TMT Tuesday (numero 28-o) the Wakefield Doctrine | the Wakefield Doctrine TMT Tuesday (numero 28-o) the Wakefield Doctrine | the Wakefield Doctrine

TMT Tuesday (numero 28-o) the Wakefield Doctrine

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)



mixtape jenkehl


I have a thing. The thing is I CANNOT see touching, dramatic, beautiful, moving, academy award for best drama movies. So as the Music Director of Twisted MixTape I would recommend you don’t expect any sappy songs from this soundtrack mixtape, it ain’t gonna happen.

Songs I May Have Never Heard if it Wasn’t For This Movie (or Musical) Soundtrack

When I first read the ‘set-up’ of today’s TMT, I sorta panicked, “my god! the last soundtrack record I bought was Goldfinger (‘with the hit song, ‘Goldfinger’ sung by Miss Shirley Bassey!’).  I thought instinctively,  “shit! movies taking me to music? no damn way I’m gonna cite South Pacific… or West Side Story.
But after a little time of reflection it occurred to me,  “…hey, suppose that  Siren, our Ms. Jen Kehl (and) her binoculared associate, (a modern day Jill Masterson) Kristi  …suppose they mean ‘soundtrack’ as in, ‘the songs they play during the movie?!’  what then?  …the haze began to lift and the rest is below.

But in the interest of musical honesty*, I have to admit that the songs I cite below are not songs that I would never have listened to, were it not for the movie/soundtrack. I would, however,  allow that they are songs that I forgot I would like.



Yellow Submarine (1968)


A Clockwork Orange (1971)


Back to the Future (1985)


Dazed and Confused (1993)


Reservoir Dogs (1992)


* no, you’re right. I don’t believe there is such a term as ‘musical honesty’


clarkscottroger About clarkscottroger
Well, what exactly do you want to know? Whether I am a clark or a scott or roger? If you have to ask, then you need to keep reading the Posts for two reasons: a)to get a clear enough understanding to be able to make the determination of which type I am and 2) to realize that by definition I am all three.* *which is true for you as well, all three...but mostly one


  1. Back to the Future – a pity about Michael J Fox. Wish he was better! I also love the Beatles choices.

    PS. Sounds typically Rogerian!

  2. Dream says:

    I remember seeing Yellow Submarine as a child, thinking it was a kid’s show and then driving my parents and grandparents crazy singing the only part I could remember, the chorus, all…weekend…long. I love your list this week, very eclectic

    • clarkscottroger clarkscottroger says:


      One of the very…very few benefits of being, er more mature rather than less is that I don’t mind telling you that, I distinctly remember seeing the first commercial on TV for the movie with my friends and we were all saying, “oh man! far out!”
      really, we did, in fact, use those expression without the slightest hint of future-induced self-consciousness lol

  3. Very cool list and correct, most of the songs on your list I probably never would have listened to if not for the movie.

  4. Quickstepp says:

    Obviously high fives for Tarantino. But you hit some of my other faves too! Back to the Future was so killer. Dazed and Confused was the first movie that made me think I should have been a teen in the 70’s instead of the 80’s (future post slated for that topic actually) and Clockwork Orange, music and movie freakishness at it’s best courtesy of Kubrick.

  5. HA!

  6. Slu says:

    Dude… Love your ‘layout’ this week. Pretty cool idea. Absolutely pretty cool list. Nice!!! Slu

  7. Rich Rumple says:

    I’m guilty, I’ll admit. I’m a fan of all of the James Bond theme songs. When a new one comes out, I get it immediately and make a new mix cd of all of those songs. Of course, there’s so many now, it requires two cd’s. I just purchased the Yellow Submarine on BluRay. I have no idea why. It was fine on DVD. Still, I keep telling myself it sounds better. Really can’t tell the difference, but the $22.99 must be validated somehow. Great list, my friend!

  8. zoe says:

    Ever heard of musicolalia? Its a ridiculous condition in which a low grade tune is constantly playing in the background of your consciousness… It is often an obscure tune or something heard as a child. Mine is related to Yellow Submarine… Needless to say- not my favorite tune as I find it daunting at times but most days its a dull roar…I usually stay away from most music of a repetitive nature, but for some reason like a bad accident I had to look today… oh well… I think it was because I really just wanted to leave this article for you… being a dog guy and all…. Maybe you’ve already seen it? It was in yesterday’s paper. Under the topic of : Fun research.

    • zoe says:

      not that youll hold me to it but OOPS … it was in the sunday paper… had to be its the only one I get!

    • clarkscottroger clarkscottroger says:


      cool (reminds me of an Ola story…of course!) We used to have a basket in the living room for Ola’s toys. Each year a new toy, pretty full basket. In any event, for a bout a week or 10 days following each of her birthdays, Ola used to ‘show her appreciation to Phyllis in the following manner: (in my work, I am in and out of the house all day, Phyllis would leave in the morning and return at night), as sound as Phyllis’s car headlights showed in the driveway, Ola would stop whatever she might be doing, go to the toy basket, find the newest toy and take and stand at the top of the stairs and wait for Phyllis to walk in the door. All day long I would be doing things around the house…no interest in the toy…until the evening.
      Self-awareness? of course!

  9. Hurray for the Beatles and Clockwork Orange!

  10. Louise says:

    I love the Beatles reference (I have the sheet music for Eleanor Rigby on the Piano and still play it) and hurrah for Dazed and Confused :) Such a good soundtrack. I never connect with Clockwork Orange. I tried to watch it in High School and didn’t make it through…As for Tarantino – Reservoir Dogs was great movie.

  11. Jen says:

    Good thing you had the qualifier cause I was gonna scream liar liar. This is a good list from some great movies. Thank you for not putting any best new drama in the tearjerker stupid head category movies in there. Thank you for the druggie movies too.