psychology of personality | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 10 psychology of personality | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 10

Mo Moday -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)


N0t even gonna review this RePrint. (Full Disclosure: We did scan it. When we do this it is to determine if there is mention of clarks, scotts and rogers in any kind of bullet-point, blockquote or otherwise set apart from the normal, single column of text format.

This one seems to fit these exacting criteria. Let’s see what we gots here this freezing cold Monday. Maybe even will comment afterwards. (There is, btw, something slightly disturbing about that last sentence. Let’s see if the malaise continues after we read it.


snippets, tidbits and snicky-snacks, stop and set a spell at the Wakefield Doctrine personality spa


Welcome to ( ah! much better! ) the Wakefield Doctrine ( the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers )

As the title purely implies, today is an easy day…easy font, easy title and easy on the complex, OMG! I had no idea how totally insightful you people are…kinda way. No grammar concerns, no worries about ‘story arc’ just going to have a little conversation.  Well, we know it is not going to be a ‘conversation’, because that would require a give and take, an exchange of ideas, a frickin effort to get out of your Chair-of-Total-Self-Idulgence and and actually do something. ( And we know you are too fuckin lazy to bother doing that! Life in the Virtual Zone!! ain’t it grand?)

Lets play with fonts, seeing how we’re all ‘comic sans-ly this morning’. Like the following short statement:

This is type on wing dings font  what the hell!

now, would someone out there please tell me why this ‘font’ would be permanently installed in my software?  Seriously, other than some pudgy-fingered, greasy-hair, bad-complected roger (male or female) using this font to send secret messages to other rogers, why do we have it? No answer, is there?   (And we now arrive at the Wakefield Doctrine Lesson of the Day):

We all know that this Doctrine is based on the premise that there are three characteristic ways/manners/styles that all people perceive the world, i.e.  ‘as an Outsider’ (looking on) if you are a clark,  ‘as a predator’ (watching out) if you are a scott  (or)  ‘as a member of the group (looking around) if you are a roger.
With me so far?  good! Then you know that at an early age, we all become predominantly one of these three, (and this is where the magic happens):

  • If you are a clark: you are different, you know that everyone and everything around seems normal and you know you are not crazy (well, not crazy crazy) but everything is out there  and you are here watching and hoping that you can understand what it is that everyone else seems to know (and then) you will fit in and you won’t be out here
  • If you are a scott: you just got to do something, you see people act and move and you feel….you move  you suspect that you are different but everytime someone does something you re-act and you are …not glad…not happy…it’s just right. Sometimes you feel like you maybe, shouldn’t do so much so fast, you feel bad when others seem to not enjoy it…but you know thats the way the world is
  • If you are a roger: you are busy, all the time, things need to get done but they must be understood and appreciated and …and enhanced  You feel the responsibility, the sense of duty but it is not oppressive, sometimes you know that there are people around you who are in the way, but for the most part, everyone has a place and life will unfold as it should

What we are talking about here is not the dominant aspect, the fact that we are mostly clarks, scotts and rogers  (most of the time), what we will look at is the role of the two ‘non-dominant’ aspects. Remember! We never lose the capacity/capability/drive/instinct to experience the world as any of the three types, so what happens to the other two that we are not (mostly)?

That question formed the core of the constructive part of last night’s Saturday Night Drive.
You know, the live call-in blog that you couldn’t drag yourself away from the totally engaging TV show that demanded your attention, or those loser friends on ‘the Facebook’ that you so hadn’t talked to in so long, in order to call us and thereby slightly increasing the chance of (your) living a better life?  Anyway AKH, DS#1and DownSpring glenn were in the car (in one form or another) and the result of the discussion was this:  anyone understanding/getting/reading and/or following the Wakefield Doctrine blog has their clarklikeaspect in 2nd position. No matter what.  Why this is true came about later in the conversation. And since one of the key bits of wisdom that the Doctrine has given us maintains that for most people ‘if it is free, it is worthless’. So that we might demonstrate the benefits of the Doctrine in action, ” you want to know more about the role of the sub-dominant aspects of personality?”

That will be $23.57…bitches



TT0T -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

This is the Wakefield Doctrines’ contribution to the Ten Things of Thankful (TToT) bloghop. Weekly posts published continuously since 1834 ( q.v. Grat(s) #5 and 6) This is an actual, genuine, beneficial exercise for anyone concerned with maintaining as healthy a perspective on the world around (us) and the people who make it up.

For this week, positive touch-points ( which are able to not only neutralize negative energies, but stimulate the gathering of positive energy in the course of a day) are as follows:


1) Una

2) Phyllis

3) the Wakefield Doctrine

4) new waterbed sleep-able now (after five days to raise the temp sufficiently) photo at top of post

5) the internet/virtual world in general specifically, this week, cited in Grat 6 (come on! how cool is it to find information of such variety and abundance any time of day!)

6) the Night the Stars Fell (who reading this is not thinking, ‘Man! What an excellent title for a story/novel or name of a blog!’)  see article and cool site here.

7) Hypo-grat: seems that all the votes are in and the chances of Summer not being over are way diminishing. Not our favorite time of year by a long sight.

8) Mimi (as role model i.e. the most powerful sales technique ever developed. walk that walk, yo)

9) something, something

10) Secret Rule 1.3


music vids





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TToT -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

Hey, ho! Looks like we got picked up for another Season! Thanks to all the ‘Teers for your effort. Without y’all with you cards and mail campaign, we might already be on Netflix. (There was an expression, aka fan meme, on one of our top three shows:  Community: ‘Six Seasons and a Movie’.

So keep the cards and letters coming. Tell you friends! (Friends not included or provided. Your social network may vary.)

To provide marketing help, here’s an elevator pitch that you’re all free to use when you encounter a friend or relative who, in a moment of vulnerability says, ‘The internet sucks. There’s no one who isn’t spoiling for a fight. Even worse, there’s nothing on cable worth watching.’

Say to them. ‘Go to the Ten Things of Thankful bloghop. They use a ‘list format’. It’s all about writing the things you really enjoy. But it’s also about things that other people enjoy. Link up with them and you’ll lose twenty pounds, your nail fungus will disappear and your days of wondering if all the negative people might be right will be over. Guaran-fricken-teed!’)

Our list for this week.

1) Una

2) Phyllis

3) the Wakefield Doctrine

4) the Six Sentence Story bloghop for fun, serial fiction and the Unicorn Challenge for…well, like accepting the gift certificate to a day’s visit to the health club that everyone cool goes to and might even not stare. At least not too much

5) (hypo-grat*) the continuing process of establishing a perfect lawn for the cottage. Or, as most of the pros will say, getting the foundation of a perfect lawn to build on next season

6)  other favorite shows: the Good Place, The Magicians and, of course, the king of the ‘hey-what-can-we-do-on-an-0ngoing-basis-that-has-the-feel-of-an-underdog-sport-yet-the-drama-is-impressive-even-if-the-crowd-size-is-not-of-LPGA-golf?’ by god, you’re right! We’ll call it ‘How It’s Made

7) * ‘hypo-grat’ further proof that this ain’t your great-aunt Earline”s gratitude blog. (ok, it is a grat blog. But how many of the 678,003 such blogs allow, encourage even, the listing of things in our lives that, well, suck. The TToT do! Well, there is a certain approach that, in and of itself, is an advanced and rather sophisticated perspective on the world around us and the people who make it up.

8) something, something. Wait! Got a Surprise Grat!  The internet. What?!? Sure that’s on every list and half the embroidered doilies in the world. Wait Let us explain.  The first song on the music vid? Heard it on the college station we listen to. Well, Friday I’m driving to the office, the song came on. Standard sounding R&B… until the guitar solo in the break. Damn! Most excellent. Anyway, we searched the Youtube high and low, for, like 45 minutes. Found the song but not the same version. This morning had another go and… success! (the first music vid)

9) cohostinae Mimi and Lisa and Kristi and Dyanne!

10) Secret Rule 1.3 ‘If ya gotta ask, you’ve probably broken it




music vids






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TToT -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

This is the Doctrine’s contribution to the Ten Things of Thankful (TToT) bloghop

1) Una

2) Phyllis

3) the Wakefield Doctrine

4) the Six Sentence Story

5) the Unicorn Challenge

6) work (for it’s flexibility in scheduling)

7) Nick’s latest post

8) Mimi (for her TToT)

9) something, something

10) Secret Rule 1.3


music vids






Wednesday -the Wakefield Doctrine- “We interrupt this post about rogers with a video of a clark!!

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

Seeing how we’ve apparently gotten into a ‘Before They were Famous’ series of RePrint posts, let’s finish it up with an earliest post on rogers.

Damn! A lot of posts have our Herdonian brethren as primary thematic focus if not the clear topic/subject matter. Let’s go with this one, as we have a Six Sentence Story to ‘find’.


“Sing a song of Sixpence, a pocket full of rye…” what is it about rogers and the Past? the Wakefield Doctrine pauses, reflects and offers you Pie*

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine ( the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers )

Sing a song of sixpence,
A pocket full of rye.
Four and twenty blackbirds,
Baked in a pie.*

* Many interpretations have been placed on this rhyme. It is known that a 16th century amusement was to place live birds in a pie. An Italian cookbook from 1549 (translated into English in 1598) contained such a recipe: “to make pies so that birds may be alive in them and flie out when it is cut up” and this was referred to in a cook book of 1725 by John Nott.[1][2] The wedding of Marie de’ Medici and Henry IV of France in 1600 contains some interesting parallels. “The first surprise, though, came shortly before the starter—when the guests sat down, unfolded their napkins and saw songbirds fly out. The highlight of the meal were sherbets of milk and honey, which were created by Buontalenti.
( source: )

Well, didn’t they know how to have fun back in the 1600’s ? ( ” Hey, Ephesus!!  dude, yo  when her Majesty the Queen Mother sees the birds fly up from the table, she will surely impart a smile upon thee…dawg” )

Be that as it may, today we talk about the thing that rogers have for the Past.  Lets dispense with all the work of constructing a well-crafted narrative and get all Bullet Pointy on this bad boy! So, ‘The Past’ and the rogers? Welll…we’ll have you know that:

  • rogers live for the Past (as scotts live in the Present and clarks live for the Future)
  •  most ‘Historians’ are clarks and yet rogers are the people who you think of when you are interested in knowing something old, or out of date or archaic, what the hell!
  • the more involved the family tree, the more you need a roger, and not just because they love Yellow #2 Pencils**
  • in order to maintain a coherent history, you must have an internal consistency… rogers  love repeating patterns
  • the past is ‘a place’ that rogers know they can be alone and by themselves, at least for a little while
  • hey, it’s really rather simple! …the farther back in time a tradition or a practice or a dogma extends, the bigger the herd that has come to be associated with it and, like scotts…for rogers ‘more is more’! …following is the epitome of this ideal:
  • …Ken Burns…
This quality of the rogerian personality type is one of the most positive and essential, not only to the rogerian people, but to mankind as a whole. It has often been said that rogers are responsible for society and a (certain) continuity of civilization, without which we would all still be living on the savannah…darting down to the stream in the evenings nervously keeping one non-stereoscopic eye on the treeline, alert for the sudden movement of a scott!  As a matter of fact. I was talking to a rogerian friend, Valerie about the Doctrine and the positive contributions of her people to life and I put it this way, “Yes scotts are active and loquacious and really get things done, but would you want to fly across the country on a plane designed and built by a scott?”
I believe at that moment, Valerie understood and become proud of her people***
Tomorrow is Friday so get your ears out, it is Video Friday!!
** …and nice, clean, full-sized #2 Pencils! certainly not what you would find in your hands if you made the mistake of asking a scott for a pencil!! (think teeth-marks, stubby and prone to smudge)
*** which emotion, of course, was immediately transformed into a sense of  fervent righteousness and a total conviction of the deficiency of  all non-herd members


