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2sdae -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

As has been the case so often since this blog saw the 6500k light of its first virtual day, we have a Comment to prompt today’s Wakefield Doctrine post.

Damn! Sorry. Fell into visual mode there for a second. Kinda like the deep inhalations as one is pulled down under the waves, seeing how we’re about to go into beta reader mode. Agree to do this for a friend, ceayr from the Unicorn Challenge bloghop. He has asked me to accept the onus* of reading his current WIP. He’s quite the writer, his site (behind the link) has links to his published works. Check ’em out. (And don’t forget to tell ’em the Doctrine sent ya.)

So, Mimi commented yesterday:

That could be fun. I know a few of them, it would certainly behoove me to identify a few more.

This was in response to yesterday’s Doctrine post. We replied:

it is…fun and the thing is the more you spot, the better at spotting them you become (‘better’ means quicker and/or with subtler cues)
in fact, the coolest thing about the beginning of the blog, when we first came into contact with clarks that were not exposed to years of hearing me talk about the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers, a most wonderful thing happened: with the basics provided (fairly primitively presented) clarks not only were able to identify people by their predominant worldview but immediately began to extrapolate on the principles which expanded our ‘vocabulary’ of the three personality types.

New Readers! Don’t worry about identifying a person’s predominant worldview right this moment, at the end of your metaphorical first semester. We related the story of the early years of the blog to make the point that, with sufficient reading of these pages, one becomes capable of seeing identifiers (of a person’s predominant worldview) that may not be listed here in these pages. The fun is in applying the three perspectives (how a person relates themselves to the world around them and the people who make it up) and discovering which is the ‘clearest’ lens on the person’s experience.  And….and! quick Note: we’ve mentioned two ‘people’ here in today’s post. One of the first rules of the Wakefield Doctrine is that no one has authority to designate another’s predominant worldview. At least not with the expectation of it having any ‘force’. It is for the individual to determine. This is not to say we don’t have fun with ‘guess the worldview’ of people, usually prominent and/or famous folks. And even in this situation, the ‘hey, they are surely a...’ is meant for educational purposes (seeing how you better have some evidence to back up your claim and for entertainment purposes, i,e, Joe Pesci’s Nicky Santoro in Casino (the bar scene).

Damn! We’re out of time.

Don’t forget! The Wakefield Doctrine is for you, not them.


* onus Deliberately using this word rather than, “Hey! I got a favor to ask,” or, “You’re a good writer, do a brother a solid and beta this bad-boy?” because we are a clark. No, not because it’s a slightly unusual choice (well, ok, a little because) of words. We used it because it offers an opportunity for insight into the world of the Outsider (clarks). As a people we take three things way, way…fricken way too seriously**: 1) responsibility (of the personal, i.e. person-to-person variety) and B) the opinion of others, specifically of us. Now we gots to get back to the post (already in progress).

** how about, instead of ‘seriously’, we type ‘to heart’ Now there’s a damn post waiting to be written! lol


Monday monday -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)


(Damn! nothin’ like screaming, “Hypo-youthful blogger!! Hypo-youthful blogger” (the reference to Marlin, of course))

oh, well.

Remember, New (and very likely, accidental) Readers: the Wakefield Doctrine is age neutral. As well as gender and culture neutral. All it takes is a sufficient level of one of the three predominant worldviews (in particular), to have this not only make sense, but to evoke a ‘Yeah, I can identify with that!’

And when you’re out there* in the world today, know that with an understanding of the three relationships of the Doctrine, you will be better equipped to see the world as the other person is experiencing it. (ProTip: if that appeals to you, you’re totally in the right place.)

Just as the mother lion protects her cubs, you can protect your family with Mutual of Omaha, M. Perkins

Congratulations to all of you who participated in our first ‘find the clark‘  Day!  From what I am hearing, everyone had a very good time, (except the clarks, ;0) Interesting feedback most of it positive; although some of you rogers have commented that when you thought your herd had a clark  ‘encircled’, the little scamp managed to slip between you somehow and  made it into the underbrush.   (“Can’t go there boss! nosir! theys scotts in dem woods!”)
Not to worry, roger, they’ll be back.  It’s in the nature of clarks to be trusting, especially to those that seem so friendly.  It’s been said that if you gain the trust of one of these mysterious beings, they will always be around…somewhere nearby.  Always. Anyway, ‘find the clark‘  Day was just practice, a little warmup, if you will for the main event:  ‘tag a scott’  Week!
Yes, you read that correctly, it is a whole week of fun.‘Tag a scott’  Week is 7 days because this little ‘walk on the wild side’  is meant to help us better understand not only the wily scott but also rogers. (Wait, did he just say’…also rogers?’)
(No way! OMG! we don’t have to go out there and look for scotts by ourselves do we?) (Yes roger, yes you do)So, a brief overview, quick Q&A and off you go…The quarry: scott

(A group of scotts is a pack, the ways of a pack speaks volumes to the nature of it’s members.
The pack will function as a group only for relatively narrowly defined goals/purposes. Securing food and defending  territory.)

The scottian individual will, (upon entering any social environment), push everyone on the shoulder (figuratively or literally).  This is done to elicit a reaction/response and thereby allowing (the scott) to establish ranking.  Does the other person push back or not? If they do not, they are prey, if they do push back, then a quick struggle and the ranking in the pack  determined.  scotts will ‘work the room’, never staying in one group for too long.

This behavior is perceived as being very social, scotts are always the life of the party; but their actual purpose is to locate the other scotts, establish ranking and territory and then to the primary purpose of coming out:  find the food.

The reason for this is that in the wild there are more rogers than scotts (or clarks, for that matter), so if we are looking for a scott, the easiest thing to do is identify their food source and go there.  In the social wild, scotts will be found always on the move.  You will rarely see more than two scotts in the same social setting, at least for any extended period of time. As has been said, scotts are the hunters, the predators.

So you say, “What are we to learn about rogers during tag a scott Week?”

Real simple.  scotts like rogers, they like them anytime. Lunch time, dinner time, Snack time.  For the more in-depth explanation of the relationship between scotts and rogers, you are going to have to ask (read all the pages first).  So for the purposes of this little event, if you are tracking the wily scott, do what any hunter will do, go to where the food is, learn the routines, and wait patiently.

Just so no one out there thinks we at the Doctrine are denigrating rogers, let me remind you that we all have the qualities of all three forms, (clarks, scotts and rogers) and it is simply a predominance of one over the other that makes us what we are.  There are not good or better types, each has its strengths and its weaknesses.  In fact, the secret goal of the Wakefield Doctrine is, in fact, to find ways to develop full all three aspects.  So let’s hear it for the girls…

rogers are not hunters, they are group/herd/social beings. rogers exist in the context of the group, the herd.  rogers are the reason we have stable civilizations throughout history. They are the bookkeepers and the doctors, rogers are the engineers and the judges, without them we would not have rules of behavior, etiquette or polite behavior.  Without rogers, scotts would be baying at the moon in a pre-historic environment.

So, go out there this week (starting Monday the 9th at 11:00 am (scotts hate the mornings) and ending at midnight Monday the 16th.

The rules are simple: identify the scott and come back with something they own.

(Without getting eaten)


* second ProTip: if you tend to think, upon waking, of the world as being ‘out there’… well, hello, clark. we’re very happy you could join us**.

** remind us tomorrow to explain that





Monday -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

So, we were talking about the all too rare insights into the realities of the three predominant worldviews.

The three ‘personality types’ of the Doctrine are:

  1. clarks (Outsiders)
  2. scotts (Predators)
  3. rogers (Herd Members)

We, all of us, are born with the potential of all three, settle into one, (and only one), but retain a vestigial access to the ‘other two’. The basic mechanism/conceit underlying the Doctrine is simple: our personality type is but a reflection of the relationship we have with the world around us and the people who make it up. And the primary task we confront is to learn how to survive and thrive. At this time we’re taking our cues from our close-in world and discovering and developing strategies that allow us to continue to grow and mature, given the nature of the world we are in (Hint: there are three ‘natures/characters’).

Which is kinda cool when you think about it. Ain’t none of those lists of traits and tropisms, compensation of lost opportunities or twists imposed by greater, (and, all too often, inimical), forces in our worlds). Hell, no. We’re just trying to survive. So you might say, (which we very much do), that your personality type is perfect.

… (you knew there was gonna be a ‘dit-dit-dit’ admit it! lol)

We, all of us, according to the Wakefield Doctrine, have the exact right personality type, (here come the italics) given the nature of the personal reality we are existing in.

(can we get an Amen?)

anywho… we were going to talk about the deeper insights into the three personal realities of the Doctrine. (Which is to say, there’s a ton of descriptions and adjeverbs for the personal reality of: Outsiders (clarks), living in the semi-shadows, mumbling, poor posture, an affinity among some to decorate their heads and Predators (scotts), such as Tasmanian devils/devilettes, life-of-the-party, adrenalin addicts, really hawt and, Herd Members (rogers) who totally account for the benefits of modern tech, safety of most ingestibles and there being a Right Way and a wrong way, (not to mention, really, really neat, organized work benches)

Sure, that’s the fun of the Doctrine.

But there is more to the three worldviews than we can easily see from our perspective in only one of them.

That’s our next topic… but we’re out of time.

Stop by tomorrow.



Monday -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

Lets RePrint.

(but.. try to remind us to remember not to forget to discuss the concept of ‘lashing out’ as manifested in the rogerian worldview. It, the understanding of its nature, mechanism and effect is a singular value among the insights afforded us for all the effort that has gone into this here blog here.)

Wait… we’ll just go ahead and save a draft write now. Not that we doubt you’ll remember, but we might forget our-own-damn-selfs.

…ok. back. had to paste the RePrint. That way we can link this post into a draft for tomorrow’s. Now, we need something…nemonic, yet clever and, ideally, irresistible…  What? Yeah subtitle would be a good place for the primary hook. How about “the single most useful thing about the Wakefield Doctrine’…single most useful insight? takeway? damn… our phone has been an endless cornucopia of (redumbdent? (ha ha… man, someone has to have coined that one already…)) click-bait titles.

damn! oh well, guess we’ll just copy the first parenthetical and leave it go at that.


‘…of sharing and belonging’ the Wakefield Doctrine ‘so how’s that little campaign to bring the Doctrine to the world, coming along?’

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)the purpose of this Post is to….

It has been said of the Wakefield Doctrine (specifically) and of creativity (generally) that:

  • clarks: despite being the only one of the three capable of genuine creativity, are totally  ‘un’-‘non’-‘ill’-‘dys’  -equipped to present a new idea to the world in an effective manner
  • scotts: despite being the most charismatic of the three personality types, has neither the need, nor the desire, to associate themselves with an ‘idea’ any further than is necessary to have people pay attention to them in the moment
  • rogers: because of their innate (and prodigious) talent for self-promotion are, in fact, most commonly found as the figurehead for most ideas that create followings among people, have no interest whatsoever in the idea itself, convinced that the attention that is being focused is simply the natural order
Dealing with, accommodating and adapting to the above personality type qualities,  has been the Challenge facing this blog since the first Post in June 2009. In fairness to the author, we should state that the original goal of the Wakefield Doctrine blog was to create a following (of) the idea of ‘personality types as functions of personal realities’ and to develop a public forum, a platform upon which the uses of this perspective on human behavior could be presented, exhibited and displayed. The thinking, (behind this approach), was simply that the more people who learned about the Doctrine, the more people would contribute to the knowledge base that would grow around the blog itself.
Or so the thinking went…
From the very first year, the scotts (those associated with the blog that were of a scottian personality type) were all,  “what the hell are you talking about!!!  Nobodys gonna read that boring crap!!  you gotta get in their face and make ’em pay attention!!  say ‘fuck’ a lot!!! that’s what will keep them focused… pictures music  no body is gonna read a droning on and on and on about how the psychological implications!!!  you want Readers then you got to be exiting!!! …. oh, yeah  fuck!!”
 And, to a certain extent, we do not disagree. In fact, we have never disagreed with their insistence on presenting the Wakefield Doctrine with an element of excitement and life, something that would draw the attention of the causal blog-browser.  Our objection to the scottian obsession with movement and noise and energy, has simply been that, for a scott, the attention (of others) is the end in and of itself. A scott does not attract attention in order to….  a scott attracts attention because that is where the energy is,  life is about living, (for the scott) and energy and motion and activity is what you do to know you are alive.
…so, no help there.
From the very first year , the rogers (those associated with the blog that were of the rogerian personality type) were all, “sure…tell the tale and they will follow
As a matter of fact, it was a long-held belief that it would take either a roger or my developing my rogerian aspect in order to create the voice in these Posts that would attract Readers. The thinking was that, rogers being the masses in the first place, were the only ones who  could shape the words, impart the style that would resonate with the Readership.
That was almost true.
For a roger to present a new idea to the world, requires that the roger first tell the world about how successful they are and only then, when the Readers come closer, drawn by the light of fame ( a light being held by the rogeron themselves),  will they be willing to learn of this new and interesting personality theory.
…so, no help there.
So where does that leave us?
…well, even though this Wakefield Doctrine blog has not become a:
  • yelling, screaming flashing lights and breasts and omg-I-can’t-believe-you-said-that funny place with lots of wicked funny Comments and all and other scottian whoopee cushions ( literarily speaking) and
  • we are not holding forth on “...why, yes, as I was saying just the other day to another person who thinks I am wonderful, well I was starting to say something really inciteful but we were both interrupted by a famous blog writer who said that this was so wonderful they couldn’t believe why this blog was not more famous and I said, ‘why darling, of course it is, but you’re kind of narrow gauge yourself aren’t you’”
…all and all, not bad so far, not bad.



Wednesday -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

'yes, Doctrine favorite Edward Hopper again'


The next most favorite thing, according to our totally-unreliable memory, for most blog readers (and writers) is anything involving a survey and/or survey questions.  The most favorite?

  1. a list of items related to either the targeted Reader or the subject matter of the blog
  2. videos
  3. First Person narrative (reliable or un-)
  4. intriguing images and such

Understanding the nature and characteristics of the three personalty types of the Wakefield Doctrine: (

  1. clarks (the Outsider)
  2. scotts (the Predator)
  3. rogers (the Herd Member)

) will allow you to know more about the other person than they know about themselves.

Utilizing the perspective of the Wakefield Doctrine permits one, (provided they have the desire and will), to know better how the other person is experiencing the world at any given moment.

cool. huh?

gotta get back to writing our contribution to the Six Sentence Story bloghop. One of which will be a Six Sentence Café & Bistro Six. These, or at least the setting, the aforementioned Café, is a virtually metaphoric nightspot. While it can be found in most cities (and some rural areas), what makes it so much fun is it’s consistency of form. What this means is, you want to write a story (a Six or whatever) well, we have the setting already established! So if your story is mostly interaction between character then half the work is done for you. Plus there are others who write to this location. Just so, you know, you’re at a loss for dialogue, well, these folks would be glad to interact.

The floor plan for the Café is standardized. So if you feel like a challenge, on any given weekly Six Sentence Story bloghop, write yourself a visit. (No limit on POV or theme. Come as you are or come as some part of your psyche would be. No one is checking IDs lol)

The locale:

off a main thoroughfare, halfway down the primary artery devoted to commerce , take a side street (perpendicular to where the must-have shoppes, professional services, including but not limited to lipo and psycho suction) and continue one-too-many blocks until the plate glass windows start to become opaque with dust and time. You should now find yourself in what appears to be the former manufacturing district (of your un-named city), look for a five-storey mill building. go past that, turn left on a lane, the surface of which has gone, quite without your noticing the transition, from smooth asphalt to cobblestone. There is a sidewalk turning down a street. Follow. On the left is a five story building. You’ll see a single red door. It is slightly below grade, there are three granite steps down to the entrance to the Café. (There is, most times, a personage at the door. Usually outside. this is the Gatekeeper. Guess what his job is. (lol).

The exterior door is old oak. The exterior walls are granite and brick.

Once inside the door, there is a vestibule formed using fairly modern design and materials. There are two cigarette machines on the right. Their tops are covered with stacks of the local Free Paper, three-color, glossy paper real estate booklets in their own cardboard upright stands and, finally two slightly leaning stacks of Awake! and The WatchTower.

Through the stainless steel and glass door from there and you’re in the Six Sentence Café & Bistro.

(running out of time! quick non-effective rhetoric to give you a sense of the place)

the floor plan is rectangular. from where you’re standing the nearest long side is the exterior wall (you just came in at the near end). There are alcoves alomg this wall with tables sets in them and, for reasons left to future visitors, some have diaphanous curtains offering privacy. A former mill, the ceilings are high and dinosaur-ribbed with rough-hewn wood beams. The opposite/parallel wall is an interior wall of brick. There is a small (two steps up) stage at its longitudinal center. The wall farthest away (the ‘short’ side of our rectangle) is an exterior wall. Three quarters of this space is taken up with round-topped tables with four chairs each, except for the dance floor in front of the stage (like, where else would you expect it to be?). There is one table, along the interior wall, just past the stage where you will see a laptop which is always on. That’s where you might see the Raconteuse, if she’s in town.

Back to where you should still be (after stepping from the vestibule), from this point along the right hand (the other short leg of the rectangle) runs the bar. The Bartender will most likely be seen there, unless she’s in the kitchen with Tom or has the day off. The kitchen is accessed by double swinging doors that bisect the long row of bottles and neon set on mirrored shelves.

The far end of the bar? Now comes the intriguing aspect. The very end (think of the short right angle turn of, say a towel rack on the wall), the waitress station. You might see a woman in dressed all couture and Nike. Beyond her is a wide gap in the interior wall. To the left: the restrooms and to the right? ah ha! that branch of the hall leads to the Manager’s office (the door is marked by cheap reflective metal hardware store letters, slightly askew) further down the hall… nah

There you go! Your invitation to come set a spell in a virtual, metaphoric nightspot. Interesting people. Unlimited possibilities.
