the Wakefield Doctrine | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 23 the Wakefield Doctrine | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 23

Wednesday -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

Special thanks to Friend-of-the-Doctrine, Cynthia. (Why, yes, that is a genuine Wakefield Doctrine U. hoodie).


The Wakefield Doctrine is a fun1 tool2.

Like the most fundamental, (and, therefore, arguably useful) tools, it offers a flexibility in application and a simplicity in operation.

The tool, that is the Wakefield Doctrine, is comprised of three moving parts, one conditional assumption, a single qualifying limitation and the ultimate in safe and simple On/Off switches.

Application, (of said tool), is of a variety of multitudes beyond a meaningful quantification.

(It being apparent we’ve run out of synonyms for useful, practical and…what’s the word? oh, yeah, ‘cool, productive and fun’, lets get all bullet pointy on this thing.)

So to the three moving parts:

  1. clarks (the Outsider)
  2. scotts (the Predator)
  3. rogers (the Herd Member)

We are, all of us, born with the innate predisposition to relate to the world in one of three manners/styles/character. And these three ‘styles’ (that other ‘normal’ personality typing schemes and theories refer to as ‘personality type’) we call, ‘predominant worldviews’. Ever body’s got one. And, as a bonus, we never lose the potential of ‘the other two’. The two that did not manifest as our personality type remain a potential influence on our lifes and behavior)

Beneath it all, (the fun and efficacy of our little personality theory), is the phrase: ‘How we relate ourselves to the world around us and the people who make it up’.

Oft under-understood, this phrase has one word that accounts for a) it not quite making the most of the value as a tool for self-improvement and 2) missing out on an opp for self-understanding (oursefls). Damn! We gave it away. If we were in a classroom or lecture hall, one might say to the assembled students-to-school, “We did not say, ‘how we relate to the world’, people, we said, ‘how we relate ourselves to the world’ Big-assed difference. What? No, that last will not be on the exam.”

“This will be on the Mid-term!”

(to be continued…)




couldn’t link into photo-caption, so, ‘Thanks, Cynthia!’

1. fun (n.) “diversion, amusement, mirthful sport,” 1727, earlier “a cheat, trick” (c. 1700), from verb fun (1680s) “to cheat, hoax,” which is of uncertain origin, probably a variant of Middle English fonnen “befool” (c. 1400; see fond). Scantly recorded in 18c. and stigmatized by Johnson as “a low cant word.” Older senses are preserved in phrase to make fun of (1737) and funny money “counterfeit bills” (1938, though this use of the word may be more for the sake of the rhyme). See also funny. Fun and games“mirthful carryings-on” is from 1906.

2. tool(n.)Middle English tol, from Old English tol “mechanical instrument for manual use, implement used by a craftsman or laborer, weapon,” from Proto-Germanic *tōwalan “implement” (source also of Old Norse tol), from a verb stem represented by Old English tawian “prepare” (see taw).
Both of above citations aka feetnotes, courtesy of our friends at Online Etymology Dictionary

Monday -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

Where were we?

Before we connect to last week’s series of Doctrine posts, here’s a RePrint. Somethin’ the New Reader should find interesting and…well, accessible.

Let’s take a read, shall we?

FAQs + WD + wtf = Enlightenment and Self-Improvement Wakefield Doctrine-style

We all know that it is a time-honored technique, when in the middle of the Summer’Re-run’ season to write a Q & A Post  (or as our clarklike Readers might prefer it, Q & I(nference) & (modified)Q & A(interrupted).  This saves the really good, original material for the Fall, when everyone is back from vacation and/or holiday and are ready to read online blogs. In addition, the use of a Q & A Post helps Readers who may have a passing interest in the Wakefield Doctrine, by allowing them to see that other people have the same questions*, which makes them? (all together now, rogers!!). Our scottian Readers have no more need for a Q & A than say a polar bear who happens upon an ice floe where 3 seal pups have been abandoned by their mother.

So lets get on with the Qs and the Answers!

Q: Alright, are you  guys for real, or what? Sometimes I read things that make sense in a serious and thoughtful way and the next thing I read is something about a girl in an imaginary High School. Whats the deal with you people?
A:Yes, we are for real. At least, as real as can be assumed about anything that you find on the internet. The Wakefield Doctrine really is the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers and there really are people who think in terms of all personality types being clarks or scotts or rogers.

Q: Sometimes I am (a scott) then other times I must be (a clark). Whats up with that?
A: You’re a clark

Q: Hey, wait! You can’t be that sure, on the basis of only one questions!
A: Yes I can. ( I’m a clark)   The question you should be asking is, ‘why does it seems that sometimes we are one form, other times others’? The answer is, of course, that we retain the capacity to experience the world as the three types, but have one (of the three) as a dominant view. i.e. clark, scott or roger.

A:  I heard that you have been doing this for more than 2 years, what have you learned about the Wakefield Doctrine that you did not know when you started?
Q:  How much fun and how satisfying it would be…this is the clarklike  answer. There may (or may not) be an answer to this question from the others in the Comment Section of this Post. But I would say, to amplify my answer, I am amazed on a daily basis how damn correct and ‘accurate’ the Wakefield Doctrine actually is! As a tool for self-development it is remarkable, as witness the progression of stunts and Posts, hats (for your damn heads) and trips across the country and latest of all, the Video Friday Interviews. I defy any clark reading this to say that the videos alone are documented proof of the efficacy of the Wakefield Doctrine as a personal development system.

So, there you have it. Questions and Answers and even a damn, borrowed music video. Is dis a system, or what?


*     I have been asked to not use my favorite joke about questions, so I won’t**
**   …unless you really want to hear it!***
*** in which case you have to go ask DS#1 or Ms. AKH if it is alright

Yes, I have seen three gigantic rogers before…but no, not this gigantic  lol




TToT -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

This is the Doctrine’s contribution to the Ten Things of Thankful (TToT) bloghop. It’s a recount of the people, places and things that have elicited, stimulated and otherwise inspired the feeling of gratitude. In some circles, this is considered an act of health and an investment in increasing the odds of avoiding the normal(!) and seemingly(falsely) natural tendency to see the negative in the world of our daily lives. And such.

1) Una

oh! the humanity!! (August 2011)

2) Phyllis

3) the Wakefield Doctrine

4) the Meadow and the Fern Circle (ok, might be a little difficult to see the emerging pattern… but maybe that’s for a reason, ever stop to think that?)

5) the Unicorn Challenge bloghop  Premium ‘corn. From Tessa

6) the Six Sentence Story bloghop. Six Pick of the Week. From Yingling:  ‘Dial

7) paint lower deck project (still gotta scrape)

8) something, something


10) Secret Rule 1.3


music vids





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Ffdrkiyeedaeirhhy -the Wakefield Doctrine- “…most of the letters are silent”

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

This is the Doctrine’s contribution to the Unicorn Challenge bloghop.

Hosted by jenne and ceayr, it’s really fun to participate, if you are so inclined.

The only limit? No more than two hundred and fifty words in your story. The genesis of which:


Each station had a display of all remaining stops. Brightly LED-authoritative, and of a certain comfort, in a digital 21st C sort of way, they provided the weary traveler assurance the world was organized in a logical and human-sensible manner. The car moved at a velocity that, due to the quality of the engineering, was not discernible, other than the time spent going through stations. On the cusp of one day and the next, we didn’t bother slowing down. In the time it took to glide from one end of the cylinder of light to the next, the display flickered into: Last Stop Taigh Both Fhleisginn

The darkness that followed was of the deepness that awakens the most atavistic lobe of the brain; which, for all of its primitive reasoning, paved the way to becoming an apex predator. Left with fading light fragments, my mind re-assembled them, an over-tired child sitting in an avalanche of favored toys; light-drew-letters/ letters-formed-words/ words-created-a-world: the briefest of messages flared:

Time is not a River. Time is not a stream. The world has no boundaries. Life is but a dream.

Settling back into the seat, my companion smiled randomly and I began to believe that taking the drug he’d offered was something of a mistake.

He turned, facing me, (and our direction of soundless travel); his lips moved without disturbing the air, yet the message was clear and simple:

Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law.






Six Sentence Story -the Wakefield Doctrine- [a Café Six]

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

This is the Doctrine’s contribution to the Six Sentence Story bloghop.

Hosted by Denise is has but one rule: your story must have exactly six sentences.

Hey! Here’s something interesting. At least to Readers who enjoy the challenge of providing musical accompaniment to what is, naturally, a solitary and, for the most part, silent diversion; we have provided two equally enhancing ‘soundtracks’. But, the thing is, each impart a different tone to our Six. If you have the time and are so inclined, let us know which makes the story(ette) more enjoyable.

Prompt word:


“Rosetta, Rosetta Storme.”

There are times in life, the mind shepherded into a certain quietude, when the world speaks nearly aloud; one might, within these very special moments, hear it comment on the ways of men and the designs of women; this being one such moment in the Six Sentence Café & Bistro: the ice maker under the bar chuckled with cool cynicism, the coffeemaker sighed wistfully and, with an authority more assumed than real, the antique cash register threw an asterisk into the neon dusk of the nearly empty Café.

Tethered by one perfectly manicured hand on the polished mahogany, the young woman smiled at the Bartender who, moving her head away from the cell phone in her hand, turned towards the voice, slowing her arc to make eye contact with Mimi sitting at the dark end of the bar, “Pleased to metcha, what can we do you for?”

“I’m here for a job,” the double swinging doors leading to the kitchen behind the bar, in their haste to get out of Tom‘s way, offered a ‘hmph‘ with as much disapproval as, well, as doors are capable of; “I was told by my boss to come here and say, well, I guess I already have, ‘I’m here for a job.”

“And that you did, cher,” Mimi smiled at Tom, who, folding his towel, carefully tucked it into the ties of his apron, the plain-white obi of the culinary arts; with the passionate calculation of the watchmaker adjusting the hands over the dial, she continued, “And who might your boss be, if you don’t object to our curiosity?”

While sometimes, in rare moments, the world can be heard to speak, there are other times, far more common if not still quite challenging, when a person can answer; with an exhibition of the mutual respect exhibited by prize fighters and 1960s Spelling Bee competitors, the young woman removed her exquisitely-tailored blazer, draped it over the back of the adjacent barstool and smiled, “Lou Caesare.”

(to be cont’d)



