Tuesday -the Wakefield Doctrine- ‘well, now that you mention it, yes, everything is potentially a metaphor for…well, for everything!’ | the Wakefield Doctrine Tuesday -the Wakefield Doctrine- ‘well, now that you mention it, yes, everything is potentially a metaphor for…well, for everything!’ | the Wakefield Doctrine

Tuesday -the Wakefield Doctrine- ‘well, now that you mention it, yes, everything is potentially a metaphor for…well, for everything!’

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)



from DownSpring Lizzi:

“Balance. Something I seem to have always lacked…”

clarks are ‘the Outsiders’. So, from this alone, we are able to understand the ‘problem’ that clarks experience in the matter of having, maintaining and re-covering (their) balance. We assume that Lizzi is referring to the state of interests and efforts, relationships and life ambitions being in relative (and reasonable) proportions. (‘She does so many things! How on earth does she keep them in balance?’)

It’s not that clarks do not have the capacity to establish and maintain balance (in their lives), it’s that clarks will always seek to not maintain (their) balance. There is an old saying, ‘clarks can believe anything because clarks don’t believe in anything’  (a note: the first ‘believe‘ refers to the capacity to accept the novel, the unique, the shocking, the un-expected. the second ‘believe‘ is more akin to ‘unquestioning faith’, that quality (seen clearly and un-ambiguously in rogers and implied in scotts) that maintains that there are some things that simply are and do not permit questioning.)

So, a clark, finding a state of satisfaction (in work or school, employment or love) is inclined to ask, ‘yeah, but suppose…..’ This drive to find un-steady ground is part and parcel with living in the world of the Outsider. We’re searching for the way to become real and yet will never stop moving and questioning, because (as we understand from the Wakefield Doctrine), as long as we think we have to look, ‘out there’ in the world, we will never find the Answer.

(thanks, L)


Topic #2: Chapter 6  of Blogdominion is available!   (a Serial Novel hosted at Jukepop.com the site allows you to vote and comment and even review! thanks in advance)

So the Story:, there’s this computer component (Unit 17) that’s part of a facility in Provo, UT that provides hosting services to bloggers (and others),  For some reason, Unit 17 becomes self-aware! Not only that, but Unit 17 finds a ‘self-publishing’ blog (up to no good!) in the system. There’s also a nun, (Sister Margaret Ryan) who, even though she’s just halfway through her novitiate, is asked by her Mother Superior, to travel to Chicago to try to help a Parish priest with a problem they’re experiencing with the school website. Arriving in Chicago only to find that the Priest has died (in fairly mysterious circumstances) Sr, Margaret meets a Chicago Police Detective by the name of Maribeth Hartley and… well, let me just say, sparks do tend to fly whenever Det. Hartley’s involved!
Oh yeah! …there’s also two computer Engineers who are gradually figuring (but missing a big piece of the puzzle) that there’s a problem with the hosting facility in Provo, a wannabe blogger who’ll do (almost) anything to be famous and successful and a precocious 10-year-old girl, who just might be the key to saving her family!  ….and two Japanese school girls.

The good news is, the story is just getting started,  so you have time to get to know everyone, before things get real crazy!  Come on down and read and send in whatever feedback you are inclined to want to send.

Topic #3: vidchat!  this Friday! if you don’t know what that means, comment us your question! We always have fun and even though we start with a plan/topic, (this week the topic is: ‘POV and flashbacks!’), people drop in and the conversation invariably veers off into parts unknown… like I said, fun!






clarkscottroger About clarkscottroger
Well, what exactly do you want to know? Whether I am a clark or a scott or roger? If you have to ask, then you need to keep reading the Posts for two reasons: a)to get a clear enough understanding to be able to make the determination of which type I am and 2) to realize that by definition I am all three.* *which is true for you as well, all three...but mostly one


  1. ivywalker says:

    So Clark…i have an evolutionary doctrine question that ive brought up before but you have said you dont know the answer to….any time or interest for informal research? It came to mind when reading #1 today…. Its re evolving through life circumstances and maturity into another of the three as your dominant trait.

    • clarkscottroger clarkscottroger says:

      Good question (again) lol

      The answer would mostly be, ‘sure, that could happen’ but the risk attendant to accepting that answer is an inappropriate* use of the underlying principles of this here Doctrine here.
      let me try a quick answer (with an option on making it a Post)
      the personality types (of the Doctrine) are meant to serve as labels to indicate: a) the character of the world being experienced by the individual and 2)the collective adjustments, accommodations and coping strategies that the individual learns and acquires to that worldview, practiced through life as the best approach to that world-as-they-experience-it
      the Doctrine maintains that we all have the capacity to develop strategies (in response to any of these three worldviews) it is the one that we initially experience that is most important (to using the Wakefield Doctrine as a useful tool)
      it’s not so much a question of evolving into another personality type (because, as we see, personality types for the Wakefield Doctrine are simply markers for the ‘style’ of coping strategies… i.e. aggressive for predators, social for Herd Members and crazy for Outsiders), everyone can and should acquire as wide a range of strategies (and the attendant changes and modifications to one’s self-image)….the real question is:
      how real is the reality of (any of) these three worldviews Outsider(clarks), Predators(scotts), or Herd Members(rogers)? and if real enough, how difficult is it to change the reality that one finds oneself living life in

      ya know?

      *using a near-wrong word… what is meant is that, the risk is to un-enable oneself from the benefits of the (perspectives) of the Wakefield Doctrine.