self-development | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 17 self-development | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 17

Monday -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

Quiet, little RePrint post (to prime the rhetorical pump) a quick Doctrine insight and on with the show.

ok, ok, time is doing that thing, like with the blind date saying, ‘Be right back. No, don’t wait to order. Just a little thing I need to do.’

Time! That’s it!

(New Readers? Next in value to the fact that we live in only one predominant worldview but have secondary and tertiary aspects, there is a thing in the Wakefield Doctrine referred to as ‘the Everything Rule’, What it means is: if one, (of the three), can do it/have it happen to them/experience it, then the other two can and does. How that thing manifests, in a given personal reality, that’s the important part.)

Of the three predominant worldviews, clarks have the most developed sense of time. Not, the rememberance of time (aka historical record) and not the passage of time (that place between ‘Go!’ and ‘Stop’,) That’s all we’ll say at this point.

(hey! clarks! Take a look at the clock. Got it? Now, in fifty minutes ask yourself self “Now?’)

(scottian and rogerian friends of the clark here in this case? Go ahead, ask ’em!)

-the Wakefield Doctrine- ‘of clarks and pre-emptive denigration’

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

(Note for New Readers: the Wakefield Doctrine is about nothing, if it’s not about understanding ‘the way that we relate ourselves to the world around us’.*)

This concept of pre-emptive denigration initially emerged from a conversation about how clarks tend to laugh too often. No! yeah, I did so say that! And I mean it, even though I suspect that making this statement will generate multiple  parentheseses and feet notes…*

clarks laugh too often and, these events of laughter, are (often) the manifestation of preemptory denigration. We (clarks) laugh, (and self-denigrate), to take the pressure off  ourselves. A clark will, at times, take on a responsibility that becomes the focus of attention of the people around them. It may be at the job or in class or perhaps even calling out a teacher who appears to be singling out our child in a negative fashion. No matter what the individual circumstance, there are times that clarks find themselves the center of attention. Somebody out there want to tell the Readers what the biggest fear of a clark is?  Anyone?  lol…. no, don’t worry! I won’t insist on a Comment. lol. I know you know! lets give the others a chance.

New Readers: the Wakefield Doctrine maintains that we live in one of three worldviews (personal realities). The personal reality that we grew up in is referred to as our predominant worldview and is sorta what others call personalty type. We have clarks (the Outsider), scotts (Predators!!!) and rogers (people who live in the world as a Member of the Herd). The really tricky part of this Doctrine is that these personal realities are real. They are not: interests or inclinations, (they aren’t) tropisms or sub-conscious drives, nor phobias or likes and dislikes. The world I woke up to this morning is the reality of the Outsider. And my way of relating myself to the world today is the most efficient and effective in terms of successfully navigating the course of my Monday, May 4th. Oh, yeah!!  one other thing. You’re born with the potential of all three. You live in only one, but have the potential to have the behaviors and strategies of ‘the other two’ at times and to certain degrees (most often at times of duress).

ok! times up! the answer? ‘scrutiny’.  What clarks fear the most (well, not quite, what they fear the most, but the way that clarks express to themselves, what they believe they fear the most), is commonly called scrutiny.

….where does the time go?!  Quick wrap up:

  • clarks laugh too often in order to ‘hedge their own bet’…. (ex: I will write a book about the Wakefield Doctrine. No, don’t worry I won’t mention names or addresses… ha ha)
  • clarks do not do this hedging because they don’t take themselves seriously enough, but because they take themselves too seriously
  • clarks, being Outsiders, have way too little sense of acceptable risk of failure (as defined by themselves, but ascribed to everyone around them)
  • the pre-emptive denigration?  ‘I’ll give my best shot, hope you’re not disappointed’  ‘I don’t know, yeah I can try’  ‘Look, if this doesn’t work out…’  ‘Before I start, maybe I could ask a few more questions, you know?’

You know, this book writing isn’t as easy as it seems. (ha ha)



* and this concept is so key and so easily misunderstood, that I’ll point out that what was just said was ‘the way that we relate ourselves to the world around us’ not ‘how we relate to the world’. This is a very common mis-something…but that one little word, ‘ourselves‘ totally makes all the difference in the world.

** I will make this my last footnote, someone out there is absolutely correct. I do sometimes underestimate my Readers and do not have to explain everything. Although, in  my own defense I’ll say, “I’m still striving for the Perfect Post, which, by definition, will be directed at the New Reader. But you’re right, I need to stop with the extra explanations.



RePrint Monday -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

Found it!*

*The post we referred to in last week, this one; about how, in the early days of this blog, we’d find ourselfs prompted by the oddest of things to write a post.

the Wakefield Doctrine ‘Always Chilled…Never Heated’

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)Finish the Sentence Friday.

(a ‘blog hop’ that is being: sponsored,  promoted, hosted by, enticed-into-by-the-charms-of, held-in-a-metaphorical-gymnasium-on-a-Friday-night, on-the-list-of-charming-old-homes-to-tour, the central feature of the blogosphere and experienced as the high point of the week at the BB&G,  courtesy of the Doctrine’s three favorite Bloggarini : Janine ( Confessions of a Mommyaholic), Kate (Can I have another bottle of Whine…), Stephanie (Mommy, for real) and Dawn (Dawn’s Disaster)

“If I were stuck on an island, I would like to have…”

…the following in no particular order or emphasis:

  • Ginger and Maryanne
  • an internet connection
  • the body of a 19 year old (gender optional)
  • the mind of my present age
  • 1 of my childhood friends
  • 3 of my adolescent aged friends
  • 1 of my teenage years girlfriends (real or imagined)
  • my first car (1964 Chevy Bel Air station wagon in faded-to-orange-blue paint)
  • a contract to complete the Wakefield Doctrine book (currently in ‘pre-write’)
  • the physique to wear shorts without looking: a) silly, b) old or d) excessively gay (not that there’s anything wrong with being gay)
  • an endless supply of BLTs (despite the climate there is always magically un-adulterated mayonnaise)
  • a boat (just for sitting in and looking at the Island from the middle of the lagoon, with Maryanne waving and what I would swear looks like Ola in a clearing in the jungle)

Hey!  Somehow I have this little darling up at the beginning of the eponymous Friday morning…. hey!  don’t be afraid to call in tomorrow night (if you find yourself in a place at 8:00 pm EDT where you know where the kids are, and they seem to be happy and quiet or you have no plans and you feel like something that will challenge your beliefs and amuse you in ways that you haven’t been amused since…oh I don’t know… since, before girlfriends and boyfriends, husbands and wives, children and favorite pets became the central organizing feature of your reality.  call and you might find yourself enjoying, or not who can really say for sure?


That certainly was fun.

To get a jump on this week’s Doctrine posts, we’ll be continuing our discussion of fluency.

For our purposes, the term fluency denotes the understanding of the principles of the Wakefield Doctrine; like with a second language, i.e. an advanced degree in facility in the use of the language of the Doctrine.

Should be a fun week,



Wednesday -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

We are about to enter the the self-improvement phase of the week’s blog entries.

At the the beginning of this blog, it became clear to us that, being in the realm of the written word, it behooved us to improve our skills in matters rhetorical. After all, you are reading, not listening*.

So, being a clark, once committed to this path the only strategy that made senses was to mix candy with the bread crumbs and walk as fast as possible into the forest.

For today a bon mot (or two) for tomorrow we read. (The Six Sentence Story and the Unicorn Challenge. You know, flash fiction triggered by prompt words and/or photos? Jeez. Thought we were going all O. Henry here at the Wakefield Doctrine blog because we had stories to tell to inspire the young wanderers in this terra virtuoso? Think again… clark) lol

nah, we were just trying to not distract the Reader (then in 2009 and now in 2029) from the core memeuage** of the Wakefield Doctrine:

  • clarks think, scotts act and rogers feel
  • if you want something new, call a clark, if they won’t let you have it, get a scott and if you’re caught with it, send for a roger
  • self-improvement is the original spirit-breaking scam… while we all live in one (of the three) personal realities, we never lose the capacity to function in the other two
  • (in other words: need to be more forceful with the world around you? check in with your scottian aspect, feeling left out? share that with your rogerian aspect and need to see the world in a new light? …yeah, your inner clark’s got a flashlight)
  • the thing about this here personality theory: if you’re still reading, you’re either a clark (predominant worldview) or a scott or roger with a significant secondary clarklike aspect
  • this is supposed to be fun… (you remember what fun is… that view of the world before you started adding up how far behind everyone else you were falling and, if you fell too far, you’d totally standout (and not in a good way))
  • this is a personality theory disguised as a perspective that has a secret compartment that only you can discover
  • don’t forget to come back and read the Wakefield Doctrine’s contribution to the Six Sentence Story, the Unicorn Challenge and the TToT… tell ’em at the door, ‘the Doctrine sent ya’




* sure, there is such a thing as podcasts (podcasts motto: “Yeah! Besides, who paid attention when they taught grammar and punctuation and such. Lemme tell ya…”)

** not a ‘real’ word***

*** but, really, when you think about it, probably is, somewhere in this portable dream of a social environment



TToT -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

This is the Wakefield Doctrine’s contribution to the Ten Things of Thankful (TToT) bloghop. Foundered by Lizzi during a lull in the Axis artillery bombardment of the Arden, this grat blog has everything one might expect, given the context and circumstance of it’s origins.

1) Una

2) Phyllis

3) the Wakefield Doctrine

4) writing and such (the ‘such’ being elaborated in detail in Grats 5 & 6)

5) the Six Sentence Story bloghop

6) the Unicorn Challenge

7) as the photo at the top of the post suggests, it is quite cold this Saturday morning. it will struggle to get out of the ‘teens (like, who hasn’t?) throughout the day today. subsequently, the Cro-Magnon Challenge has been postponed until the temperature moderates. Not only is the wayward bridge* locked in the frozen water, the wood of it’s construction becomes too brittle (if that word applies (wait! lemme go check….ok) the wood becomes fragile.

8) how fun is this internet? it’s like the biggest used bookstore/library in the world, right there underneath the keyboard.  were we not a clark, we might be hesitant to mention (actually, revel in) the amount of time we spend checking on meanings and spelling of words and phrases when we write a post. damn. v fun.

9) something, something

10) Secret Rule 1.3

* wayward bridge… excellent story title, no?






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Monday -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)


(our only real concern is whether or the not the block-quote within a block-quote makes the text uncomfortably small for easy readin’)

Wait! There it is!

New Readers? RePrint posts are intended as much as topic jumpstarters as they are filler. The information in the RePrint is always useful, especially if’n you haven’t read all 2,939 or so posts we’ve produced.* But sometimes it helps to sneak up on the task of writing original content. Be that as it may.

We all know (or should (or will, for those here for the first(ish) time. Hey! New Reader)) that the Wakefield Doctrine is gender neutral. Matters not female or male, the principles are un-affected by gender. Culture (both local and global, i.e. human) have an effect. But the Doctrine is about the relationship between the individual and the world around them (and the people who make it up). So, sure, a scottian female might not go up to each individual in a group and push (or punch) each person on the shoulder to establish the current ranking of all. She might do something worse. (lol We will try to keep our own twisted biases and developmental embroglia out of our post-writing lol) (New Reader? Not to worry, ask one of your fellow Readers. Any of them what appear to be trying to repress laughter).

But that’s for another post.

What we were going to add was: “… gender and age neutral.”

Well, we’re out of time for this Monday. Find someone, someone that you don’t need to want to hang out with you, going into the future and say, “You know, there’s this blog where they have a personality theory that totally nails it. You should stop in some time.”

Monday -the Wakefield Doctrine- “Come on! It’s Monday, we’re counting on this Doctrine to make it less…”

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

Well, lets get right to it!


When in doubt, or the Muse has decided to sleep in*, it is never a bad thing to describe the Wakefield Doctrine. The ‘what it is’ and ‘how to use it’ kind of post. After all, we are still pursuing that, ‘now-I-can-stop-this-daily-post-thing’, the Perfect Doctrine post.

Lets see what we’ve said on the subject already.

ok, had to go back to 2013 to find one… though we suspect it was our search method, rather than that which we were looking for.

…whoa!! what the…!?!?!

Did you just get a whiff of topic?

Quick. Clear our minds.

‘My search method is at fault as opposed to the availability of what I was looking for…’

Ladies and gentlement, I believe we have a Doctrine (and General Realitivity Insight).

(Remind us to revisit this topic tomorrow. Getting late. Luckily, have the reprint still on the clipboard.)

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)


It has long been my ambition to write the Perfect Wakefield Doctrine post. (One might argue about that adenoidial descriptor, it has always been my ambition, since the very first post, hell, before the very first post). In any event, I’ll give it a shot today, Monday.

The definition of perfection? A post that a total stranger, (to this blog or, for that matter, a person who has not come into contact with anyone who knows of this personalty theory), can read…once and apply it to their own life right then and there. They will look around and they will see the clarks and scotts and rogers.


As a personality theory, the Wakefield Doctrine is more the key a song is played in than it is the song. It is not a definition of a set of established behaviors, tendencies, drives and tropisms, rather it is a way of looking at (the) behaviors, tendencies, drives and tropisms that everyone you encounter today will exhibit. Including yourself. Unlike most of the personality theories that we all come into contact with, the Wakefield Doctrine is not concerned with establishing where, in a pre-established matrix of behavior, you fit best. The Wakefield Doctrine is not concerned with behavior. The Wakefield Doctrine is concerned with ‘how you relate yourself to the world around you’.

Quick set of assumptions and predicates: reality (the world around us) is, to a small, but certain extent, personal; we are, all of us, born with the capacity to experience the world around us in one of three characteristic ways: as an Outsider (clarks), as a Predator (scotts) or as a Herd Member (rogers); finally, although we all, (all of us), settle on, settle into one of the three worldviews, we never lose the capability to experience the world ‘as do the other two’.

Even though the Wakefield Doctrine is concern with relationships, it helps to have labels and definitions (provided that we do not ignore Korsybski’s famous statement, ‘the map is not the territory‘.

Hold on. Enough with the Wikipedia citations and the excessive use of semi-colons!

I think I’ll settle for a quiz that’s as close to a personality assessment as you’re going to encounter here at the Wakefield Doctrine):

  • When you woke up this morning, did you feel good/scared/confident that today would be a good day in ‘the world out there’? If that sounds at all reasonable, go stand over there… no, there are others already in that section of the gym, you’ll see them when you get there.
  • When you woke up this morning, did you get up? ok… amuse yourself while I deal with the last group of personality types. Sure, anywhere will be fine.
  • When you woke up this morning, (well, lets rephrase that to ‘when you transitioned from quiet concern to active concern), did you feel that although you might describe yourself as confident, you will swear in a court of law that the world makes sense if you just work hard enough at understanding it. If you don’t find that description of the start of the average day totally un-reasonable, don’t go anywhere… stay here in the middle of the crowd of participants

There you have it! The three personality types of the Wakefield Doctrine!

How do you know which you are?

Up at the top of the post, I wrote ‘how you relate yourself to the world around you’. That is how you know. Even at the Doctrine, where words are viewed as either those colored semi-candy things that you sprinkle on desert or, the yellow and black Cliff Notes that serve as badges of ‘success at any cost’ in school, sometimes we mean exactly what we say. When we say, ‘how you relate yourself to the world around you’, we do not mean, ‘how you relate to the world around you’. It is about you and your relationship to the world that the Doctrine is concerned. So read some posts, read some pages that describe the characteristics of the three worldviews. The perspective ( as an Outsider or as a Predator or as a Herd Member) through which the world is least blurry, that’s your predominant worldview, your ‘personality type’.

Congratulations! You’re a clark (or) a scott (or) a roger.

Lots more to tell you* stop by anytime!

*self-grading of attempt at the perfect Post: C+ … ok a B- (seeing how you’re a clark and clarks are nothing if they’re not willing to do most things to help the other person feel better).


* There’s an ‘interesting’ idea for a story, ‘Are the dreams of a Muse painfully common and boring?’ Maybe I should write that down for the next installment in ‘the Whitechapel Interlude’


*  ayiieee! We despair for ever developing our tertiary rogerian aspect to any kind of level as to provide us with a benefit in our efforts to reach the masses. This asteroid? Because we chose to say ‘produced’ rather than ‘wrote’. And that word choice because there is a handful, aka less than 10 posts written by a guest. Why not just use the verb write? ’cause there is a risk that someone might take exception with our statement. that’s why you know your author is a person with a clarklike predominant worldview,

