3 Personality Types + 3 Money-Making Ideas + the Wakefield Doctrine | the Wakefield Doctrine 3 Personality Types + 3 Money-Making Ideas + the Wakefield Doctrine | the Wakefield Doctrine

3 Personality Types + 3 Money-Making Ideas + the Wakefield Doctrine

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers )

...too easy, don't even bother

A lot of ground to cover, so as we say in the backroom, “bring on the blockquotes!”  We will try to make this brief, we have a small amount of material to spread out in a way that makes it look like a regular Post, so lets get to it.
You are probably saying to yourself at this moment, “Hey! I thought that the Wakefield Doctrine was a serious and thought-provoking blog, what with their totally cool take on the three personality types. I was looking forward to learning more about those creative, introspective, endearingly shy clarks! And what about more on scotts, which as personality types go,  all I need to do is find my Jack Russell terrier.  I enjoy reading this blog and learning  how,  the scottian personality types have the natural spontaneity, guile-less charm of a 6 month old baby. I even felt in the mood to read about those rogerian people, god knows they are all around and you can’t swing a sleeping scott without hitting two of them. So what’s up with the Get Rich and News Parodies?”

Dear Reader, sorry for the interruption in what you all have come to expect from the Doctrine.  But, to step on my own lines, we are in Sweeps Week.  And that means hits and ratings and visits and anything else that will convince the Powers that Be that the Wakefield Doctrine continues to be read by strangers and followed by fans.
So please bear with us as we will be doing one, maybe two more Posts that include keywords in the Title and ‘the content’ will be more focused on the amusing and be more relevant to the lives of today’s blog enthusiasts,  (we will soon get back to Posts that make sense to no one other than the author and his 6  or 7 loyal friends who are like totally appreciated.)

So first to the Economy! Following is a Secret to Earning Quick Bucks…sure to be meaningful to those of you speed-reading blogs before they can cut off your cable service.

Blogging for money is another money making idea that actually works. Blog is a simple platform that looks much like a website. The only difference is that blogs are always updated with fresh content while websites are not. No matter where you live, in this era of internet, you can setup a blog within hours and start making money from it. By monetizing your blog with Google AdSense and Affiliate Programs, your blog will become a money maker for you. I know a decent number of people who are making money from blogs. I too make some extra income monthly from my blog and I advice you to start too.  …unknown practitioner of the Wakefield Doctrine, probably some roger.

That was very helpful. Be sure to try it.  Now on to our second feature Current Events!

Courtesy of Yahoo ( “where if the news doesn’t sound scary, we will make up titles and add pictures!”) News.  The Wakefield Doctrine continues in it’s efforts to find the niche (stop laughing  scott, you should have your mind washed out with metaphorical soap…or is that allegorical detergent… ) that will get us the kind of popularity that  Mel gets over at the Spatula  (motto: “well, Doctrine guys if you wrote funny and entertaining articles that would pass a 6th grade English composition test, you might get a lot of visits too…just kidding, luv you guys, watch for the Spatula After Hours, cable TV show coming soon!” )

But since this is Sweeps Week on the Internet, we will try one more News Parody, Doctrine-Style!  Ripped from the monitors of today’s news sites….the Doctrine  News for the People Smart Enough to Ignore all the News!!!

‘Jihad Jane’ Terror Suspect Pleads Guilty

PHILADELPHIA — A suburban, possibly endurban woman who was the live-in caretaker for her boyfriend’s elderly father, who now as a widower had to move in with his son, despite the fact that no one thought it was a good idea, calmly told a U.S. judge, who was filling in for another judge Tuesday, even though he was supposed to work on Thursday,  last week that she had worked feverishly, but was sure to take aspirin and drink plenty of water online under the name “Jihad Jane” or as some of her friends called her, Crusader Colleen in support of Islamic terrorists, Muslim moderates and Arabian activists and moved overseas to further her plan to kill a Swedish artist, and part time student who had offended Muslims, amused Protestants, and barely got the attention of Catholics

Colleen LaRose, 47, but in person looks like a scary 37, faces the possibility of life in prison which tends towards the boring, after all what kind of life is it when your entire wardrobe is orange,  after pleading guilty to four federal charges, including conspiracy to murder a foreign target, conspiracy to support terrorists and lying to the FBI, exaggerating to the CIA, dissembling to the Defense Dept. and making up stories to the Mossad.

LaRose, who spent long hours caring for the father, also was building a shadow puppet life online from 2008 to 2009, unless you count the time the computer was offline, which it was a lot, the internet provider was so bad you really should consider it 2008 and 2009 and parts of 2010. According to prosecutors, LaRose “worked obsessively on her computer, spending months at a time in Farmville trying to communicate with, recruit and incite other jihadists, until she realized that her crops were being sabotaged by “facebook friends” using screen names including “Jihad Jane,” “SisterOfTerror,” and “ExtremeSister4Life,” “Happy2BHere,”.

Well, that wraps up another soon-to-be-classic Wakefield Doctrine Post.

Mr. B would you provide us with some music that makes no sense together on the same Post?

(One of the three Carter sisters that are standing is a clark, do you know which one?) (no, not that one…)



clarkscottroger About clarkscottroger
Well, what exactly do you want to know? Whether I am a clark or a scott or roger? If you have to ask, then you need to keep reading the Posts for two reasons: a)to get a clear enough understanding to be able to make the determination of which type I am and 2) to realize that by definition I am all three.* *which is true for you as well, all three...but mostly one


  1. AKH says:

    that’s easy. the clark is…. i’ll leave it up to one of our new readers to decide.

  2. clarkscottroger clarkscottroger says:

    …lol, now I think that is a fine sentiment, however given how Comment-aversive many of our newer Readers are, lets give them a hint.

    the clark is one of the three Carterinas that are standing and singing (and lookin right purty doin it); your clue is, “by the smile you will know the female clark

  3. AKH says:

    it would be nice if we could actually see their smiles

  4. clarkscottroger clarkscottroger says:

    you can!…just have to wait until you are about 27 seconds into the video…

  5. Mel says:

    Nice job with current events! Hmmm…Spatula After Dark. I’m sure it’s been done, but a webcam with yours truly in robe and smoking pipe. Of course, being on speaking terms with one or more women and having them on the show would help. I don’t, so there goes that. This week starts the podcast, just testing out quality microphones. As for enjoying popularity, I haven’t quite reached that pinnacle of success yet (my sister reads it. I only had to pay her college tuition). I actually look to the Doctrine as an example of what to do (“Oh! They put up new posts several times a week. Who knew you actually had to write any new content to attract readers?”). Going to all news parody posts was not so much a mercenary attempt to gain readers, but a new way of butchering the English language while getting a few cheap laughs. My financial counselor said to look for cheap things to do. Your reader Mel, amused Protestant (which of the three types would that make me?).

  6. clarkscottroger clarkscottroger says:

    …roger, would you care to take this one?

    ok, but even the term ‘podcast’ seems to have a certain Edward R Murrow cachet…”now, news from the Moon”!
    Well, we look forward to hearing it? ( hey! what happens if I pull up the page the podcast is on, but then hit that “read it to me’ button in the Windows tool bar?) …and theme songs, dude! you know that songs is one of our specialities here at the Doctrine, we can so pick a song for the Spatula…we’ll get back to you on our recommendations…

  7. RCoyne RCoyne says:

    Glad to oblige,
    Let’s see.. Snappy title, pipe, robe, slippers ( yes, there are slippers ), strained relationships with the female persuasion, liberal de- regulation of native language, relaxed religious affiliation…
    You, sir, are a Roger. Congratulations, and welcome aboard. Things can get a bit snappish in here now and then, but it’s all in the name of faux-science.
    Proof, you say?
    Well…a roger would see your references all pointing to H. Hefner…a clark sees Edward R. Murrow. There you go. And a scott wouldn’t care who gets pointed to, as long as there are girls around.
    ( Sorry, AKH, not meant to be sexist there…)

  8. AKH says:

    no worries… lol

  9. Glenn Miller says:

    I’m no sexist….but I’m pretty good.

  10. clarkscottroger clarkscottroger says:

    Will work on the theme song…. ( damn! got one of next week’s Posts written, thanks Mel! )

    Gonna go out on a limb, we should not bulk up the suggestion list with a lot of John Cage… (what’s, not to like about 4’33”?) will have three suggestions by mid-week… (well, there are three personality types)