relationships | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 7 relationships | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 7

Wednesday -the Wakefield Doctrine- “…before our main Feature, a little diversion.”

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

One of the things we, (Cynthia, Denise and yours truly), discussed last Saturday evening was the peculiar perception/experience of Time on the part of clarks.

***We interrupt this introduction with an un-necessary RePrint post. We were certain we lacked the time this morning to write an original content post (Original Content Post motto, “If it didn’t exist before, how the hell could it not be new to you?”***)

[New Readers! Did You Know: Even something as non-rational, subjective and kinda-magical as creativity is manifested differently by the three personality types of the Wakefield Doctrine? It’s true. clarks are the genuinely creative ones, their issue is not of this (common) reality; scotts are creative by force of Will, ‘Look! This!! Isn’t It Something (New!!) and rogers, Well, true to their predilection for fine craftsmanship and precision engineering, they manifest creativity as: Novel Re-Assembly. ‘How New and Improved this is, don’t we all agree?’]



(whew!! kinda starting to get a little...out there, if you get my meaning, if you catch my drift*)


‘Six Sentence, Six Sentence, Six Sentence Story’ the Wakefield Doctrine- “ …and the moon is in the seventh house“*

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)


*apparently** that line is, in fact, a lyric from ‘the Age of Aquarius’ from the musical ‘Hair!’

** ‘apparently’ because I have a tendency to write first and understand second, particularly on a Wednesday evening, when I’m in Six Sentence Story Warm-up mode.

Back now, bereft of parentheticals and astrixeseses…. so, zoe has this blog hop, Six Sentence Story every Thursday and the object is to write a story employing the word prompt provided and keep it to 6 sentences. (oh man! I’ve been known in the past as having a touch of arithlexia, this week’s Story really challenges the counting system… whole lines, in quotes I am not counting as individual sentences, unless Al stuck a period in them, which happens once….I think)

This week our prompt is ‘Fray’

“Half a league, half a league, half a league onward” he read, the forest outside his window beginning to glow grayly with the approach of Dawn.

“Cannon to right of them, Cannon to left of them, Cannon in front of them” the poet continued, bestowing hideous honor on the special variety of mass murderer that society produces on a secret timetable, marked by statues in city parks and the dreams of young boys inoculated with malignant dreams of purpose.

“Stormed at with shot and shell, While horse and hero fell. They that had fought so well“, like the drunken patron in lobby of the whorehouse, describing acts of passion as if to repeat them loudly (enough) would reverse the achingly slow destruction of the good, inherent in life of the not-yet-old girl.

“Honour the charge they made! Honour the Light Brigade, Noble six hundred!”

“I know how this ends, it’s bravado and all, one more cup of coffee and into the fray, into the valley of Commerce rode the….” laughing at himself, he hit ‘Publish’.

*phrase courtesy of one of the albums, can’t remember which, (probably ‘Don’t Crush that Dwarf, Hand Me the Pliers’) by the amazing Firesign Theatre (c 1960s-1970s)

Well, damn! This is awkward.

It’s Wednesday. The day we write a Six Sentence Story. Today’s RePrint is a Six Sentence Story. Does that cause a time loop…or tunnel… or oh, well




Tuesday -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

Friend of the Doctrine, Mimi, has come to our rescue with a comment that gives us something to stand-on, (in the middle of ‘What-to-Write-Today Swamp’), and scan the horizon. For a path out. To someplace …err interesting.

Commenting on yesterday’s Post, specifically,  in reference to the Richard Linklater video click from ‘Slacker’ that speaks to the matter of timelines and multiple universeseses, (arising and branching with each and every decision we make in our lifes), she wrote:

If every reality creates more, reality must be getting crowded.

To which we Reply’d:

… tell me it is not.


(ever watch a child run? down the street, across the lawn? then observe a young adult do the same… is that, what, a bit more determination in their stride, the tops of the arch of their movement a little slower to rise… we don’t have to talk about our running… there is nothing wrong or incorrect (or defective) about it… it’s simply more work, requiring more effort to move under the accumulated life )

Say what you will about our people, but when it comes to asking questions and suggesting inferencae, especially those that require creative insight and dealing with the un-tangible/objective/concrete/provable-to-a-critical-audience, the Outsiders kinda shine, ya know?

New Readers? The ‘Everything Rule’ states, ‘At one time or another, everyone does everything’. This is a helpful and, in terms of making the Doctrine useful, essential insight into the reality of the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers. It means, simply: there is nothing, (no occupation, avocation, hobby, or things-to-do-at-the-summertime-family-reunion), that is exclusive to one or another of the three personality types. The Wakefield Doctrine maintains that a ‘thing’ manifests differently in each of the three predominant worldviews. And...and! the manner in which something manifests is a direct reflection of that (individual’s) personal reality. (ok an easy, but fun example: Physician? Sure. Of course all three are found in the medical profession. Best fit you say? clark: pediatrician, scott: surgeon, roger:oncologist.)

…hey, New Readers. Don’t think we don’t know what you’re doing. “Tell us about….” “Did you ever see? …” “What’s the weirdest thing about the Doctrine...”

Do your assigned reading. Start with the basics. We guarantee everything will fall into place. In fact. we will go so far as to make the following promise: If you’re a clark or have a significant secondary clarklike aspect, no only will this all make sense, but you will begin to extrapolate the underlying principles. Meaning, once you see that the Doctrine is based on the relationship a person has with the world around them (and the people who make it up), you will begin to experience insights about your friends, co-workers and that weird checkout person down at the QuikiMart. You will know without having had to read it in these pages.

That said, it’s considered good taste and best practice to share your insights with other Readers here at the blog. You never know when what you see might be a new understanding of the three personal realities.

Newest of Readers? The three personality types are:

  1. the Outsider (clarks)
  2. the Predator (scotts)
  3. the Herd Member (roger)

Look ’em up (search this blog) or ask another Reader (in a Comment).




Monday -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

A couple of things: 1) good discussion this Saturday night past, in particular on the efficacy of the concept of ‘how we relate ourselfs to the world around us and b) damn!  that was quick(er) than (usual)… had an idea for number 2, gone!

Probably turn up.

The one thing we did retain, the 1), will be of especial interest to the clarks out there. It has to do with the phenomenon of amnesisa and intent. Sometimes referred to as the New Year’s Resolution Effect. We come to the point of deciding to change, (something within, a trait, bad habit, self-destructive indulgence, like that), and, all charged up with righteous ambition and confidence we… forget the list by the third week of the New Year.

Except, here we’re talking about the Wakefield Doctrine and clarks. We acquire a new perspective on the world, the people who make it up and our ownselfs. We identify with other clarks.

Surely that is the primary miracle of this little personality theory, seriously! We’re not listed, (in the Doctrine), as ‘the Outsiders’ merely because all the cool personality type(s) labels were used up, right? Sure, ‘Warrior of the Shadow Society’ would sound cooler and maybe even relate (motto: ‘Stalking the fringes of well-adjusted people, they almost participate in a valued manner!’) to our people. But we’re the Outsider. (“Say it loud! I’m an Outsider and I’m Proud! hunh!”1)

Sorry, we were saying: the factor of having others, (of our kind), to identify with is huge. Hell, it’s arguably, in and of itself, justification for all the posts and insights and examples and such*

Anyway, lets make our point and close up.

Every clark has had the experience of deciding to no longer: (fill in the blank with whatever self-identified behavior might be highest on your list of “Things-I-Would-Change-So-I-Don’t-Say-(to myself) ‘Why did I do/Say/Fall-for-That again!!”). We clarks set out in the morning with steely (and, admitted only among other Outsiders), somewhat invigorating optimism to be the person we know we have every right to be.

Then, two sentences into our first interaction, we forget.

Not to worry. The Doctrine has a trick to help you to not forget what you resolve to remember.

… you know the thing we always say, when asked ‘What’s the Point of this Wakefield Doctrine thing’? It is, of course:

“…to understand how we relate ourselves to the world around us and the people who make it up.”

ProTip: we did not say, “how we relate to the world…”; we said: “how we relate ourselves to the world…”

Consider this, meditate, cogitate, reflective-tape this little seven word phrase and you will be far more likely to see the opportunities to act in your desired, new-and-improved, ‘Finally! I don’t have to leave interactions with a bunch of ‘why-didn’t I’s’!

Go ahead. Try it today!

(Warning. like most things in ‘Life’ there’s a lot of learning to make this work real good. Mostly about the characteristic behavior of the three predominant worldviews of our little personality theory.)




here, from the movie Slacker**

** Seriously. If you want to identify the scotts and rogers in your family… oh, alright…make that: in your small group of friends. Put on Richard Linklater’s movie ‘Slacker’.

If you’re a clark, you’ll simply love it. The rogers in the room? They will leave before the clip is over. They might, if the demographics of the room is right, get mad first, then leave. scotts? they’ll laugh. Watch it with you. Get bored and find something fun to do/chase/

1) No. Way.  …they wouldn’t!

Yes. Yes we would.


Monday -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

…now, where were we?

oh yeah…

But in the beginning, we spoke of the individual, (albeit mega-young lifeform), realizing their reality was that of (an) Outsider(clark), Predator(scott) or Herd Member(roger). And we meant it! (lol) Serially, we intended then, (and, at a certain level of discussion, now), to maintain that personal reality is real.

(Hey, on a personal note? We did not decide, at the age of five, to sign our Christmas cards to other family members with our full name because we were trying to be funny. (lol) We signed with our full name just to be on the safe side. To avoid scrutiny. (Honey, I can’t quite make out that first name, do we know a carl far.…)

A clark (or a scott or a roger) lives and, more importantly for today’s discussion, grows up in a real reality of one of three characteristic qualities. We didn’t find a ‘See and Say’ book titled ‘So You’re an Outsider!’ We adapted and compensated and developed the social strategies as best we could to survive in our worlds.


But lets go back to the beginning of this line of…reasoning?!

We’re in a phase of transition in the ‘real’ world. (In the world of real estate, it being essentially self-employment, a business framework is necessary, usually a broker with all necessary services, admin primarly and….)

“Yes? The hand in the back. You have a question?”

“How long are you going to bore us? The 2:00 am commercial totally promised we would, ‘Learn the Principles of the Wakefield Doctrine, How to apply them. You know, like the guy in the record by those guys in the 90s?  ‘We’ll talk right down to earth In a language that everybody here can easily understand.’ Come on, already! I want my Nineteen dollars and ninety-nine cents worth!”

(Yeah!! What the scott said!!) (And no Jack Nicholson quotes!!) (Except that one from that movie with Niles in it!) (Yeah… that one!)


Fine. No one really needs to hear the details of the context of our lesson.

Surely, if y’all have done your assigned reading, you will be hoping the vid will be on the Final Exam.

Sorry, It won’t be on the Final Exam if for no other reason than there is no Final Exam.

But, serially, what’s not to love about this (movie) interaction between a scott and a roger. Remember how we talk about the personality types (of this Doctrine thing) are simply manifestation of the individual’s relationship to the world around them and the people who make it up? Never mind the context here. (In the movie, ‘Wolf’, James Spader got Jack pushed aside at the publishing house they both worked at. and a girl’s in it too… or something)

Doctrine ProTip: Everything Rule* notwithstanding, of the three, rogers are the natural politicians. The maneuverization and influentializing (neither are ‘real’ words but…) within an established organization? They are possessed of a natural ‘ear’ for and their ability to socialize. Perfect,

Hokey Smoke!

We just noticed an inference to this discussion of scotts and rogers that a) provides a heck of an insight, and 2) being way beyond the scope of today’s post allows a graceful (and informative) exit.

What we started to say, that James (rogerian) character had out-maneuvered Jack’s character? That was quite accurate. But… but! what about Jack’s (scottian) character’s strategy. Being in the world of the Predator, he would, initially, be limited to the predator/prey wide-open Savannah approach to Problem Solving(lol). He would not be aware of the ways and avenues to exert his will, in a bureaucratic environment, that James’s character possessed ‘naturally’.

Lesson: When in a situation, say in business like our original theme proposed, one would be wise to reflect upon how the terrain looks to ‘the other two’. Using ourselfs as a starting point, that means asking ourselfs, ‘What does a scott see here (fill in the blank with scenaria from the workplace) how would a roger feel about (ditto on the POV).

The Wakefield Doctrine maintains that I am quite able to experience the world around me (and the people who make it up) as do all and each of the three personality types:

  1. the Outsider (clarks) creative, curious to a fault and insanely fearful of scrutiny
  2. the Predator (scotts) decisive, powerful and totally lacking in the capacity to remain still; subjective reflection being total anathema
  3. the Herd Member (rogers) organized, analytical and devoid of the capacity to not take everything (and everyone) personally

… enough for today.


* ‘Everyone does everything, at one time or another… aka there is nothing in human experience that is the exclusive domain of one of the three predominant worldviews. That said, the styles of one often is more aligned with the expectations society assigns…


TToT -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

This is the Wakefield Doctrine’s contribution to the Ten Things of Thankful (TToT) bloghop. To that end, the following is a list of the people, places and things that elicit, stimulate, inspire and otherwise leaves a hand-written-note on a 4-times-folded, half-of-a-full sheet of white letter paper. (It goes without saying that the first fold is bottom edge to top, then left side over to right.)

1) Una

2) Phyllis  ————————————→ catching up to Una as they walk the bike path (2012)

3) the Wakefield Doctrine

4) something, something

5) the Six Sentence Story bloghop  Six Pick of the Week: ‘House of Cards‘ (Frank Hubney)

6) the Unicorn Challenge   Read this one!  ‘My Story‘  (from Keith)

7) New project (while we await warmer weather for the bridge reconstruction to begin) re-stain the deck. (photo detail: mostly done scraping the old paint)

8) the Meadow matures: Amber Wavelets of Grain

9) alas, This week we register a hypo-grat: The start of Winter. (New Readers? Check in with Mimi. She is our resident expert on grats/hypo-grats. While technically, a hypo-grat is in the category of life events that includes: broken shoelaces on the morning of the big interview, watching the other person get the promotion that everyone knows you were a shoe-in for and hearing, like the air breathing it’s last as it is cleaved by the blade descending in the hands of the executioner from X-Chromia who takes the dreams of adolescent Y-Chromians and stops them forever with the phrase: ‘But we can still be friends’. And, as she, (Mimi, not the Executionerette (shame on you for even thinking that!) will ask you, ‘But look at the parts of your life that were enhanced by them/it. That can never be taken from you. It is their gift to you. There is a positive in the negative. It ain’t easy to see. But worth the effort when you do.’

10) Secret Rule 1.3


music vids





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