Month: June 2011 | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 2 Month: June 2011 | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 2

‘for a nickel he’ll sell you a lot of sweet dreams’, yes this is Doctrine de Wakefield

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine ( the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers )

It’s soon to be Summer, so lets have a re-run! An encore performance from that other place, the infamous Hub Pages*

FAQ Doctrine-style
In a field of literally thousands of theories of personality, both “legitimate, accepted and established theories” and the “Hey, like when we were in college, like we used to sit around and talk about how…” varieties, why should we give your Wakefield Doctrine more than a quick scan and then onwards searching the ‘net to pass the time?

Because, idiot,  the Wakefield Doctrine will provide you with a template, a way of organising the impressions you have of the behavior of other people (and of your own behavior). This ‘template’ will allow you to see the behavior of the people in your life in such a way that why they act the way they do will make sense. And that is what all this theories of personality crap is about, isn’t it? Making sense of people. So lets let you ask your frickin  questions!

Q: OK. It would help to have a way to ‘interpret’ the behavior of others. Will this involve a lot of time and study and research? cause I’m on my break here and don’t want to waste a lot of time!

A: No, no it will not require a lot of time. All that this personality thingie really requires is that you have a certain level of flexible intelligence, which is our neologism for what the novelists refer to as ” a willing suspension of disbelief”. None of this is rocket science, as a matter of damn fact, it is our belief that personality theories should be anything but, rocket science. The Wakefield Doctrine offers you a simple perspective, a certain way of looking at human behavior that allows you to connect disparate elements of ordinary behavior in such a way that new understanding is the result!

Q: Quite the promise. OK, what do we have to do that requires disbelief suspenders?

A: Just one thing, imagine that we all create the world that we live in …

Q: oh, we’re sorry! you want the ‘mystico-magical-my-cat-tells-me-secrets’ category, lol look for the icons with the conical, aluminum hats…

A: Now, stop that scott! (this reference will make sense later), that is not what we mean by creating the world. Nothing so dramatic, simply the fact that what you perceive today, I can never know for certain. I don’t mean the big things, like the world is round or the sky is blue or what goes up must come down or night follows day. We are still talking the every day, common sense world we all share, all we are saying is that the world that you interact with today has a subjective element to it.
Everyone has heard the story/allegory/joke about the 2 explorers who, on different safaris met a man in the jungle who told one of them, “That path leads to a village of fierce warriors, suspicious people ” (and the other is told) “That path leads to a village of the kindest, friendliest people in the land “.
The punchline to the story is, of course, upon comparing notes, both explorers met the same man and went to the same village, but had totally different experiences. That is what we mean when we talk about creating the world…

Q: oh, alright…go on…we can imagine the everyone creates the world

A: Well, the very simple premise of the Wakefield Doctrine ( the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers ) is that the perspective one has of the world (and your relationship to it) accounts for everything… personality-type-wise . The Doctrine does not list traits or behaviors or attitudes or any of that stuff to ‘identify’ personality types. We simply say:
scotts are the ones who wake up in a world of predator and prey (they are the predators)
rogers are the people who wake up in a world of the massive herd
clarks are the ones who wake up alone

Everything follows from this. What is really kind of cool is that, if you accept this premise of a worldview determining behavior (rather than the other way around), all sorts of things fall into place!

Q: Like what? that these scotts are mean and aggressive people and the clarks are weird?

A:NO! (lol) Slow down! That was the initial premise, there is one more key element to this thing. We are all born with the potential to view the world as a clark , a scott or a roger . And we never lose the potential to see the world these three ways, but at one point early in our lives (2-5yo) we become predominately one of the three. The world we go into from that point on is the world of a clark, scott or roger. The reason we can recognise the other two types is because of having that potential (at least those of us who have sufficiently flexible intelligence).

Q: So there are all these predators and cattle-like people…

A: Cut it out. You are reading this Post because you have too much intelligence, too much curiosity! You are not dumb or you would not have made it this far. All the Wakefield Doctrine is saying is, if you are in a world of predator and prey and you find yourself in a social situation your goals and drives are going to be markedly different from the person, in that same situation, who is perceiving the world from a member-of-a-giant-herd framework. Wouldn’t you?

Q: So tell us…

A: Sorry folks, out of time for now. This little FAQ hub should answer some of your questions. Will try to pick up this in a few days. In the meantime, for you really curious readers (….clark I know you are reading this) search Wakefield Doctrine and we will be there. And we gots music videos and have hats (for your damn heads) and ever thing

Now, that was entertain’ non? Given our nostalgia vibe lets go into the youtube and get ourselfs some old-time music. You young people? too bad, too sad…grow old, yos.

Oh! Oh! before I forget…special feature comin in the Fall…the Doctrine Takes on the Delta!! (thats Missisippe Delta, y’all) Long an admirer of the music from that part of the country and (being a former guitar player) we plan to claim both Rosedale and Clarksdale, by Right of Hat!  (Figure if nothin else, maybe a trip to dem crossroads might git this Doctrine goin… stay tuned!)

* motto: ‘you create value so that we don’t have to…and we want our cut!’


la sixième vidéo-Post de la Doctrine de Wakefield, personality theory yo

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine  (there will be a Quiz)

The scottian view of the Wakefield Doctrine, as expressed by DownSpring glenn is, well….scottian! We can get a lot about the Doctrine from this short discussion.

The statement that ‘reality is perception’ is as non-scottian a concept as there is;  scotts are the ultimate realists, pragmaticistic of the three.

Scotts live to act and act to live.

While there is certainly a subjective side to scotts, they exist in a world that is so stimulus-response.

It has been said of scotts:  “I scream, therefore I am”

Since the (final format) has not put in an appearance yet, lets get all Readers Digest on this thing.

  • scotts are leaders (because they are certain, not necessarily right, but certain).
  • scotts are self-confident/self-assured/certain (which is why, of course, they are the leaders)
  • scotts are emotional in a way different from rogers, it is for the moment emotion, not much grudge holding
  • in a band it is always a scott who is the ‘front man’, (see leader above)
  • at a party scotts will not hesitate to introduce themselves (to everyone)
  • for the most part, when confronted with a threat or other fear-generating situation, a scott will choose to attack rather than flee
  • scottian females can be ridiculously sexy or quick witted, hardly ever both.
  • (female) scotts can be spotted because they have prominent throat tendons (ask us why)

OK, so today’s video is up there, the test has been postponed…you have the rest of the Day Off!!

(Hey since you have some surprise free time, take a spin by those two alternate realities-shaped-like-blogs, meaning  Girlies-in-Arms  and  3 Ways Today! )


‘lets all go to the lobby’…personality theory, Drive-in Theaters and You

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine  Coming Attractions!!  (Previews of tomorrow’s) Video-Friday!!

Before we discuss tomorrows insightful Video Post,  lets talk a little about the Wakefield Doctrine and Age and Gender and Culture.

The Wakefield Doctrine is predicated upon the idea that everyone experiences the world/reality differently, from one of three overlapping but distinctive perspectives. (further) …we are all born with the qualities of all three personality types, clarks and scotts and rogers. With this potential, at some point in early childhood we settle on one of three, we become predominately a scott or a roger or a clark. The other two qualities do not go away, we always have them within and sometimes we will act like one of the other two types. Finally, the Wakefield Doctrine and (the three personality types it names) is not only gender-neutral and culture-neutral, it is also ‘age-neutral’. This is a rather awkward way of saying,  ‘it does not matter if you are a 67 year old Spanish man or a 13 year old girl raised in Singapore, if you are a clark then you are a clark….(and may god have mercy on your soul!)

We mention the’ age thing’ because of the Drive-in theater motif/reference. Don’t believe there are any such things left, at least not in the part of the world that contains the Wakefield. In any event, age does not matter, (the) culture you are living in does not matter and (the) gender you claim does not matter. If you are a clark, then you are an outsider, if you are a scott, then you are a predator and if you are a roger, you are a member of the herd. We will leave to the sociologists among our Readers to describe how much aggressiveness (in an individual) is permitted in say Japan versus Germany or the degree to which an individual roger is allowed to exclude clarks in say, Italy as compared to Russia.

But the heck with that, we want to tell you about tomorrow’s Video Post ( Video lloc número sis)!
DownSpring glenn and I did a video during the last Saturday Night Drive, but we ‘ran long’, so long that ‘the youtube’ totally would not let  it be uploaded. So yesterday, through the magic of technology ( or the technology of magic )* I got glenn on the phone and we did a shorter form of Saturdays’ vid. In it, we cover much the same ground, i.e.  how scotts see the Doctrine and how scotts explain the Doctrine to people. ( …no, lol   not nearly as much spitting, hand-waving, shouting or dove-head-biting as you might think ). For those of us who have called in on Saturdays, you will hear a very impressive difference in the tenor of DownSpring glenn’s conversation. Thoughtful and compelling, you will be as pleased as we were at the insight this conversation afforded us.

This is a great place to remind everyone out there, the Wakefield Doctrine is everything that we say it is…you will find yourself in one of the three personality types ( clarks or scotts or rogers ) and you will also find yourself acting like one of the other two ( from time to time ). You will also recognise that much of how we describe each of these three is exaggerated,  clarks are weird guys who mumble and that rogers are judgemental and geeks and that scotts are sluts and psychos. That is not true (well, maybe not such an exaggeration in the case of…) We are using hyperbole to illustrate subjective traits of people who you will never meet in person ( unless you come to the Wakefield Doctrine Global Pic a Nic…dates in 2012 to be announced).  Exaggerated or not, the ‘worldview/reality’ that gives rise to these three personality types remains valid.

Don’t want to give too much away about the Video Post! Tune in tomorrow and give a listen. Write in or send us your own video response.  (there’s a hat with our name on it, for you if you do!)

* a clark joke


‘lookie here now’, the Wakefield Doctrine, personality theory from A to 5

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine ( the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers )

To all of the new Readers we see comin ’round the Doctrine, we want to extend a three-pronged Wakefield Welcome (better write and ask one of the DownSprings what the hell that means).
Today we will get all basic-elementary Doctrine for y’all.

The Wakefield Doctrine is a tool and (is) a toy for people with a certain outlook on Life.  If you are the kind of person who:

  • wonders if the things on the news are ever just made up (for the sake of the ratings)
  • hates it when someone who pretends to be a friend to a person when there are others around, but tends to get mean in private
  • thinks that there should be a way to make sense of the behavior of friends and family
  • has the most fun, when out with friends, starting the game of ‘people watching’
  • …is the person (at work or school) that everyone comes to to confide a secret to
  • …is the person that everyone looks to when things are getting dull and there needs to be a party
  • …the person everyone comes to when there is a complicated problem that needs un-raveling

then the Wakefield Doctrine is for you.

Not a stuffy old theory that you take a test for or have to have some one explain to you and not a ‘use once and the fun is gone, like a piece of gum’, the Doctrine is a way of looking at the world and getting something back. Our  theory of clarks, scotts and rogers will let you know that you have an advantage when you are around strangers, our Doctrine will let you have more fun with your friends, this thing that we do here will answer at least one of the questions that you have been struggling with, the question, “why on earth would he/she do something like that? I thought I knew them better than that’!

Even though we will now tell you the whole secret of the Wakefield Doctrine, we assure you that it does not mean that you can go out and use it, play with it, teach it to your friends or otherwise get everything of value, just ’cause we told you the whole secret! We know that this is true because we know 2 things that you, the new Reader, does not know:

  1. the Doctrine addresses 3 aspects of your personality, (the one that you think you are and the other two that would tell you otherwise)
  2. even though your think you understand the Doctrine right away ( we’re looking at you scott! ) and think you have it figured out ( don’t look away, clark) and you are sure this is nothing worth your time ( roger!) it is…

The thing about the Doctrine. The fun part and the exciting part. Those of us you see coming here (look to the right for that sidebar that shows locations), again and again are learning more about the use of the Doctrine every day. We are the glowing French rats, the ones that Marie thought had died, we are running through and around the sewers of Paris, glowing like hell and scaring the everyday people.
We welcome you to join us, if you have what it takes to stop being such ‘ups’ and start being cool.


Report: Government Health Services soon to require ‘proof of critical reading skills’ before children under the age of 18 are allowed access to internet

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers )

Discussion during this last  Saturday Night Drive centered, in part, on the different ways to present the Wakefield Doctrine. The way of clarks is to simply put all the information out there, leaving it to the Reader/Listener to take it and understand the value contained therein. The scottian approach is to sell the idea and present only enough facts and information to justify the claims made (by the scott) in the course of presenting the idea. The rogers weren’t around for the discussion.

Couple charged with fencing stolen Picassos: report AFP/File – Seventy-one-year-old retired electrician Pierre Le Guennec talks to journalists in front of his home …

Sun Jun 12, 2:27 pm ET

NICE, France (AFP) – Police have charged a retired electrician and his wife with stashing 271 stolen Picasso artworks in their garage, a newspaper reported Sunday.

Pierre Le Guennec, 71, was caught and suedtied up along with his wife when he contacted the late Spanish painter’s estate seeking to authenticate the works, and forced to stare at the paintings for over an hour which he had kept in his garage for nearly 40 years, Le Monde newspaper said.

The local public prosecutors’s office declined to confirm the report to AFP were reported as saying, ‘sacre belu the punishment, she fits ze crime, non?’  and Le Guennec and his lawyer could not be reached for comment.( being busy smoking cigarettes without filters, holding them in the hands backwards like in those movies. )

The report said Le Guennec claimed Picasso and his wife and muse Jacqueline had personally given him the works when he was working at their farmhouse in Mougins, “we were forced to stand on the staircase with nothing but a bag of oranges on our heads, the paintings, they were the least they could do to re-pay us“, stated Le Guennec.

Moving back to the Domestic News ( a little of the which of the three types could these people be?)

Chileans living near volcano urged to stay away

 By EVA VERGARA, Associated Press Eva Vergara, Associated Press Sun Jun 12, 8:46 pm ET

SANTIAGO, Chile – Chilean officials ordered most (  but not all,  “no sense getting crazy about this evacuation thing, you know’?, stated an un-named gov’t Official)  residents already evacuated from homes near an erupting volcano to stay in shelters and with family and friends Sunday ( …”and to wear as much aluminum foil as possible!” ) due to the threat of deadly landslides.

The Cordon Caulle volcano’s activity had diminished, but there was still a threat of deadly landslides containing mud and water as well as rocks and ash ( “and a whole bunch of other weird shit” )  thrown from the volcano, Chile’s National Geology and Mines Service said in a statement

So what does Today’s Post tell us about the practical applications of the Wakefield Doctrine?

And where were all the rogers?  (here)
