“the dame is afoot!” the Wakefield Doctrine ‘yes, I have a rationale for that phrase, this is the Ten Things of Thankful # 21!!’ | the Wakefield Doctrine “the dame is afoot!” the Wakefield Doctrine ‘yes, I have a rationale for that phrase, this is the Ten Things of Thankful # 21!!’ | the Wakefield Doctrine

“the dame is afoot!” the Wakefield Doctrine ‘yes, I have a rationale for that phrase, this is the Ten Things of Thankful # 21!!’

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)


(to paraphrase Arthur Conan Doyle): “If you first eliminate the simple and direct, what you have left can only be the clarklike!”

so to take my borrowed advice:

1) Thank you to Louise ( at Hexagonal Patchwork ) for doing such a stand-up job as one of the Ten Things of Thankful’s 9 hosts (motto: “no! he’s not as strange as he sounds when he writes…wait a minute, I guess he is!”). She would make my efforts (to participate in this bloghop) much more…tenable by her own Post Lists being so direct and accessible and … well, it was always a helpful springboard to getting my own List written. (and, in a sense, I guess I am doing it again! we YChromes can be such users!)

2) Speaking of ‘such‘! Melissa!! hey… home on dee!  (I would go on with the completeness-challenged phrases of greeting and camaraderie, but I’m kinda in a hurry… (again! we Y’s are always in a hurry… at least we go to lengths to foster that impression!) I am certain that Melissa will be the Best 10th we’ve had here at the TToT.

3) Kristi!   (no, not thankful for her, per se…. just trying to keep the gratitude items down to earth. I totally meant it in the opening reference to Arthur Conan Doyle, when I run our of simple and direct, watch out. For the record, I can state this: I don’t have the slightest clue what the rest of the list will look like, but I do know two things: a) I will be referencing Jak and Dyanne, 2) for whatever reason, I choose to believe that if I type enough words, something resembling a reasonable Grat List will emerge from the chaos and c) I do enjoy and admire Kristi’s work… girl gots ‘kəˈhuːnəz’  (metaphorically speaking, of course)

4) jeez! am I only down to Number 4?  Thank god it’s not Number 2

5) Hey! what an frickin ingrate am I? remember last week? the ‘I-won-a-prize’ item? (sure you do, it’s right here)  well, while I was typing the above line item, what should arrive in the mail, but my Prize!

6) I am grateful to Janine for the Prize-that-I-did-not-realize-I-won!  (iTunes card for Fitty dolla!)

7) grateful to Jak for the suggestion on how to celebrate the Silvery 25th Postaversary of the Ten Things of Thankful

8) while I am grateful for the mis-directed enthusiasm for the potential of nude bodies, cakes, celebrations and farm animals (yes, Christine we will be turning to you and the heartland for key assistance in realizing Jak’s dream)…vis-à-vis cakes and celebrations and such

9) ….and since we are on the subject of the 25th Post Celebrations, should they get out of hand, (the life of a blogger can be lonely, the drives become so pent-up and frustrated…the slightest spark and) we have FireGurl Dyanne to turn to for aid, assistance and First Response!

10) (your name here) is totally grateful that this is Item #10 and hopes that tomorrow’s list will bring the realization of normalcy.

Lets see if we can get away with the above Ten List…



Ten Things of Thankful


 Your hosts


clarkscottroger About clarkscottroger
Well, what exactly do you want to know? Whether I am a clark or a scott or roger? If you have to ask, then you need to keep reading the Posts for two reasons: a)to get a clear enough understanding to be able to make the determination of which type I am and 2) to realize that by definition I am all three.* *which is true for you as well, all three...but mostly one


  1. christine says:

    I’m first?!?

  2. Yes Christine! Don’t you hear us cheering?!! Go girl, go!!! :D

    • christine says:

      Thanks, Cheerleader! It would have been faster if I didn’t have to retype my email and all EVERY SINGLE BLASTED TIME I COMMENT!!!

      • clarkscottroger clarkscottroger says:

        who is this really?!! if you don’t stop imitating the sensitive and kindly farm-lady who, despite being besieged by hordes of corn-spiders always sends HappyThoughts to me, I’m gonna tell! :-P

        • clarkscottroger clarkscottroger says:

          hey! what the hell happened to my cute emoticon!! I followed directions (just like I always do!) and all I get is a stupid Capital P thingie…. that’s it! I am tellin*

  3. christine says:

    I would never disparage someone’s thankful list, even if out of 10 things, only one or two is really a thankful point. Nope, wouldn’t do it.
    It was nice of you to wish Louise a fond farewell. I forgot to do that.

  4. Corn spiders!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?????????????

  5. zoe says:

    You know Clark, there’s only so much blame a Y chromosome can take on… I too forgot to thank Louise … very sweet touch… maybe its the Y… who knew?

  6. zoe says:

    I just looked at the top photo … is your desk really that orderly? That can’t be the Y… can it?

  7. I’m all for nude bodies.. My coworker, who is also a photographer tried to convince me helping him with his portfolio; 10 years ago, I’d been all for it, now, not so much any more. Am I getting old, prude, boring, unadventurous? I don’t know, maybe.. Maybe 4 years in the U.S. didn’t help there either…

    You managed the ten, but does no. 4 really count??

    • clarkscottroger clarkscottroger says:


      why, I was genuinely grateful for being on #4, as opposed to another numbered item, so of course it counts.

      …and I am really grateful that you brought this to our attention (ha! backup item for next TToT!)

  8. You’ve managed 10, in the cool way that is you, Clark, so nude bodies or no, cake and a celebration are in order!

  9. It was a lovely touch to wish Louise such a fond farewell, Clark. You Y’s are good for some things ;)

    And I have to say, I did rather giggle my way through the stream-of-consciousness-hoping-to-turn-into-gratitude list, and love how you managed to construct it precisely so that your card from Janine would arrive smack-dab in the middle of writing the list (no, wait, you *did* do that, right?)


    I feel as though I need to come up there to the top comments and use my cross voice or bang some heads together. Or just throw a bucket of cold water over y’all and have done with it! Just sort the comment system out, for goodness sake, because it really does seem to be targetting Christine, so just double check. And Christine for the love of all that is good, make sure you’ve not done something dumb like come here with some kind of cookie blocker, so that your details will never save. AND BOTH BE NICE TO EACH OTHER OR SO HELP ME….I’ll take Jak up on his suggestion and limit it to the both of you to celebrate on ALL our behalveses!


    • zoe says:

      wow… who knew she could do that?…. but I like the idea of the three Cs of the TToT… Clark, Christine and Cake.

    • clarkscottroger clarkscottroger says:


      behalveses! excellent wordation!

      The Card did show up in the middle of the painfully-belabored-struggling-to-rise-to-a-level-of-coherence-sufficient-to-not-stand-out-in-the-literary-junkyard-that-is-this-blog…. lol can I stop now?
      This is turning out to be somewhat fun and all.

      ….she started it!!

  10. christine says:

    I’m going to try something…

  11. christine says:

    Yeah, no. Still didn’t remember me. I tried checking off those boxes down there about email notifications.

    this is the only blog that doesn’t remember me. Other people have this exact same comment form, and they all remember me.

    The only explanation I can come up with is Clark’s site knows I’m a scott and is messing with me.

    And Lizzi, he started it. ;)

    • Don’t make me come over there! And you say that he started it, but he tried to fix this AGES ago, and yours is the only computer having issues. I suspect it may be scottian, but not sure the origin is Clark. Check your browser’s cookie settings and make sure that they’re enabled for this site. Also check that it allows your passwords and info to be remembered. Also have a look at how often your cache is being cleared – if it’s cleared every time you log off, then nowhere will remember you.

    • clarkscottroger clarkscottroger says:


      did not!

      (who told her? unless… our Lady of the Spiderfields is far more advanced in her understanding and use of the Wakefield Doctrine!!)

  12. Finally have a few quiet moments before, I am heading to my in-laws with the girls and Kevin for pumpkin picking. Again just wanted to say how happy I was that you were indeed the winner of the iTunes gift card. Huge congrats and hope you enjoy using it now, too!! Also, hoping you are having a wonderful Saturday and have a wonderful rest of the weekend, too!! :)

  13. As ususal a very unusual list! I am not sure I would ever be able to communicate with you directly because I am afraid I might just not get anything! Love that your list is always different – in a good way!

    • clarkscottroger clarkscottroger says:


      please! don’t say that! I am not a weird/confusing person in real life, even though I play one on the internets…

      in all seriousness, I come back here and try to do a list, reading all the excellent Grat Lists and, while I suspect my (contribution) will never be confused with yours or Lizzi’s, zoe’s or even Christine’s…Jak’s (we, maybe Jak’s) my intent is the same. In a way, I enjoy the TToT for many of the same reasons that people enjoy giant jigsaw puzzles (10,000 pieces when put together yield a photo of an ice cube on an ice floe in the Arctic during December!). I feel that I am better for having tried, not to duplicate the styles of Post found here, but to convey the same feeling… camaraderie… conversation and yes, even competition.

      However, I loves me a challenge, so I will try tomorrow to write a Post that will have you sitting back and saying, “well, why didn’t you say so in the first place!”

      • Joy says:

        Oh sorry Clark! I rather meant that I might not get anything because of my English skills! I hope I did not insult you! I love your contributions because they are special! xo

      • Zoe says:

        hey hold it wait a minute! This is a freakin competition?!

  14. clarkscottroger clarkscottroger says:

    ok! lets get some focus here, I got two words: ‘where the hell is Jak?’


    *I love that joke

  15. Joell says:

    Great! Now all I can think of is John Cougar Mellencamp , and cake, and nekkid people jumping out of cake as they sing Jack and Diane. Thanks a lot. :-/ But I’m guessing that was your intention. Don’t try to blame it on Y either! LOL.

    • clarkscottroger clarkscottroger says:


      oh oh! this can be laid at the feet of Jak and Dyanne… (I think, there was that Post where, even though the Jak and Diane reference was innocently enough proffered… someone mentioned Brooks jeans (I believe it is was a lyric reference) and of course it took off from there!
      …now that you mention it, Jak gets the credit/blame for the nude pastry too lol

  16. Kristi says:

    If I’m counting correctly, week #25 hits the Saturday before our Thanksgiving here in the USA. I know this is a global community, but given the topic of the hop, and the timing of week 25, maybe we could dismiss the whole naked cake idea and focus on pumpkin pie instead? :-)

  17. As usual, your list has confused the hell out of me. All I know is I made it onto #3 and #9 and K2 is going to jump naked out of a pumpkin.

    • clarkscottroger clarkscottroger says:


      and you don’t think they confuse the hell out of me? lol

      hey, don’t forget email me through the Secret Host and Hostini list for a mailing address for your very own (Official) Wakefield Doctrine docTee!

  18. 21 or 25….? I am seriously confused, man!

  19. After reading this posting and the comment thread that follows, I can only say I can add nothing here! lol To coin the Moody Blues, I’m “lost in a lost world”! I think I need some sleep. :)

  20. Sandy Ramsey says:

    Let me just say that your list was fascinating. I’m not sure how much actually seeped through but I will congratulate you on your iTunes card win. That was simple enough. The best part is the comment stream….it’s a party in itself!