Understanding Human Behavior | the Wakefield Doctrine Understanding Human Behavior | the Wakefield Doctrine

Wednesday -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)


(Unh! Good god! What is it good for…)

New Readers? The Doctrine, (and its use and benefits), is available for anyone. After all, it’s not like a secret of the universe or nothin’ (Well, it could be argued… lol) Be that as it may, as an additional perspective, (as opposed to, say, ‘The Answer’ or anything suitable for a tattoo). the Wakefield Doctrine is available to all. Here in these posts, it’s our modest ambition to explain the principles effectively enough to make it available to all.

(Insider info: All one needs, as a minimum, is a significant secondary clarklike aspect. As to what that means, well you gotta read some of the this material. Jeez, this isn’t ‘Know yourself Kwik Kwiz’ in last five pages of your favorite checkout counter magazine, ya know?*)

Anyway, this post is kinda for clarks. But if you’re a scott or a roger and you have questions, cool. Ask away.

Those of us who’s predominant worldview is that of the Outsider (aka clarks)  have a remarkable sense of time. At least in the sense of the  practical value of the functioning of an alarm clock. Tell a clark, ‘Hey we gots maybe thirteen minutes for a break, don’t let us be late.’

We’re on it. Watch or phone?! We don’ need no… (for the old Readers).

But what prompts a full post on the topic is  our sense and appreciation of both anticipatory time and ‘are we there yet time’.

Given how this post will draw clarks, we’ll leave the excessive illustration, demonstration and explanation to our more experienced Readers.

ProTip: so you’re out for an afternoon walk, yard chores or anything other activity you have identified in your life as being ‘good for you’. The timer calibrated from Start to ‘There-that-should-be-it” is not broken. No matter how often you look at it. (There’s surely a cool graphed curve for x:time in the ‘real’ world y: no way it’s only been four minutes and z: ok, that’ll work, no need to over do it.)

the other end of this chronic scale has to do with a clark’s remarkable lack of appreciation for larger scale time frames, i.e. ‘You’ve been at that job for how many years?!!” and “I don’t really know, it feels like I just started”.

Don’t forget! Tonight is Six Sentence Story bloghop opening. Be there or be square.



*magazines and hardcover publications, sorta the internet without an electric bill or ‘text message rates may apply’





Lieday -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

This is the Doctrine’s contribution to the Unicorn Challenge bloghop.

Hosted by jenne and ceayr we are invited to find a story using an image provided each week. The only rule: no more than 250 words are to be used.


“They built it themselves?”


“The 16th Century. Must of cost a fortune. I’m surprised the Church had the resources.”

“Well, you know, the organizational structure by then gotten pretty robust.”

“Seriously. Was what I’ve heard true, that the first iteration was dedicated to…”

“Don’t go there…”

“Santa Claus?? God! For reals? You are one twisted deity.”

You should talk.”

“Anyway, I won’t bother asking where the money came from to fund this thing.”

“Ha ha.”

“How long did it take to build?”

“Which time?”

What?” Sometimes I gotta say, I’m appalled. Your neediness astounds me.”

“Hey, not fair! I gave them Free Will. I didn’t say, Enslave yourself to a Church.”

“err… ‘on this Rock’ ring any bells?”

“Yeah, but that was just to get the ball rolling.’

“Gotta hand it to you, you make it too easy.”


“Generations of lives, right? An unholy percentage of what little they can earn scratching a living from the earth, handed over every Sunday.”

“They wanted to… The art work alone is fricken’ priceless.”

“To show their love?”

“You gotta better reason? Hell, they were barely getting by living a step above the rest of the livestock I Created. ‘Man 1.0′ had a pretty sweet deal. That is, ’til you came along.”

“But, man! Literal centuries of human effort to build …and rebuild! a structure with one and only one primary use.”

“You planning to make a point any time soon, Morningstar?”

“Dude! And they call me the Great Deceiver?”


II (z) Dei -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

Friend of the Doctrine, Mimi, wrote a Comment that sets us up rather nicely for a discussion of ‘the Everything Rule’

But first! The Wakefield Doctrine is a personality type (system/perspective) that posits three predominant worldviews:

  1. clarks (the Outsider)
  2. scotts (the Predator)
  3. rogers (the Herd Member)

We’re all born with the potential of having any of the above three as defining how we relate ourselves to the world around us and the people who make it up. We do, however, settle into one (and only one) such experience of the world at a very early age. The cool thing about our little Doctrine is that we maintain that how we relate ourselfs to the world, the world, in turns, reflects the relationship. We refer to this as (our) personal reality.

Relating to the world as a clark results in one experiencing other people as being distant, somewhat mysterious and thoroughly perplexing. To the Outsider, the way the people around them act implies a certain kindred nature, a shared experience a common understanding that is missing within. At least as far as the very young clark can understand. And, as a result the young Outsider believes that most everyone in their world are the beneficiaries of a certain insight, privy to information that supports their common realities and develops the social strategies and interpersonal styles. It’s inevitable that one (young clark in this instance) should seek opportunities to learn (what they do not know) while avoiding scrutiny, lest the reason they are lacking what others do not and be at risk for others to demand they (the clarks)  account for their deficiency. In other words, the Outsider develops a personality geared to staying on the fringes while being driven by the need to learn whatever it is others must know to account for the difference.

And so, as well, with the scotts and rogers. Their worlds reflect, (and support and compliment), the relationship with the world at large. Being young, it takes years to develop effective styles of living in the world. But, to varying degrees of ‘success’, we all do.

The Wakefield Doctrine will maintain that we all, each of us, have the exact right personality type. For getting by/thriving/maintaining our lifes in the world we awoke to.

… and. this Everything Rule?

There is no such thing as: ‘that’s something that only a clark would do’ or ‘no one but a scott would try and succeed in that line of work’ or even, ‘it takes being a roger to know that’

No. There is not.

That said, how a thing (or a person or an occupation or hobby or picadillo or even a life-long interest) manifests is a relfection of the personal reality of the individual. And, by the way, very useful in discovering a body’s personality type!

Outa time.


Monday -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

Hey! You’re right! We did not do either a traditional ‘Year in Review’ post or a traditional ‘New Year’ post this year.

What the hell?

Not to worry. We’ll just pull down some cardboard boxes and find ourselfs a couple of ReCerpts*

Before we do, lets take a moment to thank the Readers from last year and spend a minute to invite anyone in the sight of our words to come on down in 2025**

First things…fourth. Looked up the Zagar and Evans. Catching melody, silly lyrics.

New Readers: Your Narrator (the ‘us’ in this discussion1) Is a clark with a significant secondary scottian and weak tertiary rogerian aspect. Nothing wrong with that. Rule 0.5: No one is subject to another’s opinion of their predominant worldview. We do, however, practice and learn from discussions of others’ personality type. (Example: Jimi Hendrix? a clark. Joe Pesci so a scott. Your local preacher/minister/priest/etc? roger3)

So stop by as we demonstrate ‘if we’re still alive’ (mangled paraphrase of the first verse of the song we’re not going to post. lol)

ok! ok! the ReCerpt

Now the time has come. There are things to realize. Time has come today

Time.In the time it takes to write this, it is about time this subject is addressed, when will it be time to get serious….it’s about Time.

The un-marked Rolodex stopped spinning this morning and came up Chambers Brothers, which means the topic is Time. (I will say with pride  that I resisted the Pink Floyd and stayed with the original source.)

On with it then.  Everything can be seen in light of the Wakefield Doctrine, ever thang.  Even Time.  Especially Time.

(BTW I did make some New Year’s resolutions, and primary among them was to present the Doctrine in as effective a manner as possible, which means that every Post/any Post contain something of the ‘real world’ that will offer concrete and objective expressions of the Wakefield Doctrine.  And I will not stint to present the Doctrine in as many different ‘contexts’ as may make themselves available.)

Time to start?

clarks are of the future, scotts of the present and rogers of the past.
(for clarks) the future never arrives, (for scotts) the present is over too soon and (for rogers) the past is essential


* yes, we claim that little neologism

** yeah, we had the misremembered title/lyric/what’s the cool word…. yeah! mondegren (correction mondegreen) ***

*** jeez Louise, can we get anymore clarklike?2


1) lol

2) well, for starters: excessive third person POV. god forbid we should open ourselfs to criticism for being non-inclusive. (not for nothin’ but one could make the argument that a clark’s excessive use of the 3rd person is much like standing in a group of people and practicing ventriloquism (going so far as to physically trying to sneak behind others while making statements…) See?!! see?!? we’re ‘a part of‘!!! ‘belong’  (lol sorry, where were we? oh, up there?)

3) this last should have italics to signal something extra. wait, we did do that sorry lol Anyway, this is not a ‘direct statement’ we don’t know if they are a roger. But, when you need to guess a type there are certain features about a person that, taken into consideration, drastically improve your chances of being correct. So, profession: religious leader/manager /team builder/coach For most organized religions the key for ministering to member is what is referred to as ‘referential authority’. We don’t think you should think/do/act this way, ‘they/it do/does’  ok scope is exceeding time with this topic. Note: if you’re new and want to learn more, search among these posts the term ‘Everything Rule’ that’ll answer most of your questions on this little digression. aiightt?

clarks are such softies… here ya go (the old, old tune that should be mind-worming you)  (oh man! not the best of songs, but the rogers will enjoy it)


TToT -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

This is the Doctrine’s weekly contribution to the Ten Things of Thankful (TToT) bloghop.

Hey! Here’s a thought… are you typing from a location other than Oceania (North America(ish)… that is)? Welll, have we an offer for you! Link your post.  (n.b. well, given this is the Wakefield Doctrine, if you’re not sure how to, then just ask in a comment). If you do, we promise to share one of the few jokes that everyone says should not be considered nearly as hilarious as we do… (too much build-up? ….yeah. not a joke so much, more a bon mot you know, 13-year-old clever,)1

1)  Una

2) Phyllis

3) the Wakefield Doctrine

4) the Six Sentence Story bloghop. ‘Six clumsy sentences…‘  by Keith

5) the Unicorn Challenge bloghop

6) The current lack of snow. While winter cold, the starchy-white soiled sheet of January snow that makes winters so inherently inimical, the brown of frozen dirt is, some how, less bully-ing.

7)  work (and documentary photo) check back later, aiigght?

* a cat at the house. was she chasing a mouse? my inspection complete, my photos replete *

8) Everyday oddities of the ‘real’ world. (weird? ok, daylight creepy…er. how about uncanny yeah lets go with that)  Here we have a photo of a church in rural Rhode Island. Though on the small side, look at the photo and chase down the small, wth? nibbling at your sense of normal, natural world of churches:

9) something, something

10) Secret Rule 1.3


  1. current hostinae ( Mimi, Dyanne, Kristi, Lisa, Denise, Misky not eligible to participate. As they would likely suffer a conflict of interest. (“He said what?!?! And represented it as humor?!?!! After the talk we had when he accepted the role of … we should have know!”)
  2. lol

music vids




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