psychology of personality | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 15 psychology of personality | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 15

TToT -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

This is the Wakefield Doctrine’s contribution to the quatro-monthly grat-blog, the Ten Things of Thankful. Created in 1987, (languishing on the desk of the Founderess, Lizzi R, for three score and half a decade, until technology caught up with her vision), it has become one of the leading gratitude blogs in the ‘sphere. People magazine once almost published an article that would have said, “That Lizzi R! Were she not C.S.Lewis’ putative step-niece, we’d surely be remiss in our dedication to promoting scholarship in the world of imaginary biographies were we not to say, “Huzzah!”

So to conform to the accepted liturgy, the following are the people, places and things we, at the Doctrine, are grateful for:

1)  Una: role-model and that rarities of rarities, a multi-alpha canine. (In a pack of three, she reserves the right to alternate her recognition of pack leader.)

3) the Wakefield Doctrine: two words: sine qua non

5) the Six Sentence Story bloghop: hey, clearly you enjoy reading. (Hell, if you’re still reading, you gots yourself a serious jones with the reading thing. No, serially, you’re surrounded by words and stories most sublime and, yet you’re still here at the Doctrine reading. Like, I suspect, the person, who almost totally convinces themselves there’s a genuine Treasure map somewhere in the one of the cardboard milk cartons that line the only path out of this place and, feeling good that you’ve resolved to stop wasting time, your fingers still brush over their open tops grazing a manila folder, feeling the printer’s ink on an old Life Magazine… (Wait!  Was that from 1967 with Jefferson Airplane on the cover?  Full Disclosure: we did save that issue and it is in a box in the basement) shhh!

7) something, something

9) Wikipedia (well, duh! just did my semi-annual, not-really-random-number donation of forty-four dollars and forty-four sense*)

10) Secret Rule 1.3 (“… if you manage to get within two, or even three grats of completing a TToT…welll that’s something to be Thankful for!” ) (Please apply the Book of Secret Rules aka the Secret Book of Rules responsibly and save it for Number 10)

2) Phyllis: stage left in the photo of Una above

4) the ‘job’ I have, the work I do and the resources I have access to

6) the internet. (which usually is cited in conjunction with the technology underlying the existence and maintenance of this here virtual world, here)

8) the virtual world: ’cause seeing how humanity as a group, (cough…cough Herd!) is doing with the ‘real’ world, we’re way grateful for the chance to visit this place.


* can’t very well claim to be Wakefield Doctrine written, if’n we don’t have an asteroid somewheres

music and vids




we used a song by one of our way favorite rhythm ‘s gospel guys, Fred Hammond, on our Six Sentence Story this week. lets see if there’s an oldy we… got it! live plus Fred (watch for the horn section up in the back get all Motown when Fred’s not looking (at 00.20)



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TToT -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

This is the Doctrine’s contribution to the Ten Things of Thankful (TToT) bloghop.

Celebrating eighty-nine years of continuous weekend posts, the TToT was foundered by Lizzi and her ten co-hosts. A time, we might add when the internet, in it’s technological infancy connected it’s web of dedicated pioneer members with a variety of barely functional media, including mimeographs, heat-sensitive printer paper and a rubber cone to capture the torrent of information, before it could spill all over the floor. Her efforts are understated and greatly appreciated. (The most impressive thing and what surely should be an automatic Grat Item for contemporary Gratitudicians, Lizzi started by doing lists of fifty things… (yeah, that was 5 zero things)… sensing the frailty of future followers fear of falling down before such a feat…. (alliteration con’d)

She relented, gave us Ten and, walking down a twisting, cobble-footed lane in Stokes Poges one Sunday in early October in 1973, disappeared into the madding crowd.

1) Una

2) Phyllis

3) the Wakefield Doctrine

4) the Six Sentence Story bloghop

5) Instagrain project. The real estate business encourages practitioners to build a presence in ‘the social media’. So we did. @clarkfarley.csr over at Instagram. We do something a little different. Hey! they audio on the clips are muted by default (of course they are! lol) Stop by, click like and follow! (only have, like, four or five reels, but they’re fun*)

6) …just a photo

7) something, something

8) & 9) an old, old… did we mention old Christmas post

Merry Christmas!! and a Happy… (insert preferred religio-culturalis-tradito-centric greeting) -[here]- !!! from the Wakefield Doctrine

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

There is an old saying, ‘repetition is the most efficient form of creativity‘, to which we will add, ‘you can say that again’!

Given the enormity of the holiday, we would be remiss in our self-imposed duty to provide one more insight into human nature from the perspective of our little personality theory, if we did not tell you why Christmas is a holiday that resonates with all three personality types of the Wakefield Doctrine. But, due to the increasing influence of our rogerian aspect, let us first extend the heartfelt wishes of those of us here at the Doctrine, to those of you out there in Reader-ville:

To all of our Readers and Visitors:

Angola…Feliz Natal e (feriados felizes do específico da cultura)!
Australia..Merry Christmas and Happy (culture specific) Holidays!…on the barbe
Belgium…Vrolijke Kerstmis en Gelukkig (kweek specifiek) Vakanties!
Bosnia and Herzegovenia… Čestit Božić i Srećna (specifična kultura) praznici! (I hope!)
Brazil….Feliz Natal e (feriados felizes do específico da cultura)!
Canada…Merry Christmas and Happy (culture specific) Holidays!…eh?
Columbia…¡Feliz Navidad y Feliz (cultiva específico) Feriados!
France…Joyeux Noël et Heureux (cultiver spécifique) les Vacances !
Germany…Fröhlich Weihnachts und Glücklich (kultivieren spezifisch) Feiertage!
Ghana…Merry Christmas and Happy (culture specific) Holidays!…(!click!)
Greece…Καλά Χριστούγεννα και ευτυχισμένο (πολιτισμός συγκεκριμένες) διακοπές!
Ireland…Merry Christmas and Happy (culture specific) Holidays!…go bragh
Israel…חג מולד שמח ושמח (תרבות ספציפי) חופשה
Italy…Buon Natale e Felice (la cultura specifica) le Vacanze!
Philipines…Merry Christmas and Happy (culture specific) Holidays!…(send translation-o)
Slovenia…vesel Božič ter vesel ( kultura poseben ) dopust
Spain…¡Feliz Navidad y Feliz (cultiva específico) las Vacaciones!
Sweden…Munter Jul och lycklig (odla specifik) Helgdagar!
United Arab Emirates…عيد الميلاد قد وسعيد (ثقافة معينة (العطلة?! (dude!)
United Kingdom…Merry Christmas and Happy (culture specific) Holidays! pip! pip!
United States…Merry Christmas and Happy (culture specific) Holidays! y’all!

(Special Greeting Update! courtsey of our friend Melanie Chisnall over at Scribbles and Smiles )
South Africa…Geseende Kersfees!

Apologies to any whose (translated) Greeting comes out as “I hope the dog eats all your fish..” or something.  It’s the damn internet, I want to click once and get an accurate translation into any language in the world.  What’s un-reasonable about that?

The enormity of the Christmas holiday? It has clear appeal and, in fact, resonates strongly with all three personality types:

  • clarks: who love to give…selflessly, and to an extreme, we will give everything that we (think) we have to give, in the hopes of becoming so much a part of the group…which is, in fact all, of you ‘out there in the world’…that we will no longer consider ourselves the Outsiders
  • scotts: who love to give because there is so much life and activity inherent in a celebration such as is manifested by Christmas, that all they can do is run around and bark at the lights (or bark using lights), chase down and herd those who gather together on this holiday, never stopping, until without warning, they drop into a sleep, like a 2 month old puppy… wherever they last stood, eyes closed, teeth showing, legs twitching as the chase continues in their dream with the occasional wag of the tale, showing their essentially good natures
  • rogers: a tradition and the participation of nearly all people, Christmas has everything they could want and to top it all off, there is the second most feared manifestation of ‘referential authority’ there is:  the gift giver who keeps records, verifies those records and rewards and punishes behavior, all by standards that, while thought by most to be understood, are never explicitly stated.

So to all our friends (new and old), those of us here at the Wakefield Doctrine say, ‘Yo Ho Ho’!

10) Secret Rule 1.3  You know what they say about medicine and Secret Rules…(well, rather than the boring, ‘What doesn’t make me…’ trope and ask M. Ali:  “I’m so mean I make medicine sick”.)

* hey, if you got to Grat #5  then you’ll probably enjoy our effort to be mainstream in the social media**

** oh yeah, thanks for reminding us! It is common knowledge that we’re always trying to learn about writing and such… so, when it comes to doing the Instagram thing, while it is a video and sometimes we speak, there is a section under the video for words. We thought, ‘hmm, this is a video, so the viewer will need little help in appreciating what is on their visorphone. Then it came to us, one word: ‘Unreliable Narrator’. lol We will admit to struggling with this rhetorical device in our current stories. But, hey, this is a far more fleeting interaction with Readers Viewers

music vids




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RePrint Monday -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

Well, seeing how we’re in the midst of…(ok, we did one of more than eight pages) updating the static content of this here blog here*.

Being heavily into the Six Sentence Story and coming across and early one, what say we post that as a reprint so we can get back to the updating work. Really want to get as much done as possible before the up-coming ‘New’ year.

Six Sentence Story -the Wakefield Doctrine- (what the?!)


Six Sentence Story

Bloghop. Simple theme: story writing. Requirements equally simple: six sentences in length. exactly six. (as opposed to 7 or 8) zoe provides a prompt word that must be involved with your story. Notice I did not say ‘used in’, ‘a part of’, or ‘central to’? All that’s needed is an involvement, (that is apparent to the reader, of course.) or not… all depends. lol


” I must not, I cannot!” shrugging off the Harris tweed coat, Vlad Scripturam, let it fall to floor, leather elbow patches creating suede block quotes, “We’re mere narrative elements in a writing exercise.”

“So you say,” with the wanton disregard of the other-worldly beauty of her flawless skin, Elise managed to arch a perfect eyebrow at the edge of her furrowed brow, “but only one of us, if my understanding of rhetoric is correct, is the protagonist. I will take care of us, mein liebchen.”

“But, mon cherie, no less an authority than the Chicago Manual of Style would beg to differ, citing both ‘Romeo and Juliet’ and ‘Lethal Weapon’,” Vlad stepped back from the chaise lounge, looming tall and erect over the woman’s confidently relaxed posture.

“You are concerning yourself far too much with mere details, relax and allow me to cue the love scene,” Elise’s smile, comprised of a thousand invisible fishhooks, tore at Vlad’s flesh, radiating pleasure throughout his body; who among us, having never been a fish can say that the sea creature, feeling itself drawn upwards, out of its natural element, towards no less a probative heaven than that which fills the myths of mankind, is not in a state of bliss.

Vlad (‘the Rhetorician’) Scripturam allowed himself to be drawn closer.



* have updated and revamped the ‘About’ page. Working on the middle-center column of the ‘landing page’: ‘What is the Wakefield Doctrine’
Full Disclosure: thought we could find, in a previously-written post, a more updated definition of the Doctrine, suitable for new Readers… but no luck. Guess we’ll need to write a ‘new’ one. Actually, there have been developments, both stylistic (use of the editorial ‘we’) and accurate to our understanding of this best of all personality theories, such as ‘the Everything Rule’. So, write we will.



Tuesday -the Wakefield Doctrine- ‘the shortest of Posts?’

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

So, let’s try this. We’ll write the shortest post we can today. And then, only after reaching the point of ready to hit ‘Publish’,* we’ll search the archives using the phrase ‘the shortest of posts’.

…ok, so we wrote the post. (In this very wordpress blog). Can’t recall what we wrote (it’s there in the archives, June of 2009, but that’s not important right now*** What is important is what happened once I could see nothing to add to the post.

We clicked on the blue rectangle on the right side of the dashboard: ‘Publish’

We closed our (WordPress) blog.

After a moment, we turned off the computer.

Another moment, (in advance of the rumbling of the soon to be over-used metaphor of an avalanche), and we got up from our desk, walked out of the room, went to the garage, got in the car and drove away from the house.

…we did return eventually.


The Shortest Wakefield Doctrine blogpost:

The Wakefield Doctrine is an additional perspective on the world around us and the people who make it up. With the insights made possible by employing this perspective, we have an increased probability of self-improving ourselves. And, as a bonus not to be abused, we will be in a position to know more about ‘the other person’ then we have any right to, increasing our chance to see the world as they are experiencing it.

Searching all posts for ‘the shortest of post’, the result, (actually the only search return, which is surprising. Well, like they say, there is always an opportunity to learn something each and every day. And a way old post from October 2011(!)

Welcome to Wakefield Doctrine ( the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers )

There is an old saying,  “the first 2 things you say about a person (or an idea),  are actually  the least important thing and it is, in fact,  the  3rd  thing that you say that  is at the heart of how you feel” (about an idea..or a person).

The Wakefield Doctrine is… a way of classifying personalities,  …it is a tool to understand the behavior of others and …it is a perspective on ourselves and the people in our lives. People we meet here at this blogsite… have questions …are curious (about what we are trying to do) and  … enjoy sharing ways to implement the tool that the Doctrine represents. The driving force behind most  Posts is the need… to produce new content on the subject of the Wakefield Doctrine, …to illustrate ways to derive a direct benefit from the knowledge of the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers and… bringing a life-map to those what are looking for one.

Recently, we have had a Reader, a certain  TonyB  (from over at ‘the BlogCatalog’) ask the question, “What is the Doctrine about?”
While we always look forward to reading what people say about/ask about the Wakefield Doctrine, this one is the question that causes the greatest concern. You might even say that this particular question is the spiritual opposite of the time-honored semantic trap, ” Tell me, do you still beat your wife/cheat on your husband?”
After all, the considerable effort to put up this web site and (to) write these Posts and (to) provide information is all in the service of a single idea, i.e. ‘getting as many people in the world to know about the Wakefield Doctrine as possible in the shortest period of time’. So when we have a Reader write (lol) we are excited (happy) and when we read the actual question being asked, we are excited (concerned). The first thing that we thought when reading the question that TonyB (from the Blogcatalog) wrote was, ‘just how badly are we explaining this very simple concept’?
If, TonyB (from the Blogcatalog), himself a writer of blogs, cannot figure out how the Doctrine works from reading it, what chance does an average person have to understand and enjoy the usefulness and fun that the Wakefield Doctrine offers?


(seeing how DownSpring glenn and DS#1 are into the ‘pome thing’, (with all their cutlets and rhyme-schemes and such),   if I may):

there once was a lad from the Vinyard
who looked, as a child  only  inward

if I find the other two
I  will know what to do

 so the Wakefield  Doctrine was authored 

 Alright already!  We had better go easy on the artsy stuff or we surely will hear from a roger (or two) and god knows what our newest scottian FOTD (Friend of the Doctrine) Alex will write if he thinks we’re  ‘gettin soft on them Readers…ya gotta make ’em sit up and pay attention!!  ( HEY!!).


* we haven’t told the story of ‘The First Wakefield Doctrine Post’? (ok. not recently enough to remember**)

**yeah, well that is one of the benefits of Birthday Progression. The mind and the memory become more and more like an Etch-a-Sketch on the dashboard of a teenager’s car on the first night of being left home alone by vacationing parents.

*** thanks for the borrow out to the genius screenplay writers of ‘Airplane!’


RePrint Monday -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

…running late.

Quality (in product) is a arguable second to continuity in creativity…  easier to work the pump handle when one is tired than it is to rest and then have to prime the damn thing. ya know?

Controversial Post on Sexuality and the Wakefield Doctrine Cancelled!! (‘what I would have given to have been a fly on the window for that meeting, whispers an unidentified roger’)

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine ( the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

The Doctrine is zooming along the road to significance-hood, with an occasional horrifying veer off the road, through some bushes, straight across someone’s lawn (with one of the back-and-forth sprinklers on), barely missing the ‘breezeway’, into the neighbor’s backyard, through their clothes line and back on the road…all the while picking up speed!
Today’s Title refers to a recent project involving the active Readers here at the Doctrine. The Project was nothing less than an attempt to learn more by proposing an idea so outlandish that the only reasonable option was to try to re-phrase the thesis (that the Wakefield Doctrine can account for, in a useful and insightful manner, the way each of the three personality types manifest sexuality), in the hopes that a cogent theory would appear. Totally yeoman’s effort by all of the participants!

The thing of it is, the benefit and value of this exercise was not, as a clark might perceive it, totally in the final outcome, ‘the Answer’. We can appreciate, through the rogerian perspective, that the effort to engage in the process is what conveys the lasting value (of this project). This is, as all Readers will recognize, in keeping with the rogerian worldview, wherein the experience and sharing of a process, forms the basis of a lasting and more permanent tradition, the creation of (a) history, if you will.
And our scottian element (in this project) also demonstrated how the enthusiasm that is one of the defining characteristics of this worldview lent itself quite well to the ‘hell! who cares if this is grounded in fact, it just feels like fun…lets run with it!!!’
Finally, the clarklike members of the team were all, ‘err wait, before I commit to an answer, lets tre-phrase the question, and maybe I need to argue my case a little louder…” But, as those of you familiar with the Wakefield Doctrine will recognize, the creative drive of the clark had to be there to have a new, what do you want to know??! question to start with”.

As FOTD Mel used to say in his previous blog ( Spatula in the Wilderness), ‘onwards and upwards’.
The metaphorical car of the Wakefield Doctrine is safely back on the interstate… the scotts, all tuckered out, are asleep in the back seat, the rogers in the front passenger seat are comfortable re-folding the maps and organizing the glove compartment* and the clarks, feeling like progress has been made, drive on, their characteristic compressed-lips smile replaced with something more…open, confident they were enjoying the feeling of the thought “hey this is not so bad!’


* betcha thats an archaic term



