yes, we have no bananas, we have no bananas today | the Wakefield Doctrine yes, we have no bananas, we have no bananas today | the Wakefield Doctrine

yes, we have no bananas, we have no bananas today

Hey, do I a see a Wakefield Doctrine hat?  In an exotic locale?

Yes, yes I do.
We all are happy to have photographic evidence of a Wakefield Doctrine hat worn on a (damn) head in the exotic and much rumoured, “Michigan” that came in the mail from Friend of the Doctrine Mel!  (Let’s, open the envelop and see what he has to say:)

….Another satisfied Doctrine reader wearing a quality hat from the Fashion Center! Mel Thompson, reader from Saint Joseph, Michigan, writes to say “Damn! I feel better and my overall outlook on life has improved since I received the official Wakefield Doctrine hat in my mail box!” Thank you, and keep up the fine work and sales of sensible head wear. Attached is picture of fan and reader wearing hat, smartly placed upon head (as he stands on bluff overlooking famous Saint Joe Lighthouse, the one that keeps barges from ruining picturesque shores that were first set upon by LaSalle {right before he tramped off into the woods with a head cold}).

As Readers know Mel writes the Spatula in the Wilderness, which is a total must read for the readers among us, (the others will be told and/or read to).  The hat marches on! (heads and all).  The Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers) now lays claim to having a glorious prescence in 5 States. The significance of which is staying beyond my grasp at the moment.  But, to fully appreciate Mel’s gesture I will take today off and leave the Post with photos of Mel and his State of “Michigan”.

(From wikipedia):
 On October 11, 1898, Augustus Moore Herring took one of his gliders, fitted with a motor, to Silver Beach in St. Joseph. Herring’s machine lifted ever so slightly off the ground and actually flew for seven seconds. Eleven days later, the inventor made another flight of ten seconds. While Herring had a powered heavier-than-air craft, he did not have a way to control it. It was left to the Wright brothers to perfect controlled flight five years later, and give themselves and Kitty Hawk, North Carolina, a place in history that might have ended up belonging to Herring and St. Joseph.

(Must have sucked to be Augustus…)

 …yeah must of…

the Wakefield Doctrine Lesson of the Day?  the hat makes the man…

Augustus: silly hat                   Mel: excellent hat
Augustus: not so happy        Mel: clearly pleased

Augustus: dig and dig through wikipedia (only because of Mel’s photo), finally find him, so what    
Mel: First photo on a Post of the Doctrine, author of funny, widely read blog

Readers, I leave you to draw your own conclusions…

Mr. B? Some music for our guest?


clarkscottroger About clarkscottroger
Well, what exactly do you want to know? Whether I am a clark or a scott or roger? If you have to ask, then you need to keep reading the Posts for two reasons: a)to get a clear enough understanding to be able to make the determination of which type I am and 2) to realize that by definition I am all three.* *which is true for you as well, all three...but mostly one


  1. Girlieontheedge says:

    It takes someone to stand up and be the first…..congrats Mr. Mel and thank you for showing the werld your fabulously adorned (damn) head. I know there will be others to follow your lead:)
    BTW, have enjoyed your blog from time to time. Keep it up.

  2. Glenn Miller says:

    Michigan! Land of…..well…er…oh..say..Grand Rapids! I dunno. That seems a bit like tooting your own horn. If I lived near some rapids and I wanted to brag about them, I might call them Pretty Good Rapids. Or Not Half Bad Rapids. But…Grand Rapids?? Come on! I’ll bet you they’re OK Rapids. Probably nothing wrong with them as far as rapids go…but..Grand Rapids?? Puts a lot of pressure on those rapids. Oh, and the same goes for Great Britain. (Sorry, Studley). You don’t see us calling our country Stupendous States. Or, Damn Fine America. Good Britain would make the point without going overboard. Look, for example, at The Cape of Good Hope. Those folks knew how to name a cape and how to describe hope without being assholes about it. Take New Haven.(please!) They didn’t call it New and Improved Haven. You know? Leave the hyperbole out of it. Come to think of it–a lot of places have names with no adjectives in them. Wouldn’t it be refreshing if Michiganders called the place just..Rapids. Same idea. Fewer words. —and takes the pressure off. Lower expectations. Just sayin’. Anyway, Thanks, Mel for spreading the gospel of the doctrine…(or is it the doctrine of the gospel?). West Virginia should change its name to Best Virginia. Just for a week or two as a joke. See if “Plain” Virginia gets pissed about it. Fun With Modifiers!!!

  3. clarkscottroger clarkscottroger says:

    …I might point out that they call themselves the united States….yeah, like I’m wanting to get next to FLA…perhaps not.

  4. Downspring #1 says:

    You do realize, don’t you, that Florida is not part of the “United” States. Donthcha?:)
    The Wakefield Doctrine will be known other places. It will.

  5. Glenn Miller says:

    …”all those tourists all covered with oil..” Kinda doesn’t mean the same thing anymore does it? Thanks, BP. Dickheads.