relationships | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 5 relationships | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 5

TToT -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

This is the Doctrine’s weakly contribution to the Ten Things of Thankful (TToT). Now in Stereo!! (Well, kinda, there is this post and another over on Blogger which is posted also on the TToT Facebook group Page!)

For us at the Doctrine, the following people. places and things qualify for inclusion in our citations for sources of feeling a sense of gratitude this week.

1) Phyllis

2) Una

3) the Wakefield Doctrine

4) the Six Sentence Story bloghop.  Six Pick of the week:  …[a Café Six]  (the) the Wakefield Doctrine

5) the Unicorn Challenge   Read this one!  ‘Afternoon Tea‘   by jenne

6) modern technology. in this case cameras in phones, i.e. Front meadow in October

7) have we mentioned the Wakefield Doctrine? No, not merely in the context of a long-running blog, the stewardship of which we’ve been privileged to provide service, in this citation, as a Grat Item, we note that, as a tool to self-improve oneself, it is without peer. (Slow to take effect? Sure. Worth the effort. Gotta go with a ‘damn straight’)

8) something, something

9) Having a profession (real estate brokerage) that includes free Membership to an impromptu health club (and totally stationary StairMaster) lol A property I have in Norwich CT:

10) Secret Rule 1.3

music(ish) vids


something a little different to start us off



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2sdae -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

Hey! Remind us to return to the topic we started yesterday.

Short on time. A RePrint (‘oughta hold the little bastards’*)

New evidence showing: ‘Columbus married and remained in New World after Discovery’ the Wakefield Doctrine and surprises in Life (sorry, I have no idea how this makes any sense)

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine ( the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers) It’s the real deal, a perspective that will let you see the behavior of your friends and family in a totally new light. Try it!

So, about the Columbus thing. We admit that we made up today’s Title. There is absolutely no evidence supporting the contention that Christopher Columbus stayed behind and raised a family*, but given that today we, in the Currently Dominant Culture of the Western Hemisphere (motto: ” were Number 1!! were Number #1!!! ), are celebrating the Discovery of the New World aka Columbus Day (Coming to the Discovery Channel: “New World Men: Kicking Ass on a Whole New Continent!” )

Now that I’ve got that out of my system, we can on with the serious business of talking about the Wakefield Doctrine. (Alright,  if  you want a ‘funny Post’, I’ll give you a funny Post!  Go to this Post and after you have read it, please come back and  tell me what the hell you think is so damn good about it! For reasons not understood, this Post shows up way more than it should in the list of ‘search terms’ (indicators of how Readers come to find the blog.)

You know, in the early days of writing this blog, we would make a point of stating that the Wakefield Doctrine is both gender and culture neutral. What we meant by this is that it does not matter what part of the world you are from, it is the nature and character of your own worldview that matters (personality type-wise). We contend that the worldviews that are the basis of the three personality types are inseparable from the human condition. Further, while standards of behavior may vary from one culture to another, a person who grows up, develops and otherwise matures living in a reality best characterized as the world of Predator and Prey, will be: aggressive, inquisitive, quick to react, action-oriented with a minimum of self-reflection. That reality exists in Zimbabwe and New Auckland as well as Mansfield Ohio. Not only that, but the Doctrine maintains that gender prescribes the capacity/ability (of a person to act a certain way), not their reasons for acting. A female growing up, developing and otherwise maturing in a world where she is the Outsider, will still develop: an insatiable desire to learn new information and facts, be drawn to the fringes of whatever culture she happens to be in and have an abundance of what is referred to as intuition, all that she is permitted (by physiology as well as the local culture) in order to live her life.
The unique insight into behavior and personality types offered by the Wakefield Doctrine is founded upon one’s personal reality. Correctly infer which of the three worldviews the other person is experiencing and you will know more about them than they know about themselves.

Columbus?  Not sure which of the three personality types…well, hold on a minute! The following is an accepted approach to figuring whether a person is a clark or a scott or a roger: eliminate the most unlikely of the three worldviews, in the case of Columbus we’re gonna go with, ‘not a clark‘** That leaves us with: scott or roger.

Put me down for: roger!  (If you want to know my reasoning, you’re going to have to write a Comment and ask, preferably offering your own choice.)


*”Here’s the story …of a man named Columbo” ha, ha

*alas, a standard in the world-building process for preadolescents growing up in mid-century 1900s is now being identified as but an urban myth! ‘Uncle Don we hardly knew ye!’



Monday -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

Say, why don’t we continue this blogpost-as-metaphorical-classroom-lecture.

…damn! do ya really want a lecture today?


the internet has way more betterer sources of interesting content for clarks than we’re able to produce.

Example(s)L  Half as Interesting,  Blacktail Studios and, just discovered this weekend, CGPGray.

Homework Assignment: Go to all three youtube channels and tell us which of the three predominant worldviews are manifested by the host/originator/writer. (Hint: this is a total softball question. Easy start to the week). Extra Credit: in your Answers speak to their secondary aspects.

We’ll just stick to our job. Being curator of the Wakefield Doctrine

As often happens, the process of determining the predominant worldviews (in today’s example, these three people) is a fun way to review best practices when it comes to working with the Doctrine, specifically the matter of “Is he/she a clark, scott or roger.”

Just this weekend, (the Progenitor) roger asked the question: “Where are the female rogers?” and Misky, commentationing in the course of the week, asked the kinds of questions that, while on the surface seem simple and direct, in point of fact, manifest an opportunity to present everyone’s favorite personality theory in a new and ultimately increased value to the new Reader.

So, what say we address the following question(ettes):

  1. where are the female rogers?
  2. why does it seem that I am one type most of the time, but clearly another, different predominant worldview, other times? (question paraphrased.*)

Why look at the time. We gots to go.

Tune in tomorrow as we address these two pressing question.

* Paraphrasing Institute motto: ‘Just because you don’t remember something, doesn’t mean you can’t just say what you want the other person to have said!’


speaking of the fun of applying the Doctrine to the world around us, what say we take a listen to a certain clark from days-past as he advises us of possible responses to inclement weather here


TToT -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

This is the Doctrine’s contribution to the Ten Things of Thankful (TToT) bloghop. Now entering it’s twenty-third year of contiguous publication, the TToT seeks new Hosts and Hostinae.

You read that right! (correctly? accurately? consistently? nah, that can’t be right) There are soon to be Openings on the Bored… Board of Facilitators. A little backstory…

Our Founderette, Lizzi Ah, decided, for reasons not understood, to have Ten Co-hosts of the bloghop. (Perhaps she felt, being global in reach, ten would be an effective number of people. We mean, serially, all the way  from… but that’s not important now. There were ten of us in the beginning.)

So, we’re opening up the TToT  phone/telegraph/electron-sluice lines up and asking for suggestions and/or recommendations/nominations/explanations for people to become Co-Hostina/ae of this here bloghop here.

…more to come

For the Doctrine, our list:

1) Phyllis

2) Una

3) the Wakefield Doctrine

4) the history, (including, but not limited to, false, implanted memories), of our tenure as the Co-Host (recorded in internet archives category: Gratitude Blogs as the Term that defied Reason.)

5) the Six Sentence Story bloghop.  pick of the Week:  ‘Getting Restless‘. by Chris Hall

6) the Unicorn Challenge. ‘corn ear of the bunch:  ‘Black and White Thinking‘  by Sally

7) [hypograt]  the probable end of Summer. while benign in outward appearance, Autumn is surely the ‘Put your Pencils down’ of the year’s weather.

8) the whole concept of ‘hypograts (we mean, seriously, can you even wonder why every grat blog doesn’t include the concept, (and therefore basis of legitimate Grat Items) of Hypo-gratuity? Must be that their hosts are, like pretty much rogers or timid clarks. (Advanced(ish) musing. If you are still wondering, go ahead and ask in the Comments below.)

9) something, something

10) Secret Rule 1.3



music vids





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Wednesday -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

Friend of the Doctrine, Cynthia writes:

So…as a clark, while I do love the occasional road trip, I find myself sooooo content with the home life. A whole world in which there exists all-things-clark (music, art, literature, learning, pets, exercise and even the weekly close-by journey to natural surroundings). I wonder that I don’t want to travel to the ends of the earth all the time like different friends of mine do. But now that I think about it, dang, they’re all rogers! Are there many clarks who are vagabonds?


Road Trip!

(seriously, (self-directed interrogatory here within parentheticals) ‘That’s your take-away? Step away from the fiction practice… there are (or might be) New Readers out there!”))


two things:

  1. A whole world in which there exists all-things-clark (music, art, literature, learning, pets, exercise and even the weekly close-by journey to natural surroundings). and

b) Are there many clarks who are vagabonds?1

Lets get write to it

Thanks Cynthia. To point 1) therein is to be found the true value/near miracle of the Wakefield Doctrine. The sense of community. Mind you, the concept of ‘community’ as encountered in modern, civilized, (aka rogerian) society appealing to clarks has the same likelihood of success one might expect when attempting to convince a starving cannibal to go vegan.

That said, while we have yet to find the perfect term/multiple noun/designation without going oxymoric on ourselfs, there is clearly something that happens when clarks gather in open acceptance of their true nature. The closest (and pretty-damn sufficient) phrase to describe the experience is: ‘to identify with’

The Outsider. clarks, in the simplest of terms, are ‘apart from’.

Note: we did not say, ‘apart from people’ or ‘different from most’, hell, we didn’t even say introvert.*

The shortest path to seeing which of the three you, New Reader, might be, is twofold. First, and this is one of those ‘Very Much Agree’ / ‘Partially Agree’ / ‘Meh’ / ‘Are we almost done now?’ questions. When you first awaken from sleep, the concept of the day ahead is best represented as going out into ‘the world out there’

… now the easy fun one!

“Hey! clark….”  “Excuse me err, scott?”  “Hate to disturb you but if you have a moment, roger,” “How much is two plus two?”


1) New Readers? Go ahead and plan on a three-page Report, due on Friday, the topic: ‘the Everything Rule’ (Does it really mean what I think it means?)

* tempting as it might be to think of clarks as introverts, that particular label/term is merely a gumdrop doorbell on a candy-cottage in the forest. Guess which of the three predominant worldviews, answers the door. lol

