“…of meece and men.”* the Wakefield Doctrine ‘Finish dat Sentence Friday’ | the Wakefield Doctrine “…of meece and men.”* the Wakefield Doctrine ‘Finish dat Sentence Friday’ | the Wakefield Doctrine

“…of meece and men.”* the Wakefield Doctrine ‘Finish dat Sentence Friday’

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

(house lights down…music comes up… FTSF Productions  Produced and Directed by the ‘Bloggarini de celebrini ‘  Janine (‘the Machine’) ‘Confessions of a Mommyaholic‘, Kate ( ‘no, you didn’t!..’) ‘Can I Get Another Bottle of Whine ‘, Stephanie (“…you really think you’re up to this?”) ‘Mommy, for real‘ and Dawn (“…who keeps them all out of blogger jail”) ‘Dawn’s Disaster’

This Summer I plan to….  ”

(since this is the Wakefield Doctrine and we maintain that there are three characteristic worldviews (personal realities), it would only be right that we finish this sentence in three ways**)

worldview of the Outsider (aka clarks): ‘…hope’

worldview of the Predator (aka scotts): ” fuck!!!! yeah!!!!”

worldview of the Herd Member (aka rogers): (smiles)



* …cultural reference to cartoon feline, if you need to know, write a Comment

** don’t forget! you have one predominant worldview and the (possibility of) secondary and tertiary worldviews that usually result in people saying, “Hey Doctrinaires! sometimes I know I am a roger but other times I must be a scott! What gives?” What gives is that a) these worldviews are characteristical and not exact, the same in every damn tiny detail yo,  2) the secondary and tertiary aspects shade and influence the world…  why don’t ya just call us Saturday Night, we’ll explain ever thang


clarkscottroger About clarkscottroger
Well, what exactly do you want to know? Whether I am a clark or a scott or roger? If you have to ask, then you need to keep reading the Posts for two reasons: a)to get a clear enough understanding to be able to make the determination of which type I am and 2) to realize that by definition I am all three.* *which is true for you as well, all three...but mostly one


  1. I am doing a lot of smiling thinking about the summer for sure. So, i am tending to think a bit like a roger this morning. But that is neither here now there. Thank you as always for linking up with us Clark and hoping you have a great weekend!!! :)

  2. The Rogerian me would definitely smile. Summer all year here, so I’m kind of smiling pretty hard. BTW, I am sharing this post by adding it on the Muses from the Deep Gazette.

    • clarkscottroger clarkscottroger says:


      thank you I totally have to get over your way (lol ‘uh …clark?, she’s on the other side of the damn planet, dude!’)

  3. Considerer says:

    (looking really hard for the * and not finding it)

    • clarkscottroger clarkscottroger says:


      lol (well I am a clark…) it is at the bottom and, at the risk of missing the intent of my own reference, you have complied with the request. lol

      Here goes: (warning!! joke about to be explained…and even good jokes that get explained have the funny removed from… don’t tell anyone!) I started with the word ‘plan’ in the sentence fragment to be completed then naturally, I thought ‘the best laid plains of…’ (Shakespeare? Tarentino?) that led to the carton ( way no longer in existence) that had the character Mr. Jinx (a cat) who had a love/hate with 2 mice and his catch phrase was, ‘I hate meeces to pieces’… and hence the title. Funny, huh?)

  4. I like Clark’s, Scott’s and Roger’s world views of summer!!

    • clarkscottroger clarkscottroger says:


      as we say ’round the Doctrine, ‘everyone does everything at one time or another’… (it’s just a matter of how each type relates themselves to it…in this case, Summer same great season different perception.

  5. Cyndi says:

    Fun stuff! And ya know, for once, I think I’m all outta words. Could be the fact that some dude just came to my house who used to live here and for about an hour we were talking about the history of the place, lol

  6. My response to your post today is as follows: I laughed at your intro to us Bloggarini- Janine the Machine, etc. HA! I laughed at Fuck!!! Yeah!!!
    and then I had to go back and spend 15 minutes re-reading all about Clarks, Scotts, and Rogers…I now consider myself a more educated Doctrine supporter.

    • clarkscottroger clarkscottroger says:


      well she is a machine (like quality Post nearly every damn day and…and! her new site J9 Designs too!) I trust you’re up to the nickname (I gotta tell ya, the whole ‘introducing thing’ started with my coming across the Gin Wigmore vid … and your blog was the first (of the 4 bloggarini) that I stared with… lol)

      …next thing is we gots to get you to call in (either Saturday night or Thursday afternoon!)

  7. Considerer says:

    Ahhhh it was in the TITLE! Man that was bugging me. Thanks :)

    • clarkscottroger clarkscottroger says:


      sorry! lol I almost with with my more normal superscript numbers (instead of the asterix) but then I got distracted. Hey! your preferred spelling (and subsequent continued use of the word) ‘bloggarini’ is still catching on…nice work

  8. Betty Taylor says:

    Interesting! I’m still a little confused. I will have to do some research!

    • clarkscottroger clarkscottroger says:


      by all means, anyone on the blogroll can probably help to start and any question at all, feel free to ask or call us on our Saturday Night Drive!

  9. Hey, this is a lot like hard work, where to start? I love Bloggarini, I couldn’t find the * and it bugged me, I now can follow the ins and outs of the Doctrine (I think!), I enjoyed the read! I will be waiting for more, I will do some more exploring as well! Work at it, but well worth it for such an outstanding writer! So have a good day and I’ll see you soon!

    • clarkscottroger clarkscottroger says:


      Yeah, what the hell is the deal with this Post and that asterix?! Considerer had the same problem… thank you for the complementation…

  10. Something tells me that if I hung out with this crew, I would have a weekend I’d never forget. Or, I wouldn’t remember any of it. And I’d still brag about it.

    • clarkscottroger clarkscottroger says:


      it do have the potential for fun that can be passin strange, lol

      (oh! btw we have tee shirts… aka Wakefield Doctrine DocTees, still developing the design I should be doing another batch of ‘beta tees’ to test out, stay tuned we’re always looking for feedback

  11. Joy says:

    I love your short and simple yet complete take on FTSF! Your FTSF are always fun to read or watch. I love your videos most of all!

    Re: the video you posted: I cannot watch it. Thank you, GEMA! It is blocked in Germany. :-/

    • clarkscottroger clarkscottroger says:


      Thank you… that was Gin Wigmore, a fun video, wait a minute! is that all videos get blocked? I hope that does not include my Video Posts! (lol being the National Treasures that they are!)

      Well here is the link with a ‘dot’ instead of a ‘.’ and minus one of the ‘w’s maybe that will fool ’em.

      http://w w.youtube-dot-com/watch?v=is6AFxPkTAA

  12. Joy says:

    No, your videos are perfectly fine. So glad about them since I really love them!

    It affects music videos due to license restrictions in Germany and, therefore, GEMA blocks them. Sadly, the dot didn’t help. But it was worth a try! :-)
