Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)
This is the Wakefield Doctrine’s contribution to the Ten Things of Thankful (TToT) bloghop. In the week/month/quarter/including-the-one-not-given/decade/collective-lost-weekends/idealized-mid-childhood/and most re-constructed memories we are grateful for:
1) Una
2) Phyllis
3) the Wakefield Doctrine
4) something, something
5) the Six Sentence Story bloghop Six Pix of the Week: ‘Torn Seam‘ by Denise. (a nice little, quick glance across time (and, maybe dimensions)
6) the Unicorn Challenge bloghop Best of Show: Margaret‘s ‘The view from a diving bell‘ (a little exercise in the art of employing the rhythm of language)
7) writing colaboration with Tom (“…of Heroes and the MisUnderstood“)
8) Six Sentence Café and Bistro. Hey! Mark your favorite characters’ calendars… a couple of weeks, (or so), Tom and I will be concluding our Serial Six (Grat #7). And, one way or another we’ll, (collectively and metaphorically), find ourselfs at the Café. Send you characters (or be, bold-devil-may-care and show up however you manifest). A Splendid Time is guaranteed for all! Not to worry about setting/physical context, will provide descriptive references leading up to the event. (Or you can check in with any of the regulars (or their metavars*): Nick/Gatekeeper, Denise/Bartender, Mimi/(ma’am or ‘cher’ will work or whatever moves you), Chris/Raconteuse or Tom (Anyone with Ford’s current address, feel free to send it on) and jenne. It’ll be fun in a meta meta kinda way, ya know? (Quick overview: in a semi-deserted factory/mill district of most cities, (Misky has a excellent story that manifests the concept that Six Sentence Café and Bistros can be found anywhere provided there is sufficient desire to find it. Easiest description: rectangle shaped, entrance at the lower right corner(ish). Once through the foyer, with it’s cigarette machine piled high with free magazines addressing: local real estate offerings, band-members and used cars, copies of the Watch Tower and brochures from the local Chamber of Commerce. You might see Frank there, sitting on the single vinyl-upholstered bench seat (for the busier nights). Through the doors to the Café proper, the bar runs down the right wall, the rest of the public space is to the left. Architecturally-opportunistic alcoves are found along the exterior wall, opposite which is the long interior wall, (looking at our non-existent floor plan the top edge of the rectangle), in the middle of which is a small, one-step up stage. Back to the bar behind which the shelves of liquor are interrupted by double-swinging doors (with those cool porthole windows) that give access to Tom‘s domain, the kitchen. At the far end of the bar is the start of a hallway running to the right and the Manager’s office. Further past it no one is quite sure of anything other than the overhead lights always burn out too soon.
9) minor yard project (Yeah like a bagatelle for rake and wheelbarrow) Before and after (clearly all our hard work and effort paid big dividends! lol)
10) Secret Rule 1.3 sub-chapter 18; “… the effort to
* if this combination of meta and avatar hasn’t already been coined…. then you can thank the Doctrine