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Monday -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

As often happens, topics (and themes (and new(ish) fun ways to describe the Doctrine) are often found in Comments from Readers.

This Monday is no exception.

Friend of the Doctrine, Mimi, in her Comment on our last Doctrine post*. Wrote:

If it’s worth doing, it’s worth doing. Even if you don’t do it too well at first.

To which we responded:

… about aggression, in general and a Doctrine insight, in particular: it helps to remember that scotts fight (overt aggression)  for ranking and, for the most part is not personal.*

True Doctrine story. I once asked my late friend, Bernadine (photo at top of post), a scott (with a strong secondary clarklike aspect), I asked,  “So, when you engage with other scotts to establish ranking, how do you feel when you are not alpha?”

She laughed her remarkably enjoyable laugh and said, “You knucklehead, (or words to that effect, nothing but affection in her tone), I don’t feel bad, if that’s what you’re asking. Why would I? Ranking is about relationships, it’s about where I am in the pack. It has nothing to do with my value as an individual. That value is established. I’m in a pack. All scotts need to establish ranking in a social situation to, you know, separate the other predators from the… buffet table, (subsequent laughter). Ranking has nothing to do with value of the individual pack members.”

Second topic(ette) this Monday is drawn from a discussion on the topic of resentment, in the middle of the call-in this Saturday past. A statement was made, “When it comes to resentments and holding them, no one (none of the three) do it as well as rogers.”

Very fun insight was inspired, no surprise, by remembering ‘the Everything Rule’.

While it was without contention that rogers, being constituents of a reality of emotion, certainly have a high-profile when it comes to having (and maintaining) a resentment, the key is to ask, “OK, high volume, great intensity and way, high fidelity in the expression of a “We hate ‘cha”.

It was then suggested that one of the reasons rogers are the masters of holding resentment was due to the quality of longevity, (of said negative regard for a person. place or thing). They do that stuff forever.

And the aforementioned ‘Everything Rule’ did a total cartoon lightbulb over our collective heads.

Given that everyone does everything at one time or another, how does this half-life of negative emotional manifest in the personal realities of  ‘the other two?”

cha …ching!

rogers being Herd Members exist in a reality (personal as opposed to common) of emotion, feelings. the fabric of this reality is totally non-rational. Being non-rational, the world rogers exist is, essentially, non-chronologic. Time is not linear. Time is a bag of groceries packed by a first-day-on-the-job kid at the supermarket. Without the traditional, then-now-soon ordering of time, a stubbed toe at three am this morning is indistinguishable from the stabbing pain of being dumped in the final of final exams in one’s Sophomore year.

To an objective observer. the latter would be impressive, as most of us in the common reality, associate longevity with inherent value.

We concluded our debate with the suggestion that clarks are the resentment-masters-of-the-world, because when they get aholt of a delicious ‘ow!/wait!/what?’ resentment, well, lets just say, “No! Not a problem, we have the perfect spot, right next to the end table, no! that one with the magazines and coasters. It fits the decor like it’s always been there.’

or something

thanks Mimi and Denise and roger… fun post today

* ikr? what now? lol




TToT -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

This is the Wakefield Doctrine’s contribution to the Ten Things of Thankful (TToT) bloghop.

The TToT is one of the more enjoyable forms of spiritual exercise. Unlike other forms of exercise purportedly good for a person. This thing of Lizzi‘s does not require one to sweat excessively (unless, that is, you’re into that… which we are, but strictly seasonal-appropriate, outdoor, stick-that-shirt-to-yer-back-yo) and critically does not mandate excessive conformity.

Being of good intent is the only requirement. How simple is this thing of ours? Consider the people, places and things that have recently inspired you to think/say, ‘I’m thankful for that’.

Pretty simple, isn’t it? Ready to pick up the pen? (ok, rest your fingers on the keyboard). ProTip: Neatness, as a mandatory quality of TToT lists is not overly valued (phew!) That said, stylistically, there are writers here who celebrate in the orderly, raising orderliness to the admirable level… both in presentation and organization. (Thinking of Kristi and Misky). Others, well others’ present a style more akin to a lean-against-your-car-on-a-late-summer-day kinda of conversations, like you see over at Mimi‘s and Dyanne‘s. The more conventional narratives, as exemplified by Lisa and Denise are totally 2nd-year-owned-corduroy-pants (in Autumn)… and, in appreciation of ‘new blood being lifeblood’, we gots Kjersti and Cai and Cat …and, Carin!

…and, then, of course, there’s the Wakefield Doctrine’s remedial spirituality (which is heavy into music and photation in no easily discerned logic)

1) Phyllis

2) Una

3) the Wakefield Doctrine

4) the Unicorn Challenge bloghop.  ‘Nine Lives‘.  by Sally

5) the Six Sentence Story bloghop

6) photos on the way to inspections (see Grat #7*)

7) Mountain of Stuff

8) something, something

9) DST yo. It’s totally put-the-Winter-coats-away (well, in the hall closet, no sense getting over-confident, ya know?)

10) Secret Rule 1.3

*ok. we’ll stip to this maneuver being somewhat questionable

music vids





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Tuesday -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

Struggling to get started this morning. Quick search through archives…nah.

Recognized the twinge of guilt at using old content rather than typing new. Guilt is the preferred perfume/’after-shave’ of the Outsider, in no small part because we think it’s legitimate use is to divert attention from our-true-selfs and to abracadabra the impression everyone else has of us.

Funny thing, when we tend to wander about, writingistically-speaking, you know, like when you’re stumped on a multi-choice test question and, seeking reassurance in a fact/information of rather admittedly impeachable pedigree-opiniom, resort to counting how many times you’ve selected ‘D’ (None of the Above).

That said, the thing about clarks is, the above test strategy notwithstanding, we’re kinda immune to test anxiety.

Which ties in with Mimi’s Comment on yesterday’s post:

“Simple if not always easy.”

spoken like a: clark/scott/roger


no! wait… just remembered how much we enjoyed being provocative in the early days of this blog and…

‘a scott alone in a room, isn’t’ (and) ‘clarks are crazy, scotts are stupid and rogers are dumb’ and, about applying the principles of the Wakefield Doctrine to your own life, ‘It’s fun and you can’t get it wrong.’

so, in the spirit of ‘hey, it’s not so much what you do or say, it’s how you relate yourself to the world around us and the people wbo make it up’, lets add a new(ish) one:

clarks make the hard things easy and the easy things hard’





TT0T -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

This is the Doctrine’s contribution to the Ten Things of Thankful (TToT) bloghop. Comprised of ten people, places, things (and) events that have inspired, generated, elicited and otherwise caused us to experience the state, (as ephemeral as it might be), of gratitude. As this is, by all accounts, personal and third-hand, a positive activity, we encourage all within sight (and sound) of our words to stop in, read, comment and all the other reasons you might have for spending time in the virtual world.

And, if the lists that you encounter here at the TToT resonate or otherwise cause you to think, “Ha! I’ve felt like that!” or “Man, them too??!” or, even, “Jeez Louise!! Those Doctrine people… wait, they’re the current host!?!?! No way. Heck, I could write to that level, just have to remember back to junior high!”

For those of us in the curator’s office at the Wakefield Doctrine, the following list of grats:

1) Phyllis

2) Una

3) the Wakefield Doctrine

4) the Unicorn Challenge:

5) the Six Sentence Story bloghop:

6) the forecast of temperature today is partly-cloudy with a chance of above-freezing temperature

7) work (real estate) allowing us to see (and photograph some interesting properties) see Grat #8

8) technology… simple pocket camera (while not on par with, say, Kristi or Misky’s excellent use of photos in TToT) some of our other co-hostinae (Dyanne, Mimi, Denise, Lisa)  might say, Hey! Where have a seen a sink like that before!! lol

9) something, something

10) Secret Rule 1.3


music vids





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Tuesday -the Wakefield Doctrine- “…of strange Lands and foreign tongues.”

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

As promised yesterday / ‘the last time’ /’no you didn’t but, ok what’ve you got today’ we will now tackle the fascinating subject of translation as a process and fluency1 as a goal.

But first:

New Readers: You should know by now that the Wakefield Doctrine proposes three ‘personality types’ (preferred term: predominant worldviews). The Outsider (clarks), the Predator (scotts) and the Herd Member (rogers). Each are defined (and distinguished) by the character of the relationship between the person and the world. This relationship results in a personal reality unique to how the individual relates themselfs to the world around them and the people who make it up. Further, each way of relating to the world, not surprisingly, results in a different language. And the language is, in turn, informed by the nature of these three realities. Hey! quick, down-and-dirty definition: clarks think, scotts act and rogers feel. Pretty simple, isn’t it? cool

So whats the deal with learning the language of the Wakefield Doctrine?, as Denise commented yesterday, “Translation requires fluency. Fluency implies learning how situations manifest in all three personal realities.”

Lets provide an example from the ‘real’ world.

We were in our office one day, several years ago. (ok, clarks? in the back row? you can stop with the wavy-fingers, hands up and down, the other Readers are quite capable of taking a suggestion of a flashback. thank you very much.) lol

One this particular day, all the news was about an approaching hurricane. In this part of the world they are not rare, can be dangerous and, with a certain degree of preparation, survivable. As a clark, we tend to view the hype and hoopla with some distaste, you know, unseemly. As the curator of the Wakefield Doctrine, however, our attention was totally hijacked by what we heard, passing the desk of a rogerian agent, speaking to his client,

“Are you ready for the big storm?’

We looked at the agent. We kept walking. We returned to our office and pondered what we saw as we heard the words of the agent. ‘Are you ready for the big storm’. Were it merely a caption scroll at the bottom of the screen it would be understood as being a well-meaning inquiry as to the other’s state of preparation. An alert, if you will, to the danger of such storms.

What we saw? Very different.

What we saw on the face of the roger speaking changed what we heard. It, (the facial expression), was one of celebration. Camaraderie. Almost joy.


And then, it struck us. This was a roger. Not so much speaking a different, foregn language, comprised of sounds that were odd and words that, clearly conveying information, correlated with nothing in our lexicon. We, as clarks, in this situation are first and foremost concerned with conveying news and information. The better to aid the person (on the other end of the call) and assist in assuring well-being.

Not fricken’ celebrating.

Then our fluency, (in the language of the Wakefield Doctrine), kicked in. rogers live in a world of emotion. the most important element of their world is ‘the Herd’ which not only is a symbol of their belonging, their being a part of, it is a manifestation of the Way. To say ‘you are part of the Herd’ is so fundamental as to be in the category of the old, parchment comic superhero saying ‘I am that I am

But that’s not important now. What is important, the goal of today’s post, is to suggest to any serious Reader of the Wakefield Doctrine that there are three languages of reality. And, while we speak one as a native, it behooves us to learn the language of the other two.


Because one of the Mission Statements of the Doctrine, (never written in caps and all in the Reader’s face ’cause…clark here) is, nevertheless, to learn to be better able to ‘see the world as the other person is experiencing it.’ (italics importanto)

1) wikipedia suggests the following definition

aigght. running out of time. we can continue with this topic provided there is sufficient interest. which is, going forward, a show of more than two hands.

