almost cut my hair, it happened just the other day | the Wakefield Doctrine almost cut my hair, it happened just the other day | the Wakefield Doctrine

almost cut my hair, it happened just the other day

Ahh! “song lyrics inspired” Posts.  This takes me back to the early-Doctrine days. As a matter of fact, I was reading a Post only yesterday that was written on Nov 28, 2009 and while it didn’t have no pitchas and not even a single music video, what it did have was some interesting content.  I was briefly tempted to cut ‘n paste that little darlin and try and package it for (re)consumption.

Re-run style.1  My “conscience” got the better of me unfortunately I sat waiting for the McMuse to come to the drive-through window.2   But before I get too distracted, let me make a point about why these Posts continue to show up on this here site here. Simply to make enough information available about the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers available to the random visitor, the occasional web surfer stopping by to listen to a music video and maybe the photos caught their eye.

To that end, let me present a quick couple of scenaria involving clarks, scotts and rogers. On the other hand, let’s don’t. Let’s keep talking about ‘the TV’.
Below I am referencing old, you-can-buy-the-compete-series-at-FYE television shows. Let’s start small, 3 shows from 3 decades and just spot the clarks, scotts and rogers. ‘Cause no matter how old or young you are, TV is the commonality point for all of us, like it or not.

Hart to Hart  (wtf?) 

Jonathon Hart… roger    Mrs Jonathon Hart….clark    and Max scott

Spenser for Hire(alright, a little less…old)

Spenser…roger    Susan Silverman….scott    Hawk….scott     Sgt Frank Belson….clark

Friends  (LHF, but we got to start somewhere)

Rachel…roger   Ross…roger    Phoebe…clark    Monica…scott    Chandler….clark    Joey…scott

Time to wrap it up and head out into the (rainy) day.

Mis-ter B!  You gots some music for these fine, fine folks here?

1. Re-run  for our younger Readers the term referred to the part of the year when all of the previous season of television shows would be on the air (again). While this is still done, what makes those ‘repeats’ more noticeable was that back in the the day, before cable TV, the three networks would be the sole source of TV programming and there was a ‘Season” which usually started the week after school started and ended in the early spring. All new shows (except around Christmas) maybe 26 weeks worth of shows. In any event, summer time was so the season of re-runs, which was good because then you didn’t sweat staying out late and missing any shows. Nowadays seems like the seasons are 6 episodes long and mixed and matched so you can’t remember if you are watching the new season or just happened to miss most of the episodes of last season. (The genius of modern marketing, “if you haven’t seen it before, then it’s new to you!”)
Speaking of modern cable TV programming…I want to report a miracle!!
…Or a crime, not sure yet. The cable networks are either doing a ‘loaves and fishes’ with programs or it is tampering with my memory. I will admit to being a  fan of a few TV shows and watched them when they were new. But would someone please tell me how Fox can run back-to-back episodes of ‘Bones’ or ‘Buffy’ five nights a week (except for one night a week when there are double back-to-back frickin episodes) and not run out in three weeks?! That is just numerically impossible! So either they are messing with the audience’s memory or it is a miracle, in which case the least the Pope can do is come on TV and announce it. (“Pope Week” back-to-back episodes! See the best of the best episodes of “All my Apostles”)

2. of my imagination3

3.  you know, like I was just sitting and trying to think things up
yeah, like a metaphor4

4.  or allegory… damn, can never keep those two straight


clarkscottroger About clarkscottroger
Well, what exactly do you want to know? Whether I am a clark or a scott or roger? If you have to ask, then you need to keep reading the Posts for two reasons: a)to get a clear enough understanding to be able to make the determination of which type I am and 2) to realize that by definition I am all three.* *which is true for you as well, all three...but mostly one


  1. Glenn Miller says:

    “Nice” people don’t make comments. You’re not attracting enough assholes. Let me go wild on this bitch. I’ll draw assholes from every corner of the world. If you don’t put some fucking fireworks in this thing, it’s gonna sink of its’ own ponderosity. A few well-placed fucks. A rude comment. A wildly irreverent observation. Something’s gotta wake up these yokels. You’re BEGGING for commentation–and getting crickets….

  2. clarkscottroger clarkscottroger says:

    Nah. (Don’t get me wrong, I understand your motivation is a good one) but it is misdirected.
    No matter how many lights and pennants flapping and those twirly things (twirling) you have on a car lot if the buyers passing by are not interested, they are not interested.

    That is not to say that I do not want the scottian element to these Posts (specifically) and this blog (generally) but this thing is about the Wakefield Doctrine not about scottian out-fuckin-do-you-believe-what-that-guy-just-said-rageous behavior. Having said that, I also recognise that all-clark-all-the-time, hey-dude-you’re-fallin-asleep-teachers-gonna-bust-you, content for it’s own sake is the answer either.

    (Hold on a minute glenn…)
    To those of you just joining us…the issue glenn and I are discussing is, “should there be limits to the content of these Comments and Posts hey wait, running out of room….lets take this discussion to the front of the room, yo