a secret and rogers will be the one you turn to when you want to learn the latest gossip, they are the engineers, the lawyers, the doctors and heart and soul of every PTA and neighborhood watch program in the world.

The Doctrine is different from all the other mainstream and respectable personality and self-improvement systems out there because we insist that it is not just you, it is the world itself that accounts for your life, it’s trials and tribulations, good times, bad times (we know you’ve had your share).
What sets us apart and the reason you should spend time here, is that the Wakefield Doctrine offers everyone a set of tools that is specifically meant for not only your personality type, but (these tools) are meant to work and be useful in the world that you are living in today!

We do not say, “Hey! Come read this, listen to us and you will be able to get rid of bad habits and change the parts of your personality that you really hate”! No, we do not say that.
We say:
“…if you are looking for something to help you be happier than you are or a way to understand the other people in your life better or you  just want to have more fun,  and you have tried everything you can think of, then maybe the problem is not in your head, maybe the problem is in the world that you wake up to every day. The Wakefield Doctrine offers tools to change how you experience the world each and every damn day”.

Glad you could stop by. Hey, if you are liking the Doctrine, but need a little break go on over to the girl who knew too much or  that scottian one  or even the roe ger’s blog. They be given you some comfort. Or if you are feeling especially rogerian, go on over to our little page on ‘the Facebook,  that will provide you the proof that this Doctrine thing actually works. 

(The rating/warning statement at the start of the Post is courtesy of our friends at wikipedia, their entry for Poland’s Television Content Ratings )

Lets Celebrate drummers in today’s videos! Can you guess the personality type most likely to be a great drummer?

( First up: Marvin McQuitty on drums, the second drummer needs no intro)




clarkscottroger About clarkscottroger
Well, what exactly do you want to know? Whether I am a clark or a scott or roger? If you have to ask, then you need to keep reading the Posts for two reasons: a)to get a clear enough understanding to be able to make the determination of which type I am and 2) to realize that by definition I am all three.* *which is true for you as well, all three...but mostly one


  1. Downspring#1 says:

    (can I tell ’em? can I?) scotts!!!! (i’m right aren’t I?) (“psst…isn’t she right??”. jeez, don’t know”)
    My first inclination is to go with scotts as the answer to the question – they being of the high energy levels etc. However, rogers, being the mech-an-is-tical, machine operatin’ ones could also be a correct answer. They are the ones willing to painstakingly persist in learning such a thing. Dum, dee dum….anyone else gonna take a gander at this or does someone else have to step in and elucidate it for us?

  2. AKH says:

    fuckin’ scotts yo

  3. RCoyne RCoyne says:

    Bonham and Jones…awesome. That album still gives me little chills up my back.
    Actually, saw Plante a few months back with the Band of Joy thing….really good….did some old Zeppelin chestnuts in the middle of the set with banjos and dobros. Worked very nicely. Too bad all the guys in the Zep t-shirts had left in protest by then. There were your scotts…screamed on the way in, screamed on the way out.
    And Plante? Couldn’t say for sure because he didn’t say three words all night, but definitely not a scott.