3 Secrets to Personality Detection and Prevention | the Wakefield Doctrine 3 Secrets to Personality Detection and Prevention | the Wakefield Doctrine

3 Secrets to Personality Detection and Prevention

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers) And the only place to find the   ” 3 Secrets of Personality and Prevention!”

the eternal struggle between clarks and scotts, what else could it be?

But before we review the Relationship Secrets that are inherent in the Wakefield Doctrine, lets catch up with the Progenitors and DownSprings and FOTD (Friends Of The Doctrine).

  • Progenitor roger is working on the Secessionist Rag, boiling tree bark and blood-letting the local cats for pages and (the) ink to write with (don’t worry, he scans the dripping parchment before uploading it to his blog). Speaking of which, being a roger,  the Posts you will find at the ‘Rag are written with a warm, reassuring manner; so that you will smile and sit back and remember the times at your grandma’s knee hearing tales about the old country and your family’s long history, you might even doze off, dreams of daguerreotype in your head…waking up only to be late for your dead-end, mind-numbingly boring job. But still, you should go and read the Secessionist Rag.
  • Progenitor scott  be busy! From the high-energy, never stop, “if it moves do something to it” Progenitor we went to school with at Rhode Island College in the 1970’s,  to the present matured, thoughtful, ” if it moves do something to it” Progenitor-emeritus,  Mr. M still draws the fan-base, dude be popular.
  • DownSpring#1: working and thinking and planning and working and maintaining, DS#1 is producing content at her own blog, Girlie on the Edge. She is proving the wisdom of the adage, “even if there is no hope for the future and nothing to lose, you still need to be serious and careful, cause otherwise you might be mistaken for a person with nothing to lose, and who knows, the next you know, you find yourself doing something that you simply enjoy
  • DownSpring Ms AKH…a scott with a taste for routine and procedure and protocol? what, have I stumbled through the rabbit hole, is this some kind of bizzaro, alternate-universe place?  Actually, as I read that statement, I am moved to say to all the Readers out there, “lets all give a round of applause for the Doctrine’s own version of Laika”. Surely she is the pioneer-ette of this thing of ours! ‘KH is putting an incredible amount of effort behind the scenes trying to get the Doctrine into the mainstream, all this while the rest of us are thinking, “OK, you have pushed us out on this stage, what the hell are we supposed to do”  So we say, godspeed, Laika, godspeed!
  • DownSpring glenn.   If AKH is Laika, then our boy glenn here is the Doctrine’s own version of Druzhok… except in the opposite direction. Serving as our working prototype scott, glenn is always there when we need answers to questions. He is thoughtful, reflective, considerate and always looking for a better way to present the Wakefield Doctrine’s take on relationships and predicting human behavior. Say what you will about Tourette’s, if you have a problem, or something that is nagging at you, preventing you from living a satisfying life, DownSpring glenn is your go-to guy, I have seen him bring tears to the eyes of street-wise policemen, I have witnessed glenn touch the lives of people who are standing at the edge of despair,  I have…. sorry, just fuckin with ya.  glenn is a scott, what can ya say?
  • FOTD Mel: the Spatula is a good blog,  go read this  blog! What? You say that you cannot read? No damn problem! Mel has that covered! Go to the Spatula and click on that there podcast there and he will read it to you! Out loud!  Progress people, we are talking progress… stay tuned
  • FOTD (provisionary status) Denny: she has this blog the Social Poets that apparently is being considered for frickin Statehood, more readers than god, a site that is the internet version of that old gag where the guy opens the closet and stuff pours out, more stuff that is physically possible, and of a variety that is unlikely…you get the picture…anyway Denny emailed us the other day and said some nice things and then she said the words that runs chills through our virtual, blog-based bodies, ” was trying to figure out what your site was about” Damn…that again! At least that gives me the lead-in to finish this Post. Go read her stuff, hey we all need a 28,549,985th Reader, lol

The Wakefield Doctrine is also referred to as ‘the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers’. It is a way of looking at people. It is a way of explaining behavior and personality.

Everyone has a personality.  There are 103 different “theories of personality” that offer to tell you about your personality. They will list traits, they will give you tests to take, they will ask you questions about your likes and dislikes and at the end of it all, they will say to you, “You are this personality type. Your nature is this and your likes are that. You like these kind of people and you have trouble with these other types of people”  Fine. All of these “theories of personality” fill a need that we all have, the need to know about ourselves, the need to know about other people, the need to find out how to live happy, satisfying lives.
The Wakefield Doctrine offers all that these 103 “theories of personality” offer you.
Plus the Wakefield Doctrine offers you…hats (for your damn head).

Pretty simple, isn’t it?

So don’t just sit there thinking….clark!  So pay attention, don’t run off….scott!  so what if someone other than you has a good idea…roger!  Here is what you do before you move on to something interesting:  write a Comment telling us which of the (nearly free) hats would look best on your damn head.  Go ahead now, type!

Mr. B? Some typewriter music, if you will.


clarkscottroger About clarkscottroger
Well, what exactly do you want to know? Whether I am a clark or a scott or roger? If you have to ask, then you need to keep reading the Posts for two reasons: a)to get a clear enough understanding to be able to make the determination of which type I am and 2) to realize that by definition I am all three.* *which is true for you as well, all three...but mostly one


  1. Glenn Miller says:

    Vid # 1 is an old Jerry Lewis routine. He would put in the fake two front teeth and mug his way through. That’s why the French thought he was a genius. It is also a standard number for shows at all-inclusive resorts. One member of the entertainment team always “masters” the act. I’ve been to many such resorts–it has never failed to appear. Of course the reason for this is that the number can be peformed without any talent at all. Unless you consider typing in rhythm a talent. And thanks for the kind words from the librarian. I am thoughtful, considerate, and reflective. At times. Other times I reflect my upbringing and my nature. I am an asshole. I come from a long line of assholes. With me, it is honoring a family tradition. So, in conclusion, please allow me to say humbly…fuck you. I mean that with all the love and respect..you know that.

  2. Glenn Miller says:

    Is it spelled rhythm?..or rythm?..or rythym?…shit…I’ll just spell it differently every time–bound to be right one of the times.

  3. RCoyne RCoyne says:

    Well…we here at SecRag certainly appreciate the warm words of support. Over 2000 hits to date and a worldwide readership of 38! Top that, Ms. Huffington. AOL should be making an offer of 350-something any day now. Being a strong negotiator, I’ll have that up to 400 in no time. ( What?? Hers were in millions? Of Dollars?? They only offered me 350 discount coupons for McDonalds…french fries for life, they said…)
    BTW, when I refer to ‘ we’ here at the Rag, it’s really just me and the several jagged personality offshoots that I have come to think of as …cousins?…

  4. clarkscottroger clarkscottroger says:

    You may have seen Jerry use this music in a bit, however he did not write the music! Leroy Anderson did.
    Leroy appears to be the Paul Anka of the 40’s and 50’s. He was the composer of a whole raft-load of theme music for early TV shows, i.e. “I’ve Got a Secret”, “The Late Show” (Syncopated Clock, you’ll know it when you hear it).
    This guy is a total unsung hero, a description which screams, clark…but since we like people tend not to scream, you just go ahead and make the simplistic assumption that this is a stupid song just cause you think you saw Jerry Lewis do a bit that reminded you of it…Jerry Lewis, not much of scott there, huh?

    For those of you with an attention span measured in units greater than nano-seconds, following is a link to the Wikipedia listing of Mr. Anderson http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leroy_Anderson

  5. clarkscottroger clarkscottroger says:

    Damn! I am not above admitting to my own tendency to ‘scan’ information.

    Went back to look up Leroy’s work, hey, glenn you are totally right about that music requiring a no-talent-other-than-a-sense-of-rythmn composer…. and one who wrote one of the most recognizable Christmas songs: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OATi34PKNPw

    and this other thing, ‘the first million-seller instrumental song’: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oue8zZyrFic

    I repeat, damn!

  6. Glenn Miller says:

    I didn’t say Jerry Lewis wrote the song. He just invented the typewriter act to go with the song. He had another music thing he did in which he plays a janitor cleaning a corporate boardroom–and he sits in the boss man’s chair–without saying a word..to music, begins to point at people(who aren’t there) and tell them what to do–pretending that he is the boss man.Leroy might have written that song too for all I know.

  7. Glenn Miller says:

    I just posted both Jerry Lewis routines on my Facebook page. He plays an errand boy–not a janitor–but the same idea. Don’t know who wrote the music for it.

  8. clarkscottroger clarkscottroger says:

    the thing of it is, the name of the piece is, “The Typewriter”.
    It was, in fact, composed for orchestra and typewriter. The typewriter is kind of the … hell, I am a clark and as everyone knows, the thing of highest value in life for a clark is knowledge, so lets just get some direct information from a piece done on Leroy Anderson that I found on the PBS(website):

    The Typewriter
    As with all his other compositions, Leroy Anderson wrote The Typewriter for orchestra, completing the work on October 9, 1950. The Typewriter received its first performance when Leroy Anderson conducted his short piece (only one minute and forty-five seconds) for a Decca Records recording session on September 8, 1953. Mills Music published the orchestral version in 1953. Soon after a band arrangement by Fred Werle was also published.

    The Typewriter is used as a theme for numerous radio programs and some television shows. The 1963 film “Who’s Minding the Store?” features Jerry Lewis pantomiming playing the typewriter part in mid-air. Candid Camera, a television show from the 60’s, ran a humorous feature of novice typists in a typing class to the music of “The Typewriter”. …” (http://www.pbs.org/sleighride/Video&Music/Compositions_Typewriter.htm )

  9. clarkscottroger clarkscottroger says:

    hey! Speaking of being un-intentionally clever…the photo at the top of the Post?
    Roll your mouse over the pitcha…you’ll see some text, I was told if you put in some (alt text) the search engines, they be findin us better…but the caption, which I wrote before publishing this thing…damn! is the Doctrine a thing of beauty, or what?

  10. Downspring#1 says:

    Well, mr. clarkscottroger, it is an eternal struggle. (you know this being the Progenitor clark and all)
    So maybe what I need is a scott hat for my damn haid. Then, maybe I won’t be doing so much “working and thinking and planning and working and maintaining”. Then after awhile (when I have assimilated all that scottian attitude “osmotically”), maybe, just maybe I can say that I have frequented “many (such) resorts”. I for one could use a real good vacation. (Huh. Be the person I am when on vacation but I’m not really on vacation……?) Get the net. NOW.
    Think, think, think. It is such an affliction. Starting today, I am not going to…..THINK. Gets you in a whole lots ‘o trouble. Over rated I tell ya. Over rated. I know what I’m talkin about.

    Oh. You want a comment pertaining to the Wakefield Doctrine? Well, I would tell newer readers to start simply with the basics within this blog and then pay attention – to word interplay, comment interplay (no glenn, not “word intercourse, comment intercourse”, this is no sex Monday). Enjoy the humor, facts, fun and “story telling” that goes on here at the Wakefield Doctrine, the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers. It is self validating.

    Yours truly,
    a clark on the edge of scottland

  11. AKH says:

    how’d you do that? pretty cool trick. and the picture itself? very apropo for the caption. damn you’re perspicacious!