how all people are either clarks, scotts or rogers | the Wakefield Doctrine how all people are either clarks, scotts or rogers | the Wakefield Doctrine

how all people are either clarks, scotts or rogers

With a basic understanding of the characteristics of each group, anyone can understand everyone else!

If you found this blog and are still reading, you will come to understand that by the definitions contained herein, everyone is either a clark, scott or roger.

While the pages of this blog will go into extensive detail on the subject, lets  ‘cut to the chase’.

If you feel this all too familiar, just a another form of what you already know, then go to the clark page;

If you are (already) getting impatient, then get to the scott page.

If you are thinking that this would be better  if it had photos of famous people, or some other endorsement or reference, then go to the roger page.




clarkscottroger About clarkscottroger
Well, what exactly do you want to know? Whether I am a clark or a scott or roger? If you have to ask, then you need to keep reading the Posts for two reasons: a)to get a clear enough understanding to be able to make the determination of which type I am and 2) to realize that by definition I am all three.* *which is true for you as well, all three...but mostly one


  1. Miz Becca says:

    Your Miz Becca is absolutely a Scott. By sir name and by personality. Born to this world Rebecca Ann Scott, the name helped dictate the woman. While I can say that I have not always had strong Scott personality characteristics, I am one now. Which is rather funny considering I no longer go by Scott and now assume the role of Mrs. Gill. We evolve, we all evolve…

  2. clarkscottroger clarkscottroger says:

    yow how old is this Post…damn (shades of Jimi Hendrix plays Curtis Knight Sings!)

    Good to see words from a new(er) Reader…I would ask any and all Progenitors and DownSprings, we have the aid of a photo of the face…and as we all know…you spot the scotts by the eyes…{to be more precise, it is not the eyes so much as the ‘gaze’, the focus of the eyes…} hey! that gazelle, third from the left, definately developing a limp…yum yum)

    Welcome to the Doctrine

  3. Downspring#1 says:

    Very refreshing Miz Becca to hear a scott speak of “evolution”. Welcome!
    (interesting choice of words “now assume the role of…”.)
    I like it::)

    • clarkscottroger clarkscottroger says:

      “interesting choice of words’ I certainly agree. The Doctrine never cease to amaze me, as even the mistakes of those new to it are not only informative, but invariably confirm the essential ‘correctness’ of the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers.
      (in other words) spoken like true scott! Of course, how much volition and deliberateness is actually involved is an interesting question.

      scotts in general and scottian females in particular share with the rest of us, the hope (misguided as it might be) that the ‘types’ described by the Doctrine (clarks, scotts and rogers) are styles, are habits of acting, which they are to a certain extent.
      However, once the form gets established everything (a person does, thinks, feels and most of all perceives) is informed by this ‘way of looking at the world’. glenn is a good example, early in his lifespan, he diverted off a certain career track (going to college and all) instead went to a more traditional path, focus on a ‘normal, family orientated, lower mid class life’…at a way later point in time, he went back to school and ended up doing training work (performing in front of people in a certain sense). My point is that he saw the world as a scott no matter what level he was at…it never stopped being in the world of predator and prey that is the scottian reality. The only thing that distinguishes him from the rest of the pack that he associated with, blue and white collared though they may be, is that glenn has the ability of imagining himself in contrast to being limited to what is.
      This is the quality that all Readers must have, the capacity to know that everything they think is real is only one possibility.

  4. Downspring#1 says:

    “has the ability of imagining himself in contrast to being limited to what is.”
    I sort of see a paradox but not, in the sentence (that was made). scotts are of the here and now and as such are not weighed down by mulitple choice viewpoints of a clark for example. No shades of gray. Black or white. Yes or no. Etc…..whatever can be achieved now, today is all that matters. Bravo.
    Yet I also say “Bravo” to “the capacity to know that everything (they think) is real is only one possibility.”
    This causes a conundrum. On the one hand, certainty in what is right in front of you is reassuring. This is what it is and all that it is. Nothing more.
    But there are those of us who believe in the multiplicity, if you will, of life. (yes, the not so certain clarks)
    Think I will take my “answer” off air but before I do may I just say that although rogers often have testy, if not energy inter-dependent relationships with scotts they do share in a bit of the “my way or the highway” attitude –
    If this be the path to take well do not under any circumstance stray from the path!
    And perhaps there may be some wisdom in that…….haven’t decided yet.