self-development | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 9 self-development | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 9

TToT -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

This is the Doctrine’s weekly contribution to the Ten Things of Thankful (TToT) bloghop. For this last weekend of Summer, we present the following Grats:

1) Phyllis

2) Una

3) the Wakefield Doctrine

4) the Six Sentence Story bloghop  Six-of-the-Week: ‘Fading Out‘ by Mimi

5) the Unicorn Challenge,  Damn! Story of the Week ‘Naming Day‘ by Margaret

6) the Great Bridge Project: Recap So the Grrrr Ate! Flood of 2024 lifted the bridge off it’s pier and it got hung-up on the shore about 10 feet away and, more critically, bout 3.2 feets in lower in elevation relative to where it must rest:

7) the Great Bridge Project: Update! Holy Smoke! Took longer than previous year’s efforts but, still, lookie there it’s out of the water and allowing access for the new bridge (stay tuned)

8)n one of the fun things about these kinds of home projects is the reliance on primitive tools and kind-hearted rogers. (Forgive the poor framing of this photo, but note the long lever)

9) something, something

10) Secret Rule 1.3


music vids

* So, every song found in a Doctrine TToT has a reason, an inciting incident (as our writerly friends might say). So, while working on the Great Bridge Move yesterday, levers were employed. At one point early on a configuration, (for applying force), involved two levers (thin trunks of smaller pine trees) to effect the move. P was asked to press down on one with her hands and hold down a separate lever with her right foot. Naturally the following tuneage popped into our head.




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“Tuesday Afternoon” -the Wakefield Doctrine- “…is never ending.”

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

Damn! This* is dry. Interesting. Bordering on witty, slipping into boredom.

See?!?! Right there!

ok. pencils down. No, this will not be on the text.

the Wakefield Doctrine is an additional perspective on life, the world and the people who make it up. It is both tool and map. (Not instructions or hot assistant wearing a provocative outfit/clothing). It is presented as a theory of personality though there is no particular drive to justify suppositions, validate inferences or don a cap and gown (or tweed sports coat with leather patches). The terminology is used to justifiy using the term personality types, of which there are three. clarks, scotts and rogers.

{Spoiler Alert! New Readers, if you’re hoping for a fun narrative, outlandish metaphors, out-fricken’-rageous descriptions of behavior set in a rhetorical setting like a turnip in a museum display of Fabergé Eggy-weggs this is not the post. Go back to this post… or this one. Read it. Come back and ask your questions}

The Wakefield Doctrine is but one of countless attempts to make sense of the world, the human condition and how-to-get-through-Life-relatively-un-scathed.

The Beauty-part of who the Doctrine is intended to help is that, (and thank god! for the concept of secondary and tertiary aspects), the only people still reading are those who have a certain quality: once referred to as ‘flexible intelligence’, at time derided as, ‘jeez will you ever stop dreaming and apply yourself‘ or, even, “No! There never was a place called Kansas. This is as real as it is ever going to get.’ In other words clarks (or scotts with a significant secondary clarklike aspect / roger with a significant secondary clarklike aspect).

scotts and rogers have no particular need for the Wakefield Doctrine. Why? Why should they? Go find your (favorite, longest-standing) scottian friend and tell them about the Wakefield Doctrine. Go find your leading rogerian friend (the one who will spend time with you without requiring the presence of others) and explain the Wakefield Doctrine.

The result? They will laugh. (And we’re intending to characterize this reaction as laughing / laughing.)

The reason? As scotts and rogers with the minimum level of clarklike secondary aspect they enjoy what you seem to get out of the Doctrine. But, on the most fundamental level, they’re fish puzzled by your fixation on this ‘water’ thing (or quality or secret insight), if only you’d keep a consistent description, but hey, that’s the thing they like about you. You’re so crazy …and you don’t try to compete.

So what the hell is this!!! ?!?!

Thank god we sent away the New Readers!

Where’s the good-natured fun, the silly metaphors of the early years?

Here’s a question: (Despite the voice in our heads going all, ‘You know what they’re gonna say man’).  Do we look upon our change in writing style as a deficit or an asset. Clearly our posts are far more self-aware and, arguably less fun/funny. But, what about the New Reader? Do we assume they’ve grown up over the years or do we need to incorporate the early style into our current in the hope of providing an insight into our little personality theory that is sufficient to the task of providing enough for them to start seeing the clarks, scotts and rogers in their world?

… tomorrow we’ll return to the task of discussing why practicing seeing the Wakefield Doctrine at work in your own reality will dramatically enhance the benefits you derive.

ya know?


* renewed resolve to present the Wakefield Doctrine to a new generation of Readers





Midweeksday -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

New Readers?

There’s this thing we’ve discovered about our Readership over the years that’s encouraging  to most (Readers) and challenging to some. At least to the extent that this insight has been validated by all who come here and stay for any length of time.

Of all the Readers who come back here more than twice, most are either clarks or scotts with a significant secondary clarklike aspect or rogerswith a significant secondary clarklike aspect.

Sure, you’re thinking, ‘Well, duh. That pretty much includes all three personality types. Where’s the 411 in that?’

Hey, we have established that clarks consume ‘new’ like starved monkeys in a banana factory, right? The thing about insatiable appetites is theys always in a hurry. That’s why clarks do so poorly at tasks/jobs/hobbies/relationships that require a careful reading of concise and mandatory-for-success instructions. We* get it. We see the parts all in a box and such. Unfold the instructions. Read the first page, the top of the rest of the pages and then, if the pictures at all resemble what we have held in our minds since we started the assembly process… no! wait! make that ‘since we imagined having whatever it is that involves this task/job/hobbies/relationship’ then we’re all set.

Sure. Take all the time you need, New Readers** We’ll pause and, hell, why not lets stick a music vid here while you process the preceding paragraphs. (A little courtsey from your friends here at the Doctrine. Allows those for whom the thought is dawning, ‘Jeez that stuff in the other posts wasn’t, like for effect, where’s the door?’)

Lets what say we provide a little cognitive dissonance: the clarks (those whose predominant worldview is the of the Outsider) more often than not have greater difficulty getting anything useful from this little thought experiment than do the scott or roger (for each, the presence of a significant secondary clarklike aspect is totally sine qua non.) All that ‘Hurry up and lets get to the next thing that might have the Answer!’ don’cha know.

BEgin… NOw

Pencils down…


be sure to tune in*** tomorrow. that, being Thursday, you, New Readers, are invited to participate in the Six Sentence Story bloghop. Go ahead! Join in! Instructions are right there on the landing page. What you got to lose? (other than self-respect and the dream of being considered a legitimate writer, of course. lol)

The point of our post. The ‘takeaway’ is twofold: a) the presence of a secondary clarklike aspect cranks up the curiosity factor in scotts and rogers and 2) of the three, only clarks perceive out little personality theory as something not only interesting, but potentially useful.



* yes, we are a clark… we know you knew, but just wanted to crank up the ‘Annoy’ on the rogerian Readers and distract the scottian ones. Best of intentions, a course.

** totally grateful for your presence, yo. If for no other reason that our own fluency improves ever time we try to explain this here personality theory here to a stranger

*** ayiiee such a ‘How did so much time pass so quickly that this idiom is a frickin’ Rosetta-fricken-Stone for just about every one you’ll encounter today… (the polite ones will look slightly-unbored and say, “This ‘Dial’, you mean you watched ‘tele’ ‘Vision’ in the shower?!!’)


Monday -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

Where were we?

(Wait! Don’t tell us! We got this one.)

oh yeah. Here.

What that was, and this (post) is, is all about writing posts for the New Reader. A visitor, perhaps link-following from our primary bloghops ( the TToT, the Six Sentence Story or the Unicorn Challenge), taking a moment to see what this ‘Wakefield Doctrine’ is all about.

The goal is twofold. a) to see how we would explain our little personality theory compared to how we did at various points over the last fourteen, fifteen years and 2) to re-capture the simple joy and exhilaration of those early years when everything was a topic for a post explaining the Doctrine and the provocative jostled with the careful-not-to-offend like two pre-adolescent boys trying to impress a girl despite not being able to explain their determination.

lets jump into the middle, shall we?*

The Wakefield Doctrine posits three personality types:

  • clarks (Outsiders)
  • scotts (Predators)
  • rogers (Herd Members)

so, do we think we can recapture the energy and spirit and such that produced Readers saying stuff like, “Wait! What did you just say about living life as the Outsider was like being a detective that had to solve a crime while preventing everyone else from know their identity and mission?”

Having an established, if not educated, Readership is far more intrusive, subversive and distractive that we realized. Huh. Interesting.**

New Readers are directed to ignore most, if not all, asterixeded sentences and such.

The three predominant worldviews are relationships. Better to say, they are the character of the relationship we, all of us, develop and maintain throughout life. (Note: while we are all born with the potential of three personality types, settle into one at a very early age.)

blah.. blah…blah

err, New Readers.

Lets start over.

A clark, a scott and roger stand on the sidewalk on the opposite side of the city street from a very popular restaurant. It is nearly noon and there is a line of people waiting outside the door. The scott is shouting and pointing at people in the line. At one point he walks across the busy street and talks to a woman who is three couples from the door. (From our vantage point we cannot make hear what he is saying, except when he laughs.) The woman laughs when the scott points back at his two lunch companions on the opposite sidewalk. But she also waves at them. Something from the middle if the line gets their attention, a frowning man, gesticulating to his own companions. The scott laughs and walks back to the obviously upset man who immediately gestures and motions with his hands, pointing at his expensive watch in the general direction of the people around him. The scott smiles. Leans as if to confide something to the man (and his immediate companions).

Back on the other side of the street, the clark watches and smiles. The roger watches, frowns and begins to cross the street but stops as a bus nearly hits him. When it passes, the scott is almost back to their side of the street. The three continue waiting. One is relieved, the other, impatient and the third makes a joke.

A little vignette to get the week started.

New Readers? Despite the genders of the characters in our little illustration, write this down: ‘the Wakefield Doctrine is gender-neutral.

It is also culture and, even age, neutral. (This aspect, the age thing? Gets really facinating as it brings to the fore the effects and influences of the individual’s secondary and tertiary aspects. But that’s Introduction to the Wakefield Doctrine 103.)



*ok, right here is the first differences between the early days and the present. there was no ‘middle’ when we started. There was simply, (and this is an accurate, if not literal, description of the process of post writing) a new day and an empty (post) page. We’d sit down and see what showed up on the screen.1

** no, sorry there is no prize, hat or otherwise for “I know the predominant worldview of the writer! Because of what they wrote in that line.”


  1. Damn! For those following along, those non-New Readers, there is fundamental difference Numero Uno. We have a history now. There was no history against which we might write new and better ways to describe the Wakefield Doctrine.



New Reader’s Primer -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

(so, the real question is: is that Prim-er or Pry-mer? Being a clark, establishing the answer, even at the cost of totally killing our opening hook is worth it. So hold on while we check)


ok, we’re back. appears to be ‘dealer’s choice’ on the pronunciation.

Let’s just assume that we’ve already shaken that random visitor, site-skimmer, bored-in-traffic, phone-in-hand Reader. We know, of course,  something about the people who become Readers, even before we encounter, exchange comments, or otherwise interact with them.

That said, we remind ourselfs that this Post is for them, not about them. What we know about Readers is not at issue here. What is, is writing a post that allows the new Reader to get the basic concept of the Wakefield Doctrine and begin to put it to use. One post. (The legendary, if not apocryphal Perfect Doctrine Post.)

The Wakefield Doctrine is a personality theory consisting of three personality types. Everyone exhibits the behavior and traits and irrefutable indications of fitting the description of the three:

  1. the Outsider (clarks)
  2. the Predator (scotts)
  3. the Herd Member (rogers)

It’s tempting to contrast the Wakefield Doctrine system with other, more….er rogerian personality schema by saying that the personality traits, tropisms and behavior of the mainstream guys like Oscar, Mayers, Briggs and Consonants, Allport, out our personal fave, Sheldon’s Constitutional Theory of Somatotyping (motto: “Not sure yet about ‘look-at-my-handwriting-Hamilton there, but Ben? total roger“). But we won’t. After all, this post is not about them.

where were we?

New Readers!

Yeah. well we’ve managed to shake the dilettantes, so let’s get down to the single binding concept of this here personality theory here. The real fun, the ‘hey! tell us how we can spot people by their personality‘, follows. We will provide plenty of descriptions, indications and ‘anyone doing this…’ guidelines in the posts to follow. However, it might be best you stop here and subscribe to this blog, so. you don’t miss nothin’

The Wakefield Doctrine is, first and foremost, about the relationship we, all of us, maintain with the world around us and the people who make it up. The Wakefield Doctrine says that everyone is born with the potential for (establishing) one of three characteristic styles of acting and interacting with the world. These are the three listed above, the clark, the scott and the roger. The Wakefield Doctrine will insist that everyone has a perfect personality type. The Wakefield Doctrine says that because we are not born with a personality hardwired, genetically-coded or even divinely destined to stand on the sidewalk with our two best friends and, observing a popular local restaurant across the street and a line of people waiting to get in and say: (a low-key clarklike suggestion, a happy and energetic scottian encouragement or a satisfied rogerian validation).


… ok. our current thinking on writing Doctrine-posts? Keep it short and to the point.

New Readers? Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine. (Don’t be alarmed if you think you see an increasingly distinct, purple and blue ink club stamp on the back of your hand. We know that some of you are thinking, “Sure, intriguing, but they aren’t so organized. One more post. That’s it.)

