TToT XL the Wakefield Doctrine ‘it’s not just Spring, it’s no longer Winter’ | the Wakefield Doctrine TToT XL the Wakefield Doctrine ‘it’s not just Spring, it’s no longer Winter’ | the Wakefield Doctrine

TToT XL the Wakefield Doctrine ‘it’s not just Spring, it’s no longer Winter’

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)



Today is Saturday, so this must be the TToT Post (god, I hope I got the Roman numeral thing right!) (no, I have no idea why I feel it is necessary to not check my work before I publish, must be some repressed exhibitionism surfacing, yeah Dyanne, again!)  In any event, I’d like to welcome new participants (and Readers) to the bloghop. It is a special bloghop, which I recognize is a rather bold claim, given the fact that there are slightly fewer blogs than there are Emperor penguins in the Antarctic. But, here we are, the 40th Installment of a bloghop with the simple Rule: ‘tell us about Ten Things that you are Grateful For’.
The rest is left to those who feel that writing a Post on this topic would be, interesting, enlightening, fulfilling, gratifying (well, duh), educational, inspirational and fun!   (as will be amply clear once you get caught in the funhouse of a grat list below… ‘the first Rule of TToT is…’)



.                   probably one of the biggest events to occur this week past, is a new insight in the rogerian worldview. Fairly technical, it promises to allow the rest of us to better understand that strange and majority-of-the-population people

___            return of the Wakefield Doctrine Video Interviews with Interesting people series, simpler to let you go and see for yourself over here

images-112         jean, who has been very  ‘ -ing’ with Doctrine Posts. Clearly everyone who writes a Comment is special, however, Jean adds that element of simple energy that is unmistakably scottian… illustrating a worldview every time she comments

screen-shot-2011-10-30-at-8-58-05-pm        the subtle shifts and changes in way that this bloghop appears each weekend, so much of what Lizzi has created (and continues to nurture) here at the TToT, is not overly noticeable at first, dealing, as it does, with allowing for the changes in the participants perceptions of what a good bloghop should be and encouraging that and, simultaneously preventing some of the forces of ridgidification from taking hold and causing the air to be drawn out of this space

pentagon.jpg      can’t do a list without mentioning the Weather, which oddly enough, (and thanks to the news shouters and fear mongers in our culture), I am noticing the tendency to think the word ‘climate’ when all I really was thinking was, ‘I wonder how the weather is out today’  damn, they some weird shit going on these days

250px-Regular_hexagon.svg_      I am truly grateful for the attitude of allowing a simple concept such as the one that this very blog hop is predicated on, ‘to reflect on the things in life that one has cause to feel grateful for and, thereby, increasing the feeling of gratitude that one feels, assuring a continuation of this very life-affirming viewpoint’ (…am I in the clear yet?…. cool)

clipart_7_sided     gotta go with ‘the Seven GuardVirgins’  this wonderfully open-ended image/concept is the second thing that I saw happen here at the TToT that totally convinced me that something special was going on…  provided by the delightful Cyndi  who is both a Friend of the Doctrine (Adept) but also a great illustration of the genuinely (and) aggressively creative characteristic of the clark worldview.  The Official Function of the Seven GuardVirgins is to manage access to the Book of Secret Rules (aka the Secret Book of Rules), they, (the SGVs), provide a tabula rasa of astounding potential… they are young and there is one who is old but ya wouldn’t know it to look at her, and there are two who share a secret that were you to discover that secret and they became aware of that fact, your only 2 choices would be to: a) become of the Seven, 2) give up blogging altogether or c) create another countervailing concept

nonagon    as should come as no surprise to anyone reading this, today’s weird-ass numbering convention is inspired by Mistress Lizzi, I forget what she said, something about Victoria’s Secret and donuts and the English rain, but I thought everyone should know, lest they leave this Post thinking “that Doctrine fellow, he’s a little odd, don’t you think?”

victorias-secret-has-a-model-casting-tactic-thats-worth-billions    (this isn’t being too, too obvious is it?)  (and would someone please tell me, why it should cross my mind, “boy I hope Christine is in a good mood this morning!”

hendecagon.jpg   Secret Rule 1.3  I believe this Rule is the first ‘discovered’ or ‘un-covered’ by participants of this bloghop, once the BoSR became more available, which is to say, the GVirgins began to relax and let down their collective and individual guards.

I believe that will be all…for today



Ten Things of Thankful


 Your hosts

Hey, you know how you hear a song and, even though you know everyone has heard it a thousand times, you’re still all hey!!  listen to this!!

….hey! l


clarkscottroger About clarkscottroger
Well, what exactly do you want to know? Whether I am a clark or a scott or roger? If you have to ask, then you need to keep reading the Posts for two reasons: a)to get a clear enough understanding to be able to make the determination of which type I am and 2) to realize that by definition I am all three.* *which is true for you as well, all three...but mostly one


  1. Frist!

  2. this is one of you best posts, as you mention me !!! right up at the top! How awesome is that?
    Actually, I love all your entries. just kidding but thank you!
    what is that symbol next to me? need to go find out!
    Thanks, clark! You’re the man!

    xox jny

  3. zoe says:

    You forgot to mention the male guard virgins or was that the secret?! SHIT! Well it will have to be consequences 2 or c as some things just are not retroactive.

  4. lrconsiderer says:

    Whoa, wait, there have ALWAYS been male GuardVirgins. RIGHT FROM THE BEGINNING!

    Definitely. I know, cos I saw…well, I’m not gonna SAY what I saw, but I most definitely DID. And yeah. Male.

    Very male.

    Very ‘astremely male.

    Oh and…. *not saying*

    Also, did I? I don’t recall this conversation of such symbolic proportions.

    And I kind of want to stay here til Christine shows up and we can see if she’s in a good mood, or if she kicks your ass :D

    • zoe says:

      Clark you’ll call us when Christine shows up to kick your ass, right? Cuz y’know Lizzi wants to see it but so do I… I mean just cuz… not that … well, just cuz…. ahem.

  5. I am baffled by the numbering system. Shouldn’t #1 be a straight line, #2 an angle, #3 a triangle, ad infinitum? Or is it not a system after all but just random multi-sided shapes meant to fool us into thinking it was a system?

    Somebody needs to feed Christine’s girls a sandwich or two.

  6. clarkscottroger clarkscottroger says:

    ok… clark? he said that he discovered that he had to visit his aunt, and that she was sick but he would still have to visit? and until then, maybe you guys could just sit there and field the questions? and, you know, let clark know a little later

  7. christine says:

    “I thought everyone should know, lest they leave this Post thinking “that Doctrine fellow, he’s a little odd, don’t you think?” Good luck with that. ;)

    While, yes, I could kick your ass without much trouble, seeing as how pig wranglers are quite strong and very scrappy, I’m not going to today. I’ve been wearing a prom dress that practically punctured a lung and my blood is a bit low on oxygen at the moment. But really, what the hell is that picture doing next to my name? You most certainly weren’t being too, too obvious.

  8. Kristi says:

    I think you know why it crossed your mind to wonder if Christine is in a good mood! She and I are generally on the same page when it comes to such things, by the way, but as I got on your case last week regarding seat belts, I’ll let her pipe up this week on scantily-clad skinny girls.

    I must have missed your rogerian insight this week. I’ll have to go back and find it.

    • Christine says:

      Ha! I got on his case about seat belts after a previous video! We do think a lot alike. :)

      Clark, you still haven’t addressed the bare naked ladies issue. Why the unnecessary skin next to my name?

  9. A great week , and you make a good guard virgin, Clark.

  10. clarkscottroger clarkscottroger says:

    Well to address the question on the minds of all, 2 explanations:
    a) they are not naked… they are Victorians
    2) the associative chain that lead to this contretemps is quite mundane and, in no small part, due to our Lustrous Leader, Lizzi!
    c) the singling out of scottian co-host is clearly not a consciously deliberate act, however, I would defy anyone to tell me that there is not a reasonable and/or logical connection (among): Lizzi, at some point in the vidchat, mentioning 10 sided shapes or figures, which required me to malaprop donutdecadodem…. (as a multi-sided shape) and this is what came to mind as I was nearing completion of this week’s are-you-weirder-than-the-consider-in-comning-up-with-weird-numbering-systems, which naturally lead to the Victorian Era, thence to Victorian angels and finally to Secrets of Victorians. Stuck as I was with this image, my mind then went to the constant question, ‘how weird have I gotten and will anyone notice?’
    And, as all followers of the Wakefield Doctrine learn, there is no one more alert than a scottian female, and… suddenly I had a visual: a barnyard in the Heartland, the figure of a woman comforting chickens, suddenly she stands not upright, a look of concern, and she yells, ‘get the kids to the shelter! there’s something not right’ while scanning the distant sky.

    proof? did anyone else focus on the oddness of the numbering of yesterday’s Post? what? you in back? yes, some did and her predominant worldview was…. scottian.

    The defense rests, yo

    (excellent music choice though, non?)

  11. I am all at once intrigued and confused. I love the Wakefield Doctrine concept. It’s very interesting and I can see myself going through the coming week analyzing everyone I come across and placing them in a Clark, Scott or Roger role.

    • clarkscottroger clarkscottroger says:


      one word of advice: be careful! (lol, no not about looking to identify the people around you as clarks or scotts or rogers, that part is fun and helpful and all the good things), the thing we warn people about is simply that, once you learn the Doctrine well enough to spot the three types, you kinda can’t turn it off. Seriously… I hear it all the time, more often than not, when you first make your first correct ID, you see them acting ways that make you think that a) they have read the Doctrine or 2) we sent them a script to study before you got to them…

      but it is fun, as many here will attest to… and as we say, ‘when you correctly infer the worldview of another person, you will know more about them than they know about themselves’

  12. Joy Christi says:

    I’m a big fan of VENTING about the weather, but then again I live in the WINDY city, which isn’t so named for the weather at all, rather the BLOWING of our huge mouths. If ya can’t beat em, talk smack about em.
    Wait, we’re NOT supposed to leave here thinking “That Clark is a strange one” ?? This changes everything, THIS is why I come here. I don’t know what to think anymore. About anything. What’s real, what isn’t? Am I in the Matrix??

  13. The math teacher in me loved how you numbered this with shapes and the numbers of sides/angles that appear int he corresponding shapes. Yup, total math nerd here, but love it! Happy Weekend and had our first morning of Spring soccer today (if you could call it spring, being 40 degrees and overcast). Still thawing my fingers and toes out now from it, lol! Happy Sunday and enjoy the rest of the weekend now :)

  14. Sandy Ramsey says:

    Oh! How much fun should someone have reading the post then totally cracking up at the comment stream. It sounds to me, my friend, like you got a pass this week on an ass whoopin’ and I am happy to hear it. You were brave….for the most part.