-the Wakefield Doctrine- …..TTo………..T (wavy screen here) “…uh oh! what’s he up to now?!” | the Wakefield Doctrine -the Wakefield Doctrine- …..TTo………..T (wavy screen here) “…uh oh! what’s he up to now?!” | the Wakefield Doctrine

-the Wakefield Doctrine- …..TTo………..T (wavy screen here) “…uh oh! what’s he up to now?!”

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)


Ten Things of Thankful
<a href=” https://summat2thinkon.wordpress.com/ten-things-of-thankful/ ” target=”_blank”><img src=” https://summat2thinkon.files.wordpress.com/2015/06/10thankful-banner.jpg?w=700?w=700″ alt=”Ten Things of Thankful” style=”border:none;” /></a>

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Hey! down here!!!


“follow me, if you want to ….read”


(“no! there is nothing at all about Christopher Lloyd and the author of this Post… you must be thinking of Daniel Craig”)


Item 1:   July 6 2013

Item 2:  New Facebook group: ‘My World at the Moment‘  started by Val... very cool

Item 3:  Six Sentence Story, by zoe

Item 4: the Gravity Challenge and the Graviteers  over at 2Mile Run

Item 5: RIRW

Item 6: Cynthia and her Book ‘Marina’s Broken Grave’ (if you haven’t gone to amazon (the online-buying-thing-place, not the huge jungle place) and bought this book, then you are missing out! go there and do this thing….we’ll wait.


Item 7: Phyllis and Una…. of course

Item 8: ‘Almira’  Chapter 31 due out by Sunday (Monday morning at the latest)…. St Louis! that’s the scene as Almira and Sterling take one last stop before going on to Kansas City and, from there, to a little old town by the name of Circe.  a sample?  ok…. just a short excerpt:

“I think we lost ’em. What do you say we slow down a little.”

I leaned forward, elbow on the dashboard and looked directly into Almira’s eyes. As focused as she was on the street ahead, I didn’t want to risk distracting her, as we barreled down Clark Ave in the dead of night.

“No, dear. I’m afraid we haven’t. Out the back, and over to the right. There’s a cross street coming up, watch and you’ll see their headlights.”

We must have been doing fifty miles an hour, fortunately the streets, even out towards the city limits were ruler straight. The blocks were pretty large and divided by compass-square cross-street intersections. I looked up ahead at the traffic signal swaying on cables over the four way intersection.

“Traffic light up ahead, babe.”

The car actually accelerated as Almira wanted to be sure I could see the other car running a parallel course to ours. Both cars racing for the center of St. Louis, which, in a peculiarly Midwestern literalness was actually the riverfront, where the city ended.

“Watch now…there, see it? Maybe three blocks back. They’re gaining on us. Our new friends are very much still on our tail. Not counting the winos and the occasional working girl, we’re the only two cars out on the streets of St Louis at 1:33 in the morning, so they’re not having all that much trouble keeping us in sight.”

Once I managed to look at the right spot at the right time, not as simple as it sounds, given the fact that I was a passenger in a car driven by my 8 months pregnant wife, the headlights on the car behind us were not hard to see. Flaring and fading as they raced past cross-streets and the occasional vacant lot in the city block that separated the two streets.

“Yeah, I see them now.”

Looking over at Almira, I was struck by an odd overlapping impression.

She was able to sit behind the wheel only because she was only 5′ 2″, on an optimistic day. That’s probably why, although being very pregnant, she could sit forward enough on the seat to reach the pedals, while not having her mid-section interfere with steering the car. Her posture was very upright, and, if one were able to ignore the buildings passing backwards at blurring speeds, my wife was the picture of a proper young woman, out for a bicycle ride through a park or country lane.

The other part of this overlapping impression happened when the sweep of an approaching streetlight lit the interior of the car. An odd effect, as the light coming in through the windshield illuminated her from the bottom upwards, her eyes being last. There was a feral intensity that, were I not intimately familiar with all aspects of the woman, would an atavistic fear, felt by every cave dweller when the night air was torn by the roar of a saber-toothed tiger.

Item 9: …. to be completed sunday.

Item 10: SR 1.3


clarkscottroger About clarkscottroger
Well, what exactly do you want to know? Whether I am a clark or a scott or roger? If you have to ask, then you need to keep reading the Posts for two reasons: a)to get a clear enough understanding to be able to make the determination of which type I am and 2) to realize that by definition I am all three.* *which is true for you as well, all three...but mostly one


  1. Kristi says:

    Glad that you put in the “Hey! Down here!” directions, because for some reason my mind couldn’t wrap itself around the link being above the post! Maybe it’s because my mind is numb from just finishing filling out my ballot. :-)

    • clarkscottroger clarkscottroger says:

      No, it wasn’t you… I was going to start with a complete, ‘time travel’ post but then I had to stop and return to it later in the day, which is never a good thing when it comes to consistency of theme.

  2. zoe says:

    I thought you were going to forego the chase scene? #1 was before my time and a blast from the past….so is the genre hardcore with the RIRW or can you write other stuff there too?

    • clarkscottroger clarkscottroger says:

      pretty much all womens what write romance novels. of course, as I’m learning, that term covers a multitude of styles of ripped bodiceseses… there’s Regency romance, contemporary romance, supernatural and or scary romance (“Fabio, what big teeth you have…”)
      That being said, no one has challenged my assertion, the question ‘what do you write’ is a polite and expected question, that I write ‘historical fantasy’ (based on Almira). I don’t believe there is such a genre/sub-genre…. but then, I am a clark

  3. Cyndi says:

    LOL…Clark Avenue. That has a much better ring to it than Cyndi Place. HAHA. Anyways, I’m grateful for the shout-out!
    And Almira! Wow! She’s getting around (in more ways than one), isn’t she?

    • clarkscottroger clarkscottroger says:

      welll! actually there is such a street in St Louis! (one of the fun and totally time consumptive aspects* of my approach to a story is to use ‘the google’ streetview and basically ride along with my characters

      …and, as to Almira’s condition…. wait’ll the book is complete, I guarantee you will, at a certain point in reading it look up and say, ‘No. Way.’ lol

  4. valj2750 says:

    I am always thankful for the continuing Almira story. And hey, glad you like the Facebook group. Please ask others to join.

  5. May says:

    Oh, you can turn a phrase, my friend. The story is really coming along nicely.

    • clarkscottroger clarkscottroger says:

      thank you! if you get to jukepop.com…. the whole thing (so far) is in an easily accessible format

  6. dyannedillon says:

    My first thought was “what the hell is he up to? Not that I have real answer to that after reading, but hey.

  7. herheadache says:

    (if you haven’t gone to amazon (the online-buying-thing-place, not the huge jungle place)
    I love that. You always make me grin at something throughout your thankful posts. I needed that and all you say today.
    I love the genre, no matter how unheard-of, that you write in. I also love it how you are traveling along, across the US with your characters, a journey you are all taking, real and/or fictional. You are learning a lot about yourself and the country you live in as you go along, I’d suspect.
    I, too, was one of those confused by the order of things in this week’s instalment, but that’s why I like to read your blog.

    • clarkscottroger clarkscottroger says:

      lol thanks… I am truly grateful for the technology (if not necessarily the rest of the culture) of the 21st C

      I need to save up and do a road trip to follow my characters before the end of the story. Almira, being half Eastern Seaboard and half mid west is kinda doable. Perhaps once the story is complete, in the spring of next year, I need to follow my characters. Never have been in a train, so it could be interesting, although… I just remembered that Sterling was in the War in France… damn, that just lengthen the trip!
      (to be cont’d)

  8. Pat B says:

    Me too. I was looking for your TToT. Where are they? Finally slowed down and skimmed upwards from the comments. Oh, there they are. You left is in the middle wanting to know more. You have a way of snagging your readers. Love your style of writing.


  1. […] survived and persisted lo these many years. If you want to get an idea about how long, just go to Clark’s post. To the 4 individuals who wrote the screenplay for one of my favorite movies of all time, Thank […]