the Wakefield Doctrine | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 76 the Wakefield Doctrine | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 76

TToT -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

This is the Doctrine’s contribution to the Ten Things of Thankful (TToT) bloghop. The once-a-week reflection on the people, places and things that have conspired, inspired and otherwise triggered a psycho-social state of mind sometimes referred to as gratitude.

1) Una

2) Phyllis

3) the Wakefield Doctrine

4) writing and such

5) Six Sentence Story bloghop

6) Project Pythagoras and the Saw of Density* (photo #7) ok: the second from the left (vertical) trees is the intended removal. Problem: though not visible in the photo the target tree was leaning towards the bridge (lower left) a lot. It wanted to fall on the bridge as a Hans Gruber gesture. The horizontal piece is a 10 foot cedar fence rail. What you can’t see (no, you’re right! there’s a lot you can’t see in this photo ‘illustration’. Sorry, there are no returns on your investment in this post. all ticket sales are final).

Due to the angles of the trees relative to each other, the target tree was being force into bending in the opposite direction. You remember that ‘flyer thing’ you learned from your scottian friend as a kid using popsicle sticks…  wait, here: at the top of the post. One of those.

So we took the saw and cut real low (careful that, when the pressure was released, we didn’t get hit on the head by the fence rail).  Success.

7) illustration

9) something, something

10) Secret Rule 1.3

8) oh, yeah skipped one!  damn  err…. grateful for double-checking my list before posting! (lol… and for the willingness of Readers to accept that, as the old saying reminds us, ‘Chaos is the amniotic fluid of creativity.’)

* a future hat for anyone who gets this reference Doctrine honor system applies**

** Doctrine honor system: a product of the Outsider worldview (and it’s propensity for learning things) says, even if someone types in the correct answer before you can, if you had the correct answer and was about to enter it in comments, go ahead and type it in. The clarks believe you.






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Six Sentence Story -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

This is the Doctrine’s contribution to the Six Sentence Story bloghop.

Hosted by Denise every week it’s the same thing: “Use the prompt word and create a story of exactly six sentences, aiight?”

(Hey! Just read what I wrote. Permit me to claim: Shaggy Dog Six.)

This week’s prompt word:


“You’re all set,” the receptionist smiled towards the all-but-one-empty waiting room and the man walked decisively to the sole corner seat where, at the price of being bathed in the aural pathos of Today’s Top Headlines, he could watch both the entrance to Each Coast Ophthalmology Associates and the door to the right of the sign-in window, where the doctor would appear.

“Mr. Ezikial, please follow me,” without waiting to see if he was being obeyed, the doctor walked down a corridor and, finally, standing in the sole open door he nodded, “Have a seat and we’ll get started.”

“Says here you’ve never had your vision tested,” delegating the interrogative to his eyebrows, the doctor busied himself with the apparatus suspended and gimbaled over and above the examining chair, all of which couldn’t have been more steampunk if the ophthalmologist had worn a leather duster and padded aviator goggles; the brass and dark metal contraption, made reasonable in a down-to-earth sense, had two apertures, but they were almost lost in the concentric rings of gears and levers and flip-wheels of colored glass.

“Are you having any problems with your eyes?” the overhead light winked out and the only illumination was a vertical rectangle of bright white light on the wall across the room, “Blurriness, persistent afterimage, that sort of thing?”

“Nothing wrong at all, I’m here on the recommendation of my parish priest, to whom I recently mentioned that I realized there is a certain perspective on the world around us and the people who make it up, and that there were, if one wanted to gain useful insight into human behavior, all while having fun, three personality types accounting for everyone; this Idea came to me all as one understanding, it’s constituent elements appearing as necessary with an inevitability of correctness that made me say, ‘My god, this is the Wakefield Doctrine, I must share it with the world.”

With a soft plastic click, the overhead lights came on and the doctor stood abruptly, “This hasn’t happened in quite some time, but,” he smiled to convey good will, “But you want my colleagues in the second building in this office park, Ineffable, Noetic, Transient and Passive, Associates, LLC.; lets see if I can’t get my receptionist to write you a referral, I’m sure they’ll be able to determine the origin of this…. Doctrine of yours.”




Tuesday -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

Lets start with:
the Wakefield Doctrine is a perspective. As such, it requires a certain willingness to imagine that things are one way and not, necessarily, only one way. We are talking, of course, about our experience in and with, reality.

[In the early days of this blog we’d be more direct, saying that to ‘get’ the Doctrine a Reader needed to have a certain, ‘flexibility of intelligence’. In the Ephedrine, Ringling, Oscar Myers axes, this is the famous, lesser known: WTHN*. Without the presence of an innate desire to play with ideas, the Wakefield Doctrine is simply a scheme to divide life into three characteristic relationships.]

Hey, wait. That’s exactly what we’re doing.

Fine. This post is intended to be, what the books on essay writing refer to as (the) introduction and thesis. Let’s agree here, at the beginning that, that….. ‘the purpose of this paper post is to present an overview of the principles of the Wakefield Doctrine, its practical uses and applications and, concurrently, noting (any) changes in the Doctrine itself. Well, to be a bit more accurate on this last, ‘changes in how we describe the Doctrine’.

…oh yeah! And! Maybe we need to jump into the Herd and offer advice and observation from our little personality theory/worldview. (Surely this is the most ambitious of goals. Hell, it’s not merely a goal, it would actually be a proof of concept, wouldn’t it?)

Far be it from us to stray far from the predominant worldview of your painfully-reliable Narrator, but …no! Wait. Will not indulge in the disclaimer that those of us of a certain predominant worldview would be trying to sneak in at this point. This highly visible point. (New Readers: not to worry. Secret Rule inherent here, in this effort: when you arrive at a certain point in your understanding and you are tempted to say, “I knew what they meant then!” We believe you.)


The Wakefield Doctrine is for you, not them.



…to be cont’d

*WTHN Why The Hell Not




Monday -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

I was going to begin a conversation with today’s post. About podcasts and new content and how to reach the masses.

It surely would have been a good post.

Maybe I’ll write it tomorrow, you never know.

But the sun is rising faster than it should and a day is growing it’s connections towards us. (Like one of those super-slow motion films of ice crystals forming as the temperature declines or, better like, back in the sixties when they developed super slow motion photography of a drop of milk.)

But it’s here. Time to paste.

So, before we hit ‘PASTE’, any thoughts on the topic of advancing the goal of telling the world about our favorite little personality theory?

(when) …clarks are too helpful, scotts are too energetic and rogers are too involved’ the Wakefield Doctrine (they don’t call this Monday for nothing!)

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

clarks are too helpful  …wait a damn minute! thats just plain wrong, right? you’re simply trying to be clever, aren’t you. Well, it won’t work this time, we know that we don’t feel that we owe anyone anything and so when we are tying to help people out, it’s simply because we enjoy doing it, why would you go and try and assign some sort of ulterior motive to this, that’s just mean and if it’s one thing we really hate, it’s people who are mean. So stop with the trying to under-mine our efforts to improve ourselves, we didn’t do anything to you. Now you’ve gone and wrecked it and made it look like we were showing off or something, that’s just not fair. …you better stop that or something bad might happen

scotts are too energetic …fuck you! you really think your mind games are gonna work? you think we’re stupid or something? you people make me laugh, with your ‘oh we should all just try to learn to improve the way we are‘… you are the way you are, get over it! and if you think you can make fun of us and, even if you do, if you think that that changes anything, you better think again…we are the ones that get things done, and if we didn’t step up every time one of you ‘rogers‘  or  (what is it?) clarks… if we didn’t step up this would be a sorry place to live in, you’d be all cryin’  ‘my car won’t start’… I don’t know how to build a deck, I lost the instructions!! … ‘that guy is being mean and I can’t convince him to leave me alone‘  gimme a fuckin break,  you people are boring me out of my brain… if you don’t start acting for yourself, I’ll just find someplace where they are all weak and passive and touchy feelie  just you watch me!

rogers are too involved …alright, you can save yourself the effort, I know what you’re doing, I really admire the core idea that you have here, but trust me, a little goes a long way and I think I owe it to tell you that you have lost the handle on your idea or theme or whatever the heck you think you’re doing here. I know! let me save you the trouble, I’m a roger and I’m a big fat bully and make your life so uncomfortable and your friend over there is a scott and she’s going to make me sit up and beg for a treat, I get it. But don’t you think I see what you’re doing? and listen, it’s not working, you will always need me to pay attention and you will always need me to find the easy prey when you’re all tired. I don’t care…you’re wrong, I don’t feel either good or bad about your Post today, so save it for one of your other types.

* We’re back. I agree (whichever clark was thinking: “Just keep writing. The path has a way of becoming apparent far more quickly when one is already walking than it does for those how sit and hope for it to appear.)



BiFriTry -the Wakefield Doctrine- “Wherein our Intrepid Author reflects upon a photo.”

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

Hey! It’s half-past-the-month! Gots to get over to ‘the ‘corn’ and see what nefarious photation they have this week! (Protection Prayer is surely in order, “Bless me Rorschach, for I forget…”)

Enough of the strained effort at cleverness, jenne and CE hang out with a crazy-talented bunch over there at the Unicorn Challenge.

Stop over and read some. Like back in university days when you’d wear an overcoat in the cafeteria line so’s you could swipe an extra grinder or three for your friends who had no money.

“And I’ll be granted my wish?”

Avoiding the eyes of the old woman poised at the end of a dark alley on Pennyburn Road, I stood in a rainy November afternoon.

“One little thing, a slight transformation,” a fishhook of a lilt, that, were it coming from a girl, would’ve convinced most young men to resort to crime.

“A stroke of this,” it being a small blackish-grey thing in a dirt-creased palm, “You spend time practicing your listening skills and before you know it, you’ll be on the circuit signing your latest book to fans who can’t wait to hear what you have to say.”

Years in school studying psychology, more writing online trying to establish a following and what did I get? A mountain of debt, a divorce and a rheumy wink from a woman in the terminal stages of life.

“You will become, for as long as it takes to meet six hundred and sixty-six people, the manifestation of your dreams. Then fame and riches beyond your wildest dreams will be yours.”


“Honey, please! We need to call the cruise ship so they don’t leave without us. The excursion manager wasn’t happy with your insisting on going it alone.”

“For a country associated with engineers and engineering, you’d think the cellphone network wouldn’t have so many dead spots.”

“Look dear, there’s a…”

“Jesus Christ that’s their idea of a phone booth?! There aren’t even any wires coming out of it…. no way I’m getting near that thing.”


