relationships | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 17 relationships | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 17

TToT -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

This is the Doctrine’s contribution to the Ten Things of Thankful (TToT) bloghop. Established in 1865 by a clark in the Scottish Highlands village of Achurtoes, nestled in the foothills of the Cairgorms Mountains of Scottland(lol). This area is famous for being the home of the precursor to a Downeast saying*, the locals would say, “You don’t have to stay but you need to leave all tha bóidheach example of Morion quartz where you found it.”

(Surely one of the best things about the internet is the amount of knowledge and information so readily available. I know a writer that, if we’ve totally piqued your curiosity about this land of funny place-names and a language that, were not most inhabitants one might encounter prone to… robust argument, lol, you could go ask him. C.E. Ayr  wrote a novel that is way geography-intense, which, for me is always fun, to have a story that roams a real world geography. Totally worth the buy ‘n read.

So for the people, places and things that we identify as inspiring a feeling (or, given we’re a clark, making the idea very clear) of gratitude for this week:

1) Una

2) Phyllis

3) the Wakefield Doctrine

4) the blogosphere. (like the biggest used-bookstore where your friends hang out at all times of the day)

5) speaking of the ‘sphere, besides this one, we participate in two other bloghops: Six Sentence Story and the Unicorn Challenge

6) Mimi (plus! I went to her Six Sentence Story a little late but got to read one of her weekly features dealing with humor)

7) Kristi (who I saw post a TToT … running behind but will totally get over there)

8) something, something

9) the concept that one can self-develop oneself to any degree one has the willingness (and imagination) to reach for and practice in gratitude is totally a helpful approach to changing our perspective on the world around us and the people who make it up.

10) Secret Rule 1.3

* “you can’t get there from here”





Tuesday -the Wakefield Doctrine- ‘…we interrupt the scheduled Monday follow-up post with this RePrint” “Wait! No we don’t!”

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

We interrupt this interruption with a post-toasty*

Shoutout to our participants, Nick and Mimi, Chris and Denise. >>>>> “And Cynthia Calhoun as … the Cyndi” (Age -challenged Readers? TV show (1957-1963)

Your answers are not only correct, they are relevant and contribute to the on-going discussion of the principles of the Wakefield Doctrine. to wit:

What is the greatest weakness of each of the predominant worldviews?

The thing about this particular question is that, at certain time on these pages, we described a tendency towards a triplicate-characteristic among the three predominant worldviews. To that point, our Quiz Question was lacking in…not coherency; more a matter of stature. (imo a quality Essay Question is not a mere request for information, it is a challenge to the participants to meet (it) head on. A question ‘with stature’ shows it’s true nature, is not devious and, if wrestled to the ground will submit and concede with grace.

To that end everyone did well.

My shortcoming is the cause of any confusion as to what was being asked. When the insight into the inter-relatedness of the three predominant worldviews first occurred to me, back in the day, I did not wrestle to the ground. Rather than the linear ‘three weaknesses each has’ it was more Miller Analogy(istic); ‘hope is to a clark as impulsivity is to a scott as pride is to the roger.

Damn! I wish I could reconstruct it. It not only offered a basis for novel insights, it suggested avenues for further explorations of the personal realities of the Outsider, the Predator and the Herd Member.

I almost remember it now and that I owe to the aforementioned Quizzlings. (Quizzlets? Quizzarinae?)

Thanks, guys

Will work on the reconstruction of this insight, posthaste!


* good thing for y’all that I’m running out of time (already!) the sliver of silliness, (the lead sentence), were it to take hold would totally work against us when the APA (or the ASPA) finally gives into the popular buzz and, “And, its hour come round at last, / Slouches towards Bethlehem the Wakefield Doctrine to be bor(ed)n…”


Tuesday -the Wakefield Doctrine- Part Next

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

As promised, the follow-up to yesterday’s post

As to the language describing the core Doctrine concepts, has it changed over time? If so: Compare and Contrast

Once again a Reader has offered, (consciously or not), the suggestion of a perspective that, while not directly bearing on today’s stated theme, is one that offers perhaps an even more interesting look-see at this here Doctrine, here.*

Mimi’s Comment to yesterday’s Post:

All things being equal, perhaps they are about equal.

Yes, in the everyday sense. All (three) have strengths, weaknesses and ‘omg-you-can’t-be-serious?!?!! or ‘that’s what you think/how you’d act/the way you feel!??!’

(lol) We all have our own experiences with the more outlying behaviors of ‘the other two’ personality types in our lives. And, even if we can’t see it in our ownselfs, if lucky we afford ourselves of the opportunity to witness another person who shares our predominant worldview doing something that is total ‘wtf’?**

That said, we’ll take Mimi’s ‘the three are equal’ and raise her the admittedly less obvious, but definitely worth the stretch, view that the three predominant worldviews are one fractured whole person.

The (unstated) goal of the application of the perspective made available by applying the principles of the Wakefield Doctrine (out-of-breath-emoji here) is take advantage of the strengths of ‘the other two’ predominant worldviews. And, before you say it, as a personality theory, we recognize that it is not practical to think one can simply decided to ‘be a roger‘ or ‘go at them like a scott1.

Well, not quite.

From the very beginning of this theory of clarks, scotts and rogers there is the belief that while we may not have grown up relating to the world around us a(n) Outsider (clark), Predator (scott) or Herd Member (roger) we did, and still do, have the potential. The innate ability. Whatever the cool wordification for the capacity to act in a given circumstance.

Ok… too clarklike in our writing. (There! See?!?! Just Demonstrated the rogerian ‘honest, self-crit’ of my public behavior here. And… Hey! This is kinda fun! Lets go steal a car!!)



* New Readers? There’s a reason we recommend reading as many old posts as possible. It is beyond our ability (and focus) to present a totally comprehensive list of characteristic behavior/responses of all three predominant worldviews. (Bonus note: we just said ‘behavior/responses. That choice of verbs over nouns would allow a determined enough person to, dare I say it, reconstruct the entire Wakefield Doctrine. Being focused on relationships (to the world around us and the people who make it up) we did not say: traits and tropisms. But that’s not important now.) What we were about to say regarding the choice of words in the introduction above is that our choice of words were indicative of a clark, finding themselves lacking the succinct and eloquent words to complete the sentence, choosing to indulge in what we probably (and, mind you, a certain pride), pidgin intelligence.

** and surely this experience is the most difficult. to get ourselves to the point of being able to observe, appreciate and identify with another person of our own predominant worldview. Which is, of course, the ‘point’ of this post.

  1. extra credit to whoever shouted, “What about secondary and tertiary aspects, huh? What about. them! ‘nother post yo. But, seeing how you brought it up, what say you Comment the thesis and we’ll see what we can do.



RePrint Monday -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

Simplest of search parameters for today’s eponymous post.: the earliest 14th of August available.

Full Disclosure: Interesting search results. This (Publish)Date yielded what seems an inordinately-high level of August fourteenths. No, we didn’t survey, correlate, gather, analyze and dramatize the numbers. (My rogerian aspect is tertiary and quite faint. You’re welcome to go and do the research with your sines, cosine chi squares and margins of error. Really?!? Margins of Error?!?! Who other than our Herd brethren would include the precise measure of how wrong they are in their calculations as making the product of their effort more convincing!?)


That said, this post is about the Outsider. We’d be risking the perception of exaggeration (by our Readers) if we were to now digress into what it is about the ‘Margin of Error’ concept that would make a sane person want to throw the keyboard down on the ground. So, we will not. If you really want to know, ask in the Comments.

be more of a clark? on purpose? are you serious?!? the Wakefield Doctrine

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

We all know that:

  • clarks think
  • scotts act
  • rogers feel
(and)  ..we all know that scotts are the confident ones, they are the ones who do not hesitate to act, scotts are the natural leaders and when they shout to the group (and there is always a group around them), when it comes into the head of a scott to move, to act, to do something (because they are bored) and they say,  “Hey!! Lets go this way! (most) people follow immediately, without hesitation or  question.
(and) we all know that rogers are the confident ones, they are the ones who know all about the matter at hand, the whys and the wherefores and most importantly, they know about who else has been/is/or will be involved in the activity that you are curious about, rogers are the organized ones  and when they say, “You should do it this way, (most) people will follow (the directions).
So what about the clarks?
(well) everyone knows that clarks are:
  • possessed of/by/with a really great sense of humor, well  …better make that a rather odd sense of humor
  • a very caring and sensitive person, well …at least once you get to know her and not be put off by the weirdness
  • smart, so smart that its, well  …not smart in terms of grades or day-to-day real life decisions,  but in every otherway!
  • organized, has everything in his head, well organized on some level but if you need to remember something you said last year or the name of the actor in a 23 year old movie!
  • attractive, well not in what you might call the conventional way, but when you see how she offsets the tattoos with the boots and it, somehow ties together, kinda spooky actually
  • creative really more than anyone, well if creative is about the things that never were and will never be,  then you have the right person
  • intuitive, she has a way of, well, I  think she holds back how much she understands
  • weird  well duh!
If you are (still) reading, then you are what we call a scott or a roger or a clark with a certain level of flexible intelligence*… and in an effort to increase the odds that you will continue reading, we will say this:  if you are a scott then you have what we call a secondary clarklike aspect and if you are a roger, then you have what we call a secondary clarklike aspect.  As you know, while we all develop as one predominant type (clark or scott or roger ) we always retain the capacity to experience the world as the ‘other two’ types. We call these two types the secondary aspect and the tertiary aspect. They have an effect on how you express your predominant personality type, but that is beyond the scope of this here Post here. Suffice to say, if you are not a (predominant) clark, then your secondary aspect most likely is clarklike because it is the insatiable curiosity and tolerance of the unknown that keeps you reading, despite all your instincts to the contrary.
So about the music that follows… the fun of totally enjoying a song by Bill Monroe, then hearing something like the Fred Hammond tune from yesterday’s Post and then having ‘Blue Rondo a la Turk’ come on the radio and smiling for the pure joy of the wonderful and horrifying variety of things to appreciate that is available to you, when you are a clark.




Wednesday -the Wakefield Doctrine- “…Better Wait than Never (a) Back-to-School 1968-style”

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

As promised.


First, a shout-out to Mimi* for reminding us of our promise to free-hand a post on the nature of this time of year.

The Wakefield Doctrine is gender, culture and age neutral. It doesn’t matter if’n you’re a seventy-one-year-old high school Freshman, a nineteen-year-old dropout starting her first day at the local supermarket bringing grocery orders out to the cars of people indulging their crowdaphobic tendencies or a recent immigrant from a country that does not appreciate them.

(What’s that? Yeah, the Doctrine maintains a standard that evolves and includes developments such as non-binary identity and the like. We have a work-friend, a scottian female, who was the first person we introduced to the Doctrine (in the workplace). Consistent with being a scott (with a strong secondary clarklike aspect) she got it immediately. And insisted we should change our nomenclature to distinguish between male and female clarks, scotts and rogers. Naturally, we listened to their impassioned thesis, nodding encouragement, our face that of a five-year-old watching a professional shoe salesperson tie the laces of their new footwear. And, after the presentation we smiled and said, ‘No.’

lol. Seriously, we did all of the above. But being a friend, we awaited the final quod erat demonstrandum. She was, (and remains), a friend. In any event, we explained that the Wakefield Doctrine, being grounded on the notion that it is the character of the person’s relationship to the world around them and the people who make it us that determines personality (type). That gender is, for our purposes, a manifestation of the being, not a distinction between types of beings. Society and cultures and even physiology all have an effect on the being, allowing for/encouraging to/preventing from all sorts or expressions, demonstrations and manner of interacting with the world. In fact, in the early days of this blog, we looked to the scottian man and woman as illustration of how these influences inform behavior and style of interpersonal relationships.

But that’s for another post.

This is supposed to be a ‘freehand written’ back-to-school post.

The First Day of School:

  • clarks (Outsider) everything bad and wonderful about the world combined with a hyper-awareness of the fact of not-being-a-part-of. Of course, clarks get through the first day of school, (which, as you’re thinking, applies to: all grade levels/ college (if so inclined)/employment/ professions/marriage and life-altering physical developments, somehow, for the most part, ok. Like Dante on Maundy Thursday thinking, ‘How hard can this be?”
  • scotts (Predator) you know how, you’ve not had a chance to eat in the course of a workday, nothing bad, in fact, you’ve been ‘too busy to eat’ and then, against all reason, you stop at the supermarket to get something for dinner? a scott stepping, (ok, bounding), up the steps into the school bus, a sense of excitement tempered only by the caution to not ‘tear off more than they can chew’
  • rogers (Herd Members) a cautious sense of satisfaction that the world beyond the family is what they thought it would be; sure larger and fuller of variables and unknowns, but even as they walk down the aisle of the bus they sense there is order, kids are sitting according to a Rule; the roger‘s that first schoolbus trip is everything the the bride and groom feel as their limo pulls away from their wedding church.


* the hardest working woman in the blogosphere**

** we’re sure James wouldn’t mind, us borrowing/adapting his moniker and such for Friend of the Doctrine, Mimi***

*** hey the caesium fountain atomic clock ain’t got nothin on her, you could start a Rush song to the downbeat of her content being posted

