self-development | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 15 self-development | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 15

Wednesday -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

In the spirit of secondhand pentecostalism, here’s a post that, while lacking the sophistication and subtle humor of our contemporary  ‘this is the Wakefield Doctrine’ posts, is imbued with the ‘don’t know what we don’t know’ enthusiasm of our earliest writing style. Besides, this is about an alternate perspective on the world, and, is not, in point of fact, ‘The’ or The best’ or any other variation on ‘The Answer’

The Wakefield Doctrine is… not the antithesis of ‘the True Answer’ but it is (the) ‘take-the-‘Member’ embroidery off and all ya gots is a windbreaker. ok, if you’re in a advantaged demographic, a ‘London Fog’.

The most telling deficiency of our presentation of the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers is, of course, our totally-weak, anemic, tertiary rogerian aspect. Like a deaf mute music fan hearing by vibrations only…. hey! that reminds me of a science fiction story from the before time… hold on

JG Ballard. ‘The Sound Sweep‘. (sorry no rights claimed. the guy was a monster, back in the Golden Age)

where were we?

oh yeah… the Wakefield Doctrine and the fun to be had. without the crowds.

Fun and productive is the way we describe our little personality theory from the very first year. ‘productive’ now that’s a word begging to be used as an example of ‘the Everything Rule’!


produce. (transitive) To yield, make or manufacture; to generate. (transitive) To make (a thing) available to a person, an authority, etc.; to provide for inspection.

ok! now the three predominant worldviews:

  1. the Outsider (clarks) clearly the 2nd definition. ’cause if the true curse of a certain Apple is the ambition to provide for others additional knowledge (you thought it was limited to ‘Good and Evil’?!!)  as a basis for justifying membership then… come on down! Parker Brothers! (longest tenure as publishers of ‘Trivial Pursuit’). Now can we join your little club?
  2. the Predator (scotts) sure, you can look but don’t try to hold us to any rules… the fun of games is the same fun the cat has with the unfortunate mouse, stuck in the kitchen with no way out other than over the vast Plain of Lynoleum… running won’t help. Well, it does help with the comedic value
  3. the Herd Member (rogers) you did see the word: ‘manufacture’ right? Not create. Not sell. Manufacture. Assemble parts in a uniform and consistent manner. Ladies and Gentlemen We have a Center! (of the Herd)


this should be getting clearer to you people by now

(Trying a ‘night-before’ Post.  Has not worked in the past, but I am nothing if not insistent on ignoring the lessons of the past.  Just because this approach has not yet worked, doesn’t mean that this is one not the charm.)

So let’s just get all Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers) on yer asses to start things off…seeing how we will no doubt hear from DownSpring glenn in the Comments section.  By now he is starting to feel that this “restraint” that he believes is being imposed on him in terms of the Comments that are published are really, kinda, now-that-I-think-of-it really not fair and stupid and who do they think they are telling me that what I write is not in the interest of the Wakefield Doctrine.  Huh?

I am writing this in the morning, not last night.  Which means that this is sort of a continuation of the above, which was written last night, therefore I have started a blog the night before and that makes this a pre-written blog.  Success.  Can see from the the “Comment Scales” that we have quite a heavy load of words added to yesterday’s Post.  And we do appreciate DownSpring glenn’s contribution to the Post and to the Doctrine.  His position on the nature of change vis a’ vis scotts and clarks (and by inference rogers) is well taken and like everything else found on these pages contributes to the advancement of the Wakefield Doctrine.  Rather than continue the debate on the merits of change/self-improvement in the individual, let’s try to find another aspect of the Doctrine and see if the issue comes up, that way we might find other points of contention.  Or better yet let’s simply ask the Question:

What is the value of the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)?

the Wakefield Doctrine is a unique, fun and productive tool for understanding the behavior of others.  Using the (viewpoint) of the Wakefield Doctrine we can look at the people in our lives, at home, at work, at school and at play and know why they do the things that they do“.

Ok that is a good description of what the Doctrine is intended to be.  So what is there to discuss?  Should anyone want to understand others?  Is the state of our understanding of others to be considered complete as it is, with any further learning deemed a complete waste of time?  Is there room for one more theory of personality, albeit a fairly homemade/anecdotal/inferential/non-empirical collection of observations as is the Doctrine?

I bet it is all about how each of the three look at this thing, if a clark sees a different use in all these words from a scott who has a totally different opinion of (it’s) utility than does the roger, is that not proof the Wakefield Doctrine is to some degree a unique, productive and fun way to look at the behavior of others?
And since none of us reading and/or writing in these pages is a “real” clark, scott or roger, it falls to us to offer our perspective on what good this thing is and how would it be improved so that more and more people could benefit from it.

That is, unless everyone is already all they should be so that if anyone does not already read the Wakefield Doctrine, they should not start and conversly anyone currently reading cannot ever stop reading it.  Or something like that.

But hey we ain’t no fuddy duddy life forms looking to enhance our curicula vitae by writing Posts and/or Comments, is we?  So let’s have some fun here folks!



RePrint Monday -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

As is often the value of posting an old (but hopefully germane) post, lets go with the below and see/trust/hope that it stimulates/prompts/cheet-sheets some original content on this, the last Monday in March.

Damn! Ain’t that an emotional fricken’ claymore mine. We could wax philosophic on that little meta-gory but, lets not and insist we did.

Suffice to say, the dawn of hope is almost always from a cloudy night.

ayiiee! Dude! Dial down the poignant observation setting to something less than ‘Hey, it’s Monday’. All we need to do is put one foot in front of the other, not let too much blue* to show and be grateful at the end (is there ever an end to Mondays?!!) Sorry, Hold on to the thought that the day after Monday is almost always Tuesday.

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine ( the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers )

It’s that time of the week, amigos! Tomorrow night  is Saturday Night Drive night!

For our newer Readers, the Wakefield Doctrine  Saturday Night Drive is a feature of this blog that you will find no where else!  Really! We are not lying to you. We are speaking the truth to you. But don’t just take our word for it! Lets use a chart to illustrate this fact, and as we all know, Charts Don’t Lie!

All those other blogs out there the Wakefield Doctrine
Quality of Format/Presentation From fair to very good …hey I write these things first thing in the morning, it’s only caffeine not amphetamine
Organization of content Sometimes they even have different fonts for headers, sub-topics even comic sans day, once in a while(Hey! They said headers  huh huh,…thank you scott)
Freshness and appeal of topics Usually very good, comprehensive analysis of subject matter … well, we got funny pictures
Originality Hardly ever (‘cept for Mel over at the Spatula) Step aside, we gots your originality,    right here!
Thought provoking Content …yawnnn ..did you say something? It’s the frickin theory of clarks, scotts and rogers, yo
Live call-in blog What? You do what? Nah…nobody does that! Saturday 8-8:45 EDST1-605-475-2200 (when prompted)  password 6660467 #
Do you really? Call-in? Live? Isn’t that against some blog law or something? Damn straight we do!
Who is on the line? Line? What line? This is a blog! I write this from my basement bedroom in my parents house, Damn Downsprings is who and even a Progenitor or two
You’re re joking, right? Yeah, you must be jokin No suh! True, it’s all true
Cost! It must Cost something to call? Jeez, I spent my allowance on HALO MVI (‘enemies in Study Hall”) Nada, nothing, free, no charge….dial ‘an smile!
Which is the best of blogs! Pass… Step right up!! Call in

You know what you have to do…if you are real interesting on the phone, we might vote you a Wakefield Doctrine hat (for your damn head).

(one more thing, just read an article that be sayin I should link Posts to Posts, like this link back to a February Post. let me know if it works).

Mr. B? some music, if you will…


* to ‘show too much blue’ is directed at those Readers who are clarks. It is a reference to an apocryphal sociology experiment in which they took one monkey from a happily functioning troop and painted it blue. And returned him/her to the group. You can imagine the result. (If you’re here more than three times, we know you can.) ‘Blue monkey’ is an affectionate term for clarks, when speaking of their acceptance by a Herd of rogers. (Affection, bordering on the shameful for the Outsider, not the Herd Members)


Monday -the Wakefield Doctrine- ‘remind us to complete this post tomorrow!’

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

They don’t call it RePrint Monday for nothin’

But wait! Wait!

Once again validating the RePrint approach to self-prompting for topics of post, see that photo above?

That was the image we used on the post we could not find this morning. (And still cannot, which means we’ll have to recreate it in the small amount of pre-dawn time left.)

So, it may have been before the concept of ‘the Everything Rule’ coalesced or, it might have been just afterwards, but we described, by way of illustration (and therefore, explanation) a scene:

a clark, a scott and a roger stand on the sidewalk directly across from a very popular restaurant at noon. On a Thursday. (Or Friday. Any day, except for Monday. Or Wednesday.) In any event, there is a line out the door and up the sidewalk.

In keeping with one of the stated goals/benefits of an understanding of the principles of the Wakefield Doctrine, what is it the three are seeing. More to our point, what are they  experiencing?

Take your time. If you run out of space, raise your hand and a proctor will provide you with an additional blue essay book.


Monday -the Wakefield Doctrine- “… of development, writers clubs and understanding the world around us.”

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

Do we outgrow the past or do we simply forget? Do the improvements, growth and developments we achieve (through effort, ambition and circumstance) become like, well, the way it is.

We admit to a fondness for the occasional peculiar word or phrases that, although uncommon in everyday conversation, are fun. Today (in light of the opening sentences) the fun word/phrase/expression is raison dêtre. (which our friends at wikipedia define as  “…a French expression commonly used in English, meaning “reason for being” or “reason to be”.”)

The Wakefield Doctrine is the reason for the existence of this blog. All, and only, because it hit me one night that it would be good to ‘formalize’ my personal system for explaining the world and the people in it.

The Wakefield Doctrine holds that we are, all of us, born with the potential to experience the world as one of three characteristic realities. At an early age we ‘pick’ one of these three ‘worldviews’ and we are on our way to becoming clarks, scotts or rogers. The Wakefield Doctrine, as a personality ‘theory’, is not concerned with how you would describe yourself, the results of questionnaires created to identify traits and interests or even what you think that girl is doing sitting out there in the middle of the field looking back towards the house filled with people she may or may not be related to (well, sometimes we enjoy the traditional approaches; I mean, damn! give yourself away in one description much, clark? lol). Unlike other tools developed by psychology, sociology and phrenology, tools easily transposed to popular media such as ‘the Face Book’ where they lie, attractively packaged, club-shaped mirrors waiting for someone to notice, “Oh, honey! Come here! I found this personality test in my magazine and it so has you down to a T! Lets take it together. You first.”

Central to the hypothesis of the Wakefield Doctrine is the notion that we all live in a reality that is, to a certain degree, personal. Nothing weird, mystical or magical. Simply that if you and I are standing in front of the entrance to, say, a very popular restaurant, our experience of that moment will not be identical. The Doctrine takes this and jumps up above the individual and says, ‘Suppose the world was one in which individuals are separated from each other in a way not easily discernible or, better still, imagine that the life we wake up into after each sleep is that of the Predator, simple and direct, eat or be eaten; or suppose everything in the world is knowable and, to a degree established in a way that allows for complete agreement among like-minded people, that the universe is, in fact, definable and quantifiable.’

This is key to understanding the Doctrine. Children (you, me and the girl behind the counter asking if that’ll be Regular or Premium) all grow and develop (their) personalities in order to successfully interact with the environment that surrounds them. Social, physical, the whole thing. And this is done in the context of the nature and character of the world, as they experience it. These strategies evolve and develop into the style we refer to as our ‘personality type’.

I grew up in the world of the Outsider (clark). I developed a way of relating to the people and the world around me that permits me to stay out of the limelight (can’t have people pointing at me and telling everyone that we don’t belong) while at the same time giving me the tools and the drive to search for whatever it was that I didn’t learn when I was too young to realize it i.e. how to be a real person.

A friend of mine grew up in the reality of the Predator (scott). She’s a lot of fun to be around, gets more done in a morning than most people do in a week. She is always on alert, never is not paying attention to whats going on around her and everyone likes her…except for the ones who are terrified of her. Temperament is often un-fairly pronounced with the accent entirely on the first syllable… we prefer the word: mercurial. You want something done right away, you ask her and step out-of-the-way.

If you want that thing done right… you find my friend who grew up in the life of the Herd Member (roger). He will know how to do it so that the joints line up, the glue doesn’t stick out at the ends and it stays the way it’s supposed to be… forever. He knows the simple fact of the life that there’s a Right Way.  No, nothing as an alternative, no second-runner-up. One way. Fortunately, my friend has so many other people around him that grew up knowing that they all belong. Sure there’s minor disagreements over decor, but it’s all one big hap…. Herd. The world is good. Just have to understand.

OK enough for a Monday morning.




TueJay -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

So the computer we use 99 percent of the time is in the shop. We’ve brought our office laptop home to stand-in.

It is a perfectly acceptable substitute. Except for one thing: it has no letter ‘J’.

sibilant! minoris

(Now, alert rogerian Readers are going all Moonlight Sonata Third Movement on their computer keyboard about that last, next-to-last sentence.)

well, like we were all taught in catholic school, ‘That’s why god invented RePrints”

hey, that’s an idea! (no, not catholic school! RePr… ) Wait a minute! Surely we’ve written repeatedly on this topic, after all, why else would they call blogging, ‘the ill-grammared Language of Torment’?

let us go search the ever-ironic term ‘Sisters of Mercy’

Now, children! everyone find someone else and hold onto their hand

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine, class. If you pay attention, and listen closely, then at some time later in your life, much, much later, you will remember what you have learned here today. And when that time comes, you will say, (to your spouse, your friend, the police, your priest, the nurse or the man with the hearse)…”there was this place and there were these people and they told me about clarks, scotts and rogers and how it was so simple to understand other people if only I understood the Wakefield Doctrine! I see now that they were so very right…it is just sad that it is so very, very late for me…if only I had…written a Comment“!

Well, it’s not too late, binyons! You can participate, join in on the fun.  We are only a third of the way through the 90 Day Challenge, plenty of time to turn this bus around. Speaking of buses, lets make that the topic of today’s Post! (and the Wakefield Doctrine Lesson of the Day).

First Day of  School Trauma!

AlrightAll-right! I’ll go first…

… oddly enough, I have no memory of 1st grade but I do remember that my 2nd grade Teacher’s name was Mrs. Brennan. Starting with the 2nd grade I attended a parochial school  and for the most part all the Teachers at Our Lady of Mercy (who doesn’t hear James Brown, “mer-cey!!”)School were nuns. Real nuns, not just sallyfield-looking-hey-just-a-normal-girl-who-happens-to-be-a-nun, no sir! These were Nuns of the Order of the Sisters of Mercy. En regalia, full-dress nuns. For those unfamiliar with the look, we’re talking about white on black habits, with face and hands as the only clue that there is a human there, never mind a female human. Damn! (The borg look like nudists compared to the Sisters of Mercy back in the early 60s.)
(Back to my First Day of School Trauma). Arriving in class, the very first thing I learned from a classmate was,  “if you don’t eat all your lunch, they make you eat in front of the whole school and for the first day of school they always serve something called Welsh Rabbit”. I spent the entire morning of the first day of school in the Second Grade in fear of what would happen when I refused to eat the Welsh Rabbit. We are talking “worry” on a level such that I was so focused on trying to come up with a plan to avoid the lunchroom embarrassment, that I almost got sent back to the First Grade.I could not have spelled my own name when called on, cause I was busy! I had to think of something!  Sitting in one of those desks with the fliptop writing surface and the seat attached and the whole thing held together by a wrought-iron frame. Somehow I survived. I look back now, from the vantage point of the Wakefield Doctrine, can there be any doubt that there was a clark sitting in that totally uncomfortable seat in September, trying to figure his way out of spot that (he) was barely equipped to deal with.

( …Pero Principal Clarke, lo que Wakefield Lección Doctrina del Día vamos a tener de su historia muy interesante?… )

Why thank you, Miguel,  for that reminder. The Lesson of the Day is more an illustration of the clarklike personality. The reaction of the 8 year old clark in this story is that his response to a threat was to try and think of a plan to avoid the embarrassment that he perceived to be waiting for him at lunch (he really, really hated cheese). The saying at the Doctrine is: clarks think, scotts act and rogers feel.






Wednesday -the Wakefield Doctrine- ‘a quick reminder of the value of the Everything Rule.’

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

the Everything Rule is the second-most significant development in the presenting of the Wakefield Doctrine to the werld.

The most significant, not really a development as a refinement in how we look at our little personality theory, came about when we started focusing on (our) relationship to the world around us (and the people who make it up). For all of a seemingly minor change, ‘the world we see/experience’ into ‘the character of our relationship to the world/reality around us’ has made a huge difference in both understanding and application of the Doctrine.

But we’re here to talk about the Everything Rule: ‘Everyone does everything at one time or another.’

It keeps the ‘them’ in ‘Unified Theory of Personality Types’.


Seriously though, in the early days of this blog it was not uncommon to have a Reader ask, “I have a tendancy to …. is that a thing only a scott would do?” Or, ‘My husband is so… does that make him a clark?’

(Hey! We just appreciated how the two developments mentioned in today’s post are so intrinsically related. ikr? Been writing these posts for what, nearly fifteen years and we’re only now….?!?!)

We repeat, lol.

The Wakefield Doctrine maintains that everyone is born with the potential for one of three characteristic relationships with the world around them. While we all settle into one at an early age, we never lose the potential of experiencing the world as from ‘the other two’. Our personal reality is defined (and therefore, created) by this relationship and we, as all young lifeforms must, struggle to learn and create, practice and develop strategies for negotiating, interacting and, hopefully, thriving in our lives as:

  1. an Outsider (clark) the world is strange (with a hint of hostile), it is not simply that we know we are different, we begin to suspect at the heart of our difference is that everyone else in the world around us seem to relate to each other; seeing that, in the world of people, different is a risky proposition we begin to search for the knowledge that seemingly everyone else is in possession of, without being spotted doing it
  2. the Predator (scott) the day is simple: find prey, flee larger predators (or negotiate a standing in the pack). the only thing that does not makes sense about the world is… well, everything makes sense as long as you don’t spend too much time dwelling on questions that have more than one right answer, and/or get comfortable with the inner shadows. life is short and there’s no time to waste
  3. the Herd Member (roger) Life is Good. Not always pleasant, rarely ever perfect but it makes sense. everyone in your life knows what you know. except for a handful of people who clearly do not and even they are useful, if for no other reason than to remind others of how good it is to be of the Herd. your job in life is uncomplicated: discover the Right Way and share it with the others.

Damn! did not tie in the Everything Rule!

maybe a quick RePrintlette.

No, wait. We’re already at five hunert words.

lets move this along.

the most useful take-away from our Post on the Everthing Rules?

The bottom-line value of this perspective on the world is simple: become able to see the world as the other person is experiencing it. (italics totally deliberate)… to make sure you don’t forget that reality for all of us is, to a small but way important degree, personal. And since personal is, by common definition, private, the only way we can become aware of the personal of another person is to put ourselfs in their shoes. Not easy. Relating to the world as they do, much easy(ier). So next time you see someone do something inexplicable/fuckin-stupid/way dumb, know that you are capable of the same thing and then imagine your relationship to the world was one of ‘the other two’. and take a look.

fun, fun, fun

