Hurry now and don’t be late, ’cause we ain’t got time to chat | the Wakefield Doctrine Hurry now and don’t be late, ’cause we ain’t got time to chat | the Wakefield Doctrine

Hurry now and don’t be late, ’cause we ain’t got time to chat

Hello, Readers!  Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)! There is a lot to cover and not a lot of time, so let’s get right to the topic of the day…

Proselytizing is the act of attempting to convert people to another opinion…The word proselytize is derived ultimately from the Greek language… prefix ‘πρός’ (toward) and the verb ‘έρχομαι’ (I come).  …the connotations of proselytizing are often negative and the word is commonly used to describe attempts to force people to convert

Hey!  Wait!  Where are you going? (lol)…no, no don’t be scared…we are not going to be proselytising you…we are going to talk about proselytizing them!  You know, everyone who is not us
(Am I the only one totally disappointed by the writing exhibited by the script that Morgan Freeman is reading from on that new science show ‘Through the Worm Hole’?  Just the line that he says in the the damn commercial…”I find the questions of these mysteries intriguing and like you I have a lot of questions“…what the hell does that mean? jeez…top rated show top shelf writers and the ‘close’ on the commercial makes no sense at all!  And the rogers, are all pre-teen girl over Morgan Freeman…hey man he is such a heavy weight actor and all how serious and legit is this geek shit now?)

What?  Yeah this does have something to do with the topic, which happens to be proselytizing…or as we say here at the Doctrine, “what? it’s just a fun and unique way to understand everyone around you…you probably wouldn’t be interested”  Now that there are Wakefield Doctrine hats (for the damn heads of Friends of the Doctrine) out in the world the very legitimate question is, “how the hell do I explain what the Wakefield Doctrine is?”  Which leads us to today’s Wakefield Doctrine Lesson of the Day!

The answer to the question of how to explain the Doctrine to a curious stranger is, it all depends are whether you are a clark or a scott or roger.
As we know, to only one of the three will it occur to ask the question, the other two don’t need no help to tell other people about the Doctrine.  But seriously, go out today and find someone to introduce to the Wakefield Doctrine to…preferably a total stranger.  The hat (for your damn head) is a great ice breaker…although eventually the hat may become the haberdashistic equivalent of an armful of Watch Tower magazines. (“Oh, oh they gots one of those Doctrine caps on, damn! Feets don’t fail me now”!)

Since there is not the slightest hint or innuendo of coherency to today’s Post, let’s look at Back to School commercials.

Damn…the Wakefield Doctrine is so mainstream….we just devoted half of the Post to replays of commercials!  Frickin commercials…if I wasn’t so busy writing this, trying to find “an out”, so I can get to work, I would be totally embarrassed.
But am I embarrassed?

No, no I am not.  By the way, one of the goals of this blog is to implant the concept of clarks, scotts and rogers into the culture at large.  The primary ‘success indicator’ is if any of us (Readers and Writers) hear anyone in the real world make reference to the Doctrine or clarks, scotts or rogers.  If you hear a person say, “man, what a roger” or “don’t be such a clark” …let us know here at the Doctrine immediately!  Please!
Add to that, the response as read here in the Doctrine, example:

So is the Wakefield Doctrine a unique, fun and productive way to understand the people in our lives?
Yes, yes it is.
If you hear that odd way of answering a question (“Yes, yes I am” or “No, no it is not” or other variations) let us know for god’s sake let us know.

Now you must excuse me, I need to put on my hat (for my damn head) there are some Jehovah Witnie at the door.  Aren’t they gonna be surprised!



clarkscottroger About clarkscottroger
Well, what exactly do you want to know? Whether I am a clark or a scott or roger? If you have to ask, then you need to keep reading the Posts for two reasons: a)to get a clear enough understanding to be able to make the determination of which type I am and 2) to realize that by definition I am all three.* *which is true for you as well, all three...but mostly one


  1. Girlieontheedge says:

    So “who” created the back to school commercials, especially the second one? clarks, scotts, or rogers?
    A combination thereof?
    “Proselytize” me….:)