three personality types | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 5 three personality types | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 5

Monday -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

The music vid below? From the early days of this blog.

No, we’re not asserting that we were writing the Wakefield Doctrine in 1977! That’d be silly. Our typing skills were negligible, it would have taken forever to even get this far. (Not to mention, getting the bold fonts to work.)

That said, one could argue that the Wakefield Doctrine had been established. Seeing how we’d met the other two people in the photo at the top of the page.

Not posed with any intent to illustrate, demonstrate or hint at a mnemonic device, but consider the photo of the three gentlemen. We would hazard to bet that anyone with the slightest predilection towards understanding this little personality theory would be able to identify each by their predominant worldview, aka personality type. After-all, even the Doctrine term for each type provides intelligence of value in the effort to inferring how each are relating themselves to the world around them.

As would:

  • the Outsider(clarks) apart-from, seeking to learn what everyone else clearly knows about belonging, curious to a fault, relentless curiosity:  clarks think
  • the Predator(scotts) in motion while always in the here and now, the world is an adventure, a challenge and ultimately satisfying as the hunt never ends:  scotts act
  • the Herd Member(rogers) the center of wherever they are, they bind all by their capacity (and willingness) to be bound:  rogers feel

Hey, over the weekend we had the privilege of a conversation with one of the first Friends of the Doctrine, Cynthia. No, don’t ask how old she might have been when me and the Progenitors might have been listening to today’s music vid (not that we had music vids then).

In any event, I did manage to get her proper website address into the Link Roll on the home page. Art Funky. Talented lifeform? Need you even ask? Lots of good stuff in varied manifestations? I guess! a clark or scott or roger?

You’ll know.

(Bonus old insight into the early Doctrine: one of the first ‘rules’ we imposed on those who came to the Doctrine blog was simply that ‘no one has the power or authority to designate the predominant worldview of another’. It is always to the individual to decide. Not that we don’t speak about the worldview of others for learning opportunities. We do. It’s fun.

But one’s predominant worldview (whether they are a clark or a scott or a roger) is as personal as you can get. All of this, all twenty seven hundred posts are about finding a way to best appreciate ‘how we relate ourselfs to the world around us, and the people who make it up’.

Cynthia’s website again: ArtFunky. Do us a solid and go there, subscribe and tell her the Doctrine sent ya.



RePrint Monday -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

We’re in the process of updating the ‘static pages’ of this blog. Have completed a redo of the ‘About’ page. Working on that middle tile of the landing page, ‘What is the Wakefield Doctrine?’ After that, the ‘In a Hurry?’ finally the bottom-most: ‘I (got) the What and the How now tell me Why!’

Hey, here’s an idea. We’re in the last week of the year, with New Years Day approaching like a cop walking up to your driver-side door with a big-assed flashlight and a recent break-up with his girlfriend. In other words, (aka, enough with the metaphors, already!), the traditional practice of stacking up the emotional baggage of New Year’s Resolutions. aka our last attempt to atone for the previous year by offering an IOU on the next.

So here’s the thing, let’s do the Resolutions before the end of the Year, rather than after.

Fine! It’s a deal! Our Old Year’s Resolutions are: complete the above-cited revisions and updates before twelve-oh-damn-it’s-over o’clock on this coming Saturday.

But, being only the Monday-that-would-be-Sunday, what say we do a quick, little reprint. You know, to get into character.


NTSB: Proposed Ban on Cell phone use in cars to be expanded to include: ‘distracting or frivolous talking among passengers!’

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine ( the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers )Hey there! Did Knackles1 overlook you Saturday night?

But that’s not important now, what is important is that I think we have edged past the event horizon of the super-massive black hole of all Holidays. I am talking about Christmas, of course. Everyone understands that holidays are, ‘occasions meant to reinforce the social fabric’, serving to act as a binding force on the individual members of (a given) society. And since no holiday is without a cultural-historical reference point, it is very instructive to look at the basis of the holiday against the qualities of it’s ‘targeted demographic’.  In other words, “why do we use Pilgrims to attract the rogers” (Thanksgiving) or  “what the hell is it about babies and old men that will draw the clarks from their hiding places“? (New Years) and given that today is Christmas Day, ” a holiday in which the signifying character is a reclusive, over-weight, bearded man who spies on children, rewards behavior and insists on being permitted a degree of physical intimacy with total strangers that would have them doing ’30 to Life’ if they acted this way any other time of year… now which of the three personality types would respond to that? lol
(See how everything makes so much more sense when you use the viewpoint, the perspective made available by the Wakefield Doctrine?)

The question we ask is,  what does a particular holiday allow, condone, encourage in terms of individual behavior, targeted, as it is, towards one of the three personality types? As with much else we do with the Wakefield Doctrine, the goal is to observe behavior and (from our observations) infer what the person is experiencing. The holidays offer an opportunity to see the world as the other personality types do, in other words, by inference. We believe, here at the Doctrine, that behavior and personality is the result of responding to the world in a manner that is appropriate, given the nature of the world (being experienced). The trick being, of course, to keep in mind that the other person is, in all probability, experiencing a reality that is different from the one that you are experiencing. One of three characteristic realties, the world of a clark, the reality of a scott and the worldview of the roger…all three quite distinct but with enough in common that we can all identify with each to some extent.This concept is key because the Wakefield Doctrine focuses on the reality that a person is responding to rather than simply trying to create a list of traits and behaviors and other artifacts of the personality. When you understand the reality that a scott exists in, the behavior that you see exhibited (by a scott) makes sense, and as an added bonus you will be able to effectively predict the behavior of the scott.

For the newer Readers: the initial behavioral metaphor of the scottian personality type is that of predator. This means that your girlfriend or your husband or the woman who has worked the checkout lane next to you all these years? if they are a scott and you want to know what they will do next, simply think to yourself:  what would a wolf (or a lion or Wile E Coyote, for that matter)  do?
And the really messed up part (and the scary, inspired quality of the Wakefield Doctrine) is that their behavior will be less puzzling if you view it in that context. (the predator thing).  Granted there is much, much more to the Wakefield Doctrine in terms of  how we can apply it’s insights into human behavior, but bottom line?  scotts = predator,  rogers = herd animals  clarks = outsider, aka blue monkey2

So read through some of the Pages that are listed at the top of the landing page of the blog. You will find pages that give overviews of the three personality types and you will find pages that have photos of examples of the three personality types, real people (well, celebrities at any rate), and you will even find photos of the Wakefield Doctrine hat. Ask the right question and you too could be stylin’ in a Wakefield Doctrine hat (for your damn head).

1) you so need to read this short, short story by Curt Clark (Donald E Westlake), click here

2) there was a famous experiment in psychology or sock

3) do not forget that the Wakefield Doctrine maintains that while we all are predominately one of the three personality types, clarks or scotts or rogers, we never lose the potential of the other two. These are referred to as the secondary and tertiary aspects, an important concept, but for the more advanced students of the Doctrine.



TToT -the Wakefield Doctrine- “It was a dark and stormy morning, the clouds, like a countless mushrooms in a forest, silently screaming.”

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

This is our (weekly) contribution to the Ten Things of Thankful bloghop.

Legendary among: grat blogs, scholars of the History of Web Logs, fans of SOC and those who are intellectually confident enough to suspend disbelief at the drop of a ‘Previously on…’ Founded in a box on the doorstep of the convent at St Dominique’s in Crissfield, Delaware, the TToT was raised with care by those who know that, for most of us, wisdom is a quality, not skill. Miz ‘L’ soon drew followers, fans and co-hosts to the shoreline sanctuary in mid-Oceania.

This is our list of those people, places, things, ideas and occurences in the previous week or so*.

1) Una

2) Phyllis

3) the Wakefield Doctrine (sine qua and all, ya know)

4) the work we have chosen** the real estate with it’s variety of stresses and consistency of satisfaction

5) the Six Sentence Story bloghop: a virtual place where imagination is a foundation and limits are few and far between.

6) serial stories and such… (actually a bit of a hypograt as WordPress is becoming less hospitable which provides incentive to improve the hosting environment of a growing library of WIPs and such)

7) interesting work-situation outcome this week. high stress, limited control, bullet-dodged. (It was our response to the outcome that was interesting Doctrine/metaphysically-speaking. While it’s common knowledge that we here work hard at the grat-thing, being a touch emotion tone-deaf, we perceived a distinction to the overwhelmingly more common (ioo) feeling of relief at the positive resolution. For most of us experiencing ‘bullet-dodging’, ‘relief’ seems the emotional default response. For reasons beyond the scope of this grat item, we saw things a little differently (we know, knock us over with a feather) and came to the somewhat unexpected conclusion that ‘celebration’ was way more positive and beneficial an emotional response than ‘relief’. Go figure.

8) Livestream this afternoon, 13 ‘clock sharp.***

9) something, somthing

10) Secret Rule 1.3  ’cause how good can a Rule be if everyone knows it?’


* aka at any point accessible to our memory or our imagination

** yep! Godfather II

*** thx to mr. o for that most wonderful of concepts


music vids





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TToT -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

This is our (weekly) contribution to the Ten Things of Thankful (TToT) bloghop. Founded in 1957, codified in 2013, it is ranked among the top 1% of ‘Gratitude ‘hops’ six years running by the InterGratOrg. The bloghop that Lizzi created continues to this day, inviting all of good intent to write and submit blog posts on the theme of gratitude.

1) Una

2) Phyllis

3) the Wakefield Doctrine

4) serial stories

5) the Six Sentence Story bloghop

6) the Livestream, TG&G (coming to a computer display near you today at 2:30 ET at FB or YT)

7) home projects: the Walkway: Before

8) home projects: the Walkway: During:

9) The fun of procuring building materials: (the clay for the base of the walkway)

10) Secret Rule 1.3


music vids





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TToT -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

This is our contribution to the Ten Things of Thankful (TToT) bloghop. Originally created during post-war (WWI) Europe, (Arras, France in 1918, to be precise), it has been appearing every week since. It’s raison d’etre, quite simple: to encourage a deliberate effort to perceive the positive aspects in our lives which increases their presence and, arguably more importantly, reduce the influence of the negative elements on how we relate ourselves to the world around us.

So, here, below are those people, places and things that, to the best of our current recollection instigated a sense or state (however brief and transitory) of gratitude.


1) Una. While she did not go door-to-door on Halloween, earlier this week, had she communicated a desire to, there is not doubt we would have arranged for it. (Photo below: Una, inspired by Ola who, for being the most perfect of dogs, did enjoy playing the ‘Rabid Dog Game’ with us. This would be Una’s take on the ‘costume’.)

2) Phyllis

3) the Wakefield Doctrine (sine qua non, binyons, sine qua non)

4) the Six Sentence Story The site for flash fiction (and getting to hang out with bloggers who, for the most part, gots mad writing chops).

5) Sunday Livestream (Youtube channel somewhere here. Sunday at 2:30 ET)

6) Having an office from which to we are able to take the occasional usable photos. (as evidenced by the pitcha at the top of this post).

7) Being enabled by the weather (and abled by health sufficient) to work on the interim walkway to Phyllis’ cottage. (The fun? Found a source of clay not far away, (on our property), to dig and wheel-barrow to the site.

8) something, something

9) the continued enjoyment of conversation on the Saturday Night Drive… last night was no exception, as Cynthia and Denise propelled several reasonably intriguing topics into the paths less traveled. Fun

10) Secret Rule 1.3



Music vids

Given the photo at the top of the post, one that I took from my office, I can’t resist. (Strong Language Advisory)







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