the Wakefield Doctrine | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 64 the Wakefield Doctrine | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 64

TToT -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

This is our weakly contribution to the Ten Things of Thankful (TToT) bloghop. Long considered the apex Grat-blog in the ‘sphere. Often imitated, the TToT is still the go-to for anyone needing a quick attitude adjustment.

1) Phyllis —————————————————————–↓

2) Una ———————↑

3) the Wakefield Doctrine

4) continued non-snowistic climate.

5) the Six Sentence Story bloghop. (Week’s fave Six: ‘Entrée’)

6) the Unicorn Challenge bloghop (Doctrine Pick of the Week: ‘Now, that’s one hell of a development opportunity‘ )

7) writing and such

8) technology that allows a photo of the rather exceptional Sailor’s Warning sky at sunrise yesterday. The photo at the top of this post does not do justice to how red the sky was.

9) something, something

10) Secret Rule 1.3


music vids





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Six Sentence Story -the Wakefield Doctrine [a Café Six]

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

This is the Doctrine’s contribution to the Six Sentence Story bloghop.

Hosted by Denise, governed by a single admonition: make the story six sentences (no more, no less) in length.

ok… since we insist on continuing our, ‘what the?!??!!’ serial Six story, (the one that’s all dialogue between two characters at everyone’s favorite metaphorical virtual gathering place, the SSC&B), it behooves us to provide a link to the previous installment. Sure, we all enjoy writing, (and reading), serial Sixes. This one is so (we want to allude to an episode of our favorite show, ‘Community’ but my meta account is way overdrawn). Lets just go with the standard,

Previously in the Manager’s Office.

This week’s prompt word:


“This is all just a …contest to you, isn’t it?”

Surely the smile is the original, (and thoroughly irresistible), prompt to indulge in anthropomorphizing every other animal; this for a race characterized more by it’s collective insecurity than it’s putative intellectual advantage over all other living things. The non-verbal emotional bait being set out by the man in a ten-thousand-dollar suit, seated on the far side of a discount office supply desk from the young man in Salvation Army top coat and scuffed Corcoran jump boots; the challenge in correctly identifying which had the upper hand is an example of the core dilemma in quantum psychology: it had nothing to do with them and everything to do with the hypothetical observer.

“I could throw in a third-hand quote from the creator of the modern detective novel, but that would be redundant, wouldn’t it kid?”

The tall, thin man felt a ripple of excitement in his abdomen, surely what the storied hunters of the previous century must have experienced in the moment they had, in their gun sights, the big… wild animal, the trophy of sought by all Big…. animal hunters.

“Let’s quit this shit, we both know any disagreement between you and I won’t amount to anything more than every beginner-writer’s info-dump;” as the Sophomore stood up, the collective scream of piezoelectric pain rose from the cell phones on the desk, renewing their dance for attention, “And agree to call this…. what’s the word I can never remember… something from the sport of tennis  win-set-match…. no, not that… some singular collective word… whatever.”



Six Sentence Story -the Wakefield Doctrine- [an Ian Devereaux Six]

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers).

This is the Doctrine’s contribution to the Six Sentence Story bloghop.

Hosted by Denise, governed by a single admonition to make the story six sentences (no more, no less) in length.

To get in the mood, aka get the backstory to this week’s Six, follow the link: …Previously on the Six Sentence Theatre.

This week’s prompt word:


“Stand aside, woman, ‘The Game’s afoot!'”

Diane Tierney, now back at her hostess station of the Bottom of the Sea Strip Club and Lounge laughed; it sounded like everything that humor conjoined with sexual tension can be and hardly ever is, joyous abandon with an undertone of the carnal.

I smiled, ‘Into the breach fair maiden…’ and immediately stumbled over my words as I exceeded the safe duration of eye contact with a woman who was, from our first encounter, at once intimidating while simultaneously supercharging my atavistic drive to protect her from danger, real or imagined.

“Dear Sir, your commingling of literary allusions makes my knees weak and fluttery,” Diane, had she been a character in an olden days romance novel, would gather adjectives like willowy, alabaster skin touched by a rose and eyes of a deep blue to be mistaken for violet; I found her intriguing.

“Far be it from me, Mr. Devereaux, to interrupt you in your mission, so, until next Mid-Week Lunchtime Special, I’ll see you your Conan Doyle/Shakespeare mashup and raise you a simple, heartfelt, D. H. Lawrence, ‘Give me the democracy of touch, the resurrection of the body.’

To my credit I not only did not walk into the glass outer door, I transformed my stumble off the sidewalk into a manly jeté as I crossed Weybosset Street headed towards the palisade of hand-drawn picket signs milling around in a clumsy oval.



Tuesday -the Wakefield Doctrine- “…of crib-sheets, borrowed notes and the mildest of workweek days.”

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

Much to do today.

Fortunately, it is Tuesday (Tuesday’s motto: “Sure, why not? the Rest of the week is wide open. Be all you can be today and don’t worry ’bout nothin’)

Hey! Don’t forget them extra cool upper/lower ordinals (?) and, blockquotes for good measure.

This, of course, in response to Mimi and Denise’s comments.

“Yes, you can’t demo html code without it doing the effect, I’ve tried. Maybe if you post a picture of the code it would work.” (M.)

“That was fun (no, Denise, Monday morning (while leaving a comment) is not the time to figure out how to italicize words in the comment box).
I’ll meet everyone in the language lab a bit later! (D)

ok1. errr ok1

that should cover all the html that we ever use. now: lets see if’n ‘the Press allows us copy and paste them pyschoglyphics!

For us, once we were told the basic convention (of extra-cool word things) was: using ‘<‘ and ‘>” as brackets always negate the command, as in <something> Object word/phrase </something>

as in: <em> italics on word/phrase <not italics>

lets push this button ….here is the top half showing html tags

Welcome to the <strong>Wakefield Doctrine</strong> (<strong><em>the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers</em></strong>)

Much to do today.

Fortunately, it is Tuesday (<em>Tuesday’s motto: “Sure, why not? the Rest of the week is wide open. Be all you can be today and don’t worry ’bout nothin'</em>)

Hey! Don’t forget them extra cool upper/lower ordinals (?) and, blockquotes for good measure.

This, of course, in response to Mimi and Denise’s comments.
<blockquote>Yes, you can’t demo html code without it doing the effect, I’ve tried. Maybe if you post a picture of the code it would work. (M.)

I’ll meet everyone in the language lab a bit later! (D)</blockquote>
ok<sup>1</sup>. errr ok<sub>1</sub>

that should cover all the html that we ever use. now: lets see if’n ‘the Press let’s us copy and paste them pyschoglyphics!

For us, once we were told the basic convention (of extra-cool word things) was: using ‘&lt;’ and ‘&gt;” as brackets always negate the command, as in &lt;something&gt; Object word/phrase &lt;/something&gt;

as in: &lt;em&gt; italics on word/phrase &lt;not italics&gt;


Holy shit! it worked!

Lets quit while we ahead.

This is the way that we know of to put italics and such into comments on another body’s post.




RePrint Monday -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

Found it!*

*The post we referred to in last week, this one; about how, in the early days of this blog, we’d find ourselfs prompted by the oddest of things to write a post.

the Wakefield Doctrine ‘Always Chilled…Never Heated’

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)Finish the Sentence Friday.

(a ‘blog hop’ that is being: sponsored,  promoted, hosted by, enticed-into-by-the-charms-of, held-in-a-metaphorical-gymnasium-on-a-Friday-night, on-the-list-of-charming-old-homes-to-tour, the central feature of the blogosphere and experienced as the high point of the week at the BB&G,  courtesy of the Doctrine’s three favorite Bloggarini : Janine ( Confessions of a Mommyaholic), Kate (Can I have another bottle of Whine…), Stephanie (Mommy, for real) and Dawn (Dawn’s Disaster)

“If I were stuck on an island, I would like to have…”

…the following in no particular order or emphasis:

  • Ginger and Maryanne
  • an internet connection
  • the body of a 19 year old (gender optional)
  • the mind of my present age
  • 1 of my childhood friends
  • 3 of my adolescent aged friends
  • 1 of my teenage years girlfriends (real or imagined)
  • my first car (1964 Chevy Bel Air station wagon in faded-to-orange-blue paint)
  • a contract to complete the Wakefield Doctrine book (currently in ‘pre-write’)
  • the physique to wear shorts without looking: a) silly, b) old or d) excessively gay (not that there’s anything wrong with being gay)
  • an endless supply of BLTs (despite the climate there is always magically un-adulterated mayonnaise)
  • a boat (just for sitting in and looking at the Island from the middle of the lagoon, with Maryanne waving and what I would swear looks like Ola in a clearing in the jungle)

Hey!  Somehow I have this little darling up at the beginning of the eponymous Friday morning…. hey!  don’t be afraid to call in tomorrow night (if you find yourself in a place at 8:00 pm EDT where you know where the kids are, and they seem to be happy and quiet or you have no plans and you feel like something that will challenge your beliefs and amuse you in ways that you haven’t been amused since…oh I don’t know… since, before girlfriends and boyfriends, husbands and wives, children and favorite pets became the central organizing feature of your reality.  call and you might find yourself enjoying, or not who can really say for sure?


That certainly was fun.

To get a jump on this week’s Doctrine posts, we’ll be continuing our discussion of fluency.

For our purposes, the term fluency denotes the understanding of the principles of the Wakefield Doctrine; like with a second language, i.e. an advanced degree in facility in the use of the language of the Doctrine.

Should be a fun week,

