self-development | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 17 self-development | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 17

TToT -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

This is the Wakefield Doctrine’s contribution to the Ten Things of Thankful (TToT) bloghop.

Voted ‘Top Grat Bloghop’ three years running in the Journal of Recursive Inquiry’s annual Meister Eckhart Award, the TToT continues to this day encouraging those of good intent to link their list of people, places and things that engender gratitude and gratitude-like emotion.

…and such.

1) Phyllis

2) Una

3) the Wakefield Doctrine

4) writing practice* specifically the Six Sentence Story bloghop and the Unicorn Challenge

5) * as opposed to the writing that has bestowed on an unsuspecting world the principles, practices and party-tricks courtesy of the Wakefield Doctrine

6) living near enough to the ocean to stop by on impulse

7) Still no snow!

8)something, something


10) Secret Rule 1.3




  • ok, ok, even we have a certain limit. lets get all Vincent Vega and Mia at Lance’s house (lol)


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Tuesday -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

Had a most-excellent Drive-in call this weekend.

In attendance: Denise, Cynthia and (the Progenitor) roger*

Our takeaway: the inestimable value of the Wakefield Doctrine is reminding ourselfs to translate. To translate what is said by a roger if you’re a scott, to translate what is being said by a clark if you’re a roger, to trans… you get the idea, right?

Wait, lets make the following statement that, other than a famous math quiz** is one of the most significant in the Wakefield Doctrine: the goal of the Wakefield Doctrine is ‘to help us to see the world as the other person is experiencing it.’

If’n you’re still with us and, even better, smiling at this last statement, Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine, clark (or scott-with-a-significant-secondary-clarklike-aspect / roger-with-a-significant-clarklike-aspect)

The photo? Sure, it is of the three. Betcha you can tell us who is which. Not to worry. The thing about the Doctrine as a tool for self-improving-oneself, you can’t get it wrong. That’s correct, we just said, ‘You can’t get it wrong.’

As to this weekend’s call in. Stimulating conversation is all it was.

ya know?

out of time, remind us to go to more lengths on the discussion.

….and… and! memoir stuff



* New Readers: the two other people in the eponymous theory are, in fact, real people in the ‘real’ world!

** one of our favorite quick survey of personality type. actually one single question. Never fails. Question: How much is two plus two (2 + 2 = ?)


TToT -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

That white edging along the far shore? The Rime of the Ancient Mariner


The is the Wakefield Doctrine’s weekly contribution to the Ten Things of Thankful (TToT) bloghop. Created despite resistance from both the House of Lords and a formal lettre of protest from the  Exchequer Secretary to the Treasury, the TToT has survived recession, inflation, manic-depression and ennui. All, of the aforementioned eco-psycho-philosophical states, endemic to the blogosphere over the years since we arrived on the scene in June, 1909. (or thereabouts).

1) Una

2) Phyllis

3) the Wakefield Doctrine

4) the End of Winter!* this past week, now all that’s left to do is leave yourself a note to move your clocks ahead one hour (in just 77 days)

5) the Six Sentence Story bloghop

6) the (current) lack of frozen water piled up on the ground and such, not to jinx anyone

7) technology and stuff. Little did we realize, growing up, that there would be a day when we could create and save motion pictures courtesy of our telephones!

8) something, something

9) * New Readers? The thing of it is, for some of us, a big part of what makes the Summer such an excellent season is the amount of sunlight (for those of us here in upper-right Oceania). While we abhor the cold, it is the darkness that makes us wish for warmer times. And so, with the 21st (Thursday), the days are getting longer. Slowly, barely perceptibly, but each day holds a little more light than the day before.

(See?! The Doctrine isn’t as weird as some people might suggest.)

10) Secret Rule 1.3








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RePrint Monday -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

Lets search on two RePrintular topics: 1) self-improvement and b) the word ‘wind’. (We’re having a storm move up the coast this morning. The best, other than consecutive ninety degree days, weather of all.) New Readers? the geographical location of the Doctrine is southern New England, on the east coast of Oceania. The storm systems run west to east, as they must; however at times a storm will develop and ‘run up the coastline’. The thing about this is that a weather event such as we’re experiencing  today is usually accompanied by a strong, southeast wind. Which means rain and wind and higher temperatures. At least until the storm moves up and on, into the Maritime Provinces. Then the prevailing winds shift, as they must, into a west/northwesterly direction. Cold usually follows.

At the time of this writing, we are still in the warm, stormy-wind aspect of the weather.

So, back to our search for a RePrint!

Damn! Lookie at what we found! Nothing on the ‘stormy weather’ but, self-improvement? eeee doggies! (J. Clampett 1964)

Anyway, before we get into the RePrint, a reminder of a topic: the effects of secondary and tertiary aspects on the predominant worldview(s) of the Wakefield Doctrine. Totally time to revisit that subject. And, as it would be, this part of the Doctrine does have a direct bearing on the matter of how the Wakefield Doctrine can be a most efficacious tool for self-improving oneself.

And …and! in the way that reality has of juxtaposing seemingly random, yet complimentary-the-point-of-enhancing occurrences, this week’s RePrint is an textbook illustration of the effects of secondary aspects on both the predominant and tertiary aspects. (to wit: my scottian secondary aspect on a predominant clarklike worldview and weak rogerian tertiary.)


self-development, 3 personality types and the Wakefield Doctrine (oh yeah, damn almost forgot! Video Friiidaay!!!)

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine ( the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers )

There will come a time, in the not too distant future, when people you know, will come up and say, “hey! I just heard about this Doctrine thing, and it’s supposed to be about personality types, but they have these hats and this guy travels around the world and takes these really strange videos and talks about rogers and clarks and scotts! Those are the names they have for 3 personality types…yeah…I know….but it’s true! they have pictures and charts and stuff and when I looked around at people here at school or at my job, there they were!  Anyway, they said this Doctrine will help me change anything about myself that I want…and it’s true….”

…and that will be very cool, but you are here now and you are watching this thing of ours, and  I am including you in the use of the word ‘ours’. With a Wakefield Doctrine hat (on your damn head) and a little patience you will be a part of the growth of the Doctrine. Of course, writing a Comment wouldn’t hurt either!
As we all know, to be a ‘personality theory/self-improvement tool’ ya gotta provide proof that it works!    Alright, then take a look at these here videos here:*

Then on to the other Crossroads:**

…Tell me quick where I can get rid of these things!

* look at the geocoding of the location…damn Highway 61
** look up the legend of Robert Johnson and the Crossroads



TToT -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

"Cain, yo. What did you bring? oh... no, nothing! I heard Yahweh totally loves a good fruit cocktail"

“Cain, yo. What did you bring? oh… no, nothing! I heard Yahweh totally loves a good fruit cocktail”


This is the Wakefield Doctrine’s weekly contribution to the Ten Things of Thankful (TToT) bloghop. Founded by L.R. while on sabbatical from Oxford University in the Spring of 1907. The TToT is what she confided to the clerk at a hostel in the Scottish Highlands as, “An exercise that feels good. Not at all like calisthenics and medicine ball and such, which only feel good to those observing. Kind of like much of Life, at least until we learn the restorative powers of Gratitude. And I’ll thank you to give me the same room Mary Shelly stayed in during her Wanderjahr.

1) Phyllis

2) Una

3) the Wakefield Doctrine the sine qua non of all of this blog-writing and such

4) the Six Sentence Story bloghop Where the stories are brief and heartfelt.

5) the Unicorn Challenge Welll Don’t get us started on this crew! Sure, photo prompts are not uncommon in the ‘sphere. But there are photos and there are ‘wth?!! photos’. You know what the cool thing about bloghops am? The opportunity to learn new writin’ stuff. Hey! That’s a Grat if I ever saw one! (see Grat#7).

6) (stop the presses! this just in! Less.Than.A.Week!) …Until the beginning of Summer!

7) lol (clearly, this is not our first rodeo) No, serially! The thing about the ‘hops the Doctrine participates in is the atmosphere created, not only by the hosts, but by the participating writers. Like a improv of any of the performing arts where people gather, it’s all about the attitude. A balance of competition without the need to ‘one-up’ and the appreciation of other styles and skill levels. Exemplified by writers like ladysighs and Michael at the ‘corn and Reena and Frank.

8) and…and! FOTD, Cynthia’s all, new-look website. (An Arlo Guthrie lyric comes to mind) Stop by at Art Funky. Tell her the Doctrine sent ya!

9) something, something

10) Secret Rule 1.3 from the Book of Secret Rules (aka the Secret Book of Rules)









Hey, we don’t have the correct code yet.

Head over to Mimi’s


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