Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)
While we don’t not subscribe to the notion that the beginning of a new year is the best place (or time) to devise a list of resolutions, under-the-supposed assumptions that the change in year allows a suspension of the (life-long) momentum of any number (and character) of habits (both good and bad) or indulgences (growing from childhood’s garden or adult random-roadside field) that magically produces a condition of blank-slate innocence and open-mindedness.
(If we did, then maybe we’d note that (parentheticals) are so first year blog writer and the Doctrine itself provides us with the simplest of tools to enhance and improve our stay on this plane).
… if we were inclined to indulge in a List of New(ish) Year Resolutions, it would have to include the usefulness of the Wakefield Doctrine in self-improving oneself. So, in a sense, you could be forgiven for thinking of this here Doctrine here, as an eternally-renewing resolution. But then again, consider what we most often cite as the goal of the Wakefield Doctrine:
...to allow us to better understand the world as the other person is experiencing it.
The keyword: translation.
The theme: accepting the ‘the relationship with the world around us and the people who make it up’ of ‘the other two’*
damn! still don’t got a RePrint and it’s quarter-of-real-world o’clock.
Here try this:
He sat down, a tripod of hands and butt, rejected his surroundings and turned an almost-deaf ear to the voice in his head.
‘Don’t worry,’ the voice said, every straight-A student at the bustop, to the boy with an armload of unread textbooks, “This is either a dream or that woman you called a post-menopausal-charlatan-who-didn’t-know-her-astral-body-from-a-hole-in-the-ground, cast a spell on you.”
Ignoring the voice, he looked around and regretted it immediately; all he saw was an inward-curving sky, as featureless as a newborn’s conscience. It hurt to look look around at something that insisted it was right there, just a second ago, yet he was more afraid to close his eyes.
There was second voice, ‘Hope is a crystal ball, you can believe in it, just don’t count on seeing where it starts or where it ends.”
Something changed, the world around him flattened into an array of solid walls forming a candle-lit room and he was now facing a woman across a round pool of green felt, “That’ll be five dollars,” she smiled, “And you’re welcome.”
Due us a solid and tell someone in your life to come and spend some time at this blog.
Tell ’em there’s this strange place where what they talk about is, like, on the edge of interesting most of the time and ‘hear-your-name’ at a social function compelling a certain part of the time. Serially.
* we are, all of us, possessed of one of the three predominant worldview (aka personality types). One designates our personal reality, the other two comprise a potential to relate to the world differently. You remember: ‘we all develop and live in one of the three personal realities but have the potential for the other two’