Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)
thank Eris we have a certain acceptance of RePrint posts, both as a rhetorical lubricant and a good, old-fashioned placeholder/filler material!
We’re in the initial phase of a project in the ‘real’ world. Definitely be taking the notes, for the progress reports, doncha’ know.
As we all know, the Wakefield Doctrine is both toy and tool. It’s the original, ‘and this dial makes the parents gigantic shoes fit like a glove and this slider shifts perspective to account for the relative elevation of most day-to-day reference points, including (but not limited to) mirrors, sinks, showerheads and bookshelfs,’ device.
but, it being Monday and we gots to provide more value than a three second vid loop (not that it’s all that bad, lol) lets go find a post by searching ‘parental influence’.
didn’t find the full phrase, but ‘parental’ turned up:
Time to get back to the serious matter of the Wakefield Doctrine
March 11, 2011
Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine ( the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers )
…a unique, useful and fun way to understand why the people in our lives do the things that they do. And this is the place to learn about the three personality types: clarks, scotts and rogers. Everyone you encounter today will be one of these three types, and if you know the type you not only will know why they act the way that they do, you will be able to predict how they will behave in virtually any situation. How cool is that?
But we have had some Readers say to us, “hey you Doctrinaires! We like what we think we read in your blog, but my parents want me to go to college to learn about relationships, personality theories and such. What are we to do in order to convince our parental units to give us all the tuition money directly and let us decide where to spend it, higher education-wise. You know what we mean? Don’t you guys have a talkshow (sort of) and know everything, tell us what to say, yo“!
Alright, we will.
Print the following chart and paste it into a nice binder-thing, like those smoked cellulite term-paper things with the v-shaped plastic thingie to hold it all together. Not only will the following chart prove to be an irrefutable argument for convincing your parents to come across with the Tuition Money, but to totally demonstrate how all helpful the Wakefield Doctrine is, we will be available this Saturday evening to help you slap a big-time close on Daddy and Mom for that money. We want you to start and simply argue with them until they’re just about to get mad and then tell them, ” Now, Father and Mother, if you have any questions about the efficacy of the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers and would like to hear from the actual people behind this Wakefield Doctrine, lets just call them toll free right now! OK? (They will probably say, “OK”! But if they do not, tell them that if they do not call the Wakefield Doctrine, you will take all your clothes and go and live with the hobos or the local Salvation Army/YMCA people or the nearest commune).
Dial this badboy: 1-605-475-2200 access code: 6660467#. (we’ll take it from there…best keep your car running though.)Advantages of the Wakefield Doctrine over any of those personality theories taught at “colleges” and “universities”
the Wakefield Doctrine Those “real” personality theories Educational Requirements Yeah, right High School and frickin College and maybe even more! How long does it take to learn …this afternoon be soon enough? Way, way too long How much does it cost Fifty-eleven dollars and a subscription to ‘Modern roger’ Way more than you have on you! Like you will be paying it off for the next 15 years Professional Standards …well, we have hats (for your damn head) Yeah, but you have to pay to join the APA, ACPA, ASPCA Practical Applications Way too many to mention No, there’s this matter of Professional Standards and Ethics. Total buzzkill Where do I sign up? Over to the right, yo Not so fast! Lets see some transcripts, and Letters or Reference and Advance Payments Now here at the Doctrine blog, we are not all, ‘hey! this is serious and you have to pay attention’! No, we have free music to listen to and watch and all.
as vincent vega says,