the Wakefield Doctrine | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 2 the Wakefield Doctrine | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 2

Monday -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

The simplest, and among those who have come to this website more than two and a half times, question we hear is this:

What good is it?

There are, in the way of this particular theory of personality, three answers:

  1. It offers a fragment of a map
  2. It’s kinda fun and, hey…  anything that provides an edge is good
  3. It might, in certain circumstance, once properly vetted and refined, offer more richness to an already perfect world

There! Ha! Our topic!

New Readers: What follows is an example of: Experience versus Youth. Unbridled Enthusiasm versus Thoughtful Reflection. If you’re new, we recommend the 2010-2013 vintage posts.

Anyway. Lost the thread…. oh yeah, this (from this weekend’s call-in)

clarks are crazy * scotts are stupid * rogers are dumb

the worst other personality type for:

  • a clark is to be a roger
  • for a scott is to be a clark
  • for a roger is to be a scott


Do your reading.

Given how their joining in on the call-in this weekend spares us the need to find and post a RePrint, a Doctrine shout-out:

  • Cynthia for all website and internetistic needs and requirements head over to her site:  Artfunky
  • Denise for reading and finding a path to the true value of the blogosphere, i.e. bloghops and flash fiction and such: GirlieontheEdge
  • roger for words and posts that are composed of pleasingly well-rounded words: The Secessionist Rag

So go to these sites and be sure to tell ’em the Doctrine sent ya,



TToT -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

This is the Wakefield Doctrine’s contribution to the Ten Things of Thankful (TToT) bloghop.

New Participants? Rules? Nah… well, wait, now that you mention it, yeah there are a couple of Rules: a) create a list of 10(ish) things that you believe (or want to believe) inspire a sense of gratitude and b) link them up to this here bloghop here. Pretty simple, isn’t it?

Why? (Who said that!! Get them the hell outa…. ) lol. no, perfectly valid question. Because there is more benefit to a person to acknowledging…. no, not quite ‘the positive!!!’ (there’s a door down the hall, says “And it can only be four”, you’ll be fine)…. what we were going for is ‘acknowledging the choice we have between the dark and the light’. Enough of the meta-meta. Bottom line, the one true gift of a particular fruit of a certain Garden is not overly-advertized capacity to identify with others. ya know?

1) Phyllis

2) Una

3) the Wakefield Doctrine

4) the Unicorn Challenge (bloghop)

5) the Six Sentence Story (bloghop)

6) closing (on a property)

7) ground is almost thawed in the backyard, which means Mia might be free to run around in her hyper-maniacal fashion,

8) something, something

9)…we’re working on it! jeez louise! ! give a moving-finger a break, already!

10) Secret Rule 1.3


music vids






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Friday -the Wakefield Doctrine- (a Unicorn Challenge offering)

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers

This is the Doctrine’s contribution to the Unicorn Challenge bloghop.

A word-count constrained imagination contest* hosted by jenne and ceayr, the prompt is an image and the only limit is ‘tell your story in under 250 words’.


“Toe may toe…”

“Toe mah toe!”

Laughter fractal’d from the two. Held by the gossamer scaffolding of their respective imaginations, both made good on their, (ok, our), offer to the Reader for a pleasant, momentary diversion.

(Contrary to the stern admonitions, embedded like the walnut chunks in a German chocolate cake, of countless books on rhetoric, there are times when a Narrator may be considered reliable.)

‘You’re more …refined sounding than you look.”

“…and you’re even more attractive, the up-lilt of your accent, no, don’t tell me! I was so young when last I encountered it.”

(The parentheticals too off-putting? Sorry. What? No, a good Narrator is but a guide, neither the journey nor the souvenirs.)

“While your voice is as familiar as sleeping breath, discarding one sense surely advantages the others… tell me more.”

“Your true strength is revealed by your voice, where a dark-smudge of a person was, sound replaces light.”

(Surely you’ve guessed. These two have appeared, however fictionally, in a number of our stories.)

“Indeed, sight is not the primary…

“Or primal

Laughter, like a good dinner guest, contributes sparingly to the event, enhancing a dish, not replacing it. The two, [as Narrator, reliable or otherwise, we pray you not regard us as elements in our tale], continued their exploration of their respective love.

“Since we are, for the moment, citizens of the aural realm, names are the most appropriate gifts we might exchange, do you agree?”

“I do. Mr. Stone.”




Six Sentence Story -the Wakefield Doctrine- [an Ian Devereaux Six]

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

This is the Doctrine’s weakly contribution to the Six Sentence Story bloghop.

Hosted by Denise, subject to the Rule of Six.

Previously, in our SSC&B story...

Prompt Word:


“Want a Xanax?”

I kept my eyes on the dashboard, my feet on the floor mats and my head in the reassuring embrace of a 35 mph wind coming in from the front passenger-side window; my mind, well like the owner of an excitable puppy bouncing off the entry gate of a safely-fenced dog park, I unclipped the leash and let him run.

“What? I believe in a well-stocked medicine cabinet and my business partner is a major underworld crime boss, I could take you to the hospital but all they’ll do there is pump you full of sedatives, put you in a room that’s nothing but soft, well-rounded corners and have a social worker talk to you like a child; or you can close your eyes and pretend you’re a college sophomore.”

I took a chance and turned in my seat to look at Diane Tierney, being extra careful to focus on her face and avoid the motion-blurred scenery that was, unfortunately, for my present mental state, an essential element in automobile travel; damn I was high.

Her face was as beautiful as always, framed in brown hair that always managed to be an essential element in her communication style; a turn of her head was accompanied by a slow wave of hair from one side to the other, every bit the placing of a hand on the forearm of the person you’re trying to persuade; her lips, as delicately sculpted as if daring the world to ignore the sensuality they outlined, her eyes… her eyes were brown most of the time, slightly-hooded and was the essential point-of-entry for anyone with a heartbeat, a life-force and a desire to become, if only for a moment, immortal.

Did I mention how high I still was?



Six Sentence Story -the Wakefield Doctrine- [a Café Six]

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

This is the Doctrine’s weakly contribution to the Six Sentence Story bloghop.

Hosted by Denise, subject to the Rule of Six.

Previously, in our Six Sentence Serial...

Prompt Word:


“Listen, while I appreciate a tête-à-tête with a fellow pillar of the community, I do have a business to run… illicit substances don’t grow on trees, judges ain’t gonna corrupt themselves and I got too many cops on payroll that need constant supervision,” Lou stood with the silent grace of a shark in an evening-shaded coral reef.

“Anytime, Lou,” the tall, thin man stood with a formality that spoke volumes even as the third person re-established her presence;

“Wait a minute…” Rosetta Storme took out her phone and with a Gen X pirouette tried for a selfie while, in the way of her generation, launching into a complaint about some aspect of her life, most likely her being an employee of the Café.

The owner of the Bottom of the Sea Strip Club and Lounge paused, not yet beyond the circle of light that illuminated the table, “Godamn, that’s right, there isn’t a boarding school in New or Old fricken England that’ll accept you and me, fresh out of severed race horse heads…”

Looking back to the young woman, “of course, you could come to work for me at the Bottom of the Sea; it’d be entry level management position, my hostess and business partner might be open to…” a smile of a problem well-solved began to fissure the club owners face.

“What, are you fuckin’ high, me work for that old…”  a conductor’s baton, raised high on Opening Night before a SRO crowd had nothing on Lou Caesare’s elevated eyebrow, as he continued,

“Diane could teach you more about business management in a single week than two years listening to an Ivory League professor lecturing on the subtle intricacies of monetary policy and maximizing inherent labor resistance.”

“If I may, Lou,” the Proprietor smiled like an experienced lion tamer entering the cage, “You are welcome to continue on here, Rosetta….”

“Oh, great, this is where you go all sitcom on me, how I’ve become a part of the family and everyone likes me.”

“Well, no, ” a cough of laughter stowed aboard a cloud of cigar smoke from the opposite side of the table, “They don’t, but the thing is I promised Lou that as an employee, I’d keep you safe from them; so if you choose to continue on here I should mention we’re having a special celebration event for all employees and their friends and family, April’s Fool on the Third and you will be on duty.



