Understanding Human Behavior | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 12 Understanding Human Behavior | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 12

TToT-the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

This is the Wakefield Doctrine’s contribution to the Ten Things of Thankful (TToT) bloghop. Founded in 1989 by (putative) step-niece of CS Lewis, the TToT continues as the preeminent, [Latin:  nominative praeeminens; to rise above, project forward, attract others by force of humility, itself a seeming contradiction, if not oxymoron.]

The idea (of this bloghop and most grat-blogs) is to look, see, accept and relate (to others) the people, places and things that incite, inspire, engender and otherwise cause a state of gratitude. (Or, maybe that’s backwards and it is the gratitude that identifies… whatever.) List. Ten. Things.

1) Phyllis (——————————————————————————————⇒)

2) Una ——————————————————————-⇑

3) the Wakefield Doctrine

4) the decision to let ground-cover be ground-cover, i.e. the Year of the Yard Meadow

5) the Unicorn Challenge bloghop  This ya gots to read: ‘Waiting‘  by ceayr

6) the Six Sentence Story bloghop  Six Pic of the Whee:  (Untitled)

7) did we mention ‘the Wakefield Doctrine’ yet? damn, we did. anyway, as you can’t avoid hearing/reading if you come to this blog more than once, the Wakefield Doctrine, besides being as fun as sitting in an airline terminal with your two best friends and making droll/scandalous/catty remarks at the human river passing you as you wait for a relative to disembark, is a tool for self-improving oneself. We submit, as supporting evidence of the beneficial effect of recognizing one’s secondary and tertiary aspects: Grat #6 (or implications thereof)

8) something, something

9) First child of the Uncertainty Principle, change and opportunity are the original double-edged sword, no?  Although never explicitly denied, (though cool as the thought-experiment, referred to as Schrödinger’s Cat remains to this day), the possibility exists that maybe there was a third outcome, whereby the cat becomes a zombie.

10) Secret Rule 1.3 (which states, in part, “…[t]he item in a List that implies there are less un-claimed Items than currently extant in (said List)’ having evoked a sense of relief (sic) at nearing completion, can be cited (ibid. op. cit.) as an Item. by Practice and Convention, placement for such supra-collation indicia Number 10. binyons.” BoSR/SBoR 1989-2024.



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TToT -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

This is the Wakefield Doctrine’s contribution to the Ten Things of Thankful (TToT) bloghop. Foundered* in 1974 by the step-niece of C.S. Lewis and a small group of post-granulated theosophy students at the local college. Rhode Island College, located across the capital city from Brown University, (home, in locale, if not spirit to one Mr. Lovecraft), had it’s own underground of freethinkers, defrocked Rosicrucians and liberal arts majors so, fertile ground for a grat blog. Indeed, the scene was set for the TToT to be loosed upon an unsuspecting world, awaiting only the arrival of the internet.

1) Una

2) Phyllis. right, about. HERE

3) the Wakefield Doctrine Specifically, Grat #9

4) Project completed (Before and After photational proof)

5) the Six Sentence Story  Six Pic of the Week. ‘Doggie Smarts‘ by Mimi 

6 the Unicorn Challenge. Hey, Read this one!  ‘Not Just Dust‘  from co-host, jenne

7) (to) Meadow or Mow? Lastest photation.

8) something, something

9) Phyllis needed something notarized this weekend and we found a place in Westerly offering this quasi-judicial ritual. Upon entering the parcel delivery shop, it became immediately apparent that, in the sole employee present, we were dealing with a clark. Phyllis explained what it was we needed, he brought out his notary seal and placed it on the counter, so naturally I said, “I will give you five dollars extra if, in your backroom,  you have some sort of robe or wand or something to wear to enhance the process… you know, like the diploma scene in the Wizard of Oz.” This grat, tied to the Wakefield Doctrine (#3), is that I probably wouldn’t have tried this obvious bit of humor, had I not gained a greater understanding of how I relate myself to the world around me and the people who make it up.

(Being a clark, he could only smile in appreciation of  the beneficial effects of the principles of the Wakefield Doctrine on a(nother) clark i.e.  your truly)

10) Secret Rule 1.3


* lol


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Tuesday -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)


‘It was a good (Saturday Night) call – fun and informative. In spite of us leaving tread marks all over one another, lol’ (Denise)

Fun Doctrine Fact: one of the indicators of two, (or more), clarks participating in a conversation is the frequency and/or tendency to ‘bump into each other’ conversationistically-speaking, that is. You know, the synchronized pauses and then starting to speak at the same moment; (and the ‘clincher’: ‘Sorry’ You go first’ ‘No, you’).

Do we care about the ‘Why’ of this phenomenon?

Of course we do! This post is about clarks. the Outsider. The congenitally-curious.

Hey! Example from ‘real’ life of identifying a clark. Friend of the Doctrine, Glenn and we were talking one Saturday night. And, occurring as it did in the parking lot of the Wakefield Mall, the topic of windshield flyers  came up. In fact, there may have been what our writerly friends might refer to as ‘an inciting incident’, as upon our return to the car, someone had stuck a flyer under the windshield wiper. Being a scott (with a secondary clarklike aspect) Glenn got to the car first, spotted the piece of paper and, without comment, grabbed it, balled it up and threw it somewhere not on the car.

We laughed.

Riding away, Glenn said, “I remember, it used to make me crazy but when that happened and my father was there. He’d take the fuckin thing out from under the wiper and…. read it! Made me crazy.”

(a beat)

“What a fuckin‘ clark he was.”

We both laughed.

There you go, A short little post illustrating the characterisitc behavior of both a clark and a scott.

That’s how it works.

ok, but just one Hint: each of the three in the Doctrine relate themselves to the world around them and the people who make it up in distinctly different styles. Reading stories like this helps a New Reader to get a feel for each of the predominant worldviews, aka personality types. The simplest approach to identifying the person’s type), is:

  • throw out the ‘no-fricken-way they’re a (clark, scott, roger)’ of the three. In our example above, the key was the public littering. Glenn threw the flyer away. Enthusiastically. Had someone, driving or walking by at that moment stopped to take issue with his action, well, icing on the cake yo. Since we knew that about Glenn, we could infer that the person in the story, you remember! his father? took the flyer and read it? The opposite of littering?
  • that leaves us two possibilities: (he was) a clark or a roger. Now we’re into the fun, optometrist metaphor: looking at our ‘scene’ through the lens of a clark or a roger, which is ‘clearer’. Reading the flyer? Sure either one might do that. Their reaction, their apparent state of mind to this occurence. Was he,(Glenn’s father… come on! Try and keep up!) exhibiting a lot of emotion or a little. Did he seem happy or mad. According to Glenn, his father just read it. The whole thing. Not just the title or the illustration. Like he was browsing in the bookstore, (like the one that was no longer in the aforementioned Wakefield Mall), where we were parked. a roger would have reacted with emotion. (ProTip: “clarks think, scotts act and rogers feel“) He did not. quid pro kokom, his Dad was a clark!

ok that was fun




Monday -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

Fun Saturday Night Call-in this weekend.

In attendance: Denise. Roger and Cynthia and yours truly. Topics as wide-ranging as you’d expect of three clarks and one roger. Actually, ‘careening’ is a verb that pushes its ownself to the front of the line marked: Descriptive Phrases Apply Here

Last week, we ended our ‘Wakefield Doctrine Posts (the Series!)’ with: ‘Tewesday

We did, this weekend, pose the question to our guests. The consensus: clarks. (as written in Cynthia’s original comment)

The ‘why’ of the consensus was interesting and, of course, enlightening.

New Readers? The thing about the Doctrine is, if you’re still reading and are thinking, “Interesting. Intriguing even, Where have I seen this before? ok, five more minutes moving up-and-down these untidy rows of ideas. descriptions of nearly familiar concpets and then, back to face the world out there.”

You’re probably a clark. (Or a scott or a roger with a very strong secondary clarklike aspect*)

* we, all of us, relate ourselfs to the world around us in one of three characteristic ‘styles’:

  1. as would an Outsider (clark) seeing the world as a separate place (‘the world out there’ in the comment to New Readers). We are certain that we missed the day all young children were given their membership papers and secret, invisible Real Person badges. Out of an excess of caution, we decide, (as young ‘uns), that our status as Outsider is best kept on the down-low, at least until we can figure out what it is we did not learn. Or worse, why they skipped on the invitation. About being a Real Person
  2. like a Predator (scott) living in a hostile, (but in no way a judgmental/personal/ad hominem way** Meant to be lived in, full of adventures, larger predators to contend with and plentiful prey to live on, the world is perfect
  3. in the manner of the Herd Member (roger) who was totally the first in line (in the reference to pre-pre-elementary education class, AP-level Sociability and Advancened Emotions-as-a-reality), the world is perfect.

ok, New Readers? Those who see in the three bullet points the indication of why we say that the Wakefield Doctrine is for clarks… you may leave early.

…no, wait, it was suggested Saturday that, with the clutter of our Fiction Writing, it might be useful to take advantage of the search function in this blog.

Optional Reading

at beach? here ya go

sitting out back on the the deck? don’t say we never gave you anything (to read)


** heh heh he wrote add hominem… ha ha


Unicorn -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)


What follows is the Wakefield Doctrine’s contribution to the Unicorn Challenge.

Hosted by jenne and ceayr, this bloghop offers a different photo each week and invites one and all to write a story. One thing though, there is a limit of two hundred and fifty words on our offerings.

Not that I’m blaming Misky or Nancy for reminding me how much fun noir can be. Much. Our protagonist today, Ian Devereaux, can be found in a number of Serial Sixes, including ‘the Case of the Missing Fig Leaf’. Here’s a taste: Chapter Four.



In a profession that measures success in binary terms, I frequently ask myself, ‘Why’?

Arguably the ‘First Question’, on this particular Wednesday on the Corner of High and Longwell Ste, it Farbergé’d itself into: ‘How did I let myself be persuaded to fly to London, drive to Oxford, all to locate a missing college president I didn’t know from Adam?’

My quarry had just disappeared behind a blue-grey door at the precise moment morning classes released a torrent of students onto the narrow sidewalks.

Like the pencil-nudge of the ill-prepared friend during a final exam, a childhood memory elbowed itself to the front of my consciousness; my mother concluding a lecture on Life with ‘...and never do business with friends or family‘.

Giving up hope for this billable morning, I sat-leaned against a low wall in front of the Magdalen College Library. Like a drinking buddy, sure you had money for another round, the memory of Monday morning three days prior kept me company…

“Besides being the President of the college, Rose is a friend. I’d really appreciate it, if you could help find her, Ian.”

There’s an adage about public speaking everyone’s heard. To overcome the fear it helps to picture the audience naked. I can attest to one corollary of this advice. Make the lecture hall a walk-in shower and my friend, Dr. Leanne Thunberg, the lecturer. It doesn’t take a doctorate, (which she had from Radcliffe College), to know there was zero probability I could say no.



