Month: June 2011 | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 3 Month: June 2011 | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 3

Video-Post Episódio Cinco the Doctrine of Wakefield: personality theory for the rest of us!

Hey there!  Relax…sit back and let them good vibrations…as a matter of fact, seeing how today is ‘sit back and Listen’ day at the ‘Doctrine, lets just put up a chart to compare the Wakefield Doctrine ( the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers) to all the major Religions and Philosophies and Whatnot.*   That way a new Reader can advantage themselves of a totally un-biased and neutral-like Comparison Chart.

Major religion/philosophy (including but not Limited to: Christianity, Islam, Buddhism)    the Wakefield Doctrine      The Winner
Sacred rites, rituals and liturgy developed over  thousands of years of human history …hats        The WD!!
Millions of followers 35 to 50 ‘regular’ Readers …major Rs and Ps…
Responsibility for Crusades and Jihads and such resulting in millions of  Deaths and
untold suffering
Music videos and clever photos       The WD!!
Possible backing from major   Deities (including but not limited to: Allah,  Jesus, Yahweh and
“the-unseeing-eye-in-the  Face-you-had-before”….never mind, lets go with Krishna)
Progenitors and DownSprings (and implicit support from ‘Jethro’)   The WD!!
Genuine insight into the human condition, providing comfort and salvation to millions over thousands of years
in the tortured course of Human History
Hats! (we already said, “Hats “?) damn… …Too close to call

There you have it!  Objective proof that the Wakefield Doctrine is destined to become the next major mischief maker, philosophy/religion in a long line of movements that have made Man’s existence such a joy!

*No one has to tell you that, when it comes to any of the major religions, sects, dogmas, philosophies, belief systems and anything else that works as a guide to the here and the hereafter, that more than likely it was a clark who came up with the idea a roger who organised and made it palatable for the masses and a scott….well a scott to have a few wars based on the differences between these ideas.**

**…unless, of course there was a scottian female involved and then, in that case….think: Queen of Sheba, Gaia, Aunt Jemima, Cleopatra, Betsy Ross, Hazel Delguidice, Ethel Mertz….you get the idea.***

*** …speakin of tha sistas, be sure to git on over to the jersy curl and  the 3 times ain’t nearly enough   blogs! They alright!


it’s all with the Board of Education…our theory of clarks, scotts and rogers


Welcome!  Welcome!  Come on in!!  No, don’t click away!  We have sooo much to tell you, your head will thank you, trust us.

This is the official blog site of the Wakefield Doctrine ( the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers ) and here (somewhere in all these frickin mis-categorized and totally confusing pages) you will find the Codex de Doctrine.  Everything you need to know about how all of mankind, all peoples fall into one of three ( that’s right! I said 3) personality types. And if you read and if you understand what is written here, you will not only know how to identify which of the three personality types a person is ( doesn’t even matter if they are a friend or a lover, a family member or a sworn enemy or even the person you pass on the street/in the corridor) you will know how that person thinks.

That’s right, you read that correctly! The Wakefield Doctrine is claiming to give you the power to know how another person is thinking….and feeling….and (how) they might act  in any damn situation.  A mighty bold claim, is it not?
It is a mighty bold claim, you are correct. We are prepared to back that claim up.

As you read these Posts ( the ‘on-going conversation’ here at the Wakefield Doctrine) and the Pages (the established knowledge and wisdom and hats of the Doctrine), one thing will become abundantly clear…the Wakefield Doctrine is without doubt the most useful tool for understanding the behavior of people in our lives. Whether you are confused about why your husband is such an asshole at times or why your best friend confides in you only to take the secrets you have given her and shares them like McDonald’s French Fires with her friends in class the next day, the Wakefield Doctrine is your answer. If you are the kind of person who thinks a lot and doesn’t want much from people, satisfied simply with a few friends and no fights, then you need to read what the Wakefield Doctrine has to say (to you). If you have trouble controlling your impulses, if you are the life of the party but can’t help but notice that your friends are looking at you with something less than admiration, then you should read this here blog here. If you have trouble with people not living up to expectations, if you know that your spouse is letting you down and you simply want a way to make them all understand, then come to us here, write a question to one of the DownSprings and you will get the answer that you deserve.

Now the Wakefield Doctrine is not a cult or a religion or a basement-born rant produced by ‘dis-enfranchised, over stimulted, under-medicated’ members of a culture that is focused nearly exclusively on youth. The Wakefield Doctrine is:

  •  a way of understanding what the other person is experiencing in a situation
  • a framework which allows you to truly see the world as another person sees it
  • a tool that you can use to see yourself as the world sees you, not as your guilt would have you see yourself
  • a way of inter-acting with others that allows a level of communication that you would never be able to achieve on your own

As we said at the beginning of this Post, these are bold claims. For those of us familiar with the benefits of this personality-typing system, the above is only the tip of the iceberg-of-understanding-of-others! We are actually learning new aspects of the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers every day, with every Saturday Night Drive* we learn ways to apply the insights that this tool offers. We learn more about the characteristics of each of the three personality types! And with each thing we learn, we have new ways to act, new ways to apply this Doctrine, each and all of us here can see times when we are in situations that used to baffle us, and now we say,  …” of course,  now I see! she was not being ‘stuck-up’! She was just distracted, what a clark!”  or ‘goddamn, that guy is scary, he is all over the place…wait a minute! a scott! Now I know how to get and hold his attention“!  or even,  “ok family is important, she wants whats best…no, if you think that she is a roger then that is not being controlling, she only wants to keep what is good about the family from spinning off and being lost in this crazy world. damn, now that is not being an awful person…that is actually the way they are trying to help!!”

Thank you Wakefield Doctrine!

*Saturday Night Drive: call in blog, read about  it in the upper right hand corner of this page.  (No, your other right hand upper corner, clark)


sshh, the Wakefield Doctrine, still tired…read the old stuff for now

welcome to the wakefield doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

great Saturday Night Drive…tired… will add to Post later in the afternoon…go ahead and read some of the old stuff..

Oh! wait, two memory fragments from last night….T Shirts  and  (really intriguing but vague..) ‘Your Life in 3 Photos Contest’…(i think it involved a contest)…not sure…check back later…


Wakefield Doctrine, personality, theory of… Video Post Episodio Quattro

Hey! Wakefield Doctrine fans! 

(please take notes as there will be a short quiz at the end of our little Presentation)
(….thank you)

Please take out a pencil, pen, stylus, crayon, keyboard or achieve a mental state dominated by theta waves. The following 3 multiple choice questions and 1 essay question should be answered as quickly and with as little reflection as possible:

The Narrator used a Latin term in today’s Post which meant:

  1. professional arm-wrestler’s association
  2. Friday’s Special:  Fish ‘n Chips
  3. exchange one thing of value in return for another thing of value
  4. hey, fuck! a test!! what the hell?

In the course of today’s Post  reference was made to a roger in a commercial that offered to transform unruly children, was that commercial:

  1. yeah! I saw that one, the frickin guy had on wire-rim glasses and a 80’s porn-‘stash, what a maroon!
  2. well, if it was on television and the person in it meant well and was popular, I can’t see how you could criticize them so cruelly
  3. hey!! this really is a test!! wait!! slow down!! I’m smart, I can do things!!
  4. yeah!! I know who you mean! that guy’s got a website and everything!! video testimonials from the little brainwashed kids that have such weak-willed parents that they would pay this hack a lot of money to mess with their kids…damn  maybe the Doctrine should have some video Testimonials!
  5. …yeah, right

(Final Multiple Choice Question) The Narrator referred to personality-driven presentation, what do you think he meant:

  1. Clearly he meant that people are more likely to respond to a personal approach, rather than a dry, lifeless recitation of facts and information.
  2. Fuck!!!
  3. hey!! wait!! that wasn’t really my answer!! he,  he just meant that nobody listens to…could you repeat the question?…or yeah!! like how when one of those weird people at work, the ones you see in the back of the crown who are laughing when no one else is and when you go up to them and try to…you know, fuck with ’em cause the crowd likes it and these weird ones still laugh even though you know that they know you’re fuckin with ’em…it’s like they’re not afraid and that they are havin their own little joke at the same time?…Like that that…Yeah! fuc…
  4. I’m sure the Narrator was trying to make a valid point, as much as he was capable of, in his limited way. The point he was clearly trying to make was that he was unable to present the value of the Doctrine thingie and that he wished he had a more balanced personality and then people would like him, or whatever. I really wasn’t paying that much attention. Now, if you ask me…

(Essay Question) Which of the three personality types ( clark or scott or roger ) would you like to see/hear the Narrator interview on a Video Post and why is that?

  1. Well, certainly if they hope to get anyone to listen to this quirky little gimmick of a video, I know everyone would agree it should be a roger. Why? You should have to ask, clearly you have a limited understanding of this Wakefield Doctrine or you would not make an obviously uniformed statement like that…no, I am not being critical, just trying to help, you know? Well, if they have a roger in the next interview, at least the Readers will understand what is being said and mostly the Readers will sit through the whole Post, instead of getting up and walking off in the middle of the thing. No, you are welcome.
  2. Fuck! scott! of course!! hey people want to have fun!!! fuck!! and everyone always loves to hear what we have to shout…yeah? you ever see a scott alone?? Thats your proof that scotts are the one personality that everyone fuckin loves!!! we are always at the center of every thing….shout?  no that is what everyone loves about scotts they force us to shout!! hey, the world would be a fuckin way more fun place if they was to let scotts run things, ya know what I mean?? so yeah they oughta let them scotts get up there!!!
  3. damn, how the hell should I know…this is all too complicated…no, I understand everything, but in order to make a comprehensive interviewee, they would need to find a clark who has been given enough time to prepare and plan and then, of course there would have to be editing control, you know to go back to the video and clarify any points of inadvertent confusion…but yes, now that you ask, I think they should interview a clark next…that would get them back on track.

 Now, we have done our part, it is up to you to do yours.

Write down the number and call us during the Saturday Night Drive or write us a Comment and let us know where you are setting up a Chapter of the Wakefield Doctrine.
Pretty simple, isn’t it?

If you need  more advice go read more about the Doctrine at Girlies Deluxe or 3 not 2 Three Personality Types. These are the blogs of DS#1 and Ms AKH, respectively and they gots the goods.
