psychology of personality | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 7 psychology of personality | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 7

Monday -the Wakefield Doctrine- “..ten somersets he’ll undertake on solid ground”

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

The Wakefield Doctrine is a perspective on the world around us and the people who make it up. The term ‘personality type’ is employed, not as much to entice those in search of scientifically rigorous tests, surveys and/or APA sanctioned theories of personality. We employ that terminology/lexicon/jargon (in the subtitle of our blog) for two reasons: 1) it sounds cool and, you know, like, official and b) to provide an illustration of a defining characteristic of one of the three ‘personality’ ‘types’.

As a perspective (we normally make a point that) this is an ‘additional’ perspective, and, as such the Wakefield Doctrine is useful, productive and fun. The matter of going to the length of adding the ‘additional’ to our definition of our theory being a perspective is a literary artifact from the early-to-mid years of this blog. The use and abuse of (one’s) perspective on the world around them and the people who make it up, having since been co-opted, abused and otherwise rendered less significant as time carries us forward (well, most of us) in time.

Speaking of time and subtitle. We set out this morning to write a short, Doctrine-post without excessive references or research. And so we will.

There are three personality types in the Wakefield Doctrine:

  1. the Outsider (clarks)
  2. the Predator (scotts)
  3. the Herd Member (rogers)

And we are all born with the potential to ‘become’ one of the three.

The Wakefield Doctrine does not view ‘personality, personality types or ‘are you fricken serious!?’ as qualities (biases, tropisms or drives) as we do: responding to the world we find ourselves in when we’re new to the world and developing the strategies that seem to work best. In other words, everyone has the perfect personality. In terms (or available as a viewpoint) that which allows us to live and thrive optimally  in the personal reality in which we found ourselfs.

These three personality types? Simplest way to look at them is the character of one’s relationship to the world. We all have the potential for each. We end up with one. We never lose the potential to experience the world as do the ‘other two’. But just one. (It is well beyond the scope of this post is a discussion of ‘the Everything Rule’ which simply states: Everyone does everything at one time or another. Which is to say there is nothing that is uniquely inherent to one personality type. The difference lies in how a thing is manifested in whichever predominant worldview (aka personality type) you chose. This is, of course, because the Wakefield Doctrine is grounded in the relationship one has with the world and people and Life…and such.

clarks think; scotts act and rogers feel

The Wakefield Doctrine is for you, not them

(to be cont’d)



hey, old people… we’ll save you the keystrokes on this song


Monday -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

The purpose of this Post is…



Damn! The things that seem acceptable at nine o’clock on a Sunday evening. Can’t imagine the quality of weekend book-reports back in the day of residue-covered processed wood and such.

In any event, as has been thoroughly explained, (and artistically self-indemnified), over the previous 14.5 years, it’s better to write badly (poorly/un-inspiredly/insipidly/inanely), than to not write at all.

While an excuse, with intimations of grandeur, this assertion is particularly germane to the world of blogs and the avocation of blog-writing.

(Hey, so far, pretty much the same post as the one we wrote back in 2013!)

Seeing how we’re done with our current co-writing gig, (a Serial Six ‘…Of Heroes and the MisUnderstood‘), time to get back to the reason we’re finger-dancing this May morning: the Wakefield Doctrine. More specifically: what it is, what it does, how it can be used to self-improve oneself.*

The Wakefield Doctrine is a perspective on the world around us and the people who make it up. We are, all of us, born with the drive to relate ourselfs to the world in one of three manners:

  1. as an Outsider (clarks): we are apart from, aware of it and determined to find out what it was we failed to learn (that the other two) clearly know and, in doing so be a real person
  2. like the Predator (scotts): we live to live, if the state of satiation, (with a clear and present memory of the state preceding this), were a car, the one we’re driving is stolen, the cops are on our tail and they’re pretty much bad shots
  3. so too, the Herd Member (rogers): life is good, it would, however, be better if everyone would simply agree and adapt themselves to our guidance, in the meantime, it’s all about knowing thy neighbor

The Wakefield Doctrine is a tool, (appliance/aid/training wheels for a motorcycle/a big-assed gum eraser in a world of multiple choice, No.2 pencil tests), with which we might enhance our lifes. The Wakefield Doctrine, as a tool (or a club-shaped mirror), is for us, not them.

Most immediately of value, the Wakefield Doctrine allows those with interest to better see the world as the other person is experiencing it.

(to be cont’d)


gestures the Wakefield Doctrine (like Kirk in the Tholian web, we stay here until 12:01am 01.01.14) now with half naked alien females!)

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

so my second thought was, ‘screw it, write until they stop reading’. The Plan now is to do all the things, I’ve been meaning to…. (no!  no!  I’ll get it! )   ‘blah, blah, blah’

you’re welcome.

the word today is ‘gestures’  (“…hey, man! I saw that…what the hell was that all about?”  “why, what a nice gesture, we really appreciate it!”  ” and then, the apparition began a series of frightening gestures, everyone stepped back”)

So what does this word have to do with the better understanding and more effective use of the Wakefield Doctrine?

wait!  stop reading…. for just a second. just sit there, I’ll call you back when I have my mind right.  False Start #1

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine!!  the personality theory that is:

  1. unique: damn, no way I can say in less than 500 words what makes the Doctrine unique, so I’ll say it in a way that not only illustrates it’s uniqueness but will also illustrate it’s damn efficacy…. hey! did you see how
  2. useful: if you want an insight into why the people around you act the way that they do, stay with us. the Wakefield Doctrine will make it possible for you to know more about the other person than they know about themselves
  3. fun: seriously! it’s not just that using the Doctrine in your life is fun (find the nearest scott, tell them a few select things about one other person and watch the fun begin…Ed Sullivan had nothing on you!) but learning about the Wakefield Doctrine is fun in ways that we are just beginning to discover

False Start #2!!

This had better work:

hey Readers!  ever have a Post that you knew you had in you, (for the day), but when you sat down to write it you find that you are two or three thoughts away from the ‘proper’ starting point?  Sorry, that was a little confusing. Let’s try this: most of the time when I go to write a Post (not counting event-specific Posts), I set out typing in a direction that I hope will take me near the idea that will become the topic. I rarely have it in mind when I start…..

False Start # 3!!!

Screw it!  Hey clarks!! clearly this blog has stopped trying to pander to/reach out to/make an effort to resonate with the scotts and rogers among the Readers. Totally given up on developing my writing skills, at least in hoping to be able to ‘write in a rogerian style’ or  ‘write to the scotts‘.  Too ambitious for the moment. Maybe next year.

Having said that, let me be clear on this one point: we want to bring in rogers and scotts to this here Doctrine here. While we have Michelle here to speak for the rogers. I am totally grateful to her for coming around and allowing us a direct insight into the rogerian worldview. We want more. Start thinking about who you know that is: a) a scott or a roger and 2) is comfortable with the whole blogging for fun and self-expression thing.  It’s not that we need them to already be writing a blog, but take it from me, you don’t want to try to drag a scott or a roger to this blog, if they’ve never been to the blogosphere. Too much change. Neither worldview is overly big on the ‘change/novelty-for-it’s-own-sake thing. They would be of no use to us. (Why thank you for asking that, Lizzi! the ‘use to us’?   that we have the opportunity to learn-by-association. Example? Sure. Let’s say you’re a classically trained musician, a guitarist. Someone comes up to you after a concert and says, ‘hey!! you better be at ‘The Gates‘ or the ‘Cafe Wha?‘ next Saturday night. You  sit in for one set and you need to win them over’  (stay with me now, this little analogy is a bit bigger than I thought). So what would you, (Mr./Ms. classically-trained-musician) do?  Buy all the sheet music you could get your hands on, bring it along, trust that you can sight read well enough to be convincing? ….or you could  go to these bars and clubs and listen…and watch and absorb the music. ya know?

Awright. Time to get back to the ‘real’ world.  Get out there today and spot your scotts and rogers.  ( how can you tell if you have a roger or a scott?  lolled you asked!  damn!  one will put on a show of doing you a favor that you don’t deserve and the other will barely be able to hid their…. enthusiasm.)

Not to worry! I’ll get back to the more normal enticing and intriguing Posts that are such a hallmark of our blog. After all, we don’t want Jean or beth or Kate to think that this is all brainiac-central …like that episode of Star Trek with those ass-headed aliens who took Capt. Pike and fixed him up with Susan Oliver and, so,  like,  he could totally get it on for their entire race’s anemic, asexual culture’s entertainment and all… yeah, I know all this Star-Trek geek-reference is a total turn on….



jeez not nearly as naked as my memory says she was

jeez not nearly as naked as my memory says she was

annoying, smug, ass-headed alien fellas

annoying, smug, ass-headed alien fellas

you wanted to know why we call them 'ass-headed aliens'?

you wanted to know why we call them ‘ass-headed aliens’?



* first secret lesson of the Doctrine: if you’re reading this you’re a clark (or a scott or roger with significant secondary clarklike aspect)**

** sure, advanced Doctrine principle, but we have faith in your


TToT -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

This is the Wakefield Doctrine’s contribution to the Ten Things of Thankful (TToT) bloghop.  A tribute to the soundness of the Creatorini’s strength of vision (and) the enduring Will of it’s participants, the TToT continues to this day, like…(insert metaphor employing either chain saws or anvils juxtaposed with human infants or the Eiffel Tower HERE)

For the Doctrine, we cite the following people, places, things (and) events as stimulating our sense of gratitude.

1) Phyllis

Una and (most of) Phyllis on our first, away-from-home family vacation

2) Una

3) the Wakefield Doctrine

4) serial fiction, writing of, this one inparticular: “”…of Heroes and the MisUnderstood

5) the Six Sentence Story bloghop… Doctrine’s ‘Hey This One is Fun’:  ‘Six clumsy sentences!‘ Keith has that much envied gift, (yeah, skill too), of creating enduring, if not fictional, realities. Case in point this: an invitation to stop by the Baamy Inn,

6) the Unicorn Challenge bloghop… our Pick of the Week: ‘After the End‘ by jenne

7) Hypo Grat*: the quick brown fox… once again quicker than the old grey blogger! (the photo? the yellow dots? a fox, not a apocryphal Road Runner™ ran along the path at 7:04 as it does every weekend. We must’ve had, what, ten seconds? The fox was loping, not sprinting.  Of course, in the World of the Young (WYmotto: ‘Sure, but you coulda done a movie, edited it and posted in that kinda time. Unless your walnut-like finger joints slowed… gotta go…. no problem‘. ) it would not have been a prob.

8) finding a workaround to having to buy a new camera. This is big. A lot of the work we do requires photos be date/time-stamped. Always had to buy a camera to get them as, at least up until this week, our phone required a 3rd party app, and to use it required 18 steps of edit. This new one now is one step. cool

9) something, something

10) Secret Rule 1.3 (From the Book of Secret Rules aka the Secret Book of Rules) ‘…using superscript always elevates the appearance, if not, how content is perceived view by the Reader. [P] rovided the Reader is at least fity-years-of-age’  (BoSR/SBoR 2011 op. cit)


* hypo-grat one of the reasons this here bloghop here is still in ‘print’. A hypo-grat is the person, place or thing that is, on the surface, not a good person, place or thing, at least on first blush1 One of the long(er) term benefits of participation is acquiring the capacity, however rudimentary, to find ‘the positive in the negative’. (Mimi is our go-to for reference in this admittedly advanced gratitacious whatthhellia temporus2)

1) one of our all time favorite old-fashiony expressions, apparently it dates back to the 1300s! (surely if there is a place where time-travelers hang out, those native to the 1300s must have some serious cred “Hey. Hey, man. When’re you from?” “13th C” ‘Dude!“)

2) hey, don’t laugh, that’s some straight-up fakey-Latin. But, serially, M is one of our Grat Misstrae Supreme in this aspect of the field.


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TToT -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

This is the Wakefield Doctrine’s contribution to the Ten Things of Thankful (TToT) bloghop. Our foundress, L, as the recipient of a grant by George V as part of a deal to ‘get the rest of those malcontents off to the ‘new’ world and generally clean up London’. (The subtext being to focus on the rabble-rousing nouveau-social activists like Mrs Cooper and her sisters-in-law, Ann and Margaret Fletcher who seem to have travelled the length and breadth of Lancashire raising support for the locked-out-workers*. This last, one of those elegant (and mnemonic) slogans and catch-phrases that dot the admittedly under-researched period of the worker’s rights movement in both the UK and the States. The thing about these events? One might infer something about catchy phrases and… well, it rhymes with ‘Pen things of Rankful’.  (Seeing as we’re on the topic of worker’s rights, we would be negligent if we did not mention the strike of personal interest, ‘the Bread and Roses Strike**’ (‘Short Pay! All Out!) which served as a focal  point for the first part of our WIP ‘Almira’.

1) Una

2) Phyllis

3) the Wakefield Doctrine

4) the Unicorn Challenge ‘Prime Ear of the Week’: ‘The Robber‘ by jenne (‘In which our story-teller walks us into a veritable maelstrom of un-tagged dialogue. Some of us Readers found ourselfs running through the story like a puppies in it’s first snow flurry’.)

5) the Six Sentence Story, ‘The Six of the Week’: ‘Untimely Utterances- Part II, Mystic Rains‘ from Friend of the Doctrine, Spira/Nick In the way of the virtual world and synchronicity our intro here was written prior to reading Nick’s post. We love that stuff. “Linear, monolithic timeline reality!?!? “We don’ need no steeken’ linear, monolithic timeline!” As it happens, we’re the clear beneficiaries of this juxtaposition as our reference to the seemingly endless river of antipathy towards those without power by those with, could have gone afield, had it not been the availability of the jinn of hyperlinks to provide context. Nick’s most excellent post was far more challenging.

6) yard project/status in photation (Grat 7)

7) as soon as it stops with the endless rain

8) something, something

9) Bridge Update (Nothing new to report. We suspect the timeframe for the project has been pushed back as Phyllis’s mallard family are, as the New Yorker Magazine* might say, ‘In residence’)

10) Secret Rule 1.3 (From the Book of Secret Rules, aka the Secret Book of Rules) that states and provides for, in part: “[t]he process of reaching Grat Items eight (or seven, if you’re feeling all-powerful) is, legitimately, and without qualification, a valid item on the list (“…gratum notatio gratitudinis.” op.cit. page 222); with the proviso (Latin: prōvīsiō (“preparation, foresight” but said while wearing, like, a toga)


* reference here to Ten Percent and No Surrender Strike 1853-1854

** ok, here is the perfect example of the difference between rogerian literalness. The title of the Wikipedia article we’re citing is: ‘The Lawrence Textile Strike’ also known as ‘the Bread and Roses Strike’. While we are not experts in the history of the worker’s rights movement in the early 20th, we are experts in a certain theory of personality. Guess which of the three would be drawn to the first title and which would be attracted to the second. The question you might ask yourself, provided you, the Reader’ are still with us but are pausing, ‘What is it you’re trying to say?’

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Language Advisory! (Strenuous use of ‘fuck’ as a lyric motif, if not an excessively enthusiastic anaphora)



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TToT -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

This is the Wakefield Doctrine’s contribution to the Ten Things of Thankful (TToT) bloghop

1)  Una ——–⇓

2) Phyllis —————————————————–⇑

3) the Wakefield Doctrine

4) the Six Sentence Story bloghop. Doctrine Six Pic of the Week: ‘Iron-Hearted‘ from Eliza Seymour

5) the Unicorn Challenge. Select ‘corn: ‘Unlimited Travel‘ by Tom (who has a positive genius for names (and appropriately quirky yet lovable characters)

6) the Great Stump Challenge: removal

Primus (Shovel, Pry bar and Cottage)

Secundas (Chain Saw and Pry Bar… )

Completus (Chain Saw:1 Stump: 0)

7) the Great Stump Challenge: Unintended lesson from childhood(ish) ‘When replacing the soil in a hole, the thinner the layers compacted, the more resistant the dirt)

8) something, something

9) oh yeah! Almost forgot! We’re nearing the exciting conclusion of our Serial Six, ‘…Of Heroes and the MisUnderstood‘ Let Tom and us know what ya think!

10) Secret Rule 1.3


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