the Wakefield Doctrine | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 13 the Wakefield Doctrine | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 13

Flyday -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

This is the Wakefield Doctrine’s contribution to the Unicorn Challenge.

Hosted by jenne and ceayr, it is an image-prompt bloghop with the simplest of requirements: stories not to exceed 250 words.

[ed. thanks to ceayr in advance for giving me a chance to riff on his ‘Corn]


“If I see one more fuckin’ primitive, ‘oh-so-whimsical’ art display, I’m gonna break some shit up.”

Muttering out-loud produced the desired therapeutic effect. My first-year instructor at Langley used to insist, ‘Talk to yourself in public, sing Gilbert & Sullivan in the shower, whatever it takes, people. In the spy game, stress has killed more agents than bullets’.

So here I am making a pickup that should’ve been a cherry run for the nearest local agent: go to a gift shop in Grand Loch Banallity, find a red suitcase, find a jade camel figurine and deliver it to someone by the name ‘Raconteuse‘ at a bohemian nightspot called the SSC&B

“Who doesn’t love a voice-over?”

When I first turned to face the street and take a selfie to document the replaced Red Case, the only person in sight was a homeless man in a trench coat, rummaging through a trash-bin on the far sidewalk.

“Keith, don’t just stand there, take the lass’s phone so she can let her friends back home see fair Alba.”

Had the woman been wearing a Lee Penny around her neck and the white-haired man, a sporran, they couldn’t be more Highland tourists on an off-season holiday.

“Having a blether with yourself? Ain’t not a bad thing, hen.” She smiled with a glint of store-bought teeth.

I considered shooting them both, just on general principle; but at that moment two SUVs bracketed the old man and my retirees were whipping out serious side arms.



TToT -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

This is the Doctrine’s contribution to the Ten Things of Thankful (TToT) bloghop.

1) Phyllis

2) Una

3) the Wakefield Doctrine

4) the Unicorn Challenge bloghop  ‘Spy vs Spy‘ by ceayr

5) the Six Sentence Story bloghop. Pic ‘o the Week: ‘A Silver Box‘  by Chris

6) ‘hypo-grats’ yeah, sure, as an Item on a list for a gratitude bloghop, there might be the slightest risk of rhetorical infinite regression, but remember where you read it! lol. to our point (of including these) hypograts (check with Mimi for the true (and maturely expressed) definition) are one of the qualities this ‘hop has that, in theory, should open it to all for participation. You don’t have to be all grateful-all-the-time, just be possessed of an attitude that permits being open to alternative perspectives ya know?

7) Ola (photo at the top of the post)… our first dog, she exemplified the cool thing about the German Shepherd breed and the pitcha says it all… big smile, big teeth.

8) excessive rain… the pond is up to it’s more traditional (and pleasing to the eye) levels. the yellow lines? my efforts at noting certain areas that would not necessarily be evident after the ‘flood waters’ had receded. specifically the lowest point along the left edge and the point where the main stream of runoff  splits left to right

9) something, something

10) Secret Rule 1.3


music vid





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Six Sentence Story -the Wakefield Doctrine- [an Ian Devereaux Six]

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

This is the Doctrine’s contribution to the Six Sentence Story bloghop.

Hosted by Denise. One requirement: story length to be 6 sentences.


Prompt Word:


“Hello Diane; Lou, he’s here, right?”

The HVAC system of the Bottom of the Sea Strip Club and Lounge was state of the art, however the smoke particulate levels on a busy Thursday night would shame any 18th Century opium den or most church-basement AA meetings during the 1950s.

That said, the owner, Lou Ceasare, was known to decide his memories of growing up on the mean streets of the capital city should be shared and, with a call to his plumber, (the one who had a license to practice his trade, as opposed to anyone in his employ who might have added a reference to the tools of the trade, i.e. Seymour the Hammer or Lester Two-hands) and have the state-of-the-art, Health Department mandated air conditioning system shut down until closing or if one of his dancers complained, only then, waving his imported Cuban cigar like a thurible in a dark mass benediction, would he relent,

“Like a fuckin’ lagoon before the real predators show up, ya know what I mean?”

If a person, customer, performer or staff was in Lou’s company at such a moment of reminiscence, they would vigorously assert their knowledge of what the man in the last booth was asking.

Among the societal and cultural values of the myths of ancient times was to provide a variety of agencies to act as intermediaries between Man and Deity; they came in all shapes, sizes, dispositions and genders, the hostess of the Bottom of the Sea, Diane Tierney, if suddenly cast back in time, would be a shoe-in for the role of Semele.

“Yeah, Ian, but even if you’re a favorite at the moment, I’d advise you to keep your sentences short and your demands even more so,” she reached halfway towards my arm, seemed to think twice and, instead, walked towards the last booth on the right; she didn’t even once look back to see if I followed her.



Six Sentence Story -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

This is the Doctrine’s contribution to the Six Sentence Story bloghop.

Hosted by Denise. One requirement: story length to be 6 sentences.

Prompt Word:


“So why the sudden hard-on for intel from my organized crime task force?”

Detective Lieutenant Ed Pierce’s office lacked: a window, seating for more than one guest and adequate overhead lighting; it did have: a grey metal conference table piled with banker’s boxes of case files, a calendar extolling the desirability of a Caribbean vacation suspended by a yellow push-pin from the room’s mahogany paneling and a free-standing ashtray of bronze and amber glass; despite the solar eclipse circle of sterile light from the Tensor lamp on his desk, the office smelled of ambition and fear, the heart notes of most law enforcement establishments.

“I don’t know why the Department is suddenly interested in a twenty-something woman showing up in your town after bouncing around private schools in Europe for the last half of her teen years, but here I am, so help me out so I don’t have to have one of our quieter three-letter agencies tap your...everything,” FBI Special Agent Blake Carter always enjoyed invoking the real power in the Age of Information.

Ed Pierce, deciding that although his guest had the credentials to ask the questions, nothing said he had to make it easy, after lighting his own, he shook a staggered row of cigarettes from his pack of Marlboros and offered his guest one, the cloud of exhaled smoke obscures his smile at the look of revulsion on the young FBI agent’s face, and in a tone meant to imply capitulation,

“The girl is interesting, you’ll get no argument from me on that; fact of the matter is the first thing we hear is that Lou has her accepting a job at a local, off-the-wall nightspot,” holding up his hand towards his guest, “I know what you’re gonna say, “No shit, ain’t no business in this town that ain’t gonna say no when the owner of the Bottom of the Sea Strip Club & Lounge asks for a favor; don’t get me wrong, these people at this Café joint ain’t exactly Chamber of Commerce types, a real motley crew.”

“Don’t even get me started…you want to hear how weird this thing is, my boss told me to brush up on my German; and to expect a call from Interpol; that’s a lot of bandwidth for a twenty-something and a …a bunch of, whad’ja say they call themselves, Proprietors?”

“Well I’m just a local cop, but everything points to the girl being the key to bringing down Caesare and his organization.”




Wednesday -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

so, lets wrap up our little discussion of the insights into the deepest, darkest reaches of the… Herd? lol nah, lets review how this tool (the Wakefield Doctrine) is put to best use and, if we have time, maybe a way advantageous to understanding of the whole business of personal realities, predominant worldviews and clarks, scotts and rogers.

How to use: learn the characteristic behaviors and implications of (their) relationship with the world around them of all three personality types. If you see someone, (at work, in class, hell, at home), if a) you’re totally new to this thing and 2)have the good sense to keep your insights to yourself, then watch them as long as it takes until the ‘No frickin’ way they’re a….‘ personality type moment to occur. Now the fun/work begins. You have only two worldviews left. One will be the ‘correct’ one. There’s a good chance that you’re trying to decide between their being a scott or a roger. (We’ll tell you why only if you ask in Comments.)

Imagine being them. Then imagine that you are a scott in the situation that you’re working with…. ok, now the same while putting yourself in the shoes of a roger. Go back and forth as the ‘scene’ situation develops. Which feels more congruent? Which doesn’t make you feel like throwing something?


You are working with the alternative perspectives afforded by the Wakefield Doctrine. (With sufficient practice you will know more about the other person than they know about themselves.)


that other thing we mentioned yesterday, the insight into the world of the Herd Member that was not readily perceivable? a thing call ‘referential authority’. It is a quality of all roger’s personal reality. It is a primary identifier, as in, if you see a person exerting (or attempting to exert) their will on the world around them and the people who make it up, but are predicating their effort on a third party, that’s referential authority.

Because that’s how we’ve always done it…. Ask anyone, they will tell you… It’s not me, I’m just telling you how everyone approaches that situation...”

