self-development | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 12 self-development | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 12

Six Sentence Story -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

This is the Wakefield Doctrine’s contribution to the Six Sentence Story bloghop.

Denise is the host

The prompt word is:


Time is not the falling of anonymous grains of sand. Time is not the un-human tick of insensate teeth ratcheting down in circular metallic viscera. Time is not the breathless sighing of decorated and divided paper, claiming past hopes and X-ing out failings like overly-sensitive girls and vainglorious boys.

The present is the waist of the hourglass, the future, heard in the metronomic beat of the clock and the past, the greatest of life’s poseurs, leaves an ink-stained trail of written promises and silent disappointments.

It has been truthfully said that time waits for no one. Yet the presence of god lies in its nature, to accompany us until we no longer require its progress report.



Monday -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

Full Disclosure: We’re writing this intro section on Sunday evening. As most Readers know, RePrints have come to serve as prompts… maybe stimulants (in the laxative use of the term as opposed to the speed freak of the late ’60s). Yes. we will wait.  “…ewww

hey, there’s a good reason most post writing happens in the morning.

(We interrupt our stem-winding for a Monday morning observation. Wait, no. Nothing.)

Lets go see if’n we can’t find a basic ‘this is the Wakefield Doctrine’ RePrint

Here ya go

‘why is a raven like a writing desk’? (and) what is the Wakefield Doctrine’s take on those other personality theories?

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine ( the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers )

A frequently asked  question: ” What does the Wakefield Doctrine call this personality type? ( Always  one of some other personality theory’s type), i.e.  the Driver Type ( from the Merrill-Reid schema) or the ‘Type 2 ( of the 9 Enneagram Types ) or even the famous Axis 4 (from the rogerian geek school of personality typology). Sometimes answering this question is fun, other times it is frustrating but the outcome of this exchange is always less than is hoped for by the person posing the question.

Comparisons between mainstream personality types systems and the Wakefield Doctrine  hardly ever yields an answer that is satisfactory to the interlocutor or the listener. While the underlying motivation for these questions  is often well-meaning,  the goal behind asking them is misguided. (  “well, don’t you see?  The Wakefield Doctrine and (  well-known personality theory) are both talking about the same thing, so the Doctrineis not so unusual or odd or weird! Maybe if you describe clarks and scotts and rogers using some of the same  language, you will attract more people to the blog!
At this point the answer (from the Wakefield Doctrine is always the same: No.   (…for 2 reasons):

  1. The Wakefield Doctrine is not scientifically based on empirical data nor does it rely on test subjects providing statistically significant  and consistent reporting of identification with certain traits or behavior(s). The Wakefield Doctrine does not  approach the ‘classification of personality’  on the basis of traits and quirks, phobias and foibles gathered from a test subject. ‘Personality Typing by Chart’,  in which  check-marks are totalled/summed up and added up, with a score at the bottom of a column labeld:  ‘Your Personality Type!  A lot  like  a dinner party at a restaurant,  the host glances down to the bottom of the bill that the Waiter has brought to the table. Scanning the menu items and tallying the cost, the guests will hear:    “OK!  who had the FEAR OF HEIGHTS with the DISDAIN FOR AUTHORITY Combo?  no, scott!! I am sure you ordered the MECURIAL TEMPERMENT COMBINED WITH AN INGRAINED RESISTANCE TO LEARNING BY EXAMPLE! OK folks, the total  is: (2) Drivers with homophobic tendencies masked by an excessive interest in contact sports and (1) Passive-aggressive nurturing-type with  un-resolved oedipal conflict compensated by a need to demonstrate language skills un-supported by actual ability! Alright everyone!!  Ante up!”                                                                               
  2.  the Wakefield Doctrine is for you, not for them!
    For most of us, the attraction to ‘personality types’ and ‘personal profiles and assessment’ is founded in a genuine curiosity about ourselves and a sincere desire to help other people in our lives handle  their own problems and shortcomings better. Unfortunately, the focus all too often comes to rest on ‘the other person’.   We all know this person,  a caring friend/relative/co-worker who goes to great lengths to find answers so that they can ‘help you’!  With a magazine article in hand (or a book, or a CD or  DVD) that promises to describe personality types and how to identify them…whats the second thing you/they do after learning these well-researched, empirically based systems of understand the human psyche?  The second thing (and sometimes the first) is to say, “Hey! You know who is a real Driver personality? This personality system totally  got his/her number!! This is really helpful, I can’t wait to tell them how much I understand their personality!”
    …this is where the Wakefield Doctrine and all the better researched, better marketed, widely-accepted personality theories part ways.  No matter what you think you can do with the understanding that this Doctrine can help you get, it is for you,  it is not for the other person.

Are we saying that the Wakefield Doctrine ( the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers ) is neither scientifically valid nor  an effective method for helping other people to solve their intractable mental and emotional problems?
Yes, yes we are saying that.

So why bother with this thing of ours? Well, for starters:

  • you will have an advantage over the people you meet in the course of your day today
  • the behavior of the people in your life will make more sense to you (because of your understanding of the Wakefield Doctrine)
  • you will be able to anticipate the actions and (re)actions of people to virtually any situation
  • you will see your own life, habits, behaviors in a different light
  • you will have fun with your friends spotting the clarks and the scotts and the rogers as you go about your day today

Sound like reason enough to figure out this blogsite?

I promised Molly, a short and concise definition of the Wakefield Doctrine:

…three personality types predicated on (three) characteristic ways to perceive the world at large.  All people are born with the potential to see the world as any of the three (types) that we call: clarks, scotts and rogers. (Further) the Doctrine maintains that at an early age we become predominately one (of the three) but we never lose the capacity to experience the world as do the other two. The personality types of the Wakefield Doctrine are gender and culture neutral and is predicated that the personality type is derived from understanding the reality in which a person lives, not by trying to identify specific traits, interests, drives or ideation. The Wakefield Doctrine is a tool meant to aid a person who would try to see the world as the other person does.

Works pretty damn well, too!



Six Sentence Story -the Wakefield Doctrine- ‘…Of Heroes and the MisUnderstood’ [Part 1.0]

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

This is the Wakefield Doctrine’s contribution to the Six Sentence Story bloghop.

Hosted by Denise there is but one rule: 1) the story must be exactly six sentences in length and b) the prompt word must be apparent, evident and/or otherwise referenced

Tom and I are writing a Serial Six Sentence Story: ‘…of Heroes and the MisUnderstood‘. (If you’re just starting, this link will provide the whole story.)

Previously in our story: (from Tom): ‘Diversion‘ and (from us): ‘“La naiba de vrăjitoare

Prompt word:



“Well, I guess this incident, out near the London City Airport proves it, ‘You can’t win them all.'”

The classroom in the Whitechapel branch of the Order of Lilith could have been a Kansas farmhouse at the moment an F5 passed by, (cutting through the dooryard but miraculously missing the barn), such was the collective intake of breath of the thirteen acolytes.

Brother Aloysius paused, in demonstration of one of the rarest of gifts among those who would teach: a realtime synthesis of didactic and socratic method; officially the middle-aged man enjoyed the title of Headmaster, but as with so much in a life in the Order, it was both more and less than might be inferred in a more conventional education context; a voice from the back row filled the emotional vacuum.

“Brother Aloysius, people died; I knew a technician at Mooncross Industries and, well, I don’t know how you can be so uncaring about the loss of life,” ignoring the possibly rhetorical question, the man clad in the traditional brown robe and sisal rope belt addressed the room:

“Class, I will expect a twenty page paper from each of you tomorrow morning analyzing  John 15:1-27  justifying, if possible, explaining in historical context, if necessary, the point your classmate, Andrew, has raised,” the teacher focused his legendary baleful gaze at the latter, “Andrew, be prepared to open the class with a three minute oral presentation on the true meaning of this verse.”

“Now, before we break for our respective tasks preparing to open the Free Kitchen doors, never forget our core mission is to help the less fortunate, and know this: No one is disposable, everyone is expendable and you are here to learn to incorporate these two seemingly contrary sentiments, the better to maintain our Order as a counterweight to the influence and guile of the Fallen.

Any questions?”




Tuesday -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

Who is this? The author I want to grow up to be: Robert Sheckley, that’s who


Being Tuesday, this needs to be short, direct and to the point.

No, really!

First goal*: Find out how we managed colored-text in the early years. We have a writing assignment this week. Ok, it’s just a Six Sentence Story submission but we can’t for the life of us figure how to create text in any color other than black. Not saying any more other than it will be the first Six of the week and it’s a return of a … thing that we tried in ‘Almira’. ‘Nuff said!

Second goal: Hey, we kinda took care of that in our asteroid at the bottom of the post! Damned efficient of us, no? Well, shit. You’re** right. We are forgetting our primary mission/target demographic, i.e. the New Reader,

Of the Days of the Week, some are favored by one predominant worldview more than others. Presenting no conflict with ‘the Everything Rule’, we offer the following. (And then we gots to go find that html)

  • clarks (Outsider): Tuesday, Thursday night (at a younger, school years (1-23) stage of life), Fridays and, (later….much later in life), Sunday mornings (as opposed to Sunday evenings (which obtain only for the ‘hopeful-because-how-could-you-have-known’ years earlier.)
  • scotts (Predator): any day except early in the morning, camping trips, drives across two states to see a girl/boyfriend … a special place for Saturday night (with the option on extending through whatever morning might be noted, after the fact)
  • rogers (Herd Members): Monday, Wednesday and Sunday. Damn! for a complicated people, them rogers have simple tastes in days of the week.


Sorry! Forgot to copy a RePrint post.

Good news, we think we have the code for text color. Attendez vous

This is blue?

It is!

ok. ok now to look up red.

Holy shit! It works!

Kinda blah for a red, maybe pink?


well… (don’t tell anyone, but the point of all this color text is to hint at the speaker in a totally un-tagged dialogue… so lets try one more… let us know which you prefer. and remember ‘Mums the word!’

hmm! let the votation begin!

See ya at the Six!


* Tuesday, all things being equal, would be adjudged by clarks as the best day of the week. This for no other reason than it’s too early in the workweek to acquire excessive baggage in expectations and too far, (by a day), past the previous weekend, to have the events of those two ‘non-work-days’ do more than sting. Just a little.

** thx out to Mimi hey! New Readers!! She say something, you can take it to the bank as Doctrine.



RePrint Monday -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

No. Way. Dude! Way!


What about some other triads manifested in the Wakefield Doctrine?

(You remember, clarks are crazy, scotts are stupid and rogers are dumb. (or): clarks think, scotts act or rogers feel.

Hey! Wanna know your predominant worldview (aka personality type)? Look at the world around you and the people who make it up through one of three lens; that of the Outsider(clarks), the Predator(scotts) or the Herd Member(rogers) one will be totally blurry, discard it. Continue looking at a person, a thing or, even, a situation/interaction through one, (of the two remaining lens), then the other. Is the view of one clearer than the other? Now, repeat as often as necessary until you see the world around you (and the people who make it up) clearly.

Congratulations! You have determined your predominant worldview. Have a better day!

Let’s go search the archives, yo.

alright, recess is over, time to get back to work

Well…..That certainly was different…perhaps a way of ‘letting off steam’ or even just having fun, nothing says this blog has to be all serious.  But our task remains, the goal of this blog remains ever the same:  to present the Wakefield Doctrine (aka the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers) in a way that is easy to understand and allows you, the Reader, to apply (it’s) principles to your daily life.

I believe it was in the (…you do not want to look down) Post…we said that we will be focusing on each of the three types, one Post for each.  First up: clarks.

To begin, this Post will not be about clarks in the sense of what they are, or how to spot them or even (their) characteristics.  This Post is concerned with clarks from the perspective of how they relate to this Wakefield Doctrine thing.  A clark reading this blog will be curious and will read much of the material, but they will do this in order to compare what the Doctrine is to the system they already have in place.  Information is the central feature in the world of the clarks.

(A little dry, but then we are talking about clarks…) but stay with us here. This Post and the two to follow will be of value to us in answering the question:  ‘how do I get through to a clark (or a scott or a roger)?’
Put another way, spotting a roger or a scott or a clark is pretty simple.  But, ‘speaking the language’ of these three types of people is not so simple.

Our challenge is to learn to communicate with the other(s) in their language, on their terms.
A clark talking to a scott will sound like a clark (to that scott).  But it is possible for that clark to speak to the scott in the ‘scottian language’.
Of course, we are not talking about ‘languages’ in the everyday sense and it is more  about being able to perceive reality as the other does.
If you can do that, you will automatically speak their language.

Lets try this:  you’re a clark (come back scott, come back  lol), you are standing in a room full of people at some social function.  Being a clark,  you are standing in a corner and you are looking around and listening to everyone,  trying to learn what is expected of you.  Into the room comes a scott, who immediately begins to ‘work the room’, going from person to person, establishing ranking and locating food.  This scott does not need to learn (what is expected of them), they simply need to act.  To survive.
If you, (a clark) goes up to this scott and offers information, you will be identified as a clark.  To the scottianbrain:  you are not a competitor and you are not food.  The scott will be cautious, until you are identified to the scotts satisfaction)

But, suppose for a minute, you could speak scottian, the language of a scott. What do you suppose the difference would be?
You would not be offering information, for a start.  And you would not be trying co-operate with this (scott).  You would simply communicate with the scott directly.
(Now, the clarks out there reading this are leaping ahead of this little example…the implications of switching perspective to that of the other….hold up clarkies…lets try to bring along the rogers and scotts…they are not running out ahead on this one…)

So you go up to the scott and first and foremost demand their attention.  You become a scott.

Let’s just put it this way:  the Wakefield Doctrine can provide you with enough information/perspective/encouragement to enable you to perceive the world as the other two types do and, by doing this, you will be able to communicate with them more effectively.  Totally.

Of course, if you do this you may find that the message that you are trying to convey to the other person is changed by the fact that you are seeing the world differently.  But that is a Post length topic in and of itself.  In the following Posts we will consider this changing of the message effect that comes when we see the world through the eyes of another.  This will be most difficult to the scotts and the rogers, but hey if this were easy I would be on TV by now.

Lets finish with a little (more) music.

