relationships | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 18 relationships | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 18

Monday -the Wakefield Doctrine- “… of tissue paper and hidden pins.”

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

‘Regular’ Readers will be rolling the subtitle to today’s post around in their (metaphorical) mouths by now. Some will concentrate on any random word that appears, others will, remembering an admonition* from the earl(iest) of days here at the blog, simply wait. Knowing, as do we all, the Answer is never simple, (but) always accessible.

Speaking of Answers. That’s easy. It’s not the answer that provides the benefit, it’s accepting the question.

ok, ok, will stop with the opaque “oooh! I divine the the secret of the universe’. (Clearly there are some times we appreciate the mechanism of the ‘RePrint’ post more than others. After all, there is only so much to say about the principles of the Wakefield Doctrine. Of course, about the relationship between us and the world around us and the people who make it up. That’s the near infinite part.

Ya know?

So, let’s stay with the method and print an old Doctrine post.

As to the (near) infinite supply of blogpost topics, themes and inspiration? Consider:

  • There will be a clark in your day ahead. You will see them best by not looking (or throwing something weird into the room first, the clark will respond with… enthusiasm).
  • witnessing a scott (in any multi-person social context) is like being with friends, watching an old TV series, (one of your total favorites), and realizing you had, somehow, not yet seen the episode. Don’t shout, “I’ve never seen this one, but you should…” (As a matter of fact, remain quiet. No sudden moves.) There will be interaction between the scott and… well, whoever she/he decides. Enjoy the show. Save the critique/appreciation until you’re alone.
  • bumping into a roger. sure, kinda hard not to, the Herd Member comprising easily 66% of the population. Like that movie ‘A Quiet Place’. Stay calm to the point of serene, don’t contribute to the conversation … blend into the Herd. You can remark later. When you’re safe from scrutiny

Well, that was pretty interesting. (Remind us tomorrow to reprint a …err RePrint. lol)

The thing about relationships being endless? In number, not (necessarily) tenure. The Wakefield Doctrine describes three relationships with the surrounding world to which we, as humans, are heir to from the day we are born.

  1. clarks (the Outsider) real simple: It’s not merely that we don’t seem to belong here, it’s that we seem to be missing a key bit of understanding. Whether that understanding is (of) ourselfs or the people around us is not important. What is important is our belief that we must learn the reason before we are discovered (by nearly everyone else). The hope lies in the ‘nearly’ of the preceding sentence. There are other Outsiders. We can learn from their mistakes. We can benefit from their successes when we share with them. (At least to the edge of their comfort zone.)
  2. scotts (the Predator) the coffee of the human experience. lol. No, not merely the caffeine, the coffee. They aren’t overcoming a weakness, roger. The Tasmanian devil (of Warner Brothers cartoon fame) is not seeking to demonstrate his/her view of the world. They simply exist in the here-and-now, knowing that there is only one real place, one genuine time. Now.
  3. rogers (the Herd Member) there is, for this predominant worldview a Right Way to live/act/respond. Nothing more is needed. And, oddly, (for rogers being the essence of society/culture), they will seize the intended meaning of the David Oglivy quote at the beginning of this post. Well, to be absolutely accurate, the quote is down below, the reference is above. Details are important. (To paraphrase: The Details will set you free.)


time to get out there and see what the day holds.

The Wakefield Doctrine.



*there are no stupid questions, just your questions. That ‘joke’ (bon mot when we’re feeling clever**) is borrowed, or maybe better to say ‘inspired’ by a famous adman in the 1950s, David Ogilvy who said, “The customer is not a moron, she’s your wife.”


Satriday -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clark’s scotts and rogers)

This is the Wakefield Doctrine to jenne and ceayr‘s the Unicorn Challenge.

A photo-prompt(ed) story in two hundred and fity words (or less).

The photation:

“Man, what’re we gonna do with all these extra model car parts”?

Two friends sat on the floor of the most kid-friendly of the two’s house. It was Saturday. It was raining. The house was empty of parents and siblings.

Spread out on the bedroom floor was the detritus of countless Aurora™ model car kits, at least to the extent of the spare parts that remained after assembly was complete. The problem of what to do with the extra pieces demanded resolution. That the growing urgency each pre-adolescent boy felt, sitting on a bedroom floor on a Saturday afternoon, foreshadowed choices and demanded-decisions neither boy yet felt.

For one, (whose bedroom it was), the arrival of an initially strange world was one year away; for the other, (whose superfluous collection of parts without use or function constituted, at the moment, their best hope for entertainment), it was an indeterminate number of months in his future. More than the twelve of his best friend, less than thirty-six; with any luck and the intercession of a heartless god. Of course, in matters of boys, girls and puberty, the calendar was more often than not written in chalk. This transition would be the first, (but surely not last), experience with being left at the metaphorical train station.

But for the two friends, the afternoon together with nothing more than: their friendship, more little plastic hood-ornaments than needed and a near-lethal parts-per-thousand count of airplane glue, practiced the better parts of relationships.




Monday -the Wakefield Doctrine- “The RePrints must go on! …again, or is that implied by the ‘Re’?”

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

Today we have one of the earliest of the Last-Days-of-Summer* posts.

Busy weekend, this past couple of days. As you’d know if you read our TToT yesterday, we attended a concert. Lyle Lovett and his Large Band. Most excellent event. But that bit of diversion (last concert being in, like 2006) threatens to throw off our recent post-writing rhythm.

So, this post. (To any new Readers** the answer is: ‘Nope! Don’t have a problem going back and reading early posts.***)

how early? First-full-year writing, yo.    (for the record? Seeing the illustration I used… brought a smile, twenty-two three(!!) years later.

We know why you are reluctant to Comment

Welacome to the aWakefielda Docttrina (dis is da tearey of die clark and da scotts and dem rogers der). This is the place you can really get something really useful from the internet experience. Really. My Doctrine, she gonna make you so a happy that you, you’re gonna wanna say, where she been all my life, eh? Its twue, its weally twue.*Charismatic

When you  “get” this “Doctrine” you “will” finally understandwhy “everyone” acts like they “do”. What confused you about, these so-called “family members” and spouses (nyahh sp ow seses), all them who have been tormenting you while you try to understand what they want and give that to them. BUT! do they like WHAT you do for them? HUH? DO they? wait! wait! I can answer that question!! Call on me! Me!  The answer to your question is:
“No, no they do not”   (Thank you, thank you I studied so hard for this moment. I want to thank the Progenitor scott and the Progenitor roger and all the DownSprings, thank you! thank you! thank you!)

Welll… (as a leading scott would be heard to say, just before totally firing some poor college student who was only working at the timeshare resort for the summer, in the hopes of making some money for school). Little did they realise what they were getting themselves into… In fact, have I ever mentioned that I survived and even flourished in the totally insane, twisted-personality realm of timeshare sales? And that that was only because of my understanding of the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)? Well, I did! Remind me sometime to tell y’all about it. It’s about half interesting.)

Anyway, I think I getting back to writing about what the current thinking at the Wakefield Doctrine is, vis ‘a vis getting Readers to Comment and participate and generally get us all famous and shit. Quick background, we know people are visiting and reading the Doctrine and we know that some people come back and read on a fairly regular basis. We also know that (other than Progenitors and DownSprings) there has not been a lot of participation from these putative Readers. So, what gives?
One opinion, offered by Friend of the Doctrine Mel, is that Commenting on a blog like this is kinda intimidating. Intimidating!?! What the hell is that supposed to mean??!! Wft we ask real, real nice for people to write a Comment, we even offer to give them a frickin, free, frickin hat (for their damn frickin heads)! How intimidating is that? Hey!! I asked you a goddamn question! How-Intimidating-Is-That??!!!

So, maybe there is some possibility that people might feel that they are expected to answer in a way that might be judged. But we do not mean that. When I say, “there are no stupid questions, there are just your questions”, I mean that in a kind and supportive way. We have all been where you are, and we truly invite  a reasoned and constructive response to our Posts, do you think you can manage to muster** a little initiative and write something? If we were all rogers here, we would come right out and ask you to Comment in a way that would sound like you would be the one missing out, if you did not Comment. But then, we are not all rogers here. Are we?

While that might be the reason (for the lack of participation) I have recently come to the conclusion that we have simply failed in conveying the basic concept of the Wakefield Doctrine to you Readers. When I think about how we got to this point (of the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers) I realise that most of the time has been spent ‘in person’ with people and saying things like, ‘look at that person, watch how they react, they are such clarks or scotts or rogers’. Even more basic than that, the beginning of spreading the word involved people who knew the Progenitors directly, so it was so easy to say, ‘you know how roger always does that’, or ‘now watch how mad scott gets when I…’ It was very easy to convey the elements of this theory of clarks, scotts and rogers, the (future) Wakefield Doctrine.

It is just that, after the immediate circle of friends learned this thing of ours, they were telling people they knew about clarks, scotts and rogers. It became apparent (or at least seemed apparent) that people liked it and were inclined to share it with others and the Doctrine was simply enough to spread that way. And so the Wakefield Doctrine blog came into existence. But the gap, the ‘one wayedness’ of writing a blog is a difficult hurdle to overcome. Combined with what we might charitably call rudimentary writing skills, we need to find a way to communicate the fun, the positive benefits, the value of the Wakefield Doctrine in such a way, that after reading this, people will say, “Yeah I know what those people mean!”

As you see, we have the Raison-ettes writing and contributing in the hopes of providing as much of the sense of the Doctrine as is possible. Maybe the only answer is to take it on the road. Rent halls in large cities and train people directly to carry the message of the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers out to the world.
Sort of like Fight Club.***

*    Stolen from Blazing Saddles, one of the top three funniest movies of all time
**  A ‘muster’ is an assembling of military troops for inspection. This expression, dating from 1575, first referred to passing such a review successfully (Wiktionary)
*** But without the fighting****
**** And without being Brad Pitt*****
*****Hell, without being Edward Norton


*aka ‘so, did the weather person mention the chance of snow?

** New to this blog or, even better, new to writing a blog

*** which is more surprising, given that we’re clarks. Heck, clarks abhor scrutiny to the point that, for us, the idea of holding up early efforts in developing any skill is…well, abhorrent. But the Doctrine is, again, demonstrating it’s remarkable benefits, at least here, in the most personal of terms. We can read those posts and smile, seeing a certain writing style showing here and there. (Overlay your own metamorphosis …errr.  metaphor HERE). lol

The effect of the principles of this here personality theory here is amply demonstrated. At least to me. And I’m not just the curator of the Wakefield Doctrine, I’m an adherent!


Et-Tuesday? -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

Damn! Forgot to post the RePrint yesterday.

Here ya go*


* of course, today being a different present from yesterday. e.g. pre-present, we’ll simply have to find another reference point to search randomly.

That’s it!

Referential Authority.

One of the coolest moments in modern Doctrine development. Starting in 2009, it was an exciting time of discovery and exhibition. Like a room full of LPs in unlabeled cardboard boxes, or those 1950’s illustration of nuclear fission, where the non-Superman, clark kent-looking guy tosses a ping pong ball into a room that, while otherwise devoid of furnishings, has, like a zillion mouse traps covering the floor. ‘Look, kids! Isn’t nuclear fission cool’?


(Insider Insight: the posts here at the Wakefield Doctrine pretty much write themselves. But the early years were, like, ‘Damn! You know, you’re right! Those are good examplae of clarklike, scottian or rogerian behavior”.)

I was a wonderful time of discovery as well as teaching and examplifying**

But, being on the second half of the morning writing time, let’s make a long parable, short.

We decided to write posts that describe a semi-real life situation, (a restaurant) and offer the Reader of a choice of three ‘endings’. These alternate conclusions would infer behavior on the basis of a ‘character’s’ predominant worldview. In one of the first of this series, we had a girl go to the restaurant for a job interview. At noon. During the lunchtime rush. The storyette opens as she is acknowledged by the owner/interviewer and by the waitress. That she needs to wait, as they are clearly backed-up, is established.

Despite the rush subsiding, the lone waitress is clearly falling behind and a growing percentage of tables remain un-cleared. The ‘hook’ for the story is to present three ‘endings’. The three would, of course, represent action according to personality type.

One of the endings: the girl, seeing the waitress being overwhelmed, gets up and begins to clear tables.


Two words: the rogers went nuts! The Readers, at least those who were Herd Members reacted with such vehemence, ‘She can’t do that!! She doesn’t work there. What the hell!!’ was the response with unanimity.

They meant it.

And, we’re, like, “Wait a minute… you’re serious. The interviewee demonstrating her willingness to work, not to mention be helpful, this is bad?”

And they’re, to a roger, “But she doesn’t work there yet, does she?!?!”

And, a purely serendiptious bathtub suddenly lights up: Referential Authority.

rogers, in experiencing the world as being quantifiable and knowable (or, at very least, learnable), require people to obey the Rules. And, since there is no official Book, there must be a control. A way of preventing, (or, at least hindering) the masses from taking the Rules of behavior into their own hands. ‘That’s not how it’s done here.’ ‘This is the Standard Operating Procedure. We all call it the bible’. (Said every HR manager to every new hire).

We had discovered an artifact of the world of the Herd Members. From beyond the range of extrapolation from primary characteristics. But then, we’ve been fortunate here at the Wakefield Doctrine. Insights are made available. All we have to do is practice seeing the world as the other person is experiencing it (all the time).

Benefit? Our fictional applicant did not have to beat-up on herself in (natural***) response to being berated by the over-worked waitress.


** not a ‘real’ word

*** one guess which of the three predominant worldviews she was.




-the Wakefield Doctrine- ‘a holiday classic’

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

A true classic in so many ways!

Readers: Here, in mid-Oceania, we are celebrating today the most scottian of holidays. The Fourth of July.

How scottian? Welll… how does: minimal clothing encouraged, menu geared to ‘eating-on-the-run’, cuisine grounded in out-door-cooking by impromtu chefs, copious amounts of aliphatic petroleum solvents in squeezable metal cans with a spout most professional squirt-gun enthusiasts would envy (for both volume and range) and…

Fireworks! sound to you?

The only holiday-specific activity that, on the other three hundred sixty four days of the year, requires a Master EOD rating (the insignia with Seven-Fingers wreath, that is). All explosive materials and devices, made available this one day of the year in your local Walmart, Ace Hardware, Toys ‘R Us and Hallmark Party Store.

Heck! Fourth of July and scotts be like:

  • sudden loud sounds and the profession of love
  • running and … capturing!
  • asking a group of the opposite gender: “Does this bathing suit look too small to you?”
  • on the wall of the local 911 call center: “Hey! Watch this!” and “Last reported traveling at excessive speed…”

We could go on all morning, but what’s the point of having a rogerian aspect (very weak, in the case of Your Humble Narrator) if we can’t leverage the past?

the first Doctrine post noting the proclivity of scotts and certain holidays:

a chart providing the average shelf-life of ideas for Posts* …..the Wakefield Doctrine ( happy scottian Holiday!)

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine ( the personality theory that you can learn, understand and use today!! )

childhood memories involving  learning to become a better person:   …………………………… 6 hours
childhood memories involving learning bad habits and behavior:      ……………………………  3 days
childhood memories involving doing something publicly embarrassing to adults:    …………. 2 years
adolescent  fantasies   that result in being scarred for life:
(physically scarred): 3 years  (emotionally scarred): 5 years
workplace situations that result in receiving a raise:  ………………………………………………… 6 hours
workplace situations that result in being fired: ………………………………………………………..  3 months
workplace situations that result in being arrested: ……………………………………………………. 4 years
relationship maturity demonstrated in daily life:  ……………………………………………………..  1.4 hours
relationship immaturity demonstrated in public: ………………………………………………………  4 days
a Post trying to illustrate the ephemeral nature of creative ideas: ………………………………….. 75 minutes

Quick reminder about the Holiday tomorrow:  If you do not know that July 4th is one of the most scottian of holidays, then you need to write  in one of the Comment boxes below 50 times

scotts love loud noises, it lets them believe they can have an effect on the world“.

Seriously, picture the coming Holiday:

  • takes place at the height of the Summer season
  • eating and drinking to excess is encouraged
  • minimal clothing allowed in virtually all public places (including churches and hospitals)
  • outdoor sports activities including chasing frisbees, being dragged behind a boat and the use of explosive devices (such explosives, that were it December instead of July,  a visit from Homeland Security would be the immediate result)
  • …minimal clothing

So for you non-scotts reading this, three July 4th Survival Tips:

  1. stay indoors
  2. keep the lights off and the glow of the TV shielded from windows and doors
  3. turn up the air conditioning and ….wear extra clothes

We hope that helps.



#wakefielddoctrine #clarksscottsandrogers #personality types
