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Tuesday -the Wakefield Doctrine- “…of strange Lands and foreign tongues.”

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

As promised yesterday / ‘the last time’ /’no you didn’t but, ok what’ve you got today’ we will now tackle the fascinating subject of translation as a process and fluency1 as a goal.

But first:

New Readers: You should know by now that the Wakefield Doctrine proposes three ‘personality types’ (preferred term: predominant worldviews). The Outsider (clarks), the Predator (scotts) and the Herd Member (rogers). Each are defined (and distinguished) by the character of the relationship between the person and the world. This relationship results in a personal reality unique to how the individual relates themselfs to the world around them and the people who make it up. Further, each way of relating to the world, not surprisingly, results in a different language. And the language is, in turn, informed by the nature of these three realities. Hey! quick, down-and-dirty definition: clarks think, scotts act and rogers feel. Pretty simple, isn’t it? cool

So whats the deal with learning the language of the Wakefield Doctrine?, as Denise commented yesterday, “Translation requires fluency. Fluency implies learning how situations manifest in all three personal realities.”

Lets provide an example from the ‘real’ world.

We were in our office one day, several years ago. (ok, clarks? in the back row? you can stop with the wavy-fingers, hands up and down, the other Readers are quite capable of taking a suggestion of a flashback. thank you very much.) lol

One this particular day, all the news was about an approaching hurricane. In this part of the world they are not rare, can be dangerous and, with a certain degree of preparation, survivable. As a clark, we tend to view the hype and hoopla with some distaste, you know, unseemly. As the curator of the Wakefield Doctrine, however, our attention was totally hijacked by what we heard, passing the desk of a rogerian agent, speaking to his client,

“Are you ready for the big storm?’

We looked at the agent. We kept walking. We returned to our office and pondered what we saw as we heard the words of the agent. ‘Are you ready for the big storm’. Were it merely a caption scroll at the bottom of the screen it would be understood as being a well-meaning inquiry as to the other’s state of preparation. An alert, if you will, to the danger of such storms.

What we saw? Very different.

What we saw on the face of the roger speaking changed what we heard. It, (the facial expression), was one of celebration. Camaraderie. Almost joy.


And then, it struck us. This was a roger. Not so much speaking a different, foregn language, comprised of sounds that were odd and words that, clearly conveying information, correlated with nothing in our lexicon. We, as clarks, in this situation are first and foremost concerned with conveying news and information. The better to aid the person (on the other end of the call) and assist in assuring well-being.

Not fricken’ celebrating.

Then our fluency, (in the language of the Wakefield Doctrine), kicked in. rogers live in a world of emotion. the most important element of their world is ‘the Herd’ which not only is a symbol of their belonging, their being a part of, it is a manifestation of the Way. To say ‘you are part of the Herd’ is so fundamental as to be in the category of the old, parchment comic superhero saying ‘I am that I am

But that’s not important now. What is important, the goal of today’s post, is to suggest to any serious Reader of the Wakefield Doctrine that there are three languages of reality. And, while we speak one as a native, it behooves us to learn the language of the other two.


Because one of the Mission Statements of the Doctrine, (never written in caps and all in the Reader’s face ’cause…clark here) is, nevertheless, to learn to be better able to ‘see the world as the other person is experiencing it.’ (italics importanto)

1) wikipedia suggests the following definition

aigght. running out of time. we can continue with this topic provided there is sufficient interest. which is, going forward, a show of more than two hands.



TToT -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

This is the Doctrine’s contribution to the Ten Things of Thankful (TToT) bloghop.

Here are ten people, places and things that inspire, incite and otherwise allow us the opportunity to feel gratitude.

1) Phyllis

2) Una

3) the Wakefield Doctrine

4) technology ’cause…internet? letters of transit to the virtual world (in our case, first stop: blogosphere.)

5) relentless slide towards full Not-Winter

6) the Unicorn Challenge bloghop.  ‘The Tree‘. Sally

7) the Six Sentence Story bloghop. ‘Six bigguns!‘   Keith

8) the faithful practice of the principle underlying this bloghop. Will cite Mimi as demonstrating how the simplest approach to cultivating this practice is also the best way to enhance the efficaciousness of the whole thing.  Being at the end, (rather than beginning of this post), will cite a cool, old zen saying in support of our contention of our co-host’s practice being a good example:

Before enlightenment, chop wood, carry water.
After enlightenment, chop wood, carry water.

9) something, something

10) Secret Rule 1.3


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Monday -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

RePrint to give the Monday-fingers an easy warm-up stretch?

the funny thing, clarks who encounter the Wakefield Doctrine, if not immediately ‘recognizing’ another Outsider’s effort to organize an understanding of the world ‘out there’, will be comfortable with the concepts underlying our little personality theory.

…nope, nothin’ yet?

Well, sure we could do a few of the more fun, provocative pronouncements from the early days.

‘the Wakefield Doctrine is for you, not them’


we’ll deal with that. So, what about this statement puzzles you, scott? roger?*

”if you’ve come back here more than twice then you’re a clark or you’re a scott with a significant secondary clarklike aspect, (and a friend who actually is a clark) and thought, seeing how you’re laid up for a while, (no, nothing too serious, just restricting your free-range energy temporarily) or, you’re a roger with a secondary clarklike aspect and are feeling like everyone has stated to take you for granted and if there’s one thing a roger will not countenance it is not being appreciated, valued or affirmed to being one who presents the way to live that is correct and worthwhile.

ya know?

clarks (out there)? do you concur?

… quick Doctrine predominant worldview description check: ‘in the morning, before the day has flipped all the switches, do you tend to think in terms of dealing with ‘the world out there?’


St Valentine was he a roger or was he a clark, the Wakefield Doctrine deals with the important questions of the day

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine ( the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers )( psst!  yeah, you!  anyone looking?  I’m supposed to be working on the Wakefield Doctrine book… I promised that I would stop with the nearly every day Posts so that I could apply what little energy I have to putting content down on paper. Long story, that’s not important now… what is important is today is Valentine’s Day!  And there is not a single person out there who writes a blog that can resist the obvious appeal of such a… a contrived, culturally supported, private interest initiated “holiday” as Valentine’s Day.  So a quick, totally self-indulgent Post and then back to work… if Ms. AKH or Molly asks… tell them you haven’t seen me….)


St Valentines is the worst, most contrived and cynical, gyno-centric guy-bait(ing), toy-with-the-emotions-of-innocent-bystanders, holiday on the whole damn calendar.  Of course we are all familiar with the origin of the holiday and the internet is positively turgid with countless blogs, and stories and articles that tell us all about Hallmark and the candy industry and the rest of the sordid tale of this day in February. I will not try to compete with these other more skilled and capable Commentators ( and -torinis), as I do not have the time or the ‘writing chops’ to do such a ripe topic justice. Instead, let me tell you about my most lasting memory of Valentines Day.

Third grade, parochial school (St. Imelda*) and a classroom of 25 students. The boys were required to wear blue shirts and blue ties with OLM printed on the front, fortunately ‘clip-on ties’ had been invented by this time, so easy-peasy; the girls wore the catholic school uniform, i.e. plaid skirts white shirt, socks.  damn, little did I realize at that pre-pubescent time of my life how potent that little Roman Catholic Church fashion dictates would become for me and countless other men at a later stage of life.  (In fact, I am feeling the tug on the cynical side of my writing-self, there is something about the whole, church-sexual-abuse-dress-the-children in outfits destined to become so hawt… lol sorry, again I lack the time or the writing skill to do justice to a topic like this… back to the story.)
So with much fanfare, Valentine’s Day arrives and we  9  year old boys and girls are told that in the afternoon, before the end of the school day, we would have time to deliver our Valentine cards to each other. ( The day before we spent ‘Art Period’ making little baskets out of construction paper and taping them to the front of our desks. These would serve as ‘mailboxes’ for the cards we would receive the next day).
The thing was, the horrible twist to this introduction to the world of love, relationships and rejection was that, the time when class stopped and we were allowed to get up and deliver our little cards was not the end of the school day! It was right after lunch… and it lasted 15 or 20 minutes…as in ‘ now return to your desks and we will continue with the afternoon’ classes’. To sit for 90 minutes staring at the contents of the container on the front of my desk… I will leave it to the Reader to decide the emotional landscape of that afternoon on a February 14th.

Anyone out there not comfortable with finishing the story, or satisfied with their conclusion of this little tale, write us a Comment! Regular Readers know that the rogers gave the biggest cards, the scotts received the most cards and the clarks delivered the most cards….secretly without the recipient ever knowing who the really fun card came from…

Now I better get back to work, before I get in trouble.




TToT -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

This is the Doctrine’s contribution to the Ten Things of Thankful (TToT) bloghop.

1) Phyllis

2) Una

3) the Wakefield Doctrine

4) the Unicorn Challenge bloghop. ‘Fire and Rain‘ by ceayr

5) the Six Sentence Story bloghop. ‘Ah Paris‘  by Chris

6) new writers (new to the TToT, not necessarily new to Blogville) hey! Artmater   and  Sognafaret*. (to paraphrase absent friends, New ‘oT list writers are the lifeblood of this here bloghop here)

7) Wednesday of this week, remembering to turn off the date/time stamp before driving the 40 minutes home from my property where, rather than weekly inspection photos (needing aforementioned time stamp) I was taking marketing photos. I only took 13 photos when I thought…. “Wait a minute! Is the date/time stamp still on?” (once in my distant past, things in the business were much more active…. and I went through an entire afternoon of inspections (25 houses worth) and got back to the office and, sitting at my desk, a well-deserved rest and… yes ma’am not a single date stamp on the entire 200 photos. ;p to paraphrase Mr. Diddly “You should’ve seen just what I heard”

8) Non-Winter draws increasingly near. (shh!)

9) something, something

10) Secret Rule 1.3


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TToT -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

This is the Wakefield Doctrine’s contribution to everyone’s favorite gratitude blog(hop), the Ten Things of Thankful (TToT). New to this blog? Great. Read and enjoy. Or write a list of the first ten people, places or things that come to mind as ‘damn! glad that happened!’

Pretty simple, isn’t it?

How simple? Well, we (your Narrator and pro temp host) already have a new Grat to add to our own damn list! Can’t we get a ‘You’re Welcome!?   Yes ‘sir. That easy. And fun.

ProTip: Writing fiction, a memoir, whatever, is meant for fun and enjoyment. Unless, a’course you’re a member of the Real-Writers-Hear-Us-Bore! union. No, this TToT place is: 1/3 the clubhouse you knew about as a kid and sometimes were allowed in and 1/2 the kind of place you would wish for your kids or dogs or any other lifeform that you’re gifted by being responsible for and 1/4 …did we say fun? Yeah, well, as the old saying reminds us, ‘Fun is something you allow yourself. No one else can do that for you.’

On with our List.

1) Phyllis

2) Una

3) the Wakefield Doctrine

4) the above (in the intro) hypothetical Reader. for listening to our wordage

5) the Six Sentence Story bloghop

6) the Unicorn Challenge bloghop

7) relative lack, (more, a deficiency) of snow for the time of year. (If this was Summer, we’d be saying, “Think it might rain some?” (and you might reply) ‘oh, Ayuh. Supposin’ it might. Been a dry one, though. Driest since aught six.’ Holy Shit! Just realized we’re in a point in time we can use ‘aught’ in a designation of a period of time. Don’t happen but once a century! Well, 20 years ago at this point. But you get what we mean.

8) our daily trip north to inspect our property (Bonus Grat!! They, (the owners), acknowledged that a zip code district is not the equivalent of a municipality. This they will admit.)

9) something, something

10) Secret Rule 1.3


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